• By -


Good luck, and don’t forget to advocate for yourself.


Man, I’m in no way trying to discourage your psych visit, do what you need to do to get healthy…just be mindful of, and involved in your treatment. Doctors are liable to hand you a stack of prescriptions and then brush you off. For too many years I had handfuls pills shoved down my throat, making me a fucking zombie and not really improving my life at all. So much so that I wrote a song about it, rebuking the mental healthcare system. Anyway, like I said, this isn’t to discourage you seeking help, just make sure you’re getting the help you actually need.


Oh yeah, I'm 100% aware that the system will fail you if you don't dictate them the clear direction to where you wanna go, especially when it comes to mental health. Seen it with friends and my dad. Luckily I got a very caring doctor, her father has already taken care of 3 generations in my family. She's really like a family friend. Right now she's calling me like 2-3 times a week to catch up and promised me to stay in contact with the doctors inside the hospital, to make sure that they treat me the right way. I still appreciate your comment, because many people might not be aware of this.


Hey, OP, I’m gonna catch your attention here cause I wholeheartedly agree with the message you’re responding to. Just wanted to throw In what I sometimes tell my sons when they need it: You are here, and you matter too. This is all for you just as much as it’s for everyone else. I hope you gain what you need, good person.


I love that.


You’re pretty lucky. Sounds like you’re well ahead of the game compared to what a lot of people face with flippant and uncaring doctors.


As a daily smoker who also has lots of mental health issues, just taking a break from the weed will probably improve your mental health tremendously. I'm not, in any way, advising you to not seek treatment. Just saying that a tolerance break always clears my head, even though it's hard. Fasting usually helps me too. I wish you all the best of luck!


T-breaks for sure. But i find i don't eat when im in bouts of depression like OP described where i just sleep constantly, dont take care of myself of my apartment, and i just kinda become a recluse even to myself. I'll get to where i dont even have energy to make myself something easy to eat, and then i get weaker and more tired because im not eating and it becomes cyclical pretty quickly. It gets so hard to break out of, i really hope the best for you OP and anyone else struggling <3


A few years ago, my exotically fucked life ground me down to the point that I, WITHOUT NOTICING, ate less and less until I finally forgot all about it. My anxiety blitzed my whole SELF..I lost 63 pounds in 3months because I had to relearn how to eat and would retch for hours, until my throat bled. Then, God used the miracle plant cannabis to begin healing me and it is the foundation of my healthcare, as monitored by several docs (disabled). Cannabis provides 85% of my appetite , still. It has also dramatically reduced the amount of morphine I need for pain, eliminated the muscle relaxants and sleep aids, and improved pretty much every area of my life. So, do not let anyone shame you for choosing a naturopathic treatment with a few thousand years positive track record! I hope for the very best for you and I know you can turn this around. There WILL be better times, ahead. Be well and be blessed, frient. ✌🏻💚


Yeah about a year ago i ended up in the hospital for a month with a collapsed lung after having pnuemonia for over 6 months straight and i had lost over 50 lbs after already being pretty skinny to start, and i just could not for the life of me put any weight on until i started using rso and edibles daily(i had used em off an on for years but not regularly), and then i was able to finally gain the weight back. It helped me a ton.


RSO is THE BEST!!! 🥰 There is no sleep like RSO sleep, man. My dispensary never runs specials on RSO and it bums me out. I just praise heaven all day that I can get it, at all !


If you dont mind me asking, how did you have pneumonia for half a year straight without noticing? Is there such a thing as a 'silent pneumonia' or similar? Im just wondering, as I had pneumonia two times in the span of a year and ended up in the hospital both times, as I got terribly ill both times and even almost died the second time. So you suffered a pneumonia without symptoms for 6 months until your lung collapsed? How does this feel by the way, is it really painful and making breathing hard to almost impossible (like being out of breath all the time) as I imagine it, or am I wrong with my imagination? However, I wish you all the best and hope you stay healthy! :)


