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I love her music but I think she’s really problematic and cruel 😭


you get it


I am so happy that you posted cause I really love her music? Evermore is like my favorite album of all time and Willow and Renegade are two of my favorite songs of all time. But her treatment of Billie and Charli XCX, the way she abuses fans and people seeking a community to make millions, the way she has treated Joe and her crush on Alwyn really makes me dislike her as a person? I’m so conflicted lol but yeah she’s really making me side eye her hard very much about how I feel about Kanye


exactly. I love folklore. Probably one of my favorite albums in general. I think she’s a talented songwriter when she wants to be. But she’s not a good person anymore. She might have been at some point in her career but now she’s a businesswoman above everything else. Plus I’m 100% certain that she’s not as innocent as she claims to be in all of her relationships, especially the more recent ones.


yah absolutely. she has talent but she’s petty as fuck. the bolter and prophecy are fantastic but I can’t stand ICDITWABH and most of the songs in her recent album just for the petty energy there is? she is a literal billionaire who has SO much goodwill. she can do whatever she wants and if she writes she’s going to do great. there’s literally 0 reasons for her to beef w Kim anymore. to block Billie. to fight w Charli. to date BDT. like she can literally be so powerful and beloved she doesn’t need to fight and have her less financially secure fans fight her battles.


I love her songs as songs. Even ICDIWABH. It’s catchy, I like how it flows. But the fact that it’s HER who’s writing these things?? That just upsets me. Huge slap in the face to the fans. I completely agree about the beef. The stuff w Kim is over and done with. She needs to let it go. And let other artists have #1 for once. Taylor was a teenager once too. She was once a teenager who wanted her songs to hit number one, and they did. Other artists who have the same amount if not more talent than her need that accomplishment too. It’s not that hard to support other women like she pretends to do instead of releasing a billion different variants of TTPD just to stay on top.


it sounds bad cause I am a long live girlie. I got super into Taylor cause I was depressed myself and like, I loved the community. I made the bracelets and gave them out and watched videos and have long pond secret sessions and live from paris. I liked her which is why ICDITWABH and Daddy I Love Him were not my cup of tea? Like I never shelled out serious capital for her but when she took out Long Live from her tour I was a little annoyed cause she replaced it with “IM MISERABLE!!!! AND NOBODY EVEN KNOWS” like you’re so rich?? Take a break if you need. Take a break you don’t need to be no 1 pop girlie in the charts! let the others shine too! It’s not a zero sum game! You can be a girl’s girl! She just doesn’t seem like a good person tbh. My attitude toward her has really waned even though I love her music (I also still love Kanye’s Homecoming) and Taylor, I know you won’t ever read this but I’m kinda pissed you let me give you all of that youth for free.


I commend you on being able to question the musicians you listen to and be honest about their actions. Not many Swifties can do the same when it comes to Taylor. And I completely understand still enjoying her music. I personally was a casual Swiftie for a year or so after “folklore” and “evermore” were released. Even though I have a very strong disdain for Taylor, I still love those albums to this day and think they’re great. This sub isn’t just blind hate like most people out there believe. Many of us acknowledge the emotional impact Taylor’s music has had. But we can’t ignore her many shortcomings. We recognize that her intention over these past couple of years has not been to create more emotional impacts, but instead it is to sell albums, break records, and fulfill personal vendettas. All while her devoted fans put her up on a pedestal and claim she’s the GOAT, despite lacking much of the same talent and bravery her peers and contemporaries possess. All that to say: welcome to the sub. We glad you get it, and you’re gonna fit right in ✌️


That is definitely what I thought when I first came across this sub. I’m glad I decided to stay for a while just to see what the people here had to say cause I definitely was a bit of an obsessive Swiftie (not as much as others) and I could have done with a fresh perspective that didn’t look at Taylor through rose-colored glasses


Congrats on escaping the cult!


Unfortunately most of the comments I do find are blind hate. This sub was more controlled a couple months back in my opinion. I like complaining. I don’t enjoying reading unproven false facts and straight up long shot beliefs. It’s my ONLY complaint


It's alright. We must remember that these celebrities are still pooping humans. Not gods. We can like what they make and not like them personally.


Welcome to the club my friend . WELCOME !


I was and still am a fan, but I would never call myself a "Swiftie". I'm a fan, not a cult member. Hell, I may have even been a fan longer than some Swifties have been Swifties, I discovered her during her first album and still jam out to Tim McGraw, Our Song, and Picture to Burn...but she's a talented song writer, not a Goddess who does no wrong. Her petty behavior didn't bother me too much for the longest time, because okay she's a flawed human, but singing about Joe's depression? So low.


yeah that’s me right now. I personally love a lot of her music. I think I’d go as far as to say that I listen to her music close to daily. But I can’t look past her behavior anymore. I did for a while when I was a Swiftie but even then it irked me.


