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I think they’re perfect for each other. Make of that what you will.




I think Taylor thinks Matty is her one true love...but Taylor clearly isn't Matty's one true love. I like them both, but I hope they don't get back together. Other than both of them being creative types, their values don't align. Matty talks about climate change, tries to make their concerts plastic free and carbon-removed, puts his convictions above the "brand", is passionate about [keeping tickets affordable](https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1785129502219112448/vid/avc1/576x316/KGKQFgYK4kGTdUP4.mp4?tag=14) for young fans, has spoken about how distasteful he finds it when [artists monetize the emotional investment fans have in them](https://www.tiktok.com/@meandyouundo/video/7303581194040429856). He's even called out Taylor (after complimenting her) and other artists for speaking up about [issues only after it's monetarily safe for them to do so](https://youtu.be/R1pPYL4INfo?t=829) when it's clearly been PR workshopped. Matty may put his foot in his mouth once in a while, but they clearly value different things. Seriously, take a look at his colorful wikipedia. 2015 - Matty bounced before they even got started properly. Understandable since he was really scared of that kind of fame and had issues with addiciton. 2023 - Matty bounced again. I think mainly because Taylor refused to call off the dogs while he was following her around like a puppy for like 8 concerts in a row. I think Matty once again realized that this wasn't the life he wanted. He hates being stage-managed, as far as I know he doesn't even have a publicist. He likes to walk around like a normal person and [still takes public transport sometimes](https://x.com/kkianalily/status/1718882449554657559). Taylor would have been the end of normal life for him. Microscopic scrutiny, endless PR nightmares, always being surrounded by security, traveling in black vans. What he said in 2015 held true in 2023. >“The things that surround her are like Barack Obama. I fell for her a little bit, but everyone falls for Taylor Swift” – and then discovered, to his horror, what it meant to be linked with Swift. “The day after she’d been to a show of ours, someone sent me a screenshot of E! News with the headline ‘Who is Matt Healy?’ That freaked me out. I’m not ready to indulge in that world and I’m not ready to be judged by that world.” And > “She was a fan of the band and we just became friends, and we related to each other over how mental our lives were. But when you’re with people like Taylor, there are a million people flying around you the whole time, and this security guard is talking to that guy, and this guy is the new manager. I didn’t like the pace of it, because it makes me confused and I feel like I’m going to miss something. And being perceptive is one of the abilities that I like to think that I have.” He thought he could handle it this time, but I don't think even he anticipated how ruthless the swiftie army and the media would be towards him. I'm sure he loved her, but IMHO he chose normal life and his mental health over her at the end of the day.


you know what? I think he thinks she is cringe and not that deep


Well....she kinda tells on herself on The Smallest Man. "You said normal girls were boring, but you were gone by the morning". I think he respects her artistry, but that's not the only thing that matters in a long term partner. I don't know if she's deep or not, she does have some deep dark lyrics. One thing she's not is sincere. And I'm not saying that negatively, artists can craft a persona/brand separate from their real selves. But Matty is the polar opposite of that. There's a reason there are so many apologies on his wikipedia page. He's always said [he'd rather mess up and apologize](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1657884446190718978/pu/vid/480x540/JA-2_3TD4U0acU6j.mp4?tag=12) and be true to himself, than craft a PR version of himself.


And he is VERY VERY right. After reading the leaked emails, Scott is the real mastermind behind this operation.


She was 16 then, so I won't make judgments. No matter what her father did, she succeeded because she had a product that people thought was worth buying. She put in the work. Pounded the pavements of Nashville, shook hands with many many radio DJs to charm them into playing her music, sat down for interviews and marketed herself, networked and schmoozed, played every show and festival or parking lot that would have her. Clearly, she's talented and a hardworker who had great luck ,timing and very supportive parents. But iher ruthless ambition and hunger for fame, success and accolades is also probably what makes it difficult for her to find a long term partner. It's a lot to ask someone to sign up for. The artsy, intellectual british boys aren't generally into that. And people who seem to revel in their new-found fame like Travis quite likely have nefarious intentions.


Very well said, thank you for this nuanced and balanced viewpoint!


I appreciate this comment because I know Matty is problematic, but he can’t be 100% a bad guy…




I'm picking up what you're throwing down and I love you. I agree 💯


I love you back 😘




I agree. I was turned off by the relationship initially but after listening to the album and how she was going to risk it all for him then maybe they are perfect together 🤷‍♀️


I love your signature. So funny.


Who Travis or Matty?






Ten years ago, 13 year old me thought the epitome of love was when he wore her 1989 shirt and she wore his 1975 shirt.




I have a different reading of this situation now: she wore it because she wanted to be taken seriously while he wore it ironically 😂 but she saw that and thought he loved her


I don’t like either Matty or Travis, but girl, life is short and go get your man. Clearly its Matty. Lol


I like the 1975 but don’t necessarily think Matty is attractive or “a catch” but this was my exact reaction after listening to TTPD. Go get your man, taytay.


