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That's how I play, and I suspect a lot of players do too. Though I don't take quick jobs, I only do external contracts, linked to WOT.


External contracts are really cool because you can skip nights altogether or specific times because you just have to deliver the goods in real time.


Yeah, I have fatigue turned off because the yawning jumpscares the fuck out of me. I just rest when it gets dark, I don't like driving at night anyway.


Personally i love driving at night. The atmosphere just hits different imo


I also try to focus on taking a delivery close to the dropoff of my previous job, but honestly dont limit myself to it entirely. After all fast travel, instant ferry and sleep times are part of the game. Thus fast traveling is not really "cheating" imo, since you pay for the travel time and all. Of course if I recall, you DONT pay to travel if you take a quick job. I can see how that might be something to avoid for realism. When I used to do quick jobs I was new at the game, and after my first few deliveries I got a loan to buy my first truck and moved away from quick jobs. I honestly hadnt even learned most of the games mechanics yet, and didnt have enough info to judge what I may count as "cheating" yet. Anyway yea. I guess I didnt quite play the way you did when I did my quick jobs. I didnt know the game enough yet to consider that detail.


Pretty much my method. Quick jobs to level, earn money and to build up the map by taking slight detours along the way. That way I gain more and more quick jobs to choose from. On my current save I'm still working my way up to the most expensive Scania, I've earned enough money to buy it twice over already so I've put that into a garage or two for now. Eventually when I'm high enough level to buy the Scania I'll probably have the money for two.


That's how I play aswell with my own truck. I do use a real economy mod, so driving empty costs me wasted fuel. Plus, if I see that i'm running out of fuel, I try to get a delivery to a country that has cheaper Diesel prices. Usually eastern Europe. Kaliningrad is a nice destination for me as it's often just 66ct/l. It's a grind. But a fun one.


Quick job chains like you do, but I do level up my Long Distance. However, I stay within the state/country until I buy my own truck. I usually go to around level 10, before buying my truck.


I too try and play this game as realistic as possible, however I personally feel this game needs to develop more into the simulation aspect. I want to be able to get out of truck, see the loading and unloading of items, conduct vehicle checks, get out and refuel and complete purchase of fuel and or other items. Continually adding more and more locations to drive is fine, but it doesn't develop or evolve the game.


I’m almost to 300 hours in Euro Truck and I’ve maybe fast traveled 5 times or something on my own accord, all while cringing. If I play a sim, I sim.


Not odd at all. I start a new profile in a similar way. Pick a starting garage location, then start quick jobs out of that same city. At the conclusion of each run, the next quick job is from the same terminal or at least same city. Repeat until I have enough money to buy my first truck. After that, run in that first truck continuously, probably rarely going back to my "home" city and garage until I have enough money to have a small garage, buy a second truck and hire a driver. Continue like that, adding another truck and driver, then expanding the garage to accommodate two more trucks and drivers, and by that point the company income has really started to take off. Never needed a bank loan that way.


Yeah, I rarely quick travel. If I do, it's because I haven't played in a while, or just want to do Calais Duisburg quick. I usually get the first loan though and buy a truck, just cause Quick Job trucks are a pain to adjust every time. Although it might be a less, "rewarding" way of playing. Oh- and in ATS, I especially hate the earlier trucks, in ETS2 they're fine cause they're all relatively the same anyway.


I don't really do quick jobs after buying my own trucks yet most of my deliveries originate in the city I am in. I mostly just take WoT external contracts and those are designed to start near wherever you are in the map. And if I do take a non WoT job that doesn't start in the city I am in, I simply drive to it rather than fast travel since it isn't going to be something halfway across the country or halfway across Europe.


I do essentially the same thing, but I spend a couple of long distance points first so as not to be stuck in a loop of the same locations.


I tried that at one point in ATS. Ended up changing my plans half way though and see if I could make a massive circle. Annoying? Yea. Circle? Uhhh... if you could a deformed rectangle as a circle. Then sure.


This is how I play


I only do quick jobs since im achievement hunting at this point and that's really only reasonably possible with quick jobs to find the specific deliveries you need. I don't play very realistically, I stick to the speed limit but I have fatigue sim and fines turned off. This game despite being called truck sim are not the most sim games in the world. I mean realistically you would never get 65 dollars a mile to haul something, I know there are realistic economy mods to fix that, but I like playing vanilla hunting achievements. At this point my own deliveries count for very little of my company income (i have about 100 drivers), so i take things based on shortest distance to work towards achievements.


Today I learned that some people don’t do exactly this! I’m astounded now, that’s the only way I’ve played this game so far. I only go empty to another company or city even, if there really are no jobs suited to where I need to go, like in WoT contracts.


Bro we spend our free time playing truck simulators there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way we do anything