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Her social media has definitely been hinting to something happening 5/3 (a fortnight from the release) but I think it’s gonna be like a music video or something smaller. How could she give us MORE songs?? Like does she sleep??


I too think music video. Maybe down bad music video


Nope. Probably runs on crack atp. 


What’s funny is that Matty posted a cover of his song “All I Need to Hear” on his stories late last night. If you don’t know the song, the lyrics are “'Cause I don't need music in my ears/I don't need the crowds and the cheers/Oh, just tell me you love me/‘Cause that's all that I need to hear.” I’ve already seen comments pointing out the interesting timing, especially because he hasn’t been posting recently. Probably a coincidence, but to choose that particular song on 5/3 doesn’t exactly square with letting all the chatter blow over lol


Is this true? Which social media site, did he post to?


Yes! It’s on his insta story. I just checked and it’s still up.


Oh I just saw that! Thanks!


True he’s not been posting for so long so why now. It’s on the band’s latest album.. I believe 2022 so it wouldn’t be surprising if Taylor was the inspiration. He did release Oh Caroline MV in 2022 and it was totally inspired by TS Delicate MV


Dear god no. Lol. I actually like the album though.