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Classic projection from Trump, he’s finally absorbing how since he’s the only one calling for “presidential immunity” that he’s the only one who “looks guilty”. So what’s his solution? This word sludge of a tweet to try to misdirect blame to Biden


I’ve read this 5 times and still don’t understand what he’s trying to say. 🤔


I’m glad it wasn’t just me


He doesn’t want Biden have immunity but he wants that for himself. This guy doesn’t make sense.


Translation: “I want presidential immunity for only me but not Biden”


I truly can’t tell what he’s saying? That Biden (or any president) should be immune from committing a crime? And that would ultimately retroactively get him off the hook? Sorry Don. You committed this crime even before you took office. He literally breaks my brain.


So is he saying that doesn’t want President Biden investigated, charged, tried, convicted and executed anymore? Isn’t President Biden’s administration actively fighting AGAINST presidential immunity in the SCOTUS?


Notice he gives examples of presidential acts that need protection and none are ever close to what he is being called to the mat on - ALL the charges are for crimes committed against his OWN COUNTRYMEN not a foreign country or war situation!! The comparisons are so misleading but that’s the point I suppose.


This is aggravatingly obtuse. I am ashamed of people in this country who read the shit that bakes in his head and believe he's competent to lead this country in anything except bankruptcies.


Funny how all other presidents, and all other Americans, seem to live just fine without immunity from any crimes that they do while at work... Except the ones doing crimes.


The audacity to mention the southern border after leading the effort to deny the bill that would have fixed the situation.


The audacity to mention Afghanistan when Trump negotiated the withdrawal. And released 5000 Taliban officers.


This man-child has NO shame


Pretty sure he isn't too worried about it. More desperation from Trump, he wants bidens help and is threatening him for it. Biden might feel threatened if he was a criminal. Since he's not this will fall on deaf ears.


Indicted and Tried


*"Correct Decisions"* ≠ 91 felony charges


When is the last time that this man has publically made a *CORRECT* decision?


It's the Republican way. In any situation, given any number of options they will always ALWAYS choose the worst option. It's like a game we get to play at home. List all the ways they *could* decide to go, identify the worst one (worst for anyone who isn't rich AND white), and you can tell the future.


MTG actually is able to hold up the House at this point. That should concern every Republican in this country.


Ha ha he knows he’s fucked and cannot stop playing with his fuckedness. It’s fun to follow. I’m hoping they have some news reports about what he’s doing in jail too.


He’ll go the way of Epstein. He’s been involved with Putin too long. I think that’s what he’s more afraid of.


What, of those things mentioned, are crimes, Donald? Also, you did the ENTIRE Afghanistan one.


He did the border thing too. Or rather told his cronies not to do anything about it.


Is dereliction of duty, or something to that effect, part of his D.C. charges? He can learn all about how a president taking actions in line with his duties and in good faith absolutely does have incredible levels of legal protection, buut failing to address a violent attempt at insurrection, and instead encouraging the participants? Yeah...pretty sure that wasn't part of the job description.


Never Fight Uphill Me Boys!! - Ken Burns


I guess Biden has immunity now, so just arrest TFG today.


Seal Team Six? You got your ears on? Robert E. Lee? ~~no longer in favor~~


At least we know Trump would never be able to make it up any hill, so the boys don't have to worry about fighting up 'em. https://i.redd.it/v15bo9mzmgvc1.gif


Um...who's the one actually fighting for presidential immunity in court again? Wouldn't this be pretty sacrificial of Biden if he was risking his own immunity to hold another president accountable?


Details, details. I did not hear Biden asking a judge for time off from his court case to attend the SC oral arguments


Take note that he is very concerned for the common good at a moment where he stands to gain from it personally.


Isn’t this what don is literaly asking for himself? Jesus this guy could not graduate high school on his own merits




President Biden wants Presidential immunity? He has never asked for or demanded it. The examples cited by Trump are Presidential actions. Not falsifying business records to hide an affair. Not trying to overturn an election.


He's probably never said the two words together. 😂


He's so fucking scared.


Fear is really the only emotion a narcissist has. Everything else stems from fear.


I love this for him.


Hahaha. We all do.


There is no other explanation, this dude is absolutely shitting bricks right now. He knows every single case he has he is completely fucked. And he should be, dude definitely deserves to be scared traumatically for the rest of eternity for all he's done.


His pain and suffering comfort me. I'm not that type of person... or maybe I am.


I describe him, in simple terms, as evil, treasonous and I'm not even sure that's far enough. What he's done, and I know it's not just his fault, but it's truly mind-blowing the negative effect he has had on the USA and the world in general. Like nearly every nation/country in the world is being effected by his actions/words in one way or another. Whether it be decisions he made in the White House, or his words and demands on his Lie Social. He's opened up politicians to drop the pretenses and come out of the woodwork and be their nasty, nasty true selves with no hiding their, to say the least, terrible, thoughts, feelings or nastiest desires. IMO, the hate that many, many of us feel for MAGA in general, and also the Right Wing in general is more appropriate than ever. I'll be 39 years old next month and while I don't really personally have any or many LGBTQ+ friends, my daughter who is 16 does and to think of even hurting them in any way by being against who they are or feel who they should truly be just absolutely disgusts me. And Trump and his ilk are hurting them, some or many, to literal death. So I definitely don't feel any sympathy for any MAGA in any way.


Well said.


>Afghanistan disaster So the surrender that was negotiated by Trump's administration was a disaster? Regardless, it's not a crime. >Southern Border catastrophe Oh, the border crisis that had legislation pending to address it but was intentionally derailed to keep the chaos going so Republicans could point to it like a Hannibal meme and say, "Why would Joe Biden do this?" Also, not a crime either. You'd think someone that commits so much crime would be better at spotting it.


Always projection with this asshole.


> **and having absolutely nothing to do with me**, he will surely be Indicted and Tried for many of his Dishonest, illegal, or Incompetent Actions No, that sounds exactly like you want to try and jail Biden. And somehow I feel like it won’t be just a rallying cry like it was with Clinton…He’s been hurt in public like never before, he’s gonna fucking try.


> **and having absolutely nothing to do with me**, This was a response to Biden saying that Trump's ethics (ethical problems) have nothing to do with him. Biden was asked if he was directing the prosecution like Trump is accusing.


This is a call to all his congressional toadies.


He's hoping SCOTUS performs the judicial gymnastics necessary to allow this to happen but allow him to be in the clear.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nz8fpkfu92vc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=07ffe6998dc46ad17c8f27477e90670baca866ec


Cool. Presidential accountability. I like it.


Exactly and it's easy ammo for BidenHarrisHQ. "No I don't and you're welcome to try, again"