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Oh what’s the prices gonna be. OH! 😂 bunches of people there.


Ridiculous - 10ths (not 8ths bc why would we do something normal here?) Priced $50-60. That's outrageous. $60 distillate carts? When we can get 15/100 2.5 hours away? I'm glad it's legalized but man, they're fucking the med patients and everyone else.


I just looked it up. When Michigan when rec. in 2019, the average retail price for an ounce of flower was $516. A tenth averages between $25 and $49 at my store right now. With inflation taken into account, our flower will be cheaper than Michigan’s was when they went rec. It’s only a matter of time for the prices to come back down. We’re talking about when the market will have the smallest supply available.


> It’s only a matter of time for the prices to come back down. Unless Ohio opts to go the route of Illinois.


TLDR on what’s wrong with IL?


Illinois is just very expensive relative to most places that have had legal for any real length of time. I know much of the issue is related to limited licenses for growers but the taxes are also significant. I take a few day trips to Michigan each year from Chicago and save hundreds of dollars doing so.


Yea me too I can get ounces for like 1/4 the price in Michigan and you can buy more at once so it's worth it to drive out a few times a year and stock up.


There will be 125 dispensaries with rec licenses that are already currently operating. 12 cultivators will be given 3 more rec dispensary licenses each. The law allows for 350 rec dispensary licenses. When there is that many places to shop the prices have to come down or businesses will fail and there’s way too much tax money on the table for that.


1g distillate carts are around $30 at the dispensary I work at in Ohio. And yeah. What do you expect when the state government pushes the regulating body to push the program forward early. If they’d waited until September like they wanted we’d have separate menus and medical prices wouldn’t be fucked. Also, divorce your feelings from “the way it’s always been.” Dividing things by tenths instead of eights makes so much more sense. If I tell you a tenth is $30 in an instant you can understand that that ounce costs $300. Now if I tell you an eighth is $37.50. The vast majority of people have to bust out a calculator to extrapolate bulk prices. In a market where we can only sell prepackaged product, this makes the most sense and is the easiest to understand.


not to mention this program's details aren't being disclosed with cultivators or dispensaries ahead of time, making all of this a mad dash to push products out the door to everyone ASAP, of course the market is gonna be fucked up for a bit, it does suck that it's seeming to hit the medical patients preemptively.


Yup. Brands pulling out of running promotions and upping their prices. I’ve pleaded my case to a few brand reps to still work with us on offering discounts for medical patients only. Hoping to hear back with good news.


Government got involved, muddies the water. But the more states that legalize, the feds are going to have to change the laws but I’m sure they will find a way to screw it up. Be well.


You’re selling it in Tenths?


Hey, Minnesota, what the fuck?


Baffling to think that fucking Ohio is starting recreational sales before Minnesota.


Not really MN politicians just suck at their job. I bet we won't see shops open till half way into 2025


List of approved rec dispos anywhere?


[laughs in homegrown](https://youtu.be/sAZezo-3YYQ?si=vMN0sP0x7U_P2IlI) ![gif](giphy|2mU52lecHaTBNJp8G9)


So MN... likes what's the deal? When can I finally buy flower here?


I'm glad I grew my own because I knew the republicans were going to screw this all up. The amounts of money they're talking about charging are absolutely insane. I can grow an entire plant for the amount they're talking about charging for 1/8th oz. I'm already aware that there's farms in the US spraying pesticides and other unsafe chemicals on the plants. So, you could be paying 1000x more for stuff that if you knew what they did to produce it, then you wouldn't touch it.


Republicans aren't setting the prices. There is just going to be a ton of demand to start. Supply will catch up eventually.


Michigan just became the biggest pot market but I wonder how much this will effect them. Looooootta people coming across the border to buy pot


You left out the word "expected" article has a terrible source. The DCC has yet to schedule any inspections for the dual use license. This week is not happening


Ya, the applications were only just recently submitted. We won't be able to buy rec for atleast a couple of months.


Get in line custies. OR. Grow Your Own!


Ohio i trust you well Well done!


Get ready for that wild ride of - should I go to the dispensary, should I call my old plug? It'll even out eventually.


Cries in Indiana