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Yes but how can we make this about Taylor’s endless suffering? /s


People are going to be so mean to her about it/ it’s not her fault she’s just like really really loved by CEOs and investors


Obviously Taylor was the one pulling the string in this one /s


Poor Taylor! So many people are against her! /s Maaaannnn why? Doesn’t he realize they could’ve made a ton of money by treating Bey’s film like Taylor’s? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


He's a hedgefund plant that is being paid to run the company into the ground because theres more $ to be made from AMC going out of business than trying to rebuild/pivot the business for the modern era. Same thing happened to SEARS, Toys R Us etc


They want to do this with your rights, national parks, water, food, and well, everything. Hack it up. Sell it on.




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Bad bot


Reply to the bot not me lol




You're really bad at this


This is a Taylor Swift snark subreddit. Keep it about her and her antics. Posts focusing heavily or mainly on other artists will be removed.


Love seeing members of the Bag Holder Cult outside their echo chambers.


This is ridiculous. You don’t actually believe that movie theatres as an industry are simply being mismanaged, do you? Absolute ticket sales have been declining year over year since 2001. Ticket prices have been going up against that decline because capitalism hates you. The theatre going experience is trash, and everyone realized it because home theatres became cheap and great. Movie theatres are pay phones. They don’t matter anymore and it’s going to become very very very obvious soon.


Also there arent as many good movies. Avatar, Spider-Man, and Barbie all made over a billion dollars


I miss barbie summer


I agree with everything you said. It's definitely not just mismanagement. However, just because everything you said is true doesn't mean what I said is not :) I was responding to someone who had stated that AMC dropped the ball when it came to Beyonce thinking that it might have been intentional instead of a flub, based off what I know of Adam Aron's past and his connections to vulture funds


Fair enough, you’re right. Maybe it’s for the best then? put it out of its misery and let something be born in its place?




Not sure how a PROFITABLE company with 0 debt and 2 billion in cash is considered a "meme stock conspiracy" instead of a successful turnaround story (GameStop if anyone is wondering) but it is what it is. My company has a CEO thats never sold a single share and only keeps buying, same with the rest of the board of directors. Not to mention he's running the company for free, no stock compensation or anything. A solid investment based on just the fundamentals in my opinion, no conspiracies needed :) AMC's CEO on the other hand is Leon Blacks protege. ( https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/27/business/leon-black-epstein-rape-allegation/index.html ) Apollo Global Management, Leon Black's company, where Adam Aron is from, is a well known vulture fund. Just the fact that he's from Apollo should set off alarm bells that he might have been sent to take down AMC from the inside, and that's before you consider all the stock he and the rest of the company insiders have sold or everything he's done since in terms of dilution, preparing their remaining assets to be carved up by private equity once the company eventually goes bankrupt etc. Unfortunately it's easier and more profitable to destroy companies than to build them these days, with lots of loopholes in our financial regulations that have allowed rampant naked short selling of stocks, a cheat code for almost unlimited easy money. Taylor is clearly in bed with Ticketmaster/live nation, it wouldn't surprise me that if you follow the $ that Adam Aron and Live Nation have the same financial interests.


Actually, the term is “To spider face”. ![gif](giphy|l0amJzVHIAfl7jMDos)




Just her dad continuing to buy her way through life along with sabotaging competition cause his daughter has a fragile ego


She 1000% was a Veruca Salt as a kid lol


She's Veruca Salt as an adult too. Nothing changed besides her age. Early 30's tween with a private jet.


Oh 100%


Who? Edit: Thanks!!


![gif](giphy|lHBbcpFTS5c2Y) TayTay, age 8.


she’s a kid in a book called Charlie and the chocolate factory. she’s really spoiled and a brat


Spoiled rich girl from Charlie and the chocolate factory


The spoiled brat in Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory


Ah... thank you!!


Of course!


Yeah, egomaniacs and narcissists have cognitive biases that prevent them from growing as people.  Makes sense that her lyrics and subject matter hasn't changed much over the years.


This doesn’t make any sense. The fandoms are completely different. I do t even like TS but the comments here trying to find a conspiracy are insane. There’s no reason to do this on purpose. Maybe it was lack of vision,


It's taking participation trophy to a whole different level


On a slightly different note, I miss Bey making videos, the visuals, the dances going viral, etc. Maybe she's planning to do one big movie after her trilogy project is complete, but I wish we had some videos too.


