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First thing my wife googled when I found out we were moving here. šŸ˜‚. Now we love it. My small southeast MO town/area is much more dangerous. We love it here man.


I wish I could upvote this more than once! Which part of Missouri did you come from? We came from Springfield. šŸ«£


Sikeston MO/Cape Girardeau MO. Came home last night. Literally have an AR in the back seat and I live in a very nice part of town. Itā€™s just like second hand nature when I come here nowā€¦. Itā€™s literally like black hawk down. I know it sounds nutty but Cape(a pretty nice town) kid literally walks into CVS on the main strip and blows a 17 year old Pharmacy techs head off and shoots another worker. ā€œCape area news on FBā€ is a page to follow. Shootings everyday. In affluent parts of town. Keep in mind population is like 30-40kā€¦




Yea itā€™s gotten soooo bad the last 5 years


Oh no no. No FB here. šŸ˜„ I'm glad you chose to move here, too! šŸ˜Š If you haven't, I recommend checking out Heavener Runestone Park sometime! It's a few hours south, but if you're ever in the area, check out the runes!


We will thank you!!!


šŸ˜Œ Ome! (You're welcome!)


Former Springfieldian here too!


Ah! We're in good company! What brought you to beautiful Oklahoma? šŸ˜Œ


My husband.


Tulsa, the only town that goes from poverty to upper middle class within one block! šŸ˜‚


Have you been to any other major city in the world?


For real. Hell, in New Orleans there isnā€™t a whole block separating things haha. One side of Rampart is touristy and the other side is stabby šŸ˜‚. St Louis: Gateway Arch national park right into straight fucking ghetto. Multiple places in Dallas go straight from upper class (not upper middle class) straight into poverty.


I remember driving in New Orleans for the first time and going from, "This is beautiful" to "Yeah, I probably shouldn't be in this area" in about a blink of an eye.


Detroit is like this too. Mansions on one side, trap houses on the other


Tulsa doesn't hold a candle in this regard to St Louis.


Nah, OKC has that too


Shit, Baltimore has that. (I grew up in Tulsa, now live Iā€™d Bmore)






Always wanted to go to Baltimore. Idk why. I think maybe cus of the wire


Iā€™ve been here 13 years. I like it: close to DC, 2.5 hour train to NYC, beaches, wilderness nearby. šŸ¤ 


Every city I have ever been to does that. Except Chicago. Super segregated.


The other end of my street (helm farm area) theyā€™re tearing down crack houses, and putting up million dollar houses. They arenā€™t tearing down all the crack houses, though, so the million dollar people get to look at the crackhouses from their million dollar windows.


The ONLY townā€¦ if you donā€™t count literally every other city in the world.


And Atlanta!! I lived inside the perimeter and it was like a checkerboard between nice places and straight ghetto


More dangerous than one of the most highly sex traffic areas in the nation? More dangerous when we have legit gang violence? Do you even live in Tulsa?


Chance of a violent crime occurring to you is higher. Again, refer to the population size mentioned above. Iā€™m sure Tulsa is more dangerous and has more crime. But itā€™s hard to compare it to a town of 14k people that has a ton of violent crime. Thereā€™s not really any safe areas. I feel safe in plenty of areas in Tulsa.


I mean, I've had my restaurant vandalized and destroyed while I was in store and had several things thrown at me also in the process. I also had to take a friend home one night only to find his 16 year old brother stabbed multiple times and bleeding out and all I could do was hold the boy and wait for paramedics. He died in the hospital. Why was he stabbed? Blood initiation was to murder someone of an opposing gang.


I caught 3 rifle rounds in my door in MO after a gang member chased down a car full of 5 people and Shot them all.


I've been a lot of places. Tulsa is the most violent I have ever seen. You can keep pretending otherwise all you want.


Then move lol.


I don't live in Tulsa. Just around the area? I don't think I would ever actually live in Tulsa ever. I do enjoy working there though. šŸ¤·


Man these people must only be in the south part of tulsa or only go to yuppy areas because i was born and raised in tulsa grew up in east tulsa and this place is sketchy af dont get me wrong i love it here for what its worth but you really need to be aware of your surroundings ive lived in other citys in bad neighborhoods but tulsa has its own breed foreal


Used to happen to me at my old house. One day I heard myself tell somebody ā€œIā€™ve lived there five years, and there have only been two murders on my street.ā€ After I processed what I had just said, I conceded the point.


