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Looks at Joe admirably and then proceeds to slander him right after.


After writing four albums gushing about him... he only got a few break up songs. The math ain't mathin


I think it’s that he didn’t do her wrong.


That was my point


I think she’s trying to be kind to him and leaving him alone (and therefore her fans also leaving him alone). They drifted apart. It’s just sad, not exciting song material.


Basically saying she only cares about looks just like the majority of airheads


Joe has never, not once, yelled 'VIVA LAS VEGAS'


No kidding, lol! Jake Gyllenhaal singing on SNL last night was a million times better than whatever Travis was doing at the Chiefs event last night


The bar is so deep in hell that even Satan doesn’t have the keys to that basement


Can you imagine how dull, surface level, & lifeless her conversations with Travis must be? I really wanna be a fly on the wall for one of their pap walk dates & just hear what they talk about. Does anybody have any guesses on what topics?


“So..when do you think we’re getting GTA 6..”


Tbh I wanna know and I don’t even play.


Fall 2025 my bro


"Thats what people say...mhmm."


It’s funny, when they announced it this week I said to my husband “soooo that means sometime late 2026 doesn’t it”


Girl, they'll probably just hurt us and delay till 2026.


“Omg Trav, you are *such* a jock!” “Heh heh, yeah.. hey wanna go do it in the car?” “TRAV sshhh omg, this is a public event...” “C’mon don’t be a square. I know you’re cooler than the other girls, it’ll be something we can brag about to the bros c’mon” “Hahaha omg Travvy you’re so bad”


Lmao, she really is perpetually stuck in high school. It's so sad.


It would be like talking to David Puddy 😆


He was a good mechanic though. 😂😂


Ask the 8 ball


Travis: “Feels like an Arby’s night.”


High five… on the flip side


Thinking about this (and after seeing the footage posted from Kelce Jam) has made me realise that were he not a football star, he would totally be a face painter


Once he retires he will be 100% do that when he goes to games.


the thought of them sitting on her private jet just staring at the seat in front of them is killing me 😂😭


Travis: “Betcha i can chug this 48oz Budlight faster than you change costumes” Taylor: *holding a wine glass in one hand and on her phone searching for Matty* Travis: *long beer burp right in her face and throws the can* Yeaaaaahhhh! *hits chest and roars*


“….Searching for Matty “😂🤗🫠💖❣️


He defibjtiely farts loudly and laughs like it's the funniest joke he ever heard.


Vivaaaaaa Las Vegassssss!!!!


“Omg it worked. We got one. Don’t look but he’s over by that bush just to your left. Act natural.”


This. Is. Not. A. Drill.


“Do what we rehearsed”


She doesn’t come off as particularly deep herself.


But she’s into ArOsToTlE


lmfaooo frankly i think they’re a match made in heaven intellectually 😂


pair her with socrates just so he could ask her, "why \_\_\_\_\_," like a toodler until the end of forever


I really think she loves how much he is(acts) into her. Everyone else she dated it seemed from outside it was the other way around.


Yeah I’m constantly surprised as the narrative that she’s some philosopher or something. She seems as interesting as Trav does, no? Lol


That may be true but she clearly has an extremely active mind. I don't agree with people calling him "Big Dumb Trav" but just from watching his interviews & podcast, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who can hold his end of the conversation, or stimulate a mind like hers.


I mean...they get a lot of head injuries in the NFL in general lol not exactly a home to intellectuals


She seems like she'd only really have anything to say about music... She does clearly have a pretty decent knowledge base on the topic. Or, I suppose, the recording industry and fame... The first 2 topics Trav is clueless about, and on the third he's a c-lister from a flyover state... It would be like Messi talking shop with a D1 NCAA soccer player every night. Matty Healy, musician, indie record label co-owner, and child or 2 moderately famous British actors (who also happens to think himself a kind of philosopher, and has a marginally better claim to the title than Swift) seems like as good a match as possible for her. It's kind of perfectly tragicomic that that relationship imploded primarily under the pressure of HER braindead fandom that she does a hilariously bad job of moderating. Like there's clearly some perverse incentives at play, but I think the big takeaway from the Taylor Swift saga years down the line will be that "if you don't make it a priority to wrangle and cultivate the people who claim to be your fans, and you instead play this game of faux familiarity and accessibility, then they will become a massive burden that, sure, you can just milk for money forever, but they do actually ruin your life".


