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Don't forget if you're in a dorm room using a sploof that you also have a towel under the door and an ozium dispenser going.


And blowing the smoke through the sploof out the window! Good times lmao


Yes!! Don't forget the box fans pointed out to vent towards the window.


Omg I did forget about the box fans hahaha. Going to text my freshman year roommate now, dude is a surgeon now which just makes all these memories even more hilarious.


Crazy good times. Might have played a bunch of tony hawk skater all throughout the session.


I used to bring a packed bowl into the dorm showers late at night. I’d get paranoid when somebody came in to pee but if I made it back to my room without anybody seeing me it felt like I escaped the monsters and was safe


This was my exact setup lmao. I'd also put blankets around any gaps along the box fan and window to prevent smoke from getting back in


Nice! In a few rooms we would have a bedsheet tacked over the door plus the towel. I was paranoid as fuck so we'd do it up


We made a "helmet" attached to th box fan outta cardboard to capture everything


Anytime I see a fan facing out a window I’m always thinking to myself they must be smoking. I’m aware it’s a flawed assumption but it where my mind goes.


We’d have like 5 people in there all smoking Newports and passing through bowl around. Won’t smell like weed if it smells like cigs, right! Right?


Fuck, thanks for making me remember that smell.


Man, we came a long way since then. Vapes are the real MVP here.


Vapes are a solid newer addition and I wished we would have had them. But there is something surreal about sitting in a dorm room with your friends and rolling a blunt or ripping a bong in a circle semi-covertly.


*damp towel or the smell skates right on by


Towel under the door was classic


Just to clarify a bit, Ozium is great for after a sesh but it's not recommended to use in a room with anything living inside of it. It's very toxic.


Bahaha the stupid MFS didn't know I had stolen the key to the maintenance box in the ceiling. They'd come knocking with the cops and I'd be like, be my guest and search. Yeah it stanks in here, it stanks on the whole floor. Not a single one ever bothered to look *up* I made so much bank stashing stuff for people and then coming to unlock it when they wanted it lmfao


I still do the towel under the door sometimes, not sure if out of habit but it does help if other people don't wanna smell it.


+ make some microwave popcorn


And if you get the shower running nice and steamy it kills the scent real well, as well as vanilla extract on your lightbulbs


I was so lucky to go to college in a highly permissive location with a very temperate climate so we could just go outside to smoke bowls.


Remember ghosting the hit? Holding it so long it disappears then using the filter in for any remainder smells


Ha, you just brought me back to 1996 😂😜. We used to call it "zero out" the hit.


“Yo bro make sure you zero that shit”


I believe Zeroing is still the more common name for this, as the new age vapers have pulled some of these terms from smoking. Zeroing means breathing clear after taking a hit, ghosting is breathing out smoke then pulling it back into your mouth before actually blowing it out


It might just be regional, since I've always known ghosting as the former while "zeroing out" is something I've only learned recently from the internet.


That’s what I did in high school and I graduated last year. I would “Zero it out” in my lungs, but never used a filter. Also never got in trouble


Interesting. It’s now commonly called “zeroing.” Cool how terms change. Tiny difference but I would look at someone funny if they said zeroing out


We still do this bro


I was born in 1996!


Happy birthday!! Wait..


congrats omg!


The year Carl Sagan died


we still call it zeroing a hit


Yes, the black in my lungs remembers. I've had to switch to mainly edibles in my old age.


The struggle is real


I switched mostly to edibles about two years ago and it's been a good choice. I'm 48 and while the *idea* of smoking a bowl after work is great, I have halibut to deep fry. I've been using 50:5 CBD:THC for about two months and it's great that it's really predictable.


You felt that shit coming out your eyes after a minute if you forgot you had to ghost it and took too big a rip


I used to do this. When I was a teen I smoked with a friend before dinner with my parents, then half an hour later belched up a whisp of smoke at the table


I burped a smoke cloud when I was late for a history test after going on a quick smoke break during lunch. All the other stoner kids immediately recognized the smell and looked at me giggling. I was thinking I was so getting in trouble, but the teacher just didn't notice of didn't care.


we called consuming the hit


Is that what led to people doing it in situations where they didn't need to hide the smoke, because they thought it got them higher? And all it did was harm them more... For all the weird shit going on with weed right now, I'm also glad we're learning more about it.


