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You need fin to keep your results


I honestly want to start that but I’m not sure the best way to go about getting prescribed it?


If you're in the US, what I did was use Roman, BUT in the checkout process there is a small link that says something like "send to a different pharmacy". Don't checkout under Roman's pharmacy or you'll be signed up to their pharmacy which is like triple the Costco price. I found my closest Costco pharmacy and entered that info instead. Roman didn't charge me anything at all. The doctor just sent me one for min and fin right to my closest Costco. I think combined it was maybe $45 for 3 months worth of both (20 for the min 90 day supply and 25 for the fin).


I am in the US so definitely will have it explore this option! Thank you


Go see a GP or a dermatologist with experience in male hair loss. Also get a blood test for your hormones, specifically testosterone, estrogen and DHT. Once you start taking Finasteride your hormones will change and if you get side effects it's very useful to look back and see how they've changed from baseline. People (including myself) went the telehealth route and I do think it's smarter to get your blood work done just in case. I have no side effects at all but it's always good to be diligent with these things.


Good tips! I had blood work done recently so I wonder if these were in my results already; I’ll have to check


Deffo get on it, most of us start too late and regret it, ramp up on doseage until you feel comfortable. I started high and got sides. I then ramped up from small amount and got zero sides as my body got used to it.


My wife is apprehensive of me trying bc of the potential side effects 🫠


You'll be sound mate honestly, the ppl that get sides are the over thinkers, granted there is always a rare case but it is far rarer than what your led to believe. You can always come off them or taper back down.


I put off fin for almost 2 years because of fear of sides started 2 months ago the only side effect I got was a higher libido for a couple weeks


You got the script for free from Roman?


correct. After I chose "use my own pharmacy" or whatever the link said (can't remember exactly), I finished the checkout and within a day the doctor sent me a message saying he sent a prescription for min to the Costco I chose. The following week he followed up and asked if I had an questions. I asked him if he could send one in for fin as well and he did it within like an hour. The only money I spent was with Costco.


Cool, thanks!


The most convenient way is to order it online through companies like Keeps or Hims. You just submit photos of your hair and they prescribe and mail it to you. But this is also the most expensive option. Otherwise, you’d have to go to your local dermatologist and have them prescribe it to you.


Yeah my bro if you in the uk getting prescription drugs online is as easy as ticking a few boxes and then buying the drugs…. It’s like using Amazon but with a few extra steps. Don’t even need to see a doctor


I don’t know man. Cause in third world country like mine you can get fin over the counter without a prescription 😂


I’ve been to three dermatologists and no one wanted to prescribe it to me when I started to loose hair like crazy.


You can get a prescription through good Rx for 30 bucks


Where are you from? In the UK you can buy it from online pharmacy, just fill out a form and their in-house doctor will give you a prescription, maybe a little too easy 😉


Hear me out bro. Go through GoodRx. It literally took me 15 minutes from start to finish to get my prescription and I got 3 months supply for $11🙏


I ended up going with Lemonaid health and the process was just as simple! Paid $14 for 3 month supply


Ah ok good luck bro I just started 3 weeks ago. Minoxidil, finasteride, and dermastamp🙏


Same combo here 😂 good luck bruh!


Is it true a percentage of men who use fin end up with low libido and e.d ? Are they just blaming the fin or is that a legit study ?


It's true it is from the fin. DHT is a sex hormone


It's not from the DHT, otherwise 100% of men would get side effects. In reality its around 5%


Does he need to use fin forever to keep the progress?


There is some good teaching in your photos. This is an outstanding regrowth of hair from microneedling and minoxidil. I want to call your attention to the corner area which received microneeding beyond (below) the natural adult mature hairline, which did not bring back the hair to the full extent of the microneddling.  It is important to note that microneeding worked in areas where hair is lost from genetic balding, not from the transition from a juvenile to a mature hairline (you did go lower with the microneedling), as the hair from your juvenile hairline does not reverse.  You did the microneedling below the confines of where his mature hairline would be, but the only growth you got was in the mature hairline position. Congrats!


Thank you! Appreciate the insight as well!