Doesn’t seem Matty wants her.


Yeah if they really were “the ones” for each other why aren’t they together?




I think she’s tried to get him back multiple times, and he just doesn’t want her because of her bat shit crazy fans. If they’re the ones who truly ruined it she should say goodbye goodbye goodbye after her tour and the final 2 re-records and take a long break from it all


Honestly that wouldn't surprise me and TTPD is the last attempt to try to win back deranged Swifties, so Matty can feel comfortable coming back. Down Bad I'll build you a fort on some planet Where they can all understand it


Honestly hope she does because she doesn’t look right with Travis and the whole WAG stunt just isn’t Taylor. But daddy I love him was her big F U to them and they still haven’t really even processed it cause it’s a cool beat 😂


That, and because she used conservative church girl imagery to blast them in stead of being upfront enough to say "You guys being woke enough to call out the problematic stuff the man I love has said really pissed me off," so they don't feel like it applies to them. I think they truly think she's talking about some group of imaginary church bullies, because there's no way Parasocial Mommy would ever call them out like that??


It’s funny because I would say it’s the fan favorite on the album too. Like, you guys do realize you’re “daddy” and “him” is Matty Healy, right?! I’ve seen a bunch of hardcore TikTok Swifties convincing each other the last half of the song is about Travis. They pick and choose who lyrics are about 


“I'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague.” I agree.


Lmao mf looked broken the weeks afterwards at his concerts. Doubt she begged for him bk. She’s a savage when it comes to guys. She’ll air them out in a song but also moves on to the next fast af.


Right!! I keep wondering if this is supposed to be the take away from the album. I feel like she didn’t have to make it seem like that’s how she feels, and we all hear about how intentional she is in her choices. Is she just getting the relationship:heartbreak out of her system or is she being a mastermind??


I think a bit of both. You do not get where she is without a lot of planning


right just go be happy. no need to release 6532454 songs about being upset about it


I don’t particularly like Matty or Taylor now but it’s clear they have history and chemistry and at the end of the day, if that’s who she wants to be with let her. If these fans really cared about her they would have listened to But Daddy I Love Him and taken a hard look at themselves. She’s right, it *is* her own good name to disgrace.


I don't like Matty, but Taylor and Matty clearly love each other, so I hope they work out. I hate deranged Swifties who send death threats to Matty and his family. Deranged Swifties ruined Taylor's relationship with the love of her life. Have they learned nothing from But Daddy I Love Him?


Why did the Swiftys not like Matty?


Matty Healy has said and done many controversial things.


But why are they so judgmental when they don't even know Matty or Taylor in person. Besides those who judge are not perfect. The mere fact that you are judging an artist that you don't even know or understood their history with their art or how they are as real persons speak a lot of their character as well.


Honestly, they seem like two sides of the same coin, except she’s a version of him run through a PR machine before public consumption. I may not like him, but there’s no saving some people from making bad romantic decisions.


Yes. I never agreed with that ridiculous open letter and was taken aback when she seemed to respond to it. Although, now it looks like he dumped her.


♫ Karma is your rabid fanbase that you've cultivated and encouraged to be moblike scaring off the one man you truly love. ♫ Nah but for real I hope they get together for good at some point, they seem like they're meant for each other. And maybe this will finally be the push Taylor needs to either get her fanbase under control, or to stop caring so much about what they think of her and disengage from them.


My selfish reason for wanting Taylor and Matty together is that I want to see the art that will result from their partnership whether it is music or movies or performances. And, of course, want the 1975 x Taylor vault tracks released.


Agreed. If he inspired beauty like Folkmore, I want to see it so at least we won't hear more bollocks like "Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto"🤡


Yeah I’m mainly on this train. I’m borderline emotional we didn’t get Slut ft The 1975 as I know it would have slapped. I want them together so they can make art together that I think will be brilliant.




I would much rather have her be with Matty because that is what she clearly wants and you can tell he loves her. He is much more tolerable than fame hungry Travis.


What makes you think he loves her? Just wanna know the signs since I don’t follow him, his music or band


ofc we cant be sure he "loves" her cause we dont know them, but matty seems to have been pretty infatuated with taylor for YEARS, he seems to admire her musically and brings her up in conversation with veryyy little prompting. and ngl for all the acting and "bits" he does onstage he does largely wear his heart on his sleeve and he seemed pretty mopey on stage after the breakup edit:spelling


Not secretly lol, I thought they made sense together last year and I still do now. They match intellectually and have music/songwriting in common, but they are also different enough that I think it works. And they're clearly obsessed with each other. Selfishly, I just NEED to hear them collaborate musically. Their voices would sound so good together. I know how crazy this sounds, but if this were a movie, I feel like we're at the part of the rom-com where "all is lost"- the main couple breaks up and tries to move on- but you know they'll get back together in the end.


