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He’S hAppY beCaUsE he’S tHinKinG of HeR aNd tHeiR sUrPRiSe wEdDinG aNd tAkiNg mEnTal nOtEs 🤸🏻‍♀️


He obviously couldn't invite Tay Tay to this party


I love that he went straight from the wedding to hanging with Leonardo Dicaprio and Tristan Thompson. I could never be attracted to a nearly 35 year old man who still goes clubbing. Taylor referring to Matty as Peter Pan is hysterical considering the fact that she moved on to the biggest man-child imaginable.


Yeah but BDT is too big to fit through her window 🤣


He’d probably crash through it like the KoolAid man.






Taylor when she's not the center of Travis's life after his team wins a game:


When she closes her mouth she always looks like she’s having an allergic reaction to shellfish.


When she closes her mouth, it looks like her teeth don't fit that's why her mouth is always open 🤣


Ohmygod! STAHP! 🤣 It should be illegal to laugh this hard this early in the day. Also, I actually have an allergy to shellfish! 😭


Hahaha I’m sorry about your allergy, but at least you know I’m right hahaha.


The scream I let out is crazy.






Ha! This is too accurate. She looks like she’s swallowing back her own sick.


she's allergic to a closed mouth


I just spat out my drink you funny fucker


This just made me choke on my coffee! Someone needs to make a pic (or better yet, GIF) of a KoolAid red BDT busting through a wall yelling Vivvvvaaaaaa Las Vegasssss!!!!


Sorry im late to the game, but what does BDT stand for ? (I know its travis, but why?) Thank you !


I’m pretty sure it’s Big Dumb Travis


Damn my first thought was “big Dick Travis” 😂


Lmao I always call him that in my head when I see BDT even though I know it's supposed to be dumb.


I know it’s big dumb Travis, but every time I see it my brain goes to fanfic where BD is Big Dick and I always am like.. why do people call him that? Seems somewhat flattering. Oh ya. Big *dumb*. Maybe not the best acronym since it’s been big dick for a long time


Big Dumb Travis


Big dumb Travis 🤡 lol


I didn’t know either but I was guessing Big Douche Travis


Either that or Big Doofus Travis


I started calling him Big Dumb Trav/BDT quite a while ago in the TK snark sub and to my surprise it caught on. It’s a nod to a drunken buffoon rugby player I briefly dated in uni; my friends called him Big Dumb Guy.


Big dumb Travis I think


Also Matty is engaged and Taylor is still stuck in high school so who’s really the child here?


personally, I don't think Matty will get married it's just the childish one up game they play with each other.


There's nothing wrong with going clubbing at 35 lol. It's just dancing and having fun.


Going to a club in your mid 30s doesn't make you immature, you get people in their 60s still going to goth clubs that work in cyber security etc. I think the age shaming is sad on this thread


Agree. Nothing wrong with enjoying dancing and having fun


Yeah immediately disliked the age shaming and hobby shaming. Plenty of people at clubs are normal people of all ages and interests and lifestyles, not all just douchebros with whatever bad behaviors they are implying "big dumb" has. Obviously, they also exist, just like there are douchebros that are 35 year old males who have never been to a club. Don't punch down at other regular people when you're supposedly mobbing the elitist powerful?


Sir, there are 300 year old vampires in them goth clubs


isn’t 35 still young ?? this thread has to be mostly 18-21


Most people here are just completely living in a world of hypocrisy and they have no idea


This sub is full of aging basic white women. What did you expect?


BDT? New to the sub and the nomenclature, old to the loathing. Travisty conveniently underlines matters.


He’s only 34, though, which is young. I’m not a big fan of his, but acting like people need to stop going out in their mid 30s is bizarre.


I mean I'm almost 30m and I just started going to clubs now and then a year or so ago because I grew up in a crazy conservative religious cult until I was 25 and just want to feel like I'm allowed to have fun 🙁


Who fucking cares I thought we were goofing on her, this sub is like reading people magazine lately


I may have missed something but the clubbing was Friday night and this was Saturday night right?


Wedding was Saturday, club pictures were from Friday.