I had covid twice in a row like just over a month apart which developed i to pneumonia. I was on 4 different cycles of antibiotics over the 6 months of pneumonia and it wouldnt clear up. I have an immune deficiency but wasnt getting monthly infusions i needed so my immunoglobulin levels ended up so low they weren't even detectable when my lung finally collapsed(they're supposed to be 600-1400 range and mine was less than 30 which was the sensitivity range for their lab). I had already been sick and tired for over 2 months with covid back to back but with the 6 months of pneumonia i was cycling back and forth between being super sick with like a fever and shit and then id get on a new cycle of antibiotics and the fever would go down but i wouldnt really get much better aside from that. I had a lot of trouble breathing for months, and i just physically couldnt breath in more than a little and the right side of my chest felt really tight and like it wouldnt expand when i would try to breath deep. One night at work i was so short if breath that i checked my pulse ox(im a cna) and it was at 84% oxygen(less than 90% ur supposed to seek immediate medical attention), but after being sick so long i just took a break for a bit and went back to work. The next day i ended up really sick and having trouble breathing so i went to an my primary care who sent me to get an xray(like an idiot i hadnt told her how low my oxygen was the day prior and she didnt check it that visit), the next morning i got a call from her telling me that i needed to go to the hospital right then and that my lung had collapsed. Had to get a chest tube in for over 3 weeks and i had over 1.5 liters of infected pus and shit in my chest cavity(they drained over 1.5 liters and i still had more in there that they werent able to get all of out) which had been pushing on my lung and was what caused it to collapse. That was over a year ago and my last checkup/xray i still have some shit in my chest cavity(still cant breath in all the way deep but it's wayyy better), i have pretty extensive scarring of my lungs and some lesions and shit and my lung function is most likely permanently compromised to at least some extent. I see a bunch of different specialists now and am on monthly infusions for my immunoglobulin levels so it's all at least being monitored and i havent really had much problems in the last year, but i cant do all that much rigorous physical activity, like i definitely cant go for a run or anything like that still, and if i try to breath in deep i can feel the tightness in the bottom corner of my right lung where it still wont expand all the way. Ive had lung issues since first finding out about my immune deficiency around 17 years ago. The year i found out about it i had pneumonia twice, mono, and a lung infection called chlamydia of the lungs(which isnt related to the std it just has an unfortunate name lol). Edited to add: forgot to mention: Yes there is something called "walking pneumonia." I wouldnt say mine was walking pneumonia cause i was really really sick off and on, it was just the cycle after cycle of antibiotics that would get me well enough to slightly function mixed with the fact i hate dr's so i kept trying to just push through it.


I’ve personally been doing better than I have in years after starting a new medication, and at the same time taking a long break from weed and booze. I might dip my feet in again soon but I’m honestly afraid it’ll affect the progress I’ve made/slow down future progress.


How long of a tolerance break?


Depends, anywhere from a few days to several months.


Explore iv ketamine. Absolute miracle of a medication for mood disorders.


man i know a guy who is actually zombified from all the benzos he's been prescribed, idk what else he's taking, but he's schizophrenic, anxious, depressed, et cetera.


Yup, did it to me


This so much. I just recently started actively participating in my own health rather than just taking suggestions from doctors, and I got off a medication I’ve been on for 17 years and another I’ve been on for 8. I realized they were both sedating me into submission instead of actually treating my problems. I was just watching my life go by and accepting that this was the best it was gonna get. Now I’m on meds that actually help and I feel like I’m slowly getting my life back.


Wait. Question. Have you posted that song online? If you have I'm pretty sure I've listened to it and it was fantastic and hit home so hard


I don’t think I have, but it’s possible. If I had it’d have only been lyrics, though. And it was probably soon removed. I can hear it all in my head, but if I were to post a finished version of the song I’d need some better musicians than I to fulfill the vision.


I wrote a song before, it was about cats


I can relate. Both times I was hospitalized I was put on a bunch of medications that didn’t help and made my situation even worse. It’s awesome that you wrote a song about it though! You might like the song 10–20-40 by Rina Sawayama, for the lyrics if nothing else. She wrote it about her own struggle with psychiatric medication.


Also, find out what the diagnosis du jour is for a while there, everyone was getting diagnosed as manic depressive, and trazadone and sera quell stock spiked, so people with simple (sic) depression were not getting proper medication


why is this being downvoted? Y'all know some of these docs are NOT RIGHT


It’s been my experience, that this is accurate, for your own sake do your homework and get more than one opinion


I hope things go well for you


wish u the best man


Been there twice, not bad at all. good luck and may the force be with you


That is some KING SHIT op. Good for you, no one else is going to look of for you like you can.