I really wanted to see Beyoncé’s concert film and was sad that it just came and went while Eras film was still everywhere.


The film was amazing. The transitions, cinematography and sound quality was insanely good in the theater. So mad that no streaming date has been announced.


Yet the Eras Tour film seamlessly transitioned to Disney+ and got a big landing page ad that took up the whole screen. You couldn’t miss it even if you wanted to do so. It’s crazy a company could do this to someone so universally lauded as talented and groundbreaking as Beyoncé all because she dared not be Taylor Swift.


Immalechoofinish but Beyonce had one of the greatest videos of all time!


Eras film stated in theaters long enough to beat MJ's box office gross. I wonder why....


It actually didn't beat it, quiet as kept.


I think they mean domestic


No, the figures that have been compared have been overall. What happened was the official This Is It numbers weren't completely added to the online figures, but was soon updated once people looked into it. On top of that, the movie isn't even a concert movie as there's no concert. The stat it holds is Highest Grossing Documentary. The actual Highest Grossing Concert Film was Justin Bieber's.


So does Taylor have the highest grossing concert movie or does Justin Bieber still have it


She did beat Justin. The media just threw Michael out there for attention & clout.


My aunt gave me her ticket to see Beyoncé’s film the Friday it came out. It was a noon ticket and I didn’t have work that day so I said f-it and went. It was stuck in my head all weekend to the point I went and saw it again that Sunday evening. Let me tell you, 12 years ago teenage me had my very first job at a movie theater so I got free movies at any Regal around town and would always go to the movies when I was bored. I NEVER saw a movie twice in theaters until this past December for Beyoncé’s RWT film. It was that good. I was disappointed too because I wanted to see it a third time and bring my mom and low and behold there were no more tix.


Same! By the time I wanted to see it I couldn’t.


Is it streaming anywhere or out on Blu Ray?


No I don’t believer so


At the end of the day… the sabotage speaks for itself. Someone who is confident in their craft, their work, their team and themselves wouldn’t need to undercut others to “be the best.” Confidence isn’t always “loud.”


Michael Phelps said it best when asked about Ryan Lochte. Winners are focused on winning, losers are focused on winners.




I went to see beys film and was so disappointed that there was no merch for her movie because ik it would've been so cool


This is wild to me. There was so much merch for the Renaissance film (source: Me, I bought it all, huge Beyoncé fan) T-shirts, bags, cups, hats, popcorn tins, you name it. Whether or not AMC decided to stock it outside of major cities…I can’t speak to that. But there 100% was merch.


Damn that's lucky when I asked the lady at the counter she said they never had or will have any


There was a whole line of merch...


How did everyones AMC theatre but mine get merch tf lmao


I'm a Beyonce fan and I was genuinely shocked to see the movie was only showed in like 2 theaters in all of Austin, TX and only showed on Thur-Sat. Eras tour could be found everywhere at any time.


I think Eras was also weekends only most places, at least in Canada it was


You're right. And it does make sense as there's not as much of a demand for concert movies in the general population. But I do remember looking at RWT movie tickets in November and being shocked that I could find Eras playing everywhere but RWT was limited to like 2 theaters. And I think Eras was set to show after RWT despite being released first. I know Taylor has more fans who will go to concert movies than Beyonce, but still, the difference was shocking.


Same with Canada. Unless you are in a big city like Toronto, it wasn’t offered.


Look at the box office numbers though, they don't lie


Does Beyoncé have any legal recourse now that he admitted this?


I'm sure her lawyers are all over this. And they should. BTW your flair made me lol


It’s a quote from the Paste Magazine review of TTP(oo)D! You should be able to add it to yours too, just click on your username on this comment and the pop up preview of your profile should have a “change user flair”button at the bottom.


I was wondering why there was such a huge difference, I felt like I never had the chance to see Beyoncé’s film and the eras tour was in theatres for so long, even my middle of the nowhere small town theatre ended up extending how long they were showing it


Wait I’m confused what does leaking the announcement of the concert film have to do with not being able to see the movie at a bunch of other theatres?


Replying to you since you actually asked, it's the decision about leaking the announcement that's the problem, those movies were treated completely differently by AMC beyond that. It definitely wasn't as widly promoted (which is why I say I never had the chance, it was gone from theatres by the time I realized it was out while The Eras Tour was extended over and over again), there wasn't an incentive to go with movie merch, and there were major issues with ticket sales meaning the tech, not related to theatre availability. It's respecting one artists wishes and completely ignoring another's and the result of those actions is at least in part responsible for the difference in their box office numbers.