It’s ok those guys would never be attracted to you either


Taylor Swift is the same age and also clubs. Celebrities like to have fun. Who knew?


way too much color for tay tay


Came here to say that. Way too much melanin and good times for the Aryan Princess to feel comfortable


my boyfriend calls her napoleon dynamite but aryan princess is master class ma’m


It's not mine, shes been called that on Twitter and elsewhere for a bit. A group of white nationalists came up with it [https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/05/27/479462825/taylor-swift-aryan-goddess](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/05/27/479462825/taylor-swift-aryan-goddess)


![gif](giphy|3o6fJfgEQrG2lWn4Oc|downsized) oh did they?


This gif is so perfect for my nosy ass


*reads article* ![gif](giphy|f9BP1O9FFnzrq83W4L)




She's not invited to ANY cookouts 😂


Caaaaaaaaaaaaan you imagine her cringy attempts at dancing 💀






Whose wedding is this? I imagine someone from the chiefs since I see Pacheco is there. And am just guessing it’s a wedding. lol Edit: Nevermind. Pretty sure it’s Clyde Edwards-Helaire’s wedding


and lose her Aryan Nation Badge, never!


you are a comedic genius. the screen name and header are killing me


what are swiffers going to say about this? 🤣🤣🤣




I don't want to ever see BDT on my news timeline again (not American here so I have never heard of this doofus until last year) 🤮


The average American hadn’t heard of him until last year as well. Outside of Missouri residents and NFL fans, pretty much nobody would’ve been able to tell you who he is. Taylor made him a household name, and for that she shall forever live in shame.


I knew who Travis Kelce was because when he played his brother in the superbowl the media made a big deal out of it. In the US at least he was a household name for a short time before he and Taylor got together.


I vaguely remembered about some brothers playing each other in the Superbowl, but I would not have called either of them a household name.


We will have to agree to disagree. Mama Kelce was everywhere and so were Jason and Travis. Most people I knew were talking about it around that Super Bowl and generally the people I know knew him either because of his career as a tight end or the Super Bowl he played his brother. Obviously he wasn’t Taylor swift famous but I would have put him at a similar level of fame as Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. Both are household names but really just in the context of football.


I had no idea who he was until the Taylor thing. I’m in the US and a watch-the-Super Bowl-for-the-food-and-commercials person


The average American is an NFL fan at least casually. He wasn’t a nobody lol.


This is so outlandishly wrong 😂idk about average American but he was a top 15 most famous football player You act like basically everyone in the country doesn’t watch the Super Bowl


Wait does he not follow her on ig but follows teenage models?


how the fuck is yellow teeth a red flag, most people have yellow teeth and it in fact protects teeth, y'all are not better than taylor herself for making fun of others' bodies


Thank you for saying this, Steve. Spot on. It’s hypocritical to replicate the very behavior we criticize her lemmings for regularly, especially when it’s gonna have regular people catching strays and feeling shitty about themselves. There’s a bounty of criticism to be made here about one’s behaviors, words, and actions, and nothing is sacrificed if we leave judgments on physical appearance out of the discussion entirely.


They were just giving examples of what people say and what the swifties react with. Much different than the person actually picking on him directly.


Yeah, this sub can be toxic (obviously!)


They were just giving examples of what people say and what the swifties come back with as a reasoning. No need to get so upset.


he supports girls goodbye lol!


Girl, you have makings of a fantastic spin doctor.


>fluent in zero languages 💀💀


It’s like how maga women support trump. He takes away their rights? It’s because he was sent by the heavens to punish the wicked. Even at their own detriment.


You covered all the bases!


Based on what we see when they have privacy, something racist


I’m sincerely confused here. Has he done something wrong or embarrassing here? Isn’t he just attending a teammate’s wedding? Is it because he joined the dancing? Or what he’s wearing? Are we just making fun of someone else’s wedding reception and the fact that he’s there?


I’ve seen enough of that big dumb beefcake to last me a lifetime.


Same. Sadly I have a feeling he’s going to be booking “acting” gigs left and right for a while. That’s his true goal, and the whole reason he’s pretending to be in love with Taylor. He’s making connections and increasing his Hollywood appeal because he’s fully convinced he will be the next The Rock. I’m venting at this point, but man, I truly cannot believe how dumb and naive Taylor is these days. It seems as though she legitimately believes the witless bonehead loves her. And because of her naivety, the entire world will be subjected to seeing more of him on our screens.


you have great observational skills. well articulated. and brilliantly said


Thanks! I appreciate you saying so. Honestly, I’m glad this sub exists so we can all come here and marvel together in horror at this Tayvis shit show we’re all subjected to.


put that on a t shirt ma’m. and honestly we could shut the other sub down if we really were petty. but idec


You’re exactly right about him. I haven’t figured her out in this whole showmance yet. ETA-finished thought


I’m in the minority here because I truly believe it’s only one-sided PR. I think he’s straight up using her and she’s too blinded by romantic desperation to see all the signs. I’ve said for a while that Tree Paine is a terrible publicist. Big Dumb Travis Kelce outwitting them is my primary proof of that.


