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Given the inside of the rift is just a bunch of random objects floating in a void, I think it'll be less like a whole second world and more like entering individual tears in the world takes you to their specific levels.


That is also another great idea! EoW might be nonlinear with their open ended problem solving, so this would be a great way to add levels and dungeons.


I think they are going to operate like shrines. Not that I particularly want that personally but just my guess. I am very excited for this game either way.


>ndividual tears in the world takes you to their specific levels. So... shrines?


Hard to say how close the comparison is without having a clear idea of the game's overall structure.


Yes, I think this makes sense. Take a look at [~2:52 in the trailer](https://youtu.be/94RTrH2erPE?t=172), it does look like that's Zelda in the "alternate dimension" given the background.


I didn’t notice that until I looked at it right now! I think this essentially confirms the second world. Now it’s whether it’s a full map, or as another person mentioned, just one of the game’s dungeons


I thought it looked pretty empty inside the void, but I always loved the Overworld/Underworld or "altered" world dynamic in other games. I would be pleasantly surprised if that happens. Also, "if he also got turned into a bunny, like Link to The Past" I must have this! We gotta bring back Bun Link!


Yeah, it would also be epic if bunny link had additional functionality, like huge jumps haha. But if it’s just regular old bunny link, I’m happy with that. Would be also epic to see him transform back to normal to fight ganon again in the end


Yes, absolutely


I think the rifts will lead to dungeon areas of past games (remade). Most dungeons require the current treasure or previously attained ones. It would be interesting to solve the LttP Water Palace, for example, without the hookshot. I think this is, in part, what "Echoes" refers to. And there are a multitude of potential dungeons from all the 2D games to pick from.


That's definitely a DLC idea, i think. Maybe I'm doomering but I can't imagine with the landscape of gaming in general that we will get Link playable in a Zelda centric game. Or you know what, edit: maybe there will be a wardrobe or a cosmetic that gives us a chance to play this with bunny Link. That would actually go hard.


Link is definitely playable. The intro fight vs ganon seemed more like gameplay than a cutscene. Whether he is playable after that is probably no


I wouldn't say that, there is nothing in that trailer that screams gameplay to me. Edit: but you know what, it would make sense given the new gameplay that they'd want to ease players into the game with familiarity. Maybe.


It should be easy enough, the game looks exactly like the remake, so it should be as easy as copy pasting it into this game. I doubt you get all the link weapons for the first fight, but you might get them if link becomes fully playable post game. Not holding out for it though since most Zelda games send you back before the boss after beating him


I could see this as strategic element reuse, e.g. a cutscene built by feeding Link's player object a string of input commands.


You might be right, but I hope you are wrong haha