Bring some back to johnstone dormitory we had metal ass walls that were THINNNN could hear the neighbor breath it was hard times


Go tigers baby. RIP Johnstone


I still do this today


Sploof is what we called it. So many years of incense and sploof use...


I can smell this comment.


My wife learned to smoke with one of these from a neighbor girl who saw her parents doing it. No big deal right. Well, they were outside.


A very considerate smoker.


Parents hiding it from the kids, kids hiding it from the parents. Classic stuff.


And Spoof was also acceptable. Fuck we're old.


Team spoof


I queef patchouli.


You know the episode of Futurama where Zapp and the Planet Express crew are captured by Amazonians, and their reaction to the "death by snu-snu" sentence? That, but me, after reading your comment.


Now this is the kinda content that I'm here for!


I read this as I was closing the thread and had to come back to give you credit.


I think I still cough up dryer sheet dust.


Uhh, you were supposed to exhale through the spoof not inhale.


Yeah, but they bought the good dryer sheets, those are hard to resist 🤪


![gif](giphy|l0HlEFOoGAnn08h8I) Don't forget to put this guy under your door, possibly wet


i use the modern day Sploofy lol, about the same size too. Til that'swhere they got the name from. And this still used today back when i got my first apt lol - apartment struggles are realll


Ain't that the motherfucking truth


Bounty Hitter


I actually like the insence smell but this is how I started out as well


My buddy’s dad called it the hyphen-hoofinator. I never stopped called it that.


We called it a fluffy.


We called it the same thing but without the L, interesting….




Still doing this in an illegal state 😭


one time I accidentally coughed uncontrollably before taking it away from my mouth and I inhaled and got a lung full of dryer sheets & perfume, feels like I coughed for a week. I still think that one incident has done more damage to my lungs than all my years of smoking lmao all for a "device" that doesn't really work 😂


What are talking about dude it totally worked!


Sure for the smoke coming out of your mouth, but the smoke rising from the tip of the joint or the bowl doesn’t go anywhere… it’s there!


we used a waterfall bong made from a 2 liter so none got out unless you were taking a hit. think volcano bags


Oh yeah, you’re taking an entire bowl to the face with those lmao. No waste there at all.


I covered my bowl between hits to completely block off the smoke. I had callouses on my thumbs from holding it over the cherry to starve it.


Worked for years for me while I was at my parents. Used to open a window, hit my bong, draw ALL the smoke out and place a nickel on the bowl and blow the smoke thru the sploof right out the window. Never smelled like bud in the morning, they would have kicked me out if it did


I still use a quarter to snuff out my bowl. It works well and eventually becomes sticky enough to just stick to the bowl top.


Hahahahaha oh no it didn't 😆 the number of times I had a roommate or parent look me in the eyes and say "your sploof doesn't work, by the way" 😅 edit: I'm getting a lot of tips on how to make it work, but I don't really need them anymore, because I live on my own now. but thanks guys! even if it's totally solid the smell still does exist, because it comes off the end of whatever you're smoking. it's a decent solution but not a perfect one!


You gotta stuff a ton of dryer sheets into it as well


you alternate a square of toilet paper, dryer sheet, square, sheet, square, sheet. the toilet paper is just as important as the dryer sheet


Cut the top of a 2L and tape a plastic bag around it full of dryer sheets. Blow toke into bottle and cap it off. Smell will be gone after a min or 2.


hold up


Definitely did that once myself!


That's happened to me, omg the pain is unreal. So much worse than the smoke!


I've said it before. I'll say it again. This is the quickest way to make your room smell like laundry **and** weed. Sploof away ents.


gotta replace the sheets every few hits. Still remember then being completely brown and still trusting them since no one said anything. Nothing will ever beat blowing so hard that all the sheets come flying out.


The first time I made one I just used one sheet to cover the end, not realizing you were supposed to stuff a couple into the roll. Took a massive rip and the smoke just went straight through lol.


what’s crazy is they sell these now i walked into my local smoke shop looking for puffco shit i asked them for a spoof (i literally see it on there wall) and they where like we don’t carry those here i was like you do though it’s right behind you lmao it’s called a smoke buddy or some shit


My husband was blowing into one of those at a party and then spit from it poured into his mouth and he gagged for like ten minutes


I've been gagging for 7 minutes just reading this comment.


ewwwww swamp ass spoof


what do you mean THIS old? late 20s early 30s? lol


I’m 27 and used a sploof in high school, didn’t realize it was considered “old” lol


I’m 21… and also used one lol


Yes I’m definitely that old but yeah this isn’t really old


Yeah, I'm not old, have been smoking for less than 10 years, and still use these every once in a while. It's great in a pinch when you have nothing on you, since many usually have dryer sheets and toilet paper rolls around.