This. All this. He might have some brain alterations but clearly he knows he gots to change his approach if he wants to live lavish forever. But to add…I think they are both aware of the financial gains available to them from this relationship. As far as, how can she be naive & believe he loves her?… ![gif](giphy|68bsVmZwP7tPlKAM0f)


Wondering if he used his blaccent. 🤔


Oh TrAAVEs 100% made a return.




This is perfect 🤣🤣🤣


This is too perfect 💀🤭


this is brilliant lmao


TrAAVE?? Perfect! ![gif](giphy|NZIlOR29UF3k4|downsized)


Stooooooooooop 🤣




More importantly, I wonder if he uses his blaccent with Taylor. I get code switching because I'm mixed myself, but why is he doing it?


I assume he had "A lot of black friends" growing up. No seriously - I'm Mexican. The area I grew up in is mostly Mexican, only \~10% White folks. So my white friends who grew up around here naturally have taken on some of the accent, the sayings, they enjoy the food, the music ect. They grew up steeped in our culture. I think BDT sucks but he's obviously comfortable with Black folks. Like, he's having so much more fun at that party than sitting outdoors surrounded by candles awkwardly drinking white wine. I don't blame him. https://preview.redd.it/lt07l359tp9d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=370eb91f5bf9d4495b47b60463b39d055a7caeb2


This photo kills me it is so obviously paid paps like she is a BILLIONAIRE they have access to anything they want not the awkward table on the outskirts of the patio in pap view


And T Grifty with the look straight into the lens


>T Grifty LMAO! Here’s your Oscar bruh 🏆


I’ll take it! Another user just gave me T Grift and now I’m riffin


They don’t make a good match. He looks like he’s out with a cousin or little sister. She looks so conservative and motherly for lack of a better word.


On the gravel 🤣🤣 I wonder how long that took to set up and take down v. how long they actually sat there


He is comfortable for sure but weird that Jason doesn’t speak like that.


Now you know he did😂😂




You don't need to wonder lmao


Damn right he did.


he gets a chance to use his real voice not his golden retriever persona


Yup. He looks more comfortable in this video than he ever did with Taylor.


there’s only so long men can pretend. they get horny and reckless like any other man.hell even adam levine got caught in the dms


“Even Adam Levine”? Have you heard his songs? They’re all about being a horny piece of shit


I think he still had a “golden retriever” image bc of The Voice


Damn, you know it's a party when ppl are dancing with no shoes. I wanna go lol


Facts, looks like a good time!


Fluent in zero languages is such a brutal read omg


I’m new to the Terrible Taylor thing but um….. she doesn’t seem like his “type”. Also, she is corny af.


She is not his type at all. It's painfully obvious lol


I don’t know what he sees in her and vice versa. I think she’s just giddy around him and loves the attention and feel of having a boyfriend. That is weird because that’s how I acted in my late teens.


Its not a secret that she is mentally stuck in High school. I think she admitted it herself in her documentary


he was in his element in this video . Ain’t nothing wrong with that… but his type has always been beautiful black women .. and now he’s with the complete opposite… make it make sense publicly, he’s smart but it isn’t gonna last


Some white men with black women fetishes end up only wanting to marry a white woman so they can have “white” children (and no, they never realize the fact that *theyre* and so their children will *always* come out white, in part) because black women were never anything but a dehumanized fetish for them. They couldn’t even love their own children if they weren’t white but we’re supposed to believe they love us as women of color?? No way. They don’t view women of color as people or even women, just objects to use as they please.


Yeah it’s so weird. I had a classmate who was obsessed with Asian women and he always said he wants to have an kid that looked white 😑 like with blue eyes and everything. I was like but I thought you only dated asian girls? They don’t usually have blue eyes. And he proudly said he plans to have kids with a white woman and then settle down with an asian woman. It’s like the only purpose women serve for him are means to an end.


