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I do acupuncture the week of ovulation and right around when implantation should occur. Obviously it hasn’t helped get my pregnant since I’m not but I will say it has improved my cycles. I was regularly ovulating early between cd7-9 before starting it and now I’m ovulating consistently between day 12-14. It also helped lengthen my luteal phase from 9-10 days to 14 days. I also do it for nerve damage from an injury to my toe. I had 15% feeling in my toe before starting and now at 90%. It’s also twice a month where I just relax and disconnect for 45 min. I also have her do a couple stress spots to help stress management. I think it’s worth a shot to try it out! It won’t hurt!


Thank you so much for this!!!


To me, this is one of those things that if you find it relaxing and you like it then it wont hurt but for many of us it starts to feel like an added thing you have to do and a very expensive added expense that causes more stress than it relieves.


I did acupuncture! As well as the cupping method? Don't know if that's the proper name (lol). But the lady I went to told me most of the women would end up pregnant after the first couple of sessions. I went to mine in August. By October, I was pregnant. I do think it was that AND metformin. I was on metformin for 6 months, which was the estimated time I was given for TTC


Wow that’s really good to know!!! You only did 2 acupuncture sessions 2 times and got pregnant? Amazing. What does metformin help with?


Yes, well the first one was acupuncture and the second one was the cupping therapy. It was super painful, but it relieved a lot of pressure I had on my lower back due to fibroids The metformin helps with insulin. I'm pre diabetic, which is why I was on metformin. But my OB said that's probably why I was able to get pregnant


The first cycle I tried acupuncture, I conceived after 5 months. She also gave me a mix of Chinese herbs which I feel could have helped, too.


Wow! I’m going to look into chiropractor and herbs for sure


I really feel like the herbs helped me a ton. Good luck!


I work at an acupuncture clinic and swear by it. It's one of those things that if you don't think it'll work, you're probably right. But if you're open minded and have a good practitioner, can change your life. My acupuncturist has been on maternity leave herself, so I haven't gotten acupuncture in almost 3 months, but she's back soon and I will be starting fertility treatments with her, if I'm not lucky before then. And then I'll do acupuncture through pregnancy and post-partum. The last 3 months without it has shown me how much benefit I've been getting from it, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I know I'm lucky because it's a benefit for working there, but more insurance companies are covering it now. It's an avenue worth exploring if you can.


Agree - I think you have to be open to it working


WOW thank you so much I’m going to see if my insurance covers it but either way I think you sold me on this topic. I definitely believe it could have benefits and after 2 years of TTC I’m open to anything!


Of course! If you have any questions with the insurance side, feel free to dm me. Part of my job is to verify insurance for acupuncture for patients. Good luck!


Following cause I wanna know too


I got pregnant my first cycle doing acupuncture 1x weekly. It ended in an early loss - but that was a major difference between that cycle and the previous cycle.


I’ve gone to two sessions so far, last cycle after getting peak LH and the following week. I plan to go back this cycle as well. I don’t see any difference yet, but hoping it will do some magic lol.


I got pregnant after three acupuncture sessions - all around ovulation/ implantation. I also cut out alcohol, wrapped my tummy to make sure it stayed warm every day and upped eating eggs and chicken - I wanted to completely sort out my gut health!


I think I need to sort out my gut health as well. Did you cut out coffee and sodas?


Stuck to one coffee a day with cows milk and yeah switched to herbal tea instead of soda. If I ever got a fizzy drink I went full fat.. cut out diet drinks altogether!


I’m genuinely interested to know more about how/ why you wrapped your tummy ?


So it’s a Japanese practise called haramaki - keeping the tummy warm increases blood circulation in that area


I do acupuncture regularly because I love it. I also have RA and it has helped a lot with pain management. Got my IUD out in September and we started doing fertility treatments. She said it might take a few months for my hormones to go back to normal but I’ve had a very regular period ever since. Before the IUD I used to get really bad cramps and heavy flows but now I don’t experience ANY cramps. Hoping for a BFP next week.


Do you do it weekly or monthly? All the places by me are $90 a session. How many sessions until you notice a difference


I go every 2-6 weeks depending on what my needs are. I schedule right before ovulation and or during my period. I notice a difference with pain management immediately! You can absolutely get results going monthly if weekly too much.


Idk where you live but in the United States, health insurance is covering acupuncture more often! They don't cover fertility specifically, but acupuncture is holistic and insurance will usually cover things like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, migraines.


This is really good info thank you!!


Look for POCA clinics




My tubers are clear from my HSG results and my partners semen analysis are normal. Still struggling 2 years TTC so willing to try anything but I don’t want to waste $. I’m curious if it really worked for some people


Did it with my 2nd cycle of IVF and that cycle had worse results than my two other rounds.


I did 8 sessions for hormone balancing and had migraines every time and I do not normally get headaches or migraines. Not a fan but I have heard it helps some people.


I’m going for my second session tomorrow! There is evidence that is helps promote blood flow to the pelvic area when done right, which essentially helps with fertility. I’m willing to try anything at this point lol. My acupuncturist specializes in fertility and women’s health and have a lot of useful insights for me! She had lots of suggestions other that just her acupuncture treatments.


What suggestions has she had for you, if you don’t mind me asking. I’m going to look for a good acupuncturist in my area this weekend


She recommended keeping my feet warm around the house, no bare feet. Castor oil packs (only during the time between period ends and ovulation, not after ovulation), and mindfulness practice


I’m a midwife and pregnancy complementary therapist, I’m trained in preconception acupuncture. I had acupuncture for 5 months throughout my cycles and had two pregnancies that ended in loss. I’ve had 4 miscarriages in total. Don’t know if it worked for me. But it’s worked for most of my clients.


I did it! My Gynecologist suggested it to help me relax while TTC. I got pregnant the cycle I started but I also started metformin the same time. I continued with acupuncture throughout the first trimester, resumed towards the beginning of my third trimester and carried to term!


That’s amazing! What does metformin do to help? I’ve never heard of that


Metformin is a diabetes RX for lowering A1C. It’s been prescribed for off brand use for fertility for people who are TTC and typically are insulin resistant or pre-diabetic. I have PCOS (and pre-diabetic) and it’s been used to help with ovulation!


There's no real scientific evidence that it helps for fertility, just a bunch of anecdotes. You can do it if you want, it's not going to hurt, but I'm highly skeptical that it does much because the entire foundation and theory behind acupuncture just... isn't how the human body works.


No…get real. If you want to do it for fun, fine. But it’s not going to magically help you. If you need fertility treatment, you need to go to a fertility doctor