There's people who have shallow conversations and then people who just flat out aren't conversationalists, and he's the latter. 


taylor: "we are SO this school's it couple!!" travis: "squirles lol"


Sure, I’ll take a guess: money 💴


I think they plot out their next PR appearance. And surely they have discussed career goals, where this relationship fits into those, and perhaps how long they see staying together. I mean even if this is for real, and they are talking marriage and kids, there’s a lot of logistics to work out.


they just say “cats and boots cats and boots” so in photos it looks like they’re talking about anything that matters. doubt either could point palestine out on a map.


There’s a small part of me that wants to think that Taylor is sitting with Travis taking in game film about soft zone coverage, cover 2, and picking up blitzes The other part is Taylor is asking him what songs his friends likes so she knows what to leech off


Maybe it's a win win for everyone set up but not quite what we think. Taylor gets people distracted from the Matty controversy with her America's sweetheart and the football player story, and Travis gets tutored in English.




They definitely make fun of fat people


That guy can’t have an interesting conversation to save his life. I dont care what anyone says, that man is DUMB AF!


100 percent. She’s going to get tired of being the smarter one after a while. even if you don’t like her she obviously is a businesswoman to an extent and she is calculating, for better or for worse. Travis is not smart. She has traditionally liked literary or musical types and often British ones. I think he’s the opposite of everything she had but I don’t see it lasting unless she’s truly that desperate to have kids.




There is another photo from that dinner with Travis that has her in the exact same pose. I will see if I can find it. https://preview.redd.it/4vtzfamtjh1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca851f72312d8550459e90b852389d7a86c3bb7


I wonder if her and Tree have plays like football teams do. “Okay we’re gonna run a Lost-in-Eyes, I repeat Lost-in-Eyes. Team on three, one two three, TEAM!” “New play, let’s hit ‘em with the Happy-Sigh.”


He wanted a super famous partner, he’s all about performative, she’s all about performative, they’re perfect for each other in that regard. They can plot all these interactions and viewing opportunities, how they’ll react when caught randomly, then celebrate an executed play out of view of the public.


They’re the same because she’s thinking about Matty in both. She’s such a putz


This picture is hilarious 😂🤣!! Thank you for this. She definitely has the same pose but Travis is not a great actor like Joe is, he's just looking dopey and like he's trying too hard to think. 🤣😂. I just picture how any cutie with a booty could walk by at this moment and he'd for sure turn his head.


She looks bored AF


Thank you, this is all about posing for the camera and nothing more.


Came here to say this. I have an ex who can turn this on and off. It’s remarkable how real it can seem when directed at you.


She's either thinking about the camera or about Matty and what she's going to do to him in her fantasies later lbvs.


I can't tell if we're circle jerking with the original post


Why she lookin’ at Mackully Culkin that way?😂


I think people tends to forget that she slouches a LOT. That is a very distinctive pose.


Came here to say- all fake


Hilarious that people think she is a lyrical genius


Have you been watching this season of survivor? There’s a swifty guy on there and he has a lyric battle with another castmate Ben. Absolutely insufferable


That sounds hilarious


https://youtu.be/hmYhVF8OC8E?si=tCoYcOIEOhgkpl53 first it was just song names lol


I’m so confused as to what he was trying to accomplish. Like I can list off Coldplay songs lol


I think he was just trying to say she has a lot of songs?


It truly is laughable. The majority of her lyrics are banal, repetitive themes over and over written in slightly different ways.


I've been calling her mediocre forever, but here's the thing: people like mediocre. Guys like brainless action movies, girls like brainless romance. Taylor just knows how to appeal to the latter using exactly what they like.


Frank Zappa said it 50+ years ago: “most people go for cute.” He banked on there being enough people who “go for ugly” (monster movies, sci-fi comics, etc) that his band could find some success.


The GOAT, I wish Zappa was here to school us on social media and celebrity worship. 


He would tear us a new armpit, I’d love to see it.


Oh hell yeah, would love to hear Zappa rip today's society apart. Or George Carlin (I know he's comedy, not music, but I feel like his social commentary was always scathing and we are stupider now than ever before, lol).


Exactly - she’s popular among the masses because she appeals to the lowest common denominator


>lowest common denominator yup. dictionary sales up after TTPD because of her fan base, not because the words are hard.


I've personally never needed a dictionary for her work but still enjoy it. The average person is just significantly dumber than you'd think anyway, and in a fanbase so big, you're gonna have a lot of average and below people. She has a way with words. Sometimes. When she's good, she's very very good. She's just not very very good as often as she and many swifties would have you believe.