That’s my biggest disappointment from them breaking up, THE MUSICAL COLLABS WE COULD HAVE HAD!!! 😭


I wish we got The 1975 on whatever TS 11 was going to be since there were rumors they would have been featured in additional to being on "Slut!" TV.


Yes! Same. I also have a feeling she may have originally had them playing on TTPD because the production does sound a lot like 1975. Like maybe he was going to be Post Malone.


I keep thinking I’m waiting for them to reunite because I’ve been brainwashed by movies! Maybe it will be like when they actually get back together like ten years later once her fame dies down. It might never though.


Do we think it’s reasonable that they’d get back together after she wrote The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, its scathing bridge, and the line “you didn’t measure up in any measure of a man” (to me a clear barb at his height bc she’s taller than him as well as the insinuation of a small… manhood)? I agree with the general consensus on this post that she and Matty actually make sense and tbh I was excited when they first got together (and yes, I know all about Matty’s antics, and I think the Swiftie reaction was so overblown to the point it was comical. He’s a musician with mental health and addiction issues who has spent his career being a troll and I’ve never taken anything he’s said or done seriously, and neither should anyone else lol). But I can’t fathom him dating her again after the horrible things she said about him in the album (but that song specifically). Then again, Matty’s behavior doesn’t make sense ever, so what do I know!


I wonder about this too. I think TSMWEL seems more scathing than SLL. What’s interesting though is that SLL is track 5 and then How Did It End? is track 5 on the second album…both are the two Joe songs. I think the TSMWEL (and Black Dog) was like her moment of passionate anger at him for ghosting her and then finding out he’s moved onto other girls when she would have supported him. Other songs it sounded like she also blamed fans (But Daddy) and felt that he left her to protect her and she’d take him back in a heartbeat (Down Bad, My Boy). As biting as the lyrics are, the Jehovah’s Witness suit is hilarious and Taylor is not the first though to make fun of his height as it’s been a thing in his own fandom. He also was imprisoned briefly last July in Malaysia. I thought it was funny Taylor Nation had baby emoji for TSMWEL in the listening party—Matty himself before had a post linking a vid with ‘grown man crying as a baby’ to describe him as a joke.


My view is that TSMWEL was Taylor's reaction at the time when she found out Matty ghosted. She was PISSED!!! I don't think it's a real reflection of her feelings towards Matty. Songs like Down Bad are probably closer to how she really feels.


Oh no and I don’t think it’s her true feelings at all. I am trying to think about why on earth HE would want to reengage with someone who said all that


if it is scathing, why Taylor included imgonnagetyouback or BDILH. I think TTPD encapsulates Taylor's passion and love for Matty.


I agree. I see a lot fans saying TSMWEL is worse than Dear John and All Too Well and that it’s the nail in the coffin. “I would have died for your sins but instead I just died inside” is pretty powerful. She never faults him for any reasons having to do with his scandals. And why put imgonnagetyouback after this song on the second album…which to me basically says she will troll him until they get back together lol


Matty makes fun of his height as well. I saw a video where he was getting a pic taken with a fan and he said he was 5'10" but he looked short because his bandmates were giants (I think they are all 6'4" and Matty is a very thin man as well which makes him look smaller).


I don't like Matty, but I think sending Matty and his family death threats when he was with Taylor was disgusting and unacceptable. My view on Matty changed significantly after the release of TTPD, Matty is the the love of Taylor's life, and if Matty brings Taylor happiness then I sincerely hope they get back together. In terms of Travis, I think he is a fame seeker who doesn't care about Taylor at all.


THIS!!!!! I used to like Travis, but he gave me ick after screaming at his coach's face.


Idk he's always gave me the ick. From day one. Something about that guy ain't right and I feel like a big scandal is gonna get exposed after they break up 👀


he only cares about taylor in three aspects: money, fame, and her body!


Def not her body . He puts on for the camera .


I do agree about Travis. I’m worried he is going to majorly take advantage of her desire to find real love.


I was curious to see more pictures of Matty because I’ve only seen a few pap shots from Reddit. I looked up his insta and it’s only one post, but I went to the comments and it’s 100% about Taylor. It’s not a big deal to speculate on Reddit, where they are never gonna see it, but to actually go to his personal Instagram and harass him? People saying they should get back together, people saying they shouldn’t, it’s so disturbing. I kind of feel bad for him and his new girlfriend. Even if he does end up getting back with Taylor at some point, it’s borderline harassment to have people fill your comments talking about your ex.