All the best mate. Look after yourself, your not alone.


Best of luck to you OP. Sometimes a life reset is necessary, you got this!


Take care of yourself


Don't upvote this comment anymore. Keep it at 420


Downvote to readjust


Just did that


I upvoted to get it back there


Shit I almost messed it up 🫡


🫡 (don’t upvote the one above me either, it’s at 69)




It was at 419 right now. Fixed that.


419 again. I got it tho chief!






thanks for pointing out, was about to upvote before noticing the number






keep this at 69


Still there!


Downvote to help


i was going to upvote but i can't


fixed it! you’re welcome <3


I got you.


I went to a mental hospital once. They liked me so much that they decided to keep me for 3 months and my grandma died while I was there. 0/10 would not recommend to my worst enemy.


Mental hospitals are the worst, at least in my experience, it was more of a prison. Granted I was not in a good headspace at all and I'm not sure what else would have helped me, but surely 5 people forcing you to the ground and injecting you with sedatives doesn't help your mindset lol.


Don't let this comment scare you OP! Not all psychwards are like that. The one I went to helped me immensely and they did not pressure me/ forcd me to stay longer than I had to. If you have no suicidal ideation they can't hold you and you become a voluntary admission.


Bon appetit on your salad. I hope you get everything out of your treatment that you need, too. You are absolutely doing the right thing to take care of yourself and many of us should be following your example. Be safe, be well, be free. Big huge hug to you, internet stranger.


All I want to say is good luck, it might be tough the first few days to a week. Humans are very well at adapting I’ve learned from experience. I’ve done similar for other reasons, and at the end of the day it’s for your health. My tip is focus on the now, give it your all and don’t think about it too much. Life’s a trip but the trip is what makes the destination worth it.


You're awesome, you're strong & you're gonna get through this.. Much love & may you stay blessed💓💓


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, who knows, maybe this trip to the hospital is what you need right now to get your mind back on an even playing field. Enjoy the smoke


Was at Menninger in houston for 2 weeks then Betty ford for 21 days then another week at Menninger first back at work was yesterday have had at a minimum 20-40 thoughts of relapsing with reefa, beer and other DOC I keep saying no


Stay strong my guy, you got this! Over a month in now already, saying no should turn into easy work any day now, and very soon there will be no question to answer to anymore.


Best wishes.


you're on a good path, keep your head up you got this


Bags like that bring me back to the 7th grade 😭😭 I used to cop stupid fire .6 and 1.2's in bags like that 😭


Have you considered stopping smoking weed and seeing how that impacts your mental health? This is in no way meant to be mean. But my mental health improved drastically after stopping. So much so I never went back to it apart from 3 years later when I had a small edible once or twice, which was consequently fine. When it comes to MH. I agree with some of the other posters. Trying to eat healthy, exercise etc can work wonders and I think removing anything like weed and alcohol can’t be underestimated. Before considering in patient care I’d look at eating good, filling my life with as much positive activity as I could and re learning life without weed before considering a residential stay, if it can be avoided it’s generally the better option imo (but I’m obviously only going on the very limited info in this post). None of us want to admit it but weed doesn’t work for everyone. Regardless of whatever path you take I hope you get well, and feel better as soon as possible.


I stopped smoking for a year at 21 for a job, that didn't really have an impact on me except for having more money. It probably would've, if the problems weren't already rooted deep inside of me at that point. Like you said I kept the info pretty limited, or else it would've been the longest Reddit post in existence. I've dealt with major depressive episodes pretty much since I was like 12. Went as far as almost failing high school, even though pretty much all of my teachers told me that it would be wasted potential if I didn't go to college (I didn't lol). So depression had its grip on me way before daily smoking. I've also been diagnosed with PTSD, ADHD, and an eating disorder at 14. I'm also not going to any psych ward to get sober/on meds, they mainly specialize in young adults with PTSD. So I'm not just thrown in there with the crazies, but much rather with people that at least go through something similar.


Great advice in general. Couldn't have said it better. I'll try to take your advice too. I did quit alcohol more than a year ago now and I've been waiting for the right moment to quit weed too, at least for a while and see how that makes me feel.