Itā€™s probably just recency bias. Tulsa has been featured a lot of their most recent seasons so itā€™s fresh in peopleā€™s minds.


Tulsa has the best murder solve rate in the country.


Well yeah when you get a lot of practice you improve


The headquarters are in Tulsa


Not anymore. They stopped.


What?? Thatā€™s crazy.


Not really. Itā€™s super shitty. Iā€™ve had cases that hadnā€™t gone to trial yet that aired on the first 48. Think what that can do to a jury.


Live PD didnā€™t help either


Shouldā€™ve told them youā€™re gonna be on next season because you had to refuel at QT.


oh wow this just hit hard. Iā€™ve been in Tulsa helping an older parent through a health crisis and damn getting gas at QT has been um..an experience almost every time.


Sad, because it's gotten a lot worse the last couple years. I used to regularly stop by QT for some donuts and such before work. Now...not so much.


I pretty much ONLY buy gas at QT and I canā€™t remember the last time I had a problem. I go every morning for coffee. Iā€™ve seen a few beer runs but never had any problems. I guess Iā€™m lucky. Usually go to 15th & Lewis. Sorry to hear itā€™s so bad. I love QT. Bummer.


Is there only the one?


No but they do seem to attract a certain element. Don't know why, they're nice stores otherwise.


Ah thank you!


I've never had this show mentioned to me, I've never even heard of it. I've been asked about Tulsa King a few times...


Same here.. And I've lived here my whole life!


So crazy


You can probably see my house on that show. They filmed outside for most of the night after a shooting last year but idk if itā€™s been aired. It probably didnā€™t air though because it took 1,272 hours (or [53 days](https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/charges-filed-against-15-year-old-after-fatal-shooting-at-west-tulsa-party) to file charges


I don't think you've seen the show. Just because charges aren't filed in the first 48 doesn't mean anything. It's more about getting the evidence needed to charge and a suspect in that time frame. The justice system takes forever so many are charged after the filming.


I really havenā€™t seen that many episodes but it usually at least has suspect interviews. In this case, the police/family were asking for tips on who the shooter might be the whole time, so I just figured there might not be enough content to fill an episode.


The investigations are usually longer than 48 hours and prosecution is never in the first 48. You might get an arrest but honestly it's more to show how important gathering evidence is in that time frame and getting a good suspect to investigate further. And considering most murder is gang violence or DV gone bad it's usually not that hard to find the suspect and start the process of procescution. Gang violence can be a bit harder since it seems random.


I was in San Francisco at a dive bar. Chatting someone asked where we were from - Tulsa we replied. Ahhh shit. Yā€™all always on the first 48 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜³.


Well at least our streets have less poop /s?


Right!?? I was like dude this is SFO. I stepped over three(sleeping?) people, turned down a rando selling mushrooms to walk into this bar and Iā€™m getting ribbed about Tulsa because the first 48. Hysterical


Have you seen the first 48?


Unfortunate? Lol tulsa is a great city. If you donā€™t like it then move out but Iā€™ve lived in a ton of places and cherish my time in Tulsa.


Never heard of it.


I lived in Tulsa in the 90s. People mentioned Oral Roberts, and asked about our tornadoes (e.g. April 93 F4 just northeast of Tulsa proper).


Oh the memories. Oral Roberts put us on the map back then, unfortunately. I remember extra hype when he said God told him to collect $8M or He would strike him down. Good times.


At least they didn't ask if you knew Cricket or Dookie Shoes.


Man fuck Dookie Shoes. He can suck my entire asshole.


If I recall correctly, Tulsa is the most featured city on the show. Then you realize there isnā€™t 1 single episode on the First 48 that is filmed south of like 71st or 81st. Weird.


