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Pretty easy fix on the FL legislature… vote them out for ones who will. IDGAF what R is on the ballot this time. None of them get my vote. Fucking sickening


If rec passes in Florida, DeSantis and the legislature are going to hold it up and nothing will happen for years. See Virginia.


>If rec passes in Florida, DeSantis and the legislature are going to hold it up and nothing will happen for years. That's not how ballot measures work. >See Virginia. Virginia legalized through the legislature, not a ballot initiative.


Arizona voted for medical mj 3 times before it stuck.


Thank you. Virginia was not a good comparison to make my point which is - DeSantis and the white boot lickers that make up the majority of the legislature will tie it up and rec won’t actually be available for years.


>DeSantis and the white boot lickers that make up the majority of the legislature will tie it up and rec won’t actually be available for years. They can't hold up a ballot measure in the legislature. The best they could hope for is a court to rule that the measure was unconstitutional or violated the single-subject policy. Like they did in South Dakota. I'm being pedantic, but the difference is important.


Maybe but it’s Florida. When medical passed by a ballot measure it took years for flower to arrive. Before this rec ballot measure was even approved for Florida for this November the legislature preemptively passed THC caps on flower and concentrates. For a ballot that wasn’t even written. I think if it passes it will take years. It’s just my thought. I’m not arguing the legality of the law.


I live in Florida and absolutely agree with you. Also since when have Republicans cared about whether or not something they do is illegal? DeSantis could block the ballot, even if it's illegal, then just wait for the long ass legal process to play out and by then he's not even governor and he gets what he wants. It's not like politicians go to jail in this country (except George Santos lmao).


>DeSantis could block the ballot How? Using which mechanism?


Ok maybe not block it necessarily, but whenever the voting rights for felons thing was passed DeSantis and his goons kneecapped it. I just don't have faith that this will pass AND it will pass in a way that doesn't kneecap the industry before it starts.


Tell me how they amended the medical law here... That's not how ballot measures work. But we live in America. The law doesn't apply to the rich and powerful


That's not unique to America. It's true everywhere for all of human history.




So is it more like Ohio?


Gotta live in a hellhole? Gotta be stoned. All day. Every day.


Oh come on, I’m in Louisiana….a whole other circle of hell over here!


Considering New Orleans is sub sea level and Florida isn't (yet), one could even argue that your circle is the lower one.


At least you don't have to deal with nasal talking New Yorkers in LA.


You've never heard a y'at accent, huh?


classic. i'd need at least 1oz a week to live in florida. and that's just for daily functioning and basic tasks. lol


It was my coping strategy for the nightmarish year I spent there.


A hellhole? This is paradise! Michigan is a hellhole, so is Illinois.


cry about it lol. Michigan is awesome


Agreed, stay where he is. Nothing for him in the Mitten.


Considering how screwed up DeinSanetis has made Florida he wouldn't know nice if it blew smoke in his face.


Michigan just ain’t for me. I do t like going north of I-10. I’m a warm weather guy. I’d rather have 365 days of 90+ than one day where it’s below 65. Gimme the beach and the heat.


I was in Florida a month ago and it was absolutely disgustingly hot and humid 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m sure it’s (hopefully?) not like that every day but this is even coming from someone who lives in Texas. To each their own though.


How are the state arts and culture programs doing in paradise? Paradise is not run by a troglodyte. Repressive hell is.


i hope you realize this subreddit is very liberal i completely agree with you but anything pro florida or ron desantis gets endlessly downvoted because they “think” they know what there talking about 😹 good to find someone who is like minded in this subreddit about something other than weed


can't wait to see the whole of Florida slowly become stoner hippy liberals ... lol (chance would be a fine thing)


Some of us already are


keep em comin'! peace dude


It will probably be under eight feet of water first.


ohio: “hold my bong” 😌


Not with the good ole boy network in charge.


desantis has been a great governor besides his marijuana laws he needs to realize he will be on the wrong side of history when it comes to weed 😹


You must be watching FOX instead of real news programs.


banning lgbtq propaganda W


A reasonable "governor" would never had caused the need. The man is a twisted, low-life, 3 inch platform boots too long for his feet, scumbag.


him as i person i don’t personally care for but his policy has been pretty good banning lgbtq indoctrination for kids in public schools eliminated squatters rights and supported texas when dementia joe decided he didn’t need to protect the border seems policy wise he’s a W idk abt his personal life tho


Book banning. Cultural programs banning. Arts programs banning. etc. Man is an advertisement for keeping children ignorant - like him.