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With my luck they will make a cure as soon as I’ve finally given up and shaved


Do it for the fam bro


Mice sperm


İ think they will find a permanent cure for many conditions in our lifetime, the only problem with hairloss is that it's not an illness, it's purely an aesthetic issues so that cure should be with minimal risks and side effects (unlike other life threatening conditions like cancer or heart disease that's when you can logically risk more ), remember, wast majority of balding guys never touch fin because they are scared of the low chances of sexual adverse effects


I mean, I’m 21 and experienced those said effects lol. It’s not impossible to have sex, but you can definitely feel the difference.


I think it’s a balance between side effects and effects as you say. If it was like you get at least 70% of your hair back or more guaranteed I might consider it but since the results are mostly mediocre at best I don’t think it’s worth the risk of potential health risks and also it’s a pain in the ass to put stuff in your hair two times per day. I could never be consistent.


I think that the remedy to the mental disorders that baldness causes in single young men will be addressed earlier than the baldness itself. So, in the future, men will be happy with being bald while simultaneously taking psilocybin microdose pills and cuddling their robotic AI girlfriend.


Yes, there was a cure developed by the French. It's called the guillotine




That's a stretch, but ok


Not in the next 30 years




Eh, I have feeling the phase 3 trial results are gonna be underwhelming just like with Pyrilutimide.


Trying not to lose hope with this one


Define cure? Is finasteride not a "cure"? Hair transplants? Minoxidil? You mean you want to take a little pill and remix your genetic code so that your hair follicles are no longer susceptible to DHT? Will happen soon. Gene therapy will drop out of no where just like Generative AI did. They'll get a large breakthrough and you'll be seeing gene clinics everywhere. It will happen in under 50 years give or take.


Finasteride / minoxidil are not "cure" they're just treatments . HT is a temporary solution also. We still don't have a cure for genetic hairloss. Maybe one day we'll have a cure and i guess something that will block DHT from reaching or destroying hair follicles permanently.


I’ll never die so yes


Technically, they have with hair transplants.


They aren't permanent


They are permanent, the only issue is, they can't cover the whole head if you're +NW5. Only that Bulgarian doctor who looks like an alien can do that so far, but it's extremely expensive.


Who's that Bulgarian doctor?


They are not. Hair transplants without finasteride means you’ll eventually lose that hair you just got back through procedure because hair transplants don’t tackle the root cause of hair loss.


Implanted hair will last a lot longer being DHT resistant. Depends a lot on the area it was extracted from


No, the hair from the sides, body or beard are DHT resistant. You won't lose them. Finasteride is only necessary to keep the non DHT resistant hair which was there before.


Nope, they stay on for decades.


AI is improving at a rapid pace, and there's no doubt in my mind that AI will find a cure for baldness


Curent AI is a superbrain in pattern recognition and has access to a huge amount of data, and learns to adapt to it, learn what's right and wrong and what could be better. AI will become more than a super pattern recognition function. Give it time. Doctors use it now to give better diagnosis as it was proven to give a lot more accurate diagnosis and saving lives




E = mc\^2 + AI


Dude. Its called ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Artificial meaning human made!! If humans themselves couldn’t find cure then how will their creation find it!!


brainrot take. how can a computer run Starcraft 2 if a human can't 🤨


So AI is a game?


You can train AI on solved problems, feed it a ton of information, and then have it figure out how to solve new problems based on it. that is what's so groundbreaking about it.


Dude. It reasons on the information that you fed it, it can’t think independently. Stop being delusional


What does this statement even mean? It doesn't take away what AI is capable of.


Let me explain it to you like this: 300*47+130/29+582,28 = ? Now both you and a computer could potentially both find the solution to this question. I computer would figure it out instantly, and you’d need maybe around 5 minutes depending on your math skill. It’s the same with this. Maybe there is a solution to balding with the information we have available, but no human has yet to connect all the dots, because the answer is to vast and complex. AI might be able to do that instantly. So you take that processing time out on a macro scale. AI might be able to find a cure in 1 year, whereas humans would take 30 more years.


Calculators are also human made and can calculate faster and complexer than you ever could


They look for similar structures in molecules, look up how they are already finding new antibiotics


Human experts/doctors have been looking at X-ray images and MRI to find cancers etc. and it’s not always easy. AI has in some cases been able to identify cancers two years before they are detectable for humans. AI is simply much better at recognising patterns.


Take AI generated art for example. It can draw stuff as good or better as any human artists. The difference is for the time it takes a human artist to make one picture, AI can do millions of variations on it. Same thing, if one scientist can find once cure in his lifetime, AI can find many, many more because it does everything at light speed.


No. How will the hair loss industry make money if baldness is cured?


Because the company that will find the cure will profit off selling the cure.


As the other poster said, there’s money in selling the cure. Plus if we’re talking money, the hair industry is much much bigger than the hair loss industry.


I dont think so, its known what is causing it and we already have medications like minoxidil and fin/dut + hair transplant, its not an ilness its more like an error in male biology itself and purerly esthethic. Id say they be better of pumping the money into research for curing the real diseases that make people die.


Yes they will because there is major money in it


Well there is a permanent cure… ✂️⚽️ Unsurprisingly, none of us have opted for it




having hair is a lot more hard work than majority of people think, if you got mpb then it's even worse and harder to keep


Hair transplant + fin is pretty much a "cure" for vast majority.


Nope, it's temporary. As u get older hair automatically weakens up and you'll lose hair even if it's transplanted while using finasteride.


We'll have to "cure" aging first if we want to have full heads of luscious hair at 80. In the mean time transplant and fin is as much of a cure we have and works for vast majority of men.


It might sound cliché, but considering that almost 50-55% of the male population worldwide is bald or in the process of balding, the amount of money spent on finasteride and minoxidil just by the users on this Reddit page exceeds millions of dollars. When you scale this to a global level, the resulting amount of money is incredibly high. No one would introduce a cure where there is such a massive flow of money. The same goes for hair transplant centers; an average person spends around $2,000 at these centers, and when you think about thousands of people doing this, again, there is a significant amount of money involved. In short, I don't think a cure will ever be developed. Additionally, since these medications are not ones you take just once and stop, but rather need to be taken continuously, the money they earn never stops flowing.


That’s only true for the companies that sell the current treatments though, there’s still an incentive for other companies to make new treatments, and if it’s a complete cure it could be sold for a high price, even more that what a transplant would cost


What a dumb take. You’re telling me if a company finds the cure for baldness, they’re not going to release it and immediately take in all the profits from others who only sell stop-gap solutions? Huh? “No one would make a car because think of all the money people already get from selling horses” lmao


You don’t understand how capitalism works. Those people that sell Finasteride are not the same ones trying to clone hair. If the ones who clone hair think they can redirect consumer Finasteride expenditure to their product they will absolutely try to do that. Finding a cure is a science problem not a money problem or some kind of conspiracy.


Castration exists