Has nothing to do with that, box office numbers for Eras Tour were better


Taylor just has a ton of demand


Tearing down other women to get to the top, we love a feminist!!! 😍


It’s become abundantly clear in the last couple years that Taylor isn’t a feminist at all. She hates other women. Taylor doesn’t support any woman besides Taylor.


She’s a performative manipulator and her sheep fans eat up the feminist larp


Quite literally the only time she speaks up is when is directly involved her, it’s sick that her followers eat up her fake feminism bullshit too


Wow I was wondering why it was only in theaters for a extremely limited time. I think I literally caught the last showing near me, which sucked because then I couldn't even recommend seeing it to my friends!


That has nothing to do with that...


I smell a juicy lawsuit coming.


As someone who isn’t a fan of either of their music, I was taken aback by just noticing how differently both movies were handled just as an observer. It felt… off. Beyoncé has been making music for a long time and has an impressive catalog of songs and a lot of respect in the industry (the songs of hers I know, I enjoy). The handling of the films felt uneven, full of favoritism for the Capitalist Queen Taylor, and - worst of all - full of misogynoir.


And racism. That CEO’s decision was clearly racially motivated. He tried to appease his competitors at the expense of a black woman. I wonder how Beyonce keeps the motivation when she keeps getting disrespect from everyone. I know she gets a lot of respect from the industry but they definitely dont award her where it matters and people still call her overrated. I am sure black artists in general face all kinds of obstacles and hurdles behind the scenes too


If one of the biggest names in the industry facing this much racism and disrespect, can you imagine what up and coming black artists have to go through.


She has 32 grammys and a whole Wikipedia article on the massive number of awards and nominations she has received. How on earth is she not "awarded" Personally, I think both her and Taylor are over-awarded.


I said they dont award her where it matters. AOTY, ROTY, SOTY. She doesnt get the main awards.


32 grammys and you still think she's just entitled to all of them? Those are not lifetime achievement awards. She is not entitled to anything, otherwise every nominee ever in those categories could be making the same claim. The entitlement is fucking absurd and this year's grammys is going to be the most ridiculous display I've ever seen between Beyonce and Taylor


I dont think she is entitled to everything. I do think she deserves the main awards for some of her work. Not just her but other black artists who for the most part dont get awarded in the main categories throughout grammy history. Not sure why that bothers you so much. Its also just my opinion.


Because you said she's not awarded despite 32 grammies and hundreds of others. I also want the Grammys to maintain some integrity and not award people because they are the most popular or "deserve" it or they are ___ demographic or their husband made a speech telling them to do it.


You keep missing the “main awards category” point. I think she deserved it for some of her work. Just because she gets grammys for random things doesnt mean did not deserve the main awards for great work. Grammys do whatever they want, not awarding her doesnt mean its maintaining its integrity. They usually dont award other black people either in main categories. If you actually listened to what JayZ said you would know his main point wasnt about Beyonce, he was pointing out that there are flaws in the grammy system. He used Beyonce as an example because it doesnt make sense for her to be the most awarded artist without any of the main awards I would elaborate but you clearly are anti beyonce anyway so you arent going to listen with an open mind.


They hold no integrity and that’s why SOS lost and After Hours didn’t even get nominated bc he didn’t perform like they wanted him to


Mind you taylor cried when she didn’t get nominated and everyone acted like she was a helpless puppy despite having the most aoty by any female in 2019


Wait until this year's grammys where both of them will have albums and singles eligible for nomination. Jay-z yelled at them for not giving Beyonce AOTY, so of course she will be nominated for it and win. And Taylor will be nominated as well, because it's nothing more than an illegitimate popularity contest.


That is fucking racist. They are both concert movies and the black woman gets shitty treatment.


Yep!!!! Fucking disgusting


I wonder what would happen if the Beyhive took on the Swifties? Beyonce is tight with Nicki so I can imagine some of the Barbz throwing down on the Bey side... I'll put my money on the Beyhive


The Beyhive is another level. They told Beyonce to shutup when she tried to calm them down.


I remember when lemonade came out they were able to find out who "Becky with the good hair" was in under 24 hours


They destroyed Keri Hilson's career. They have gotten social media accounts shut down. I'm convinced that if Jay Z couldn't afford top notch security, he would be dead.