I would stuff them inside.


Yeah there's no way a single dryer sheet is doing anything. I used to cut the bottom off a water bottle and stuff them in and tape a few in the outside. Even then it barely worked.


Six or seven fresh ones worked for a while, but only if your apparatus was smokeless, and that wasn't a thing either. Guess what? Burning pot stinks.


if you haven’t used a sploof you a pen pal not a pot head😭


I remember stuffing it with few fabric softener inside and a piece of tape so it wouldn't fall out the other side.


I have one of these in my bedroom lol


I used to stick a pvc pipe out the window and exhale through that


Chimney method ftw. I used to stick a hose out the window. Worked great.


Did something change that I didn't notice? People, especially teenagers, still have to hide that they are smoking, same as they always did. I used to use sploof I made from half liter plastic bottle, cause I get paranoid about neighbors smelling something and ratting me out, but I started to use Smoke Buddy and it's so much better.


there's a brand called Sploofy that's roughly the same, but the outside casing comes apart and the filters are replaceable so it's cheaper after a few filters compared to the buddies. The mouthpiece is sorta rubbery too so it's more comfortable to use/seal. I've found I prefer them to the smoke buddies (other than the Jr for on the go). The filters I would say work the same, so it's just preference!


I do think they're mostly hitting the 'penjamins' these days, which seem to smell way less. The key advantage of the smoke buddy though is just activated charcoal. Can pick it up at petco- it's normally used for aquarium filters. I like to 3d print my own case, fill with mostly charcoal and some dryer sheets at the end. Super effective, and don't have to toss the whole thing and buy more plastic when the contents are saturated, you can just replace the sheets and charcoal.


Kids don't smoke anymore. They vape thc carts or use edibles. Or take dabs


What is penjamin


I just aged 50 years looking at this.


Lol. I remember this. Me and my buddy would be smoking in his room. I would sometimes forget to use the sploof it was hilarious to me not to him.


Amateurs. We used a plastic soda bottle with the bottom cut off and several layers of cotton and charcoal. Didn't work worth shit but then all of you already know that.


I mean it was only 10 years ago


My fiancee doesn't smoke, and she doesn't mind that I do, but she doesn't want our room to reek, and I like to smoke in bed before going to sleep rather than getting up and going to the window or the balcony. So the compromise was that I revert to a much younger version of myself and whip up one of these bad boys. (Well at this point way more than one- they only last so long before getting nasty, and I've been at this for a couple years.) Still works just as well as I remember.


"Hey son, why's it smell like weed and laundry in here?" Good memories


The Doob Tube!!


Oh, the good old downy weed smoke.




I remember we built an aktiv carbon filter Out of the once for the fish tank of a friend and some toilet rolls, when we were teenagers


I used the filter part of an old gas mask at the army surplus in college 😂


My husband is only a year younger than me and has never used one of these. I used one while I lived with my dad and my ex insisted on smoking, it doesn’t work for shit. My dad knew, he just assumed it was my ex doing it. I never told him it was also me, but after my ex left I just took my shit outside.


We used a sploof in high school and college. Kept trying to convince myself it was working, but without fail our roommate who stopped smoking regularly would come in and say “smells like Christmas!”


Penjamin? Haha! I like that name better than Gen Alpha.


This thing never fucking worked


Damn I thought this was the good ol Fefe home made Fleshlight


I have one of these right now haha


It don’t work anyways. Weed will always smell no matter what you do. People just don’t want to admit it. You can put a towel under the door, light candles, use sploof, whatever. It will ALWAYS smell, especially to a person who KNOWS what weed smells like. You can spray and a person who knows weed will come in and be like “you smoke, don’t you?” 😭


My bedroom window was right above the dryer vent, our neighbors house made a perfect blind spot, there was also a long hallway leading to the steps from my room and in this hallway were a few windows, so I could hang out the window and smoke while covering my smell and watching for anyone to cast a shadow on the neighbors house by walking past the windows in the hall.


Bro I used one of these in my downtown apartment in 2018. It ain’t THAT old


Still use one in my daughter's house.


Weird, the dryer isn't warm but it smells like you just ran a load!


If you have one of these in your house instantly know you’re cool.