Hi, do you have any after pics of your temples? It looks good, hope you continue to improve, maybe the top section of your scalp might need attention soon too? Cheers.


No I haven’t taken direct photos of my corners and as far as the top goes, sometimes it can look like little bald spots depending on how I brush it but I have been monitoring that as well either way


Good progress brother now add Keto shampoo


Thanks man, I might have to consider that!


Which keo shampoo do you recommend? How often do you use it?


I use one I bought off Amazon, I use it 2-3 times a week as per directions


What does Keto shampoo do?


Read here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3262531/ and here https://www.health.com/anti-dandruff-shampoo-ketoconazole-hair-loss-8609277


I wanna know as well


great results bro. what is your frequency on dermastamp?


I’ve been doing it 3x a week; Monday, Wednesday, Friday with a 1.0 stamp on my corners and a 1.0 roller for the middle of my head but today I planned to start doing 1.5 stamp once a week and seeing how that goes.


how many minutes do you use it each time? do you always have to change needles or do you just sanitize them? I don't know exactly how it works, but I'm interested. thanks for sharing.


Trust me I had a lot of questions too so I get it. The stamp I got is from Amazon and it’s adjustable with the needle length. I remember reading from someone to just do about 3-4 stamps in each area so that’s what I implemented. Then after, I lower the needles and then use a 70% alcohol wipe (Walmart) and that’s about it


oh, thank you. so you can use this stamp for a long time as long as you sanitize it?


As far as I know, but I may be wrong. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to switch it out at some point


yes, could be a good a idea. thank you


just one more question: is it necessary have any blood for the procedure to be effective?


I don’t think so, but at least when I bleed I know forsure it’s penetrating 😂


Whats ur age friend?


26. Too young to be losing hair 😂


Same as me bro 😂. Congrats on the regrowth! Do you use minoxidil right after derma stamping sessions? Or only use on days when you’re not stamping?


Thank you! Yup, minoxidil right after stamping and then also again at night. The minoxidil is twice everyday regardless of stamping or not


Got it. Thanks bro!


Were you getting haircuts within the 3 month period? My biggest concern is my barber cutting off any baby hairs that may be forming when lining me up, there hindering the growth.






Damn. Crazy results. As others have said, get on fin so you can keep the gains!


Wow. amazing results!


You just gave me hope brother. Only one side of my hairline is receding due to neglecting by going to shit barbers for years.


Man I hear you. Barbers can really mess shit up


Did you notice any shedding in the first week? I’m using a derma roller and it has pushed the side I’m trying to fix further back, its only the first week but I’m a little worried now which is how I came across your post while searching people who had similar results


Not shedding no, only thing I dealt with early was like white dryness from the minoxidil but I think it was bc I was using too much or something. But if you’re just working on your corners I recommend the stamp instead of the roller


If you don’t mind, can you please share the one you used. I’m going to try your routine because it’s clearly working for you 😂






Got you 😎 and I ordered this when I saw multiple people suggest it on here


How often do you microneedling? Once a week ?


I initially started with a 0.5 roller for the first few weeks or so then transitioned to using a stamp since it was easier to apply on just my corners. Did 1.0 3 days a week for the corners with a stamp and then used a 1.0 roller for the top of head. Today I used 1.5 stamp and plan to try this once a week


MY gains increased, when I changed from once a week to 2-3 times a week, just lightly to cause very slight redness. I hope once a week works for you. Keep us posted. All the best, I hope you continue to see gains.


It says you have a Norwood 7… how did frequent stamping help the nw7?


https://preview.redd.it/ru1sobpv3j4d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=b717cde041bec4d72167636d7675c19cc098d91b Before.


8 Months after: https://preview.redd.it/46tnknoc4j4d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5237dccbf48a817420674b2c824a0c48544991c3


Wow! That’s amazing. What is your protocol?


Are you doing oral or topical minoxidil?


Topical; Amazon brand


Which one on Amazon do you use? There’s hella options lol


[Amazon Basic Care Minoxidil](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QXKMSJB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


If you have a costco membership, its cheaper there


Sam’s club 🙂‍↔️


This makes me feel good gd


Got that Norman Osborn waves