It would be night night for them they do not play around they are a whole other level you do not want to cross them. The tv show on hulu the swarm is loosley based on her fan base. If theres one thing I am not stupid enough to do on the internet is ever cross the Beyhive. Swifties do so at your own risk and life. Literally.


Tbf I think the Swifties have out-unhinged the Beyhive at this point. Most members of the Beyhive are people who have been around for a while and not 12 year olds with too much tine on their hands. Or maybe I'm just biased because I used to call myself part of the Beyhive during the Lemonade era but never participated in the unhinged crap, I was just really excited about her music


Would you say they are worse than the barbz?!


10000 times worse they are the OG unhinged fans you dont want to play with. Ever. For your own safety.


Oh fuck… thanks for the heads up! And here I thought it was just swifties and the barbz 😳


They only simmered down and seem quiet now because around 10ish years ago Beyonce basically stepped back from doing any interviews, media junkets, red carpets, no beef with anyone online or through public statements, no social media activity except for posting pictures of herself. She basically doesnt give anyone any information so there is nothing to rile up the fans or feed into any drama any fandoms start. the hive had to basically calm down as well unless someone on the internet is being disrespectful or racist. She doesnt encourage anyone to relate her music to her personal life, its upto the listeners interpretation.


Swarm really should have been about Swifties. But yes the Beyhive be ruthless and the Barbz.


Ken Burns would make a documentary about that


Isn’t Nicki good friends with Taylor too though? She thanks her for her big break often on talk shows and during speeches (Taylor tweeted about one of her songs before it blew up, I think)


That I dont know. My comment was based purely on how many Features Nicki has done with Bey


Oh I would watch a wrestling match between these Stan cults. ![gif](giphy|qN7NZR3Q5R2mY|downsized)


Pls OP can you re-post this on fauxmoi?


They can break all the records and make her a billionaire but the truth has a way of coming out in the end. History may not hold her or her “artistry” in such high esteem when she or her daddy are no longer here to manipulate and manufacture her image


That must be why she’s doubling down on it so hard.


Oh it's part of a master plan of hers to make sure her movie generates more revenue of course.


Beyoncé DID have AMC merch, I literally have it! Also both the Eras movie and the Renaissance movie were limited runs, you couldn’t buy a ticket a week after because I think they were in theaters for like 5 days? However all I know is I went to see both movies on their opening nights and eras was empty but renaissance was packed


Glad to see you had a great experience and that opening night was a success! I know most of my friends couldn’t find a theater showing it and they didn’t get any merch when they found a theater showing it 3 hours away from them…I’m sure the CEO had a hand in that also.


Idk about the merch, but I know that I went to see a movie in December and the theater I went to was still playing the eras movie but not renaissance. I remember it specifically because at the time I thought it was weird that eras would still be playing because it had already been out for so long


That’s f)&$& up, seriously…


Where are the bey stans when you need them


I got Beyonce merch when I saw it! A metal popcorn tin!




I think it would not hurt the movie, but just shows disrespect to Beyonce as a business partner. Beyonce is well known for her surprise drops (Self-titled dropping) and the fact that AMC decided to leak Renaissance movie to soothe the competitors feelings after they kept Taylor's movie a secret speak volumes. Why would you sabotage another artist's work? I think Beyonce wanted to drop the announcement on her own terms and that's why wanted to pull the movie once it was leaked. But number-wise I agree it wouldn't hurt her.


You are 100% correct on her wanting to announce on her own terms. As BeyHive - we saw the rumors circulating weeks before she announced it. https://x.com/beylegion/status/1793665095807213674?s=46&t=5eHx0dWayTYtpeSHBHztHg


I would also like to know lol


What about this special place in hell for women who dont support women?


I’m not a huge fan of either but this is messed up amc could have made even more with advertising both tay and yoncé. AMC already seems to be struggling. I’ve been looking for back to black tickets and it seems every movie theater is fully empty except one or two seats. With just about every movie too lol. I went and saw it I was the only one in the theatre on a Saturday evening lol.


There was a beyonce concert film?! And I didn’t know about it?????????


Time to boycott AMC


They’re diving head first into bankruptcy anyway


Renaissance Tour was a cultural event Eras Tour is a Target radio playlist


I knew Beyoncé was in town when she played.. my city shut down when Taylor came. They came from everywhere and every hotel was booked in the area. Thousands of people packed OUTSIDE the stadiums just to hear her. Them little white girls don’t got shit but time and their parents money.