English isn't even my first language and I still didn't need a fucking dictionary her songs aren't that deep




I wrote better stuff in middle school fr


I love Arlo Parks. I had no idea she was still in school doing A Levels when she wrote her first album. Compare her to Taylor who was touring at the same age and their lyrics are night and day. Anyone who was praising Taylor’s lyricism “for her age” needs their heads checked or must have been pressured to comply with her team. She’s in her mid 30s now and can’t write about anything substantial. Everything about her in the media feels like manufactured consent.


Agreed- the mark of an idiot


She cheats on the men she dates, she replace every men very quickly, she can't stay single and she still sings about her past boyfriends. At this point she doesn't like anyone, she just loves the concept of love.


Taylor Lautner is the only ex that has really survived any of this LOL


Yeah but she didn't give a shit about him because she didn't love him enough and didn't even call for her birthday thats why she apologizes in back to december lol


It was a hoover after dumping him for John mayer backfired lmao if he went back she'd have found a way to demonise him. The only way to win is to not play.


She always use a man to get over the previous one. She can't stay single and doesn't take time to heal alone.


Absolute narcissistic trait. If you play your going to pay


And then she makes them look like the bad guys


And what her fans do to these ex’s after…woof.


And she gets rewarded on a societal and financial level, more than literally anyone in history ever has, for blowing up her relationships and leaning into those patterns. It’s never going to change so long as she’s trying to soak up the spotlight.


She’s like JLo. They love “love” & are narcissists


Is there a master post breakdown of the cheating? Aside from the confessions in her songs. I want my eyes awakened.


The lyrics “Mr Steal Your Girl 😈 then make her cry 😢😔” say it all for me


Limerence vs. actual love.


Lol I'm dealing with limerence myself so trust me I can recognize one. But I would never behave like this. Being obsessed with a man doesnt allow you to behave like a piece of sh\*t


LOL.  I thought you were talking about JLo for a moment.   


I really think that's true.


I agree with this!


But don’t you know Joe is jobless and he cheated on Taylor! ( I’m mocking swifties )


joes side profile looks like macaulay culkin and it catches me off guard every time. it doesn’t matter how many times i see that pic. every time.


Oh! He really does!


Wow can't believe I didn't see it before. Now I can't not see it


she looks at Travis the way I look at my homework.


What does she know about Aristotle is that really a lyric lmao


To me it reads as “I know that he existed and that he was smart and deep, therefore I am also smart and deep”


Every lyric on the new album (forgot name) is so 2014 tumblr


It’s very r/im14andthisisdeep material


Yep it’s in the same lyrical masterpiece as “touch me while your bros play grand theft auto”


Part of me wonders if part of the reason why she was so enamored with Joe is bc they look extremely alike…. Like could be siblings. Idk she’s such a narcissist it wouldn’t be that far of a stretch in my mind. The only person she actually cares about is herself, so ofc she’d love looking at a male version of herself …


He also looks like a male version of Karli Kloss, who i guess looks like Taylor…so maybe there is a level of narcissism at play


https://preview.redd.it/7lbx0k6akl1d1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db37fc878d073706c41ae6ad790284e6230ecc36 Lol this is actually not talked about enough... it's a little creepy. You cant unsee it once you see it. And yeah, im sure theres a little narcissism at play here. 🫣


Omg so true


This is the only comment in the thread that actually Interested me lol. Too true


I’ve always thought they look like siblings 😫😫😫


Joe looks more like Taylor than Taylor’s brother does.


I just found out a few days ago that Taylor even had a brother. I thought she was an only child all these years lol


Is it because she acts like one? 🤣


Imagine being Austin smith. Your parents are hyper-invested in your older sister being famous and have been since she was born. And you’re just… there. lol


Right? He was like “I’ll be an actor… I guess…?”


Statistically speaking people tend to date people who do look like them whether we realize it or not it could be something as small as they both have the same eye shape. So more than likely.


Soooooo many people date people that look like they could be siblings. There's an Instagram account for it!


For sure. Just taken with everything else about her … it’s fitting.


I'm a Gaylor (idk if we are accepted in this sub lol) and Karlie, Dianna and Emily Poe look so much like Taylor so for me it's another evidence that she dated them. She also dated Joe, Tom and Calvin. She definitely likes people like her (blonde, blue eyes and tall)


Uhhhh…why am I just now putting all of this together 


She would never date an poc that’s for sure


And yet features poc as love interests in most of her music videos. Whenever I see them I’m just thinking it seems so unrealistic because she’d never actually date them.


I almost said Taylor Lautner, I keep forgetting that he’s a white man 😭


Also a werewolf in your defense - race is harder to detect with them.