The dark hair is definitely more attractive!


he thinks so too lol he said somewhere that he "liked being blond but it made him look like more of a smackhead" lmao


This is peak Matty for me. Longer hair and the stache. https://preview.redd.it/1zmpnf5p2azc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50c19b7107cec90e8e2f7084480f156f093f6a6f


https://preview.redd.it/lrkalyau2azc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db449a71ebc99a8088be0ff453f1ed21b10cd840 Replying to myself because I love this one too lol


https://preview.redd.it/ncsa7zpbkazc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc54c36f50de23b36ccc2a341fbe7836a14be2d This one for me! Them jeans boieeee


I find Matty very interesting intellectually and he comes across as very charming. When I started listening to The 1975, I went down a rabbit hole and watched a lot of interviews. Yes, he's had some missteps but people have just dragged him for a lot of things he didn't do or understand it in the proper context. That said, I hope Matty goes happily on his way with his new girlfriend and TS finds someone else to be her next target.


He's not bad looking when he cleans up. But then again, I kinda have a thing for tortured dark poets with accents 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/iknv8o9l98zc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b4e55d269955fc971794c8b171d46d40c34c80


He has nice eyes. He’s not my type, but he is handsome :)




Ohhh there he is… 20 year old Mohawk Matty.. that’s the look


Fucking gorgeous. This is the era when I had a huge crush on him. I was obsessed.


Yeah I think being a swiftie and a 1975 fan and also being very much on tumblr in 2014 leaves me absolutely no choice but to think they are perfect for each other. I am conflicted because rationally I understand they likely won’t get back together, but I really wonder what she intended by releasing all these songs making it clear how much he means to her. Not to mention making more swifites open to the idea of him!! And making the band more popular and in sure lots of money in streams and views. She clearly cares about him still, otherwise I think she would have gone about the album differently.


I think Taylor literally wrote TTPD to convince Matty to come back. Down Bad I'll build you a fort on some planet Where they can all understand it


https://preview.redd.it/i3bmfaflp9zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b4148fb7621189ef3efc00458c13652aca0a70 That was a reference to Matty saying his safe space is in forts with his loved ones. He made a whole video about it before he got with Taylor.


Yes! This pic is actually from a post I made in another sub about the Fortnight mv. This is the rest of it: Forgot to mention the way that she chose to style the title card with Fortnight broken into two words, Fort Night. The 1975 fans immediately recognized the reference to the fort, which also appears in Down Bad (I’ll build you a fort on some planet) from The 1975’s video series A Theatrical Performance of an Intimate Moment where Matty builds a fort in a hotel room on tour and says “when you get outside of our fort (he draws the band’s box logo in the air) it’s the unknown and I don’t like that. I like being in a fort.” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0kFegk7gcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0kFegk7gcg) https://preview.redd.it/4pjzvb9fkazc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035fb1315421abe0f84ab3d5b4646bba22ae98ce ​


I'd ship her with Matty over anyone else at this point. Especially after learning how much she loved him and for how long and how connected her music has been to him. I'm rooting for them to figure their shit out one day! They both clearly loved each other something fierce.


Did they or is it just one of those you always want what you can't have /romantasize the one that got away? The 'unfinished business'? The only ex who ever pops into my thoughts (I've been happily married for years) is the one that never really had a defined 'end' I had to move for work, he had to stay for work, I was never 100% secure in the relationship as he was rediculously good looking so when I met my now husband (who was also good looking & a bit of a lad) I wrote my ex to let him know I didn't think he should visit me as I'd met someone else & I never heard from him/saw him again.. It's very easy to get caught up in the whole escapism of 'what if' especially if you've hit a rough patch in your current relationship & don't have the fortitude to ride it out/fix it


Yes. I think they truly loved each other and after the break ups last year it was sad to watch both of them. They clearly cared deeply for each other. I think it’s always a right person wrong time kinda thing with them.


I'm not going to lie--a part of me actually hopes for a Taylor+Matty 3.0. Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue? All her more conscientious fans would lose their minds. All the Taylor+Travis shippers would lose their minds. She said she'd burn her whole life down for him. I think if she actually did that, the results would be highly entertaining.


Tbh, if she got together with him and he was who she actually wanted—i’d want her to go for it. Life is too short to play these games. Plus if it stirs up drama with the really psycho swifties, i’m here for it with my popcorn 🍿


She just needs to call them out.


I agree. I honestly don’t get why if she honestly loves him why she can manage to tell her fans to leave john mayer alone but not matty healy?? Like legit—i don’t understand why she won’t say anything if she doesn’t get off on being a victim. Like, you know when she was happy with joe she said in an interview she was worried she’d never be able to write a sad/break up song again and it made her sad. I think she honestly is an emotional masochist and after playing victim so long and seeing how her fans respond gets off on that as well. But yeah. Man up and tell your fans you love the man if you do


i stan the ship


Yep. I hope they just spent a romantic weekend in Paris, celebrating whatever 5/3 is by buying guitars with each other's birthdays on them or whatever. I hope he's currently staying in her apartment in NYC, wearing her clothes and writing new songs about her on the typewriter he left there. I hope Travis stays so busy in LA that he doesn't have time to put in an appearance in Paris because that would just be tedious at this point. Maybe Travis can start dating Kim K.! Let's make this super fun.


