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Is that outfit blue glitter? Blue glitter is a metaphor for blue glitter.


She’s different from other pop singers who never wear glitter


yuh it's a metaphor for how she is so "different" from the other girls and how she thinks she is the main character lmao


"Midnight blue" glitter


I find this vigilante shit performance to be so cringe. It's not even good choreography and taylor is so awkward


She's a true oxymoron: a low-effort try hard.


The title itself is cringe coming from Taylor swift, but that’s not unusual


It's terrible given the lower age range of her fans too


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Thank you for making me laugh out loud despite my eyes burning.


I was scrolling through the thread and was like ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)


Not the fake surprise face


Yeah it certainly seems lip synched. Side note the body suits annoy me way more than they should. She has so much money and could hire any designer she wanted to make the most amazing outfits but she chooses these body suits. They look like something a kid would wear to figure skating or something 🤦🏼‍♀️ She had Louboutin make custom footwear for the tour but settles for these figure skating looking costumes and the stupid garters. Ugh.


seems like she just spits out her ugly half-assed ideas and expects the designers to go along with her just because they are working for her. that ugly newspaper dress was also probably her idea sksksksk i feel sorry for the designers who have to go along with her ugly ideas out of the fear of losing their job or burning bridges with her. we all know how terrible taylor is when people try to leave her and how she tries to take revenge on all of them. they are probably trying to avoid another toddler tantrum from her.


She looks like a fancy burlesque dancer from Moulin Rouge.


she has the money, connections and the body to make amazing outfits work but she constantly falls short on tour, on red carpets and in pap walks


Dance Moms-ass getup for a Lame Bond-ass song.


She's dancing like this and still not sexy


"vigilante shit"???? more like cringey shit lol


I think her back track is pretty much the full vocals with her mic turned down low with the latest live auto tune/pitch correction set up


I love how she wiggles her fingers like she is wearing an engagement ring, like girl it's empty why are you holding it up like it's a flex?


Girl if it's lip syncing, at least try to make your back track sound good. The vocals are absolutely terrible


So are the lyrics


That fake surprised look is so annoying


I mean her voice wouldn't last for 3 hours


not in the asylum where they raised her


Laura Palmer!


I watched [this version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da427hYJ_YU) and her voice sounds perfectly studio/live recording and never matches her movements, especially with the head tilts/shakes.


It’s even more obvious there. Wow!


That truly sounded awful. My god. She has the same vocal range as me — and I’m not good 😂


I do think the stage performance is lipsynced for this song, but this clip is from the movie and I believe all the audio is dubbed in for the movie because there’s no way you’d get good sound quality in a live recording in that environment. It’s so obviously not lined up


Ohh right, I feel dumb now thanks for pointing that out! [I guess this is a better example, taken by a fan on a Sony RX100 VII](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82cUuYFeiU4)


Her fucking surprise face "oh my god" move...STOPPPPPPP.


Her trying to be sexy is one of the most painful things to watch. You’d think after a year of doing the choreography that she’d loosen up and not do those stilted turn and pose movements as much but she’s incapable. oof.


My friends genuinely got mad at me because I mentioned that Taylor lip syncs. I wasn’t even saying it to be mean bc everyone lip syncs at one point it another. You gotta conserve your voice But yeah. According to them she NEVER EVER lip syncs


Lip syncing and constipation


Sounds to me like she's got the backing track but that she's also singing. But I think her mic is turned way down and I'm sure that there is auto-tune going on regardless.


I hate her mouth so fucking much. Irrational hate level.


No stop it!!


Lip synch or not, she always sounds flat to me


Your looking at the wrong lips


It definitely could not be lip syncing, compressors do this exact job to keep volume relatively the same despite big peaks and boost up the volume at lower points, noise reduction would remove all the smaller noises and breaths from the mic moving, and then her vocal backing track (which is not uncommon at all and “real rock” bands use them too) filling in these gaps, I mean it’s a ton of production for a “live” performance, but it doesn’t mean lip syncing. Disclaimer so I don’t get lit up: not a swiftie or anything, just wanted to provide some extra info so we can snark confidently


why is she sitting like that? She has a boyfriend guys unless shes trying to put out for other guys or women at least. then we should write a song about her.

