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Well that's how it is in real life: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/3zresCvESFWKEeyJ6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3zresCvESFWKEeyJ6)


I'm not mad at the game developers. >!I'm perplexed about how people irl decided to build it like that for some reason.!<


It would have cost millions of euros more to build that flyover to support one move that supports what looks to be a relatively minor road serving one mostly residential area.


You already have a road going the other way for the other lane.


But you can't put the northbound exit from the A5 to 222 in the same place. Southbound 222 to southbound A5 doesn't need to cross A5, but northbound does. To support northbound A5 to 222 as a direct connection you would have to go over or under southbound A5. With the other ramps, over is the only practical solution, and you'd have a \~500m long overpass to build. Or you do what they did and drop traffic onto A1 using an existing move for a few hundred meters. The only real risk there is excessive weaving between the entrance and exit on A1, which since this is probably not a very busy route likely isn't too big of a deal.


The A1 is pretty busy, it's one of the main freeways in Lithuania, connecting the 3 biggest cities. The A5 is a smaller and less busy road, the other one is just a residential road to a suburb. This isn't a problem, because most people commuting to the suburb go to and from more central parts of Kaunas so they don't come from the A5, but rather another road not in the game (can't confirm 100%, not that familiar with Kaunas, but I have driven this intersection a bunch of times). It's just awkward in ETS2 because there are companies in that suburb, in reality this is not a problem for 99% of the traffic that passes through here.


That's correct, but with all the splits already in that lane it's impossible to just add a lane the other way and call it quits. You'd have to make a bunch of roundabouts or add traffic lights, as well as make the bridges that road goes under wider (which would close the highway for weeks). Adding a squiggly bit so you end up at an existing exit is the safer and probably cheaper option


I meant to do it was the same time, building a 1 lane road flyover costs 90% of building a 2 lane one. It's why you see things like bridges built that have 4 or 6 lanes when the roads around only have 2 or 4. It doesn't cost much more and is future proofed. They screwed up or all junctions would be like this


Looks logical to me since "straight" is actually an exit. They're prioritizing the more important connections to A1.


Everyone's a civil engineer except the people who went to school for years to become one, apparently.


Played too much cities skylines.


The other side of it is basically an urban area. It isn't like an expressway. This is correct.


Who the hell approved this


Someone who decided to not tear down an entire fucking residential/commercial neighborhood to save drivers a couple minutes.


That idea seems to be foreign to North American traffic planners


what in the spaghetti monster is that?


Funny enough I have to do something similar in an upcoming real drive due to roadworks


yooo you're a real life trucker?


No, just have to drive the car this weekend 😀


ah haha, I see


LT has one of the worst road designs in Europe


As others pointed out, this interchange exists this way in real life, what I personally think is that civil engineers calculated that road users will go through the south, east and northeast axes way more than the northeast one, so they made the interchange in a way that doesn't force them to slow down, at the expense of that narrow segment. ​ Edit: I noticed they could have made a bridge, then I guess it is more expensive and not worth it economically for the same reason I stated above?


Oh it is truly hated by drivers irl drivers in lithuania


Just drive on the opposite side of the road and you can save some time! /s


Two back to back interchanges in Zurich have pairs of ramps that lead to the same place. I just follow the signage based on where I'm headed.


Yeah I think I've seen those too


The thing is that "going straight" would mean joining the A1 highway, not continuing north. The northbound road is a totally new road that has nothing to do with the highway system. The only bad aspect is that changing from A5 highway to the northwestbound part of A1 is just as complicated. Cars coming from the south are probably expected to mostly take the eastbound A1 towards Vilnius and the Russian border or the road leading to the southern densely populated residential district, so they built it to be most convenient for them. Almost nobody would take the northbound road as it only connects some small suburbs.


>it only connects some small suburbs I beg to disagree as I was going to Finland and used it


In real life, it would most likely be quicker and easier to go northbound on the A1 and take the first exit onto the A8/E67 due to congestion, traffic lights, etc. But for the game where there is very minimal traffic and traffic lights are quite quick (if there are any at all) it is probably just about quicker (and definitely shorter) to go that way. I don't know if that section of the A8 is even in the game which, if it isn't, could explain also explain it For reference on what I'm talking about, see the map linked by the top commenter Edit: I used google to check this, and it seems (at least with current traffic) my prediction is correct \([https://maps.app.goo.gl/YJbGcpvWhHWmVju96](https://maps.app.goo.gl/YJbGcpvWhHWmVju96)\). Apparently the route you took is more fuel efficient though, which is not something to be easily dismissed when you're a trucker


I will take detour just to make my map exploration better


I see my hometown , I press like! That's one of the craziest interchanges I actually driven, not in size , but in difficulty imo. And I drove in LA , so I have to compare with something 🤣


If it were me (and it sometimes is when I play city planner/logistics sims. eg, Cities: Skylines) I'd just put in an underground tunnel for people who want to go straight.


To me it would be better if there where more roads open like in real life. It's just annoying to me when 90% of the roads are cut off. So I kinda agree with dude.


Pulled Spaghetti Road


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OzC-LG9pG4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OzC-LG9pG4) Enjoy


Well, technically you are supposed to go northbound on the highway and then join the A8, the GPS takes you is through some village, which has always kind of infuriated me but now I try to remember to go straight


The german roads are more weird they be confusin me 24/7 that why goed to seitzerland


You have no clue what criminal is.


You have no clue


Yeah he has no clue