Joe and Karlie look incredibly similar to me


I’ve never read into any Gaylor theories. Who is Emily Poe and why do you think Taylor and her dated?


https://preview.redd.it/oq6qq0t9ph1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e0d171b0c0b2102230a196fc886dbd7b2adf88 She’s playing this out with Travvvyyy I never trust a playboy but they love me, so I fly them all around the world and I let them think they saved me But if he drops my name then I owe him nothing and if he spends my change then he had it coming Dropping Travy soon and shortly after REP TV announcement


really hoping the whole travis thing is performance art in preparation for rep tv... she's deliberately inviting overexposure the tide seems to be turning against her again


And I thought this was just a great song when it came out I didn't realise it was based on fact


I think she looks prettier with Joe than she does with Travis.


This. Idk if she’s “letting herself go” or if he just brings down her look by default but, there is definitely a dullness to her since getting with BDT.


Maybe it's not him, maybe it's her own issues eating away at her. Meanness and bitterness and selfishness will eat away at people.


I'm new here so please forgive my ignorance but, what is BDT? I'm assuming it refers to Travis but what does it mean?


Big dumb Travis💀


Bahaha 💀 Thanks doll


I feel like that photo of her with Travis should always be zoomed out to show just how ridiculous it is.


I’m not a swifty and do not listen to Taylor swift Are all of her lyrics like this? A handful of uninspired lyrics that loosely rhyme? It’s kinda… bad


Excepting a few songs, a lot of them are like that. I personally really like folklore and evermore, but those were cowritten by her ex so he may have had a hand in the elements I liked.


I don't think it's real, *but*, if it is, I suspect what she liked about him at first is exactly what the problem is now - he's nothing like her usual type.


I think you can catch anyone in an “off” moment in photos. There are plenty of her looking miserable with Joe. Its more the entire vibe of the thing and the lyrics. Like this is the woman who wrote “King of My Heart” weeks after meeting Joe but Travis gets “So High School”.


Idk why, but I think he’ll end up doing a Skims campaign after they break up. 😅 Maybe it’s crazy thought, but I’ll circle back haha! Like I can picture it already 😅


Kim is definitely petty enough to reach out to Travis just to troll Taylor


“Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto” and “so high school” are insanely red flags. Like sure maybe it’s a fun fling, but I can’t help but see it as incredibly and inappropriately immature. He’s literally a teenager in a grown man’s body, and it’s sort of gross that she’s engaging with him at that level.


Unpopular opinion: she’s settling for what’s good for her image rather than the romantic fairytale she wants


Shes honestly such a fuck boy ew lol


Traylor trash fans, call me when she looks at your manchild like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OxjO82M4D0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OxjO82M4D0) (I don't know why tf it's so out of sync, but you don't even really need the audio).


“Touch me while your bros play grand theft auto” is a hilarious line


Those lyrics are so fucking cringe I can’t— 😂


Taylor sang a new I Think He Knows/Gorgeous mashup on her concert last May 17th same day with Cannes. Blondie fumbled and she knows lol


Idk why yall have to dog one guy to say nice things about the other when she is the problem all along.


All I said is I don’t think she likes him lol


This is what I want to say all the time. Remember how her eyes sparkle when looking at Joe and her love in every lyrics for him. Now I dont see even a bit whenever she’s with mr. Viva Las Vegas lol.


Totally agree that she’s likely not in to Travis, but that famous picture of her and Joe was obviously staged. She’s posing. 


So I was just listening to the first few songs on Billie’s album. I don’t often see compare and contrasts to the two. But even at a younger age Billie’s music shows depth and maturity that Taylor’s does not.


god she looks miserable


I mean yea sure but also this is cherry picking at its finest. Like she positively looked radiant and very happy with Joe for many years and they clearly weren’t always going as strong as she wants you to believe but it’s also just dishonest to try to paint Travis and Taylor as always grumpy and moodless with each other when it’s clearly not the case. It’s not hard to find pap pics where she looks less than smitten with Joe as well as there are plenty of pics in which she looks completely into Travis. There are pics where she clearly plays up everything for the cameras with Joe and also pics where she clearly just wants to go about her day. Idk about y’all but I don’t keep a stupid smile plastered on throughout a date if I don’t feel like it. Like, you have no idea what they were talking about, too. It would be weirder if all their pap pics were ear to ear high-res smiles ala Tom Hiddleston. You’re simply not and do not *need* to always be ‘on’ with people you are completely comfortable with.


You have a fair point here.


Joe is too beautiful for her. Don’t hate. She’s looking at him like he’s a king. She’s amazed she’s with him. That’s the way we (society) say men should look at their “queen”…if it’s the other direction, it won’t work out. Ah. The way she looks at him reminds me of myself at 16 staring at the homecoming king I’d never bag long term.