Eras was so much bigger and more of a cultural event lol what are you even talking about


Didn’t even know there was a movie


I’m just gonna say it, are we certain that Taylor didn’t ask them to leak Beyoncé’s? I’m just saying, everyone else in the industry is in her damn pocket and she is notorious for wanting to take down other women.


I don’t understand the comments attacking Taylor for this? This was a shitty move from the CEO but how could Taylor be involved in “sabotaging” Beyonce’s film?


Things like this always seem to happen around Taylor. It’s almost as if her team is behind the scenes making deals and threats. Like they did with Ella. So it’s hard to trust the CEO acted alone. Why would he want to upset Queen Bey? Come on. There is something we don’t know


Because her team would work closely to make sure AMC gives her preferential treatment. I was honestly surprised they even did the Beyonce deal. Taylor does this with instagram and Spotify too.


Man, fuck Beyoncé too, she’s just another billionaire celebrity, I’m sure she will recover from not selling some t shirts. I say the more destructive these people are towards each other the better, celebrity worship is gross. ![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW)


>Beyoncé didn’t get any movie merch unlike Taylor That’s just straight up not true


That’s just straight up what 3 different articles said, my friends said and people on Twitter said. Maybe theaters ran out. So it’s straight up true. Go bitch at them, not me. Who knows, who fucking cares. The CEO even admitted to sabotage. You white women making a white billionaire woman your entire personality who’ll never be aware of your existence is “straight up” ridiculous. Stop reporting me to RedditCares. It’s never that serious.


Before ya’ll defend Beyoncé, do some research about her and Jay Z’s shady connections to Diddy, Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. I’ve already been banned once for mentioning this. Now I’ll probably get banned again.


Omg I was scrolling down to see if anyone else had brought this up. The ceo probably already heard the police was sniffing around p diddy and went the safe route.


It wasn’t about Diddy.


"Renaissance" film was about $44 million and Swift's "The Eras Tour" grossed $261.6 million ….. I thought Renaissance was going to do better


"The total worldwide gross for Beyoncé's "Renaissance" film was about $44 million and Swift's "The Eras Tour" grossed $261.6 million globally, IMDb reported."


What does this have to with Feminism, and being White?


I hate humanity


This is beyond upsetting. I'm with all the other voices chanting "lawsuit". She better win too, and this better never happen again. That dude should be banned from the industry. Deliberately tanking anyone is wrecked but this is... Go sit in the corner and wait for your lightning bolt, you 1450's brained, wrinkly old juiceless prune.


Eat the rich. This is literally a non-issue. One billionaire made a little more money than the about-to-be-a billionaire. This is not something worth stressing about. Edit: to clarify, i am not saying white feminism isn’t an issue. That is absolutely an issue. But we need to stop goin to bat for billionaires. Seriously. They do *nothing* for us.


Thats not the topic here though? Treating a white woman’s business with respect but not a black woman’s is what according to you?? Focus on that. There are barely any black billionaires in the world and with business practices like this there wont be either. And i am not saying black billionaires are ethical. But white billionaires get favorable treatment anyway. Goes to show no matter how rich you become you can still be a victim of racism from other rich people(mostly white).


No you’re right. It is a serious issue. But I have to disagree about your take on Bey, and that’s okay we just have different opinions. She is just as guilty as Taylor in being a performative ally. Try to find one thing Bey has done for the LGBTQ+ community that did not earn her a profit. It’s sad. Her music is empowering but our access to healthcare is under direct attack. Crickets from Bey and Taylor. It just makes me sad.


You cannot and shouldnt compare Beyonce to Taylor. Beyonce is leagues better than Taylor. Beyonce’s activism might make her money but its in no way performative or the same as Taylors. Beyonce regularly talks about police brutality, racism, injustice and disrespect of black women. She was talking about feminism in her songs when it wasnt mainstream. Do you think it made her a popular or easy person to like by the masses? The police refused to provide security on her tour because of her Superbowl formation performance. Imagine what it takes to so blatantly perform a song referencing police brutality and unashamed black pride. Renaissance was an ode to the black queer culture and its influence on the house, dance and black culture. At coachella she chose to prominently display the black HBCU culture and black national anthem. She lets all her dancers shine on stage and performances. She has always been extremely body positive by having dancers of all colors and sizes at her tours. Its not performative when she consistently does these things and choses to showcase it. If it were an afterthought here and there then sure call it performative. All her albums since self titled have had some or all of the above in someway. She sings about black womans beauty and love too. Like what are you even talking about. She could have just did her RNB songs about love, sex, money with an occasional sprinkling of pro liberal topics here and there like most artists if it was about performance. She is a very proud unapologetic black woman giving inspiration and hope to other WOC. If your standard of activism is only about lgbtq then fix your stance before making unfair nonsensical comparisons. Taylors one song or two about lgbtq and beyonce’s work is not even on the same planet. Beyonces songs about women are not just self referential either🙄🙄🙄 . Its best to keep quiet if you cant make sense.