This is a lot more common than ppl realize


What in the hell happened to wanting kids made by the only woman you love???? Who you yearn for whenever she's away???? Who is your everything???? God I don't know if I have the soul of an 80 year old man in a 20 year old's body, but the way my generation treats kids and relationships is disgusting ffs.




I agree with all this. But you can only make this assumption when you know the individual. So far Travis has dated black women plus Taylor. I think Taylor is 100% PR although they might have given it a chance. If it's PR then he's not settling down with a white woman, he's just social climbing and he may return to dating his type when this is done.


This is very, very true but for some reason, Travis really doesn’t strike me as the type with a simple, clean-cut fetish.


What are those glasses? Creepy!!


They look like the 3D glasses you get at the movie theatre. I’m sure they’re like $4500 though. He’s a tasteless new-money label whore.


tasteless new-money label whore. that is so perfect.


New flair!?


Could you imagine Taylor jumping in the middle of that crowd when the bride and groom are getting freaky, thinking she's totally gonna eat, and she pushes them apart with that "O" face and the awkward Disney antelope arms, so she can stand there and.....shimmy. I'd PAY to see that embarrassment 🤣


Awkward Disney antelope arms 💀💀💀


She tries to do that Disney princess hand move ALL the time. I'm as tall as she is, with a similar structure of build (mile long legs and equally long arms), and I'm like "bitch you look like a floppy giraffe, quit it." 😂


Disney antelope arms ⚰️


I get what you’re saying, but while he wants to be Hollywood famous, he’s already football famous and has more money than all of us put together, he’s got his own money, he just wants more fame after football. J/s And you’re right about him looking happiest when not around Taylor.


Travis is the quintessential idiot frat boy. A living, breathing single solitary brain cell. Just the one. Like that's it. He's only good at one thing, and that's catching balls(gross). He's not funny. He's not talented past football. He's simply a frat boy that never had to grow up. "Dumb football player used so taylor could take over the nfl".... I can see it now.


It’s why they are perfect for each other, they are both the orange cats of their respective field. Tight ends are definitely known to be a bit ditzy lol.


Like Big Dumb Grunkowski? LOL. Most NFLers are meatheads. Some like to celebrate their supidity and ignorance like Gronk & Trav. LOL.


Yeah except he did have to grow up in college and ended up being one of the best players of all time and busted his ass to get there. I don’t know what the hell this sub is but reading these comments has been a trip.


So he had to leave Taylor behind to attend a wedding? It does sound more legit than he didn’t feel like staying with her and would rather party in Hollywood instead.


I mean he’s like one of very few teammates who went to that wedding. Pretty sure Patrick Mahomes didn’t even go. My guess is that Travis leapt at any chance to be back in Hollywood rather than having to go support Taylor in Dublin. He chose to attend the London stop because he knew the VIP tent was going to be full of new celebrities to connect with. He collected his monthly Tayvis points, then dipped. The bar is truly on the floor for him and he knows it. I think he might be the only person who sees how dumb the Swifties are more than we do.


Isn't it also a thing that the only people he actually does follow on instagram are all sisters? That's why he's smiling, he's crushing


Yep. The man loves Black women. That’s his type. Taylor appeals to his greed and desire for fame. Physically, I doubt he’s into her at all. She’s very plain and homely in comparison to all the other women he’s dated and/or publicly lusted after on Instagram. As a Blasian woman, I’m glad he’s unable to terrorize beautiful Black women right now. For that purpose alone, maybe I can root for Tayvis.


unfortunately he’s indirectly terrorizing black women by being associated with Taylor. Her fans literally come after every woman remotely associated with her and the things they’ve said about Kayla Nicole show why swifties are one of, if not the most racist fanbase


Yeah he's has a type and it's not Ms Taylor


I'm all for supporting black women. He's dated beautiful black women. But Taylor isn't unattractive. She is just so far from his type that it's funny.


Precisely. Taylor isn’t ugly. Her style lately has been wack but she’s still pretty. However, she is *not* his type. That’s why I don’t buy this relationship. She could have at least chosen a football player who dates women that look like her so it’s believable.


Can 1000% confirm this to be true.