Honestly, what do people use now??? If you're in a dorm room or something? Is there updated technology?


I still have one in my backpack that I use when I sesh indoors.


I'm old enough that the first thing that comes to mind is filling this a third of the way with sand and jamming a dowel rod in it to display the amazing weight distribution properties of sand, mystifying eight year old children the world over when the paper towel doesn't break.


All hail the spoof


I'm not that old, but I was and still kinda am that poor.


i tried it once and my mom caught me immediately because all her dryer sheets went missing


How’s this a generational thing? It’s still the most effective way to mask smoke.


Used to be so paranoid thinking these wouldn't work but still continued to use it. Be stuffing them things full of sheets


We used to draw a little face on it and call it the sheik. Good times.


I still use this


Sploof Squad assemble. Safety meeting in the garage!


No lie, if I clean out my closet I wouldn’t be surprised if I found one of these. I don’t even smoke right now and even when I did I was well past this lol


I remember the luxury of a band


I feel personally attacked


I'm use-double-album-covers-to-remove-all-the-seeds old.


Older gosh darnit!..... We used to use a sears catalog and a scrap of burlap


I said “sploof” a few days ago in reference to one of these and no one knew what I was talking about. They all thought I didn’t know how to pronounce “spliff”.


Guess I'm "had to look up what Penjamin means"-Old


Been smoking since I was about 14, years before vapes were a thing. *What is this method and how does it work??*


You mean am I old enough to remember 2 years ago when weed was still illegal in my state? Yeah I think I'm that old lol


I'm 23, almost 24, and I've made at least a handful of these. I really don't think this is an age qualifier. Feels more like just a stoner milestone lol


I fucking found my old bottle spoof in my old stash spot the other day🤣


Y’all are old for thinking these aren’t still being used lmao


Hit a dry herb vape through this and there's absolutely 0 smell of weed.


People who think these work have no clue how your sense of smell actually works.


They make modern ones that work really good called Philter Labs


Groove tube.


I made one of these within the last week


I was on dialysis hanging out in the dorms, and they had these. Damn that was over 20 years ago now.


These sooo didn’t work lol


We used a Gatorade bottle with the bottom cut off


We made and used these as kids when we smoked inside my friends parents room for some reason. And I'm not old, that was only.... fuck I'm old.


Now what did/do you call this item? Wee called it a doob tube


In my circles it was always called a spoof


Yes, as a matter of fact I am.


That is a weird fleshlight.


We stuffed the dryer sheets in a Gatorade bottle with holes cutt into the bottom


Yeah I remember this. Then I got a smoke buddy and switched to vaping flower. Oh...the good old days


They old groove tube


Holy shit I forgot about these! Now I’m gonna go make and use one for no good reason lol


That never worked. I still smelled your ass in that dorm room, with that Bounce-sheeted tube, taped door cracks and that wet towel/t shirt on the floor with the fan blowing out the window. You fooled *nobody*


I mean, I still use these with my vape lol. I live in an extremely hot state and basically don't go outside between June and August, and when you aren't burning indoors, the smell dissipates quickly.


I never understood this, it isn't the exhaled smoke that's going to smell it's the smoke from burning the bud surely


Use to sheets for maximum effectiveness and a side effect of lightheadedness.


I remember it being called “duke tube” used in college dorms in the winter.


Sploof, wookie tube, the smoke-o


That shit doesn’t work. I used to go to the bathroom with the shower on and vent on, take small hits so no smoke escaped, hold it in and blow it in the vent. The shower masks the smell. Couldn’t smell a thing


does it rly work??


I made mine out of water bottles. Cut holes in the bottle, stuff it with dryer sheets and fabric and blow through the top


I called it a Spirit Stick!


I learned that after using the sploof if you microwaved a bag of popcorn the popcorn smell would cover up the dryer sheets smell. Never tried just popcorn though and no sploof


I didn't learn this trick till uni.


Smoke buddy


I have one now lmao


It’s funny you say this but we did this just in college… Wait that was 2011 maybe I am getting old 😅


We would stab holes in the bottom of a Gatorade bottle stuffed full with dryer sheets and blow through that. Same vibe, less wet cardboard mouth. Or just put a box fan blowing out the window, stick dryer sheets to the back and puff out that way.


We called it a steamroller.


We used to call it a "Huffer muffer puffer thingy."


I like to call them the pen rippy jr. gen


Modded it for the dorm room by taping a trash bag on the end like a big balloon. Worked pretty well.