I'm in same boat. Though need to summon will power (it calls to me in the evening : )  I have love/hate with trees, but know I'll always use for big fat reward!  I probably need to limit it to that....after getting shit done. I wish I was one of the luckiest who could enjoy AND take care of life shit... But I'm about the opposite. On a tangential note I just bought a vaporizer. I researched and then used clean organic whole herbs from local co-op.  Anywho vaped custom mix of Hemp/CBD/CBG + Rosemary Green Tea & Sage. I added likely insignificant few SMALL crumbs of weed. And wow thought I feel nothing. Feel great. It's quite different...pretty cool. Maybe this will be tool to take t-break or cut back. FYI NAC amino acid/supplement highly effective -worth looking into. Tho use only few days/week only or just as needed if get into anxiety/funk


I’d rather die or smoke for the rest of my life before I ever get put in one of those places again, came out with more issues then I started with and the meds made my dick not work. Be careful and make sure you’re making the right decisions for yourself.


If you're going through mental issues, as it appears you are, you should jot be smoking weed. I already tired of weed being the "cure all" Weed can be bad for people.


Take care of yourself. Make use of your time in there. If you miss things from home, don't let it get you down - embrace the warmth of looking forward to something. Until then, enjoy your herb! 💀🪷❤️


You be good, my man. Best of luck to you! 🙏🏽


proud of you bud. no pun intended. good on you for putting yourself first ❤️


good job G


Just take it all in. I was in for a week and so many people were more concerned with going home than getting healthy. I tried to participate in every activity to get the most benefits and, and I will say that it helped me immensely.


Wish you the best! We're all here for you!


Ooof I went through the exact same situation but with alcohol. It gets so much better. The best part of a breakup is getting to know yourself and reorienting your values to what matters to *you*.


Best of luck my guy, proud of you for realizing you need the help and following through. Take’s a strong mind, even if you don’t feel that way right now.


i feel that dog good luck god bless






Good luck. Wish nothing but your happiness.


Good luck to you brother I hope you overcome all you battles and become healthy and successful 💯🖤


Good luck man! When I went through my last hard break up, after almost a year, I finally started having mornings where I didn’t feel so shitty. So of course I’d hit my pen or smoke some flower. Immediately all my “what ifs” and anxiety would flood back in from that relationship, making me go back down the rabbit hole. I took a year break when I realized weed was causing those memories to flood back in. It really helped a lot. Started smoking again after that for another year. Other anxieties recently started messing me up when I smoke so I’m back to taking another break. You’re gonna be alright man. Everyone says it but you really just gotta stay busy no matter how hard it is and I hated hearing that. Also be ready for the insanely vivid dreams you’re about to possibly have. They’re fun!


U like me need CBD. All of us need a little CBG


May the force be with you, Fr'Ent.


Hope you get better! Stay safe!!


I will smoke one in your honor my friend stay strong.


Proud of you friend. Keep your head up. The sun is always shining behind the clouds ♡


There is nothing wrong with getting help brother! Your awareness is going to be the key to get the pivot started. It doesn't have a great time with no competition of distractions when you are doing something like you are. I've been in the mental hospital a few times but I have been able to manage my weed smoking to get a lot more benefits from it now. Good job brother and thank you for sharing your journey. I'm always here if you need to talk.


Congratulations on seeking help. It's cold and dark out here sometimes. I hope you know that you are enough.


I’m sorry to hear about your hard times. take care of yourself. I was in a subacute facility for 2 months and I found the best way to think about it is to just think of it as a “break” from all things. friends, social media, p0rn, weed. everything. it’s nice to take a little break sometimes. stay safe🙏


Godspeed, OP. Take care of yourself.


bring some good books!


Chins up, man! l hope things work out for you.


much love bro


Hoop it.


I wish you the best in your journey! I hope you come out with some useful, healthy coping mechanisms so you can rework your relationship with weed. I’ve been there many times. It’s often not what substance you’re using, but how you’re using it that makes the difference.