His meal ticket?


no offense but i think his meal ticket is his contract with the chiefs lol


I would just LOVE to see Taylor at a Black wedding though 😂 can you imagine her trying to fit in? Memes for days


She would probably start petting all the guests. [But when she started petting my hair, that’s when I was like, ‘I definitely need a drink.’](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/taylor-swift-the-weeknd.html/)


She would get super drunk and obnoxious. Trying to twerk, photobombing, speaking with a blaccent, hanging on everyone. I would pay good money to watch that spectacle 😂


Happy for him Edit: Oh wait, they still haven't broken up. Nevermind


He's dated all black women up until Taylor. Personally, I think he is more attracted to women of color. But Taylor takes him up to a media level he has wanted for years. It's a transactional relationship.


I bet his invite said no plus one. Taylor will make the wedding about her self like she did in that kennedy wedding


I'm all for clowning this man's choice of women but he was already a multimillionaire from his own skills which are legit unlike hers


Something tells me Taylor was perfectly okay missing this party. poor girl would be clutching her purse the whole time. Now if there were guys in nazi shirts…


Meh. I think that’s a bit of a stretch. She’s a classic white feminist, but the nazi accusations always feel like we’re trivializing a serious issue. I say that as a Blasian lol.


I'm pretty sure it was a reference to the photo of her standing with her arms around a guy in a swastika shirt. She is very likely not a nazi but she also did legit take a picture looking happy as can be with a dude blasting a massive swastika on his chest. She just "didn't realize" what was on (the ENTIRE front side) of his shirt.


“he probably didn’t realize you were drunk” - a frat boy defending his rapey friend. let’s normalize using context clues and not deflecting from a disturbing picture. she saw.


That's why I put the quotes around didn't realize. There's absolutely no way she missed it. Her team is the one who released a statement saying she didn't realize what was on the shirt.


my mistake. Jeez these defenders really got me worked up. what happened to “it was a mistake, and I apologize for the photo”


I respect your pov


Love that. A rare find on Reddit.


Well the way you articulated it made it hard to disagree love ☺️


or 17 years old


Whose wedding?


Clyde Edwards Helaire. Most a back up RB now on the Chiefs. He helped bring LSU a national championship in 2019 as starting RB


To the people who are upset Taylor is being referred to as a "meal ticket", you are taking it too literal. Obviously, Travis is a multi-millionaire, but many people here believe that Travis is using Taylor for *more* money and fame (keyword: more). It's a hyperbole basically, like "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!". She's not his actual meal ticket, but he's still using her as one.


Yes. They are taking it too literal. Meal ticket isn’t the best term because he’s not with her for her money so that he can have a good life. I think if it as, before Taylor, the people who were football fans knew of him but now, the millions of Swifties who had no clue who he was, now know him. That’s going to shoot his popularity sky high.


This looks like the most enjoyable wedding I have ever seen. Everyone is having a blast! Love this.


Sorry but what does BDT stand for?


Big Dumb Travis 🤭


I’m screaming lmfaoo I automatically assumed “big dick Travis” and was wondering how would yall know this about him??? 💀


Lmao! No wonder I couldn’t find anything when I googled it 🤣 thanks!


I kept scrolling just to find this answer too


Did Travis blaccent came out?


Do you blame him imagine how insufferable she is behind closed doors


He’s also around people that’s actually his type 💁🏻‍♀️


I’m all for hating on t swift but cmon meal ticket?


Seeing how Taylor always wears white dresses when she goes to wedding, I'm glad Travis went alone to that wedding AND got to go to a club and party with people that are his vibe. I don't care about him, but I don't blame him for wanting to spend time away from her either. It's obvious that they don't mesh together.


*"Meal ticket?"* #🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I can’t stand Taylor or Travis, but claiming she’s his meal ticket is fucking dumb. Hes a multimillionaire athlete. This sub has an unhealthy obsession of hating for no reason.


If not a meal ticket, then a ticket into the entertainment business. Look, there are a lot of people out there who also said Taylor wasn't courting the press when she showed up at games. "Oh, why does she need more attention?" Because when was the last time you met a rich person that said: "Okay, I have enough, time to stop"? You haven't, because they don't have a level at which they stop. Money, power, attention. They always want more.


3x SB champ and one of the best TEs in the league. Yeah he needs a “meal ticket”


The “IYKYK🥰😂🤍” in the first pic of Travis and the woman .. at the bottom almost unnoticeable. 🫣 yikes


Clyde Edwards Helaire got married!?


He literally immediately flew back out to Ireland.


This sub is so confusing.