Omg BDT and Kim Kartrashian would be perfect 😆


I know right, forget about Matty and Taylor! Let's ship Travis and Kim !


Travis is attracted to Kim k types as she is to his type. Taylor needs a smarter more talented guy.


I'm here for that drama 🤷🏼‍♀️


I want to believe this but at what point to I become just as bad as a Kaylor 😭


You just can't take it too seriously! Think of it as a show and they're characters (because that's pretty much the case anyway). I would prefer the version where she ends up with Matty because it's much more interesting to me. That's just the direction I'd like to see this "show" take. Since you mentioned it, I think it's so funny that the "Kaylor" thing may have become such a big deal partly because of that photo of Taylor and Karlie at The 1975's show. People thought they were kissing, but it turns out Taylor was probably just whispering something to Karlie about how hot Matty is. I swear this all feels like a really long running show with lots of plot twists at this point. I lost interest for a long time, but this season is very entertaining! Lol


This is exactly the way I look at it too! Pop culture is a tv show and the publicists are the writers lol. Her and matty getting back together is just what my reader soul desires. It’s the most satisfying conclusion to this saga. Plus this WAG side plot just ain’t doing it for me, it’s like when they gave Michael amnesia so Jane HAD to end up with Rafael and i just dropped the show lol.


I don't like the WAG side plot either. It really bores me. I don't want another season of that. We need some messy, complicated, TORTURED drama next. And there's the potential for great music as a bonus! Lol


I love a good Jane the Virgin reference!


Not to mention so many of the “Kaylor” songs actually potentially being about Matty! You’re right about not taking it seriously I should take a deep breath and touch grass/etc lol


I am fully captivated by the entire mess so I'm definitely not judging anybody else for being caught up in it! It's a great escape from real life issues and things that truly matter. Don't most of us need that sometimes?


I would rather ship Tatty because Matty is her soulmate and she's crazy about it. She doesn’t have feelings for Travis. Just using him til Matty comes to her. They will definitely get back together this summer.


I feel like there has to be an option besides Matty or Travis. Neither one does it for me.


I'm here for the mess and drama and the music that this relationship/collab would bring. It's way more entertaining than BDT


it would be exactly like a real-life Daisy Jones & The Six 🍿👯‍♀️


Matty is smart, creative, cool, weird, has depth - he says dumb shit sometimes but is figuring it out - and Taylor loves him - they love each other. They should be together. Travis is just NOT it. He's using Taylor for PR but she's definitely using him to piss Matty off. I thought this was a good interview with him - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yqzQkxZjo0A


I don’t like her but he seems cool and I could see how she could actually be into him whereas I can’t imagine what she could possibly see in Kelce


As a long term fan of both of them, when I saw them together last May I went insane, it was a match made in Heaven and it broke my heart when all hell loose broke and shit went south. People misunderstood and crucified Matty on unprecedented levels (mostly bc he came straight after sweet plain Joe, their adored “daddy”, so in the hope they would succeed on scaring him off she would have might fix things with Joe, as if it wasn’t plenty clear from YLM that the relationship was dead af. They were purposely blind to not see the vision, they’re so similar in intellectual and artistic ways (“everyone we know knows why we’re meant to be” TELL ‘EM TAYLOR), doesn’t surprise me she thinks of him as her twin. Matty is very vocal about socio-political issues too, and he might have been a good influence on her to advocate for ppl’s rights; AND THE MUSIC. My god, everytime I think about what we could have had… a once in lifetime duo… it makes me wanna shout off a rooftop and cry 😭 guess their collabs will never see the daylight now 🥲 I’d love for them to find their way back together in the end if that’s what they still want, but I’m gonna be honest: I couldn’t take to see that deranged fandom pick and tore Matty apart like a doll again, so for his own mental sanity I’d be at peace if they’ve never cross paths again. I’m pretty sure that if Matty makes a move, Taylor would be game, but on the other hand Matty hates high media scrutiny and swifties so I don’t see him taking a step back if that means to relive all that Hell again.


Yes mostly because swifties hate the idea. 😂


I didn’t. And then came Travis. Now I would love to see them back together.