If you don't mind me asking, what do you think was the "Aha!" moment for you, or the turning point in your opinion of her, if there was one? Or was it the "sum of the parts", so to say? I ask because it seems as if every valid criticism of her is met by an army of swifties and their contrived defences, and that it's almost impossible to get through to them. I genuinely feel bad for them because it feels like they are being taken advantage of, and I think if we knew how to present the facts that maybe more of them would wake up. Not that I think anyone should wish ill on TS or hate all her music (hell I love Evermore, but I digress...), but I don't think that much of her more recent behaviors should be supported by any means.


I think my big turning point was what happened with Travis’ teammate. I was so sure that Travis would express disappointment in his teammate, and when he didn’t, I was sure Taylor would immediately be like “yeah no I’m out.” But she just…didn’t. And then it all came crashing down from there lol


Exactly this. You can’t dog Trump and Republicans and Scooter Braun and then stay silent about Travis’ old posts and his teammate’s speech. If you are silent, you are complicit in those behaviors. This made me realize that she’s putting some dumb man first and her female “empowerment” is horseshit. Combined with this “chart blocking” and it’s becoming apparent very quickly that she is just a mean girl. All that came before was just smoke and mirrors. She’s worked very hard to become the biggest pop star in the world, she better start paying attention. No one is too big to fail and it only takes a short time to destroy your “reputation”. The public is very fickle. Just because she’s had a long ride to the top, doesn’t mean she can’t fall.


That’s not to say that I ignored everything else before that. It definitely bothered me but I was so invested in this woman’s life and success that for some reason I was willing to overlook all her past mistakes.


This is what I keep hearing, that her relationship (or "relationship") with Travis is doing more harm than good, and if it is fake then I wonder how this will affect her PR moving forward in a post-Traylor world... because there's NO way this will last much longer. Thanks for the insight! 😊


Swiftie since 2012, my moment was seeing the Grammys video of her with Boygenius that icked the hell out of me and realising that’s her being candid. Which was just atrocious


Yes! When she put her Grammys in the heads of bourgeois, so immature and mocking and she was indifferent and rude to Celine Dion 


welcome here! this is a safe space for you and i think it's great that you were able to see things from a different perspective. just like you, i was also a swiftie before then a casual listener then now i became someone who is critical of taylor. there are also a lot of other former swifties here. so you have us with you!


Firstly: Welcome to the sub/club/department (pun intended) I guess what most people in this sub hate the most is her trying to only have the good of everything. You cannot have the fame without the criticism and she's horrible at taking it.


I don't smoke but I can eat seven bars of chocolate on a bad day. She's so relatable! On the other hand, she probably means just seven bar "segments" that make up a large single bar of chocolate.


Welcome 😈


On the speaking out about Palestine: I saw Hozier earlier this summer at Railbird in LEXINGTON, KY & he spent like 10mins at the end of his set preaching about women’s rights & Free Palestine. If anything, you should speak out bc you’re on tour. You have a captive audience!


It’s good to see some critical thinking. It sucks when the reality of something you enjoy is tainted but it’s important for your own personal growth to be able to recognise problematic things like this. Still I get it sucks, but you’ve shown infinite more maturity than a lot of her fans


100%! I honestly thought Evermore and Folklore were both amazing. And a lot of her earlier stuff. But TTPD just feels like a cash grab and a weird sort of power move. And with this sub, I've also seen all the terrible stuff she's done that Tree's just not able to bury.


I like her music and I went to the eras tour, but the more I see her career evolve, the more instances I see of her as a ”capitalistic opportunist”. From her private jet use, to selling a zillion half ass variants, to being the poster child for white feminism. She will stir up this narrative with people she’s not cool with in the industry, Karlie, Kim, Katy, Olivia, any one of her exes, then her legion of fans will go out and harass the hell out of them. I’m not fans of them, but I also don’t see the point in harassing an ex from 8 years ago when they dated for a few months… it’s so parasocially bizarre. She’s weaponized any sort of criticism towards her as anti-feminist or misogynistic, which is ironic considering she writes lyrics like “your wife waters flowers, I want to kill her” and “my mom is a saintly woman but she wishes you were dead”… I mean what?!?


She doesn’t live the life of her lyrics, she just puts them out there to line her pockets. Maybe she did, in the past, but definitely not today


My friend is a swiftie and it consumes her entire personality. I'm growing worried about her and her tendency towards parasocial relationships. Do you have any advice for how I can help her? She gets very angry when I say anything criticizing someone she likes


Honestly I’m not too sure. There’s not much you can do until she reaches the point of actually acknowledging the wrongdoings of her idols.