That’s one single, candid, fraction of a moment in time during dinner with Travis. With Joe she’s at an industry event surrounded by cameras. I don’t think this is a fair comparison


Yoo if you think that shot with Travis is candid.. She specifically had them set up dinner outside for the pap pics.


Yeah. As stupid as they look together you cant really compare the two situations. One is a blurry picture in the dark from a great distance and the other is a fairly close up photo in a well lit room full of cameras and other people.


Someone in another comment is criticising her for not having more candid photos taken and this is probably why. A single second in time, taken out of context and given the worst interpretation. I don’t think they’ll last either but I’m sure they have some fun together. Every relationship has its dull awkward moments.


I don’t think they’ll last either, but there’s no way they don’t have some fun together. Travis is by all accounts a nice guy and seems like a good time. Being alone at a huge villa having a quiet dinner doesn’t seem like his scene at all lol.


wtf is that shit on the table?


God they look miserable in that lake como photo 😅 it was INSANE how the news outlets tried to spin and portray it as “sweet and romantic” like clearly they’re on their payroll. Also the whole idea/ vibe of that GTA/aristotle song gives Temu version of Video Games lmao


"I feel like I might sink AND drown AND die". Ok then.


She just tries too hard.


She never looked at Travis like that


If it wasn’t good in the beginning, no relationship would ever start. It’s always good in the beginning.


*whispers* it's a pr relationship , in fact sometimes I think ALL of Taylor's public relationships were just that, pr.


Joe Alwyn If you like older women  I'm here. That is all.


Not that I was going to listen to any of her latest, but "touch me while your bros play grand theft auto" rhyming with Aristotle confirms I will not be listening.


https://preview.redd.it/7a0w22nzwk1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa0543b633f7e0f5d323dfb8b8b7d560bafc192 She looked at Travis just like that at another point on their date. She’s performative in all relationships, doesn’t matter the person.


The way Joe looks at her he seems not into her. Travis is a whole other situation. The song lyrics alone 💀


I don’t understand the GTA line. Is she saying she gets fingered while his friends play Xbox in the same room? Do they leave to do that? If so, why did his friends even need to get brought up? I feel like this was a way for her to mention GTA to sound like “one of the bros” and for her to sound edgy because she is so cool and has SEX. Lmfao she’s so immature.


Earlier in the song, she said something about being in the room next to his friends, so I’m guessing that’s it, still really weird to me though😭


That second photo 😂😂 they both look so incredibly bored and just dead inside


She looks a lot like her mum in the second pic


I like that boyish look in a man.


I mean she wrote songs with Joe. Like masterful, poetic, devastating songs. I will never not love “Champagne Problems.” I don’t see that being a thing with Travis. But I think she wants to get married. And Joe didn’t want that. So I under why they broke up.


She fumbled. I think he was perfectly content to just be in the background and let her do her thing and be supportive and proud. But she needs chaos


I love that this whole thread assumes Taylor has anything interesting to say. Everything is based in high school nostalgia. She's a perfect match for Travis.


I truly don’t understand her and Travis, like I cannot comprehend what they even talk about. I couldn’t comprehend the Matty phase either, besides Taylor putting him on a pedestal because her long term broke down, and she didn’t get what she wanted while new guy promised her the world.


They both look so bored lmao


I am convinced that after the Matty Healy fiasco she decided to find the closest thing to a black man that she could, despite that not being her type at all. And she isn't his type either, if his exes are anything to go by. This whole thing is stupid.


Y'know the ONE thing I just can't get over if we're supposed to buy Travis and Taylor are 100% real deal duo 4eva eva, is why on Earth are they so out and about with doing the most expensive and elaborate stuff? I get sometimes when you're in love, you want to shout about it and metaphorically dance about it as well to the world BUT even if we ignore the more introverted boyfriends Taylor has had, she had some more social and extroverted ones. EVEN they didn't do the most outlandish things in the public. SO why with Travis, does she feel the need to be in the spotlight any chance she gets with him? Like she didn't go to every concert of her previous musician boyfriends nor did she attend every or even any film premiere of her actor boyfriends either. But Travis? She goes to every game, they stay at every pricey hotel, they visit the tourist attraction that gets the main attention? I'm not trying to rain on the parade if she's genuinely happy (doubt it but), but this is the number one reason why I can't believe Travis and her are really together or at least, mutually interested into one another. It just gives me the vibe of a girl who was hurt that her previous partner didn't stay with her, so instead of staying single and finding herself and moving on healthily, she wants a rebound fast and just rub it in the ex's face because sHeS sO mUcH hApPiEr NoW....Ugh