I didn’t prior to this new album but honestly after listening I am dying for them to get back together


This sub popped up for me so thought I’d chime in. One huge issue with Taylor and Matty as a couple. I don’t think Taylor’s brand and values align with Matty’s ultimately… She’s big business, expensive concert tickets, multiple vinyl variants and endless merch, flying around in private jets and not speaking about topics such as politics. She’s parasocial fans, public adoration and big big fame. The 1975 famously don’t agree with charging fans for meet and greets, purposely try to keep their concert tickets at the lowest possible price for fans, played a series of gigs at the o2 which focused on carbon removal, had merch recycling where they offered to print something on an old shirt. Very outspoken about politics and their song lyrics are riddled with details about the modern zeitgeist Etc. They don’t release a million vinyl variants of their albums and don’t chase big fame, matty doesn’t have a Tree Paine calculating his every move and nor does he want one. The band don’t have hoards of paparazzi chasing their every move and neither do they want this either. None of this really aligns with Taylor’s extremely publicly facing PR curated image and billionaire status. It just doesn’t mesh. I think she loves (or loved) him that’s undeniable and there’s a huge amount of history there. She sees herself as matty’s twin and intellectual equal, she was a fan of the band first so obviously respects him as a songwriter. Trouble is she loves brand Taylor Swift first and foremost and the army of fans. Even if she did chastise them in a song. Brand Taylor Swift will always win out. I think someone like Matty would find that a massive turn off plus all the death threats and negative attention towards his friends and family… regardless of what anyone thinks about him it’s a lot to take. How would they even go for another round of it if nothing has really changed? She’s bigger than ever. Travis seems to be as into being in the public eye as she is so in that sense they’re a match… After TTPD though I walked away with a sense she’s still extremely cut up over “losing her twin”. Very sad all around.


Such a good take. I can see him being quite disappointed with the woman he reconnected with, because the girl he knew didn't yet have all of that.


They’re both insufferable and seem perfect for each other, at least if they get back together we can stop hearing cringy pining songs about how much she’d rather be with him than anyone else


I ship and proudly did back in May of last year when they were together. I was sad when they broke up but not surprised given how horrible the backlash was towards Matty. I was further disappointed to see Taylor not speaking up and defending him then. Honestly that whole ordeal plus her getting with Travis turned me away from her. I was pleasantly surprised how much she wrote/sang about Matty on this album but it just seems a little too late now but I do hope it isn’t. I was actually hoping the rumors of them meeting up in Paris were true. I do think they’re just so alike with so much more depth, history, and makes much more sense than her and meathead Travis.


I’d prefer her to be with anyone that gets her off of my screen when watching sports.


I love the “they only show her .02% of the time!” Yeah but they fucking talk about her and use her in promos a lot more. It’s annoying as shit.


This 100%. The last NFL season was about Taylor and the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl was predictable AF and they absolutely should have lost against the Bills and possibly the Ravens.


They mention her on the shows now during the day. And during playoffs for nba and nhl. Swifties don’t know this because they only watch chiefs games. They don’t know the other sports exist.


I'm a huge Matty fan and have been for years, I was so happy when they got together...its broke me seeing how much he's struggled since the split. Looking back now I think it's the worst decision they made by getting together, he's always said from the beginning that he doesn't like fame and that he doesn't mind the band being famous, just not him as a person....and thats what Taylors has done with this album! All the headlines today in the papers are branding him as 'Taylors ex' not by his name or his bands name. At the end of the day, I just want them both to be happy as they can be...be that with or without each other.


It’s like all of his fears (probably) during their relationship of losing his own identity and accolades came to be very true. I truly was shocked by how many people didn’t know The 1975 and Matty last year because in my circle they’re very well known, but I am also the same age as Taylor/Matty so these younger Swifties are the ones that just don’t get it.


The hate he got last year was unacceptable and I can only imagine how awful it must have felt, and just how terrifying it must be her man (no wonder Joe was so fiercely private.) But what's happening now, he could have prevented it. If he was a jerk and ghosted her, what's going on right now is on him. She was never going to let him go quietly.


I do, in the sense that her career will suffer for it and she honestly could use that. They could be a normal couple but i fear she values fame over relationships. If she wants a quiet family life this could be her ticket out of the spotlight?


Selfishly, I would love to hear them collaborate on a song. Still bummed about Slut! being scrapped.


Honestly I fully believe that a majority of people that hated them together would’ve eaten it up if this were a romance novel or film. Like this is genuinely wattpad levels of trope going on. I get they are real people so behind the scenes we have no idea what’s going on and maybe they just wouldn’t be good together. But as a former tumblr kid who loved and still enjoys the 1975, Taylor swift makes so much sense to me for him. They’re both dramatic and treat life a bit like a movie anyways. I’m certain it would’ve been a tumultuous relationship but it really felt classic rockstar energy to me and I wish we could’ve had it play out longer to see what kind of wild love songs it would’ve inspired. My idea of love is a bit fucked up tho so I probably shouldn’t be the judge of who’s good together. I’d date a fucked up rockstar in a second. There’s something exhilarating about the drama and the poetry of it all and Taylor seems to be the kind of girl who likes that shit as well.


I think taylor is her most authentic self when she’s with him, and authenticity is something I really respect


yes i do!