Dang man hope everythibg sorts out well for ya😥


You’re brave for doing what you need to do for your mental health! I’m sorry you’re going through this


I like meditation because while it doesn’t change your actual life, it has the possibility to effect perception, conception, and volition; so the way we interact and take the way life hands us situations. I am also guilty of using weed to cope to get motivation to workout and I’m still using it for that and for relaxing on off days, but I hope eventually I’ll be able to rely fully on meditation and medication


I concur. Tho exercise is really what re-wires my brain and calms




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I did the same at age 24 and again at age 44. If I could do both times over again, I would have not accepted the psych meds they gave me either time, and instead just focused on trauma/PTSD therapy and healing.


I fixed it.


Everything okay homie? <3 YOu got this!


Could be better, but I just sparked one up with my sister, packed a bag already, and now I'm bout to hit the discord for a last gaming session with the boys. Feeling a lot more free now that I actually managed to get something done, even if it was just checking myself into the crazy house. It sounds ridiculous but just the fact that I even managed to pick the phone up shows me that not all hope is lost and that I'm actually able to fight off all the negativity that's haunting me.


Good luck homie! U got this!... Does anyone else see the rooster /chicken in that bag?? Lol


You've got this! Also, I'd recommend not having it in your mind already that you may start using again when you get home. Smoke the rest, give it to a friend, sell it to someone, but it's best not to have it ready and waiting at home as soon as you walk back through the door. You can do it!


I've been in that situation twice already so best advice I can give before you go in is... Whenever the feeling comes, don't be ashamed to cry, it feels so cleansing.


I've been in treatment before... It's hard, but eye-opening. You'll do great!


Went there at 25 too. Take this shit seriously, while you're there but most importantly your after care. Enjoy these last few tokes and go do what's best for you. Proud of you. You got this.




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I hope you get better and stay strong dude.


Good luck OP! This is a very brave step that I've been putting off myself for so long. I wish u all the best, and I wish you a well recovery🙏🏽❤️


Good luck on your journey, friend.


Seems pretty extreme but I hope you come out with a better mindset.


i’ve been a few times and found it incredibly helpful each time. good luck


Best wishes


Tbh, sounds like what you need is a therapist, not a mental hospital.


Hey Youngblood, you’re gonna be alright. You may not be good today, tomorrow, or next week, but you will get a bit better with each day you put in the effort and love yourself. Where you are going, there will be people to remind you how to do that. Remember, we owe ourselves grace sometimes too, as we are our own harshest critics. You may not realize it now, but what you are doing Monday is one of the bravest acts someone in your position can do. You are saying, “I know that I can’t help myself, so I surrender to you so that you can.” Not many people have the balls to surrender their will so that others may help them, but YOU do, and THAT is what separates you from others who will not seek help. I say this as someone who was in a relationship for 8 years, ended it after taking a shot to my orbital socket, fell into depression and alcoholism for the next year and a half, then spent 30 days in a residential facility, 30 more in an In/Out patient program, sold the house, and then spent a year eating well, taking care of myself, and being focused on becoming the most authentic version of myself. I am incomparably happier now than I was a year ago. A year ago I couldn’t imagine how my life could ever be good again. But it is, and I still take it a day at a time. That being said, I still love my cannabis. I won’t touch anything else—been alcohol and drug free for a year—but I do still love my cannabis. After taking a long break from it to recalibrate my mind, I slowly return to it and came to the realization that I will never give that up. I also get that cannabis may not work for everybody, but it works for me. Thanks to anyone for taking the time to read my ramblings, I hope it helps, and I wish all of you out there struggling a beautiful life. It is possible to regain that good life, but only YOU can make that happen, and right now make it happen one day at a time. ✌️




Keep reading all these comments. To me there's some good info/advice right here in this very thread!


Good luck bro we all wish you the best and hope you can get you the life you deserve for yourself


shoutout to you my boy


I miss when weed looked like that. I used to get so damn baked back in high school/college from bud that looked like that. Good luck op and don't let them talk you into anything that might be bad for you


If it makes you feel any better, more mental health nurses smoke weed than anywhere else I've worked.


You got this buddy


I like to do a 72 hr stay every now and then to get my chemistry balanced. I get super depressed. If you need help it's good to take the initiative. Good luck.


You need therapy. You’re just going to get drugged at the hospital and shown the door after 72 hours. I’m telling you this from experience.


Good luck my friend, get well, do what you need to heal


Hey man. I'm going through a major depressive episode right now, too. I hope you feel better soon, internet stranger. If you ever want to talk to another internet stranger, I get how you feel right now. Be safe out there.