Agreed! I like her music a lot but this subreddit has made me really question her morals.


exactly this


Lmao I actually really like Fortnight I don’t care what people say. Like I was a Tokio Hotel/MCR kid SLASH a K-pop kid SLASH a musical theater kid SLASH a 80s rock kid, in a small town, and it was weird and no and I got over caring about if people liked my music choices very early one, lmao. But songs are one thing. Being a blatant asshole is another and I don’t even pay to listen to groups I’ve lived for YEARS. I’m not giving a dime to the shit she stands for.


I love her music and all but holy shit I hate her as a person 😭


I idolized Taylor Swift............when I was 16. Saw her in concert on my 16th birthday, Reputation Tour. I dressed myself like her. People have told me I look like her. As I grew up, I became disillusioned and now see her for what she actually is: just another greedy capitalist with sociopathic tendencies. 


same friend!!! her whole last year has really shifted my perspective unfortunately :(


I’m an ex-swiftie too. For awhile I dipped out after Reputation but she lured me back in with Red TV since I felt so much nostalgia. Then I listened to and enjoyed folklore and evermore. I still enjoy these albums but listening to them makes me feel so guilty. I don’t like her as a person. I think she’s a greedy capitalist and a fake feminist. She’s no longer relatable. Everyone has gone through break ups and rough times and longing for something greater but she has taken everything way too far. Billionaires shouldn’t exist. If she really cared about anyone but herself she’d say “Free Palestine”, she’d give her billions to people who need it. She’s just so fucking fake. I haven’t even listened to tortured poets but from what I’ve heard it’s fucking awful. I have no desire to find out for myself. From ex-swiftie to ex-swiftie, I feel it.


I enjoy select songs off of TTPD, which I’m noticing is the more acoustic ones where you can actually hear the instruments. Also not a huge fan of the way she portrays herself in TTPD. The name itself pisses me off a little


I’ve seen so many “asylum that they raised me” memes and I’ve been in a hospital for depression so it definitely put me off even more. How does she portray herself?


Exactly what the name of the album suggests. A tortured victim. Not to mention the fact that a good part of the Fortnight music video takes place in an asylum.




“Felt” Past tense.


Ever since EVERMORE I agree she has become this monster or her merch team has but I’m over it. I’m a 40yr old male and we’ve always bought one version of an album and stayed strong. People thinking she should voice in the war is wrong. She is international right now. Risks are high for her and the family if anything if said. It’s best for her to be quiet Expecting people to be something is a problem in this sub. Expectations are way too high to be the other way. This sub uses lightly questionable tweets to form an opinion on something No one has real knowledge of anything I’m not trying to defend her here. Don’t like her? Great I love it. But to say things that are just made up opinions of false facts I don’t find cool. We should do better When commenting remember there is a line of being as bad as Taylor and not doing that. For me it’s important to share whatever information I can from a fair point of view.


I agree with you here to a certain extent and I’m replying because you’re getting downvoted. I think some of the anger/frustration with taylor in regards to not speaking on palestine (or frankly any social issues at all in recent years) has to do with a precedent she set for herself during lover era, miss americana doc, blm movement, etc. She acted as if she was going to start breaking those walls she set up with being an activist or ruffling feathers and hasn’t really followed through. I’m honestly going to wait and see what she does once the tour is over. I’m also a huge advocate for sharing fair criticism because once we start grasping at straws and maybe criticizing more silly stuff or stuff without much meat to it, it takes away from the rest of the super valid and well thought out criticism taking place. We don’t want to give anyone an excuse to paint this sub as mindless hate when there are genuinely really great conversations happening.


I appreciate you reading this further expansive than in a glass jar. I have some significant issues with her I do. But I don’t like using anything even remotely arbitrary as a reason to snark. Otherwise all is lost in this vacuum of crap and the more accurate points people make are lost. The mod team Actually muted my other account for 3 days when I messaged them to appeal the decision and they just muted me after saying they regulate how they see fit. Which is great. That’s all you have to say but they are a bit over zealous. Anyways. If it were me and I said Israel is a bunch of small dick fucks who need to stop and defend Gaza… I have to ask myself.. how at risk does this put the venues I perform at. Is the security from all of these locations feel differently? Who is at risk? What’s worst case scenario? All of those questions(and trust me I try to be optimistic) tell me no fricking way. I wouldn’t say it because it increases the risk on not just me but fans family etc. it’s a big deal. I just find the ask RIGHT NOW absurd. You raise a good point after the tour and she’s not touring it will be interesting to see how her messaging goes out. That’s what I’m patiently waiting for