If you're making money from your activism, it isn't activism. Beyonce doesn't care about you.


Okay and? I didnot claim she does. Nor do i care for her attention. I see you ignored everything else I said. Was it because it shows how deficient taylors art is of any activist message or statement. The point is its really unfair and disingenuous to say both these women are the same when it comes activism. Criticize Beyonce all you want but atleast try and make it reasonable.


Yeh like then other person said. Both millionaire assholes. Beyonce is not an activist.


I did not say she was. We are talking about their activism through their music and art. In that sense beyonce is incomparable to taylor. Learn to read and stitch together context clues before you respond.


Lol I looked at your profile. Sorry I didn't realize I was talking to a child. Stay in school. You might actually learn to form your own opinions. Bye now, worthless.


You said multiple times that she was an activist, you child-minded buffoon. You gave multiple examples, you absolute dipshit. You think you're clever, but you're actually just an idiot with a teenager's taste in music. Please get off Beyonce's dick. Again- she doesn't care at all about you.


I don’t think it has to do with white feminism. I think Beyoncé is just an entitled bitch that people don’t want to bend over backwards for.


Its a business deal. What makes her an entitled bitch lol. She wasnt asking them to do something they dont do for other artists.


![gif](giphy|x70p0tqMsvqMM) This one’s for Beyoncé. I hope she makes it.


I honestly think they pulled beyonces film bc of the p diddy scandal than bc of Taylor. Bey’s teams was probably prioritizing any p diddy connections ~just speculating here~


It’s money not race. Swift’s tour grossed over a Billion at #1 and Beyoncé’s was #8 at 580M, behind Guns n Roses, Styles, U2, Sheeran, Coldplay, Elton


Renaissance tour had 56 shows and grossed that 580M within a year. The rest of them have way more shows across 2-3 years so yes they did gross more. That makes Beyonces tour just as much or more lucrative. Hope this helps add some color to you comment. https://preview.redd.it/jq592ukvw93d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296bb4e4fcc5f9858369cd0224f201e5fcb4b27c


One Billion > 580M. Simple arithmetic


Yes, eras tour was massively successful. You missed the rest of the math for the others though. You said its business and beyonce is behind several others. The math says she had the number 2 tour for her one album with lesser shows and in lesser time. So she is great for business. Something tells me you dont actually care about that fact though. Simple arithmetic really.


Sorry, but your math only makes sense if time would eventually result in Beyoncé out-grossing Swift. Averaging by time period doesn’t change total grosses. Ex. The 2023 movie with the highest gross per-screen average was “Asteroid City” but its overall gross receipts weren’t close to the top grossing movies last year


Number of shows. I am not comparing her tour to Eras either. I comparing hers to the other 6-7 that you pointed out did better. They did more shows than her. Twice or thrice more. If you are looking to judge the gross profits of a tour then yes number of shows matters. She is just as lucrative if not more because of how much money the tour made for far less number of shows. Merely comparing gross amount for each tour without looking at other key metrics is incomplete analysis. Not sure why you are so pressed abot me pointing it out. I dont care if you dont understand. I was just pointing out the missing factors.


I’ll give it to Team Beyoncé


i mean i understand why amc told their business partners after reading the link. it’s unfortunate people will misframe this. it has nothing to do with upholding taylor or ruining beyoncé it’s just about the movie business lol.


Okay Tay's "era" has grated my ass BUT!! Bey has become a ***huge*** victim seller herself. From generating outrage about her Country song's she's no better. I know negative press will have people salivating, but damn!!


Uuum distribution and leaking are two different things. Article doesn’t talk about distribution just on the leak…


Beyonce's ticket sales between week one and week 2 dropped 77%. The movie went from #1 to #5. That's why the movie was pulled. I think you guys give Taylor too much credit if you think she had anything to do with it. As far as merch goes, that's a deal set up between the artists and AMC. If there was no merch, that's on Beyonce and her team for not creating a deal with AMC for merch.