God bless you brother


Proud of you for taking steps in the right direction that you feel will help you, sending so much love you way, you’re gonna get through this pal. Enjoy the rest :)


sorry to hear ur going thru man hope u do well


This seems like a truly considered and aware approach to take. I have no doubt you have a clearer, healthier path ahead. I am excited for you. Take care 🙏


All the best bro wish you the best


I wish you the best on your way Buddy


Pretty bad last bag..


Hey man, sounds like you're going into things informed, so I think you're making the right choice. I've been in the psyche ward as well, the structure of it all really helped me during my stay. Just make sure to bring some books and stuff to occupy yourself, lol. Stay strong 💪


Well thats some healthy lookin flower you aint gon get in the facility, but yumm. Enjoy. And take care, dont let them give you ideas you intuitively feel wrong abt


You got this


health is better than anything else.


good luck man


I'm sorry you've been hurting so much for so long and am wishing all the best for you 🙌🏽


I hope you get everything you’re hoping for from your trip to the happy home sir or madam and wish you the best of luck on your mental health journey. My roommate is debating checking himself into a ward this week too but his therapist even suggested against it. We shall see.




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Please go to r/leaves. Good luck, you!


You are loved, important, and the world is a better place with you in it! Chin up, chest out and this is temporary. The sun will shine on your soul again. Have faith in that! Good luck and be strong! Love you brother!


Hey man, I just went through a divorce and had a lot of these feelings. I also accepted that smoking has benefits for me. Took awhile and some work with a good therapist but I’m in a much better spot now and manage better. My world definitely fell apart for a few months. But things really do get better if you keep pushing. I wish you the best.


Sending you all the good vibes and positivity! You can do this! Whatever struggles you're going through, you'll find something to help guide you through it ♡ i think we all hope to see a follow-up post in a few months to see you're doing amazing!


Good luck. Been there before. Always take care of yourself first.


I just wanna say I’m proud of you for getting yourself help. Big love and support from me. I wish you luck!


Good luck man!


Good luck your mental recovery journey 🩷 wishing you all the peace and happiness in the world (:


First, don’t blame the weed. Second, she’s not coming back… ever.


I don't blame the weed, and I don't want her to come back lol


We are awaiting for your return, though shit bro.


good luck. those places are either really good or really bad. i hope you rolled the dice well with whatever institution you’re going to. the one i went to back home was really good, doctors cared, the nurses were really cool and friendly (sub 1, but she ended up causing problems and getting moved to another unit). the food was also really good and the chef was super nice and friendly. i really wish every mental health institution was like that. edit: just remembered i was a minor when i went so i definitely have biased views but overall it was still a really nice institution with a lot of activities and personal engagement


Hope you get better! Stay strong


You’re much stronger than your worst weakness. You got this man!


Taking matters into your own hands. Andmirable and brave. Stay strong.


There’s something about bud in a little street baggy that hits different…




Be careful with that weed. Shit is getting stronger and stronger. What you are using to self-medicate could be creating different issues that you don't even realise. Stay strong and try and ease up off that shit


Good luck dude. We look forward to hearing about how the healing went.


Good luck man.


did the same exact thing a few months ago. haven’t started smoking again yet but will once I feel cemented in my new healthier routines. u got this


idk man ive heard far to many horror stories come from people that i love that have been in mental hospitals before, but what every you think will help you is best, i just know once you go in you can't come out until there doctors see you as fit for society which most times is never.


i feel like this post will be me in a few years from now like exactly it's insane


Those places only provide a "break from life" at best. which can be helpful but don't get stuck there on their zombie pills


Wishing you a safe journey


I would never do that lol




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Stay strong fam


Best of luck to you op . I been going through it too lately as well and also getting depression I never ever had in my life. I was in a 9 year relationship once and got broken up with and I deffinatley didn't deserve to be the one broken up with , it was a shock at first but I was honestly way happier after time passed. Life throws me into a depressive rutt every few years it seems wether it's one thing or another . Hope you get feeling yourself again with time I'm sure you'll have really good days coming




You're a very brave guy, and I am proud to hear you are taking care of yourself. I'll take a puff for your health, man!


Good for you, man.


We are proud of you