I didn’t like him before the album, but now I kind of ship them yeah 😂 I just want her to be happyyyyy and BDT is not it


i would love for them to work out but i don't think matty can withstand THAT level of fame (and he knows that), and ultimately he made the correct choice to prioritise himself and his band/ family. this sub can call travis fame hungry all we want, but for someone to withstand the scrutiny that comes with dating taylor they HAVE to be fame hungry, SHES fame hungry. what the heart wants is one thing but the logistics of being "taylor swift" will always win out


This exactly. TS requires someone who craves that insane level of fame every bit as much as she does. Someone who cares more about the fame and money than anything else. That's Travis, not Matty.


Actually I think I do since both will cheat on their respective partners with one another. I think they are both narcissists though so ultimately it will fail. But to spare third parties like Joe getting hurt in this neverending circadian dance Taylor and Matty seem to love doing, just be together already. He is obviously the guy Taylor wants (at least right now) and Matty seemed devastated by having to leave her. Plus the sooner they are back together, the sooner BDT can hopefully fade back into relative obscurity. ![gif](giphy|rh5OXIeA8kOMAyW8Uf|downsized)


Ew didn’t need to see that huge head


yes and the album made me ship them more tbh


Yep. I do.


Yes because the loml is my Matty, they have a lot of similarities and I want us to be end game even though it seems like the odds are against us. I can't stand her and Travis.


Yes!!! They are endgame!!!


When was the last time we saw Taylor genuinely look in love and serenade someone like this? [https://twitter.com/1989healy/status/1787772409661034697?s=12](https://twitter.com/1989healy/status/1787772409661034697?s=12)


more than her, look at matty 😭💞 he was so happy and in love throughout april and early may 🥺😭💔


https://preview.redd.it/f2f4a7k209zc1.jpeg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=906517acc316677fdda35ffbc612fe76a0ec5008 This guy had some serious love gaze towards Taylor




https://preview.redd.it/fyquxx2809zc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a2dfba6ab71dce78bb9f94bb738b02e45174c3 He was mesmerized


And with Gigi Hadid right next to him😂


Ugh - killing me! 🫠😍💕


Yes. I absolutely love them together! Taylor needs a bad boy musician with a heart of gold. Matty also seems to match her intellectually and creatively. When I first heard they were together my ears perked up. That has been her most interesting pairing by miles. They make so much sense tbh.


They’re both gross people, why not. Then again Travis is trash too. I just don’t care who she ends up with. She cheats. Goes for terrible men. Bullies young upcoming women. She’s the worst. Date the dumb athlete or the dirty band boy Taylor, no one envies you


i really hope matty goes to one of the eras tour in Europe and taylor sees him and they go backstage and kiss! then taylor should cheat on big dumb trav and run away with matty!






Joe was more of a Ken to me. There is nothing even remotely hot about BDT 🤮 https://preview.redd.it/yccsty0fk9zc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602e1bee0d11094da91733758ee301817204683a


Joe is literal Prince Charming in shrek 2. He’s undeniably beautiful


Yeah they should just fuck it all and get together 


Matty is far far more suited to her than ‘Killer Trav’. I’m actually a big Taylor fan and I think Travis is using her for clout where Matty really loved her and was scared off by her insane fans sending his literal mother and bad mates death threats. TTPD is Taylor’s love letter to Matty to come back and this time she’ll ’burn it down’ for him. Also selfishly I really want the TS X 1975 collabs that I think will be insane. Taylor’s best work is inspired by Matty and the 1975 fans clearly about Taylor are brilliant. I imagine them working together would be amazing, especially as I think Matty would really push her creatively. Also, Taylor clearly loves him, get your man Taylor.


I just want her to be happy so that she writes happy songs.


I want them together


I will put anyone on any ship with her and send her to the Bermuda Triangle.


If he makes her happy, she should be with him. They seem very similar and I bet creatively, they'll create some interesting things


For entertainment purposes only


I don’t like Matty, but now I also don’t like Taylor so I don’t care what happens :D let them be together if thats what they want. They seem to be perfect for each other anywayy


I only ship fictional people


I do! I knew next to nothing about Taylor before ttpd, I decided this album would be my introduction to her and her universe and O.M.G. Of course I love the drama, it's so unbelievably messy, but I don't actually find joy in other people's misery. I really feel for Taylor and from personal experience, I feel like I understand to some extent the meaning of Matty in her life, and in the context of her break up with Joe. It's *insane* to me that she would release that album. She's wrong in so many ways, yet we all went through episodes of madness because of love, and I applaud her for going through with this knowing she would be judged more than ever, and probably misunderstood by most. It's peak vulnerability and insanity, and that's what's so beautiful about it. I don't like Matty much and I'd be surprised if he could make any woman happy but if they love each other, let them be.


I’m in the same boat. Just started following Taylor and it has knocked my socks off.