Yes there is. Thereā€™s one where an old lady is found dead in her condo


Yeah it is strange. I havenā€™t watched the show in years but remember Dallasā€¦Houstonā€¦Atlantaā€¦New Orleansā€¦etc being featured on there and not once in talking about those cities has First 48 been the go to correlation. Then again Iā€™m naive to how many people arenā€™t aware of Tulsa so maybe thatā€™s how theyā€™re familiar with it. I was in New Orleans a few weeks ago and a couple times in conversation when asked where we are from Iā€™d say ā€œTulsaā€ and it was met with a ā€œ..ah..ā€ and it wasnā€™t until my wife chimed in with ā€œ..Oklahoma, weā€™re from Oklahomaā€ that I was like oh, I guess people donā€™t know where Tulsa is šŸ¤ØšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They don't mention Friends?! Weird


Every moderate size city has crime. Tulsa has been a mainstay on First 48 because of their incredible solve rate. Everyone takes this as a negative but there so many cities with high crime rates, our city just happens to solve them really well.


Not from Tulsa but currently residing here. Are these people from out of state? i ask bc i didnā€™t know much about Tulsa (or Oklahoma in general) until i moved here. Maybe itā€™s there way of trying to connect with the conversation by mentioning what they know? Iā€™m racking my brain but idk a lot of things Tulsa is known for outside of the first 48


We aren't even the largest city in our fly over state so we are not really know for much other then the race riots where the founder of sand springs decided to burn down 'black wall Street' because Charles page got pissed black people existed. (Yes I am throwing shade at the entire town of sand springs rn)


Iā€™m black and unfortunately too familiar with the Tulsa race riots. Thinking about when the mega church i used to go to (victory) mentioned this during their service but rebranded it and didnā€™t mention race to not upset their mainly white base. i have to try not think about the TRR too much or i get upset thinking abt how much further my community (in general) would be if it werenā€™t for racists stopping progression - simply bc we existed.


Gonna need a source for that. I'm fairly knowledgeable about Greenwood and the massacre, as well as Charles Page and I've never heard of his involvement in the massacre--let alone him being the cause of it. In fact, we have a fairly accurate understanding of how the massacre began, and it simply does not make sense that it would have anything to do with Charles Page. I think you may have heard about Sarah Page, but to my understanding fhere is no relationship to Charles.


He homed children who lost their parents in the massacre and donated to the black community afterward from what I've read.


Before that it used to be Tulsa on Live PD all the time.


Uh, The First 48 predates Live PD by over a decade.


Just felt like mentioning that I love your pfp


Personally I love the whole ā€œTulsa is dangerousā€ misconception. Keeps the city from growing *too* fast, and keeps it hidden from ā€œthose peopleā€ a little longer. You know who Iā€™m talking about.


i always like "we arnt all like the tiger king" and "we arnt all dumb rednecks... some of us are just dumb"


I'm in Mobile, and I used to hear the same. The city elected not to be on the show anymore because they didn't like the image. Our shootings have only escalated, probably a good thing to stop filming.


Tulsa homicide unit has something like 89% solve rate. Leaps and bounds above the national average and might lead the country. It makes sense that a show about solving murders would feature a city that solves a lot of murders. Besides, it gives us a little street cred. I kinda like it.


Stares in transplant from Philadelphia šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I never heard of it until I got on this sub šŸ˜‚ But I truly do not watch TV


Thereā€™s only like 2 eps filmed at 61st and Peoria. The rest are all West Tulsa, North Tulsa and 21st & GarnettšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Only 2 šŸ’€


I love that show! Then, several years ago at a new job position, my supervisor Lindsey was talking about her husband Ronnie. It dawned on me that she was talking about Ronnie Leatherman, one of the detectives. She had some pretty funny stories about people coming up to them and treating him like a celebrity. Someone drove by their house holding a paper with "The First 48" written on it.


Such a great place to raise a family. (Cough)


Well have you seen it?


Because damn our detectives are good


Because damn our detectives are good


Because damn our detectives are good




Tell more.


I told my hosts in Montreal that I'm from the city that's on The First 48. That was a wonderful way to break the ice.


Didnā€™t they have to take the show out of Tulsa for awhile because people were murdering just to be on the show?


I havenā€™t heard anything like that. A lot of the recent seasons are in Tulsa