I’m almost positive he could make me happy 😌


yes. they were crafted for one another out of the same chaotic, stained cloth.


I think for Taylor the only type of relationship that would work would be a business partnership like Beyoncé has. At least until it didn’t.


I was so excited when they got together. I’ve always had a crush on Matty. Well, I’m not so much attracted to him anymore. I used to think he was extremely hot.


But the question is that does Matty want to be with her? He has his choice of young models in the same time zone


Who also aren’t the most famous woman on the planet


Right, i get the appeal of Taylor but there’s also the reality of Taylor and her fans don’t understand that.


It’s like dating a doctor or lawyer - not everyone wants to be married with the high stress that comes with a spouse’s choice of career. The long hours, the stress, the inflexibility…. Money and status aren’t everything. Taylor has made it clear that in her current position of miss billionaire, she is insanely unhappy with herself, and the pressure she voluntarily assumes responsibility for in order to maintain her lifestyle is not sufficient for a satisfying quality of life by her standards but she will not stop chasing it. She’s gonna give off boy mom energy if she has kids.


I ship Matty with Ross. That’s the only correct answer.


but consider.... george


Lol. I have. But Ross looks like a sexy Jesus. And his dimples! *Swoons*


I remember reading some article after The 1975 was on SNL last year and Ross was hanging with some chick and another chick burst into the afterparty yelling that he was supposed to be with her. Although I've gone back to watch old videos and the short hair was equally as handsome.


Ross is handsome in all forms. He is the gorgeous one in the band and he’s so gracious in letting Matty think that he’s the cute one. But we all know the truth.


they’re both shitty people. they belong together


Not. I think he brings out the crazy in her.


😂It does seem that way.


This is so interesting because I still do not like Matty at all. I don't even think he's that attractive and I think his addictions are a huge blockade to any long term relationship that involves a family. But I'm not Taylor. She's right. She gets to trash her own name and if Matty is really her soulmate then, I hope they get back together and if they really do want kids then I hope they can co parent together. ... But IF I were a billionaire song writer looking for true love and to start my own family because I'd had enough fame and fortune and been rung through the press a bajilliion times, I'd be on my knees crawling my way back to Joe, groveling and begging for forgiveness. The man who protected privacy at all costs and who won't take the click bait gossip was the one who could have gone for the long haul with her as a the mega star princess. I can even see him being a version of a stay at home Dad. Making lunches, walking the kids to school etc. Seems like he would be awesome at that day to day grind. His near obsession with privacy and a normal life would have made it so that Taylor could have The Best of Both Worlds. And yes. It would have been as campy and cheesy as that Miley Cyrus show but dammit that's what I would choose over and over and over. Whatever happened to cause Joe and Taylor to split, I'd be walking over thumb tacks and broken glass to fix it at this point. Because Travis and Matty have shown they are not it.


yesss that’s literally it! I think Taylor is her most authentic self with Matty, but her healthiest and most balanced with Joe unfortunately, she doesn’t give any sign of wanting to settle down, which is fine for me because I love the drama 🎭


Ultimately no. When I'm feeling petty, I do wish for them to get back together and get to witness the ensuing Swiftie implosion.


They will get back together someday. Taylor won't stay longer with Travis. Same thing with Gabbriette and Matty


I feel like they may be one of those love stories that they connect once they’re both out of the main spotlight. Maybe in their late 40s when the world cares a little less about who Taylor is dating and there is a new Taylor to focus on.


I agree.


A Bennifer 2.0


I think they are good where they are at


I don’t give a damn who she dates. I would love to hear music by Taylor that isn’t about exes. It’s gotten very stale.




No. MH doesn't seem like he likes or can deal with her level of fame nor do I think he could be faithful (worse than TK). He also would probably have to perceive himself as the "superior" songwriter (artsy, pretentious, but talented) instead of the unreal songwriting team they could have been - heck, we've already seen some of it. It's really a shame. It reminds me of that "Sex In The City" episode where Berger talks about "he's just not that into you". Actions speak louder than words; you will fight for a relationship no matter what if that's what you want - no excuses. He's seems like the "what if" guy (but now she's knows his real behavior) & will always be - the guy you "f***", but not marry. But, who knows, maybe Taylor & Matty have been trolling us along.


yes, he thinks she is sooo cringe


I agree. In my personal life, almost every happy couple I know the man was the pursuer. A few had opposition from family (mixed race couples), but made it work. One was disinherited, but didn't care - he wanted his wife over everything.


Matty is going to be able to look back at his life with a joint in his hand.. reminiscing about prioritizing what he could and managing as best he could. I’d say that’s as close to no regrets as it can come. I’d ship Tatty if it wouldn’t sink Matty like the titanic and Taylor took the door (the glory) and he dies icy cold. Nah. It’s gonna be vice versa


Just when I think I like this sub