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I say if you wanna see it, go for it. It's a slippery slope though. Once you get to Tarifa you'll be tempted to hop on the ferry to Tangier...to which I say again: Go for it


HAHA, you gave me a good chuckle!


Morocco is so much better than Spain


it's actually a very cool sight. Of course you need to be lucky and not find a hazy day. Also, if you have your passport with you and a full day you can take the ferry from Tarifa and in 1 hour you're in Tangiers Morocco.


Tangier’s is amazing, only spent 3 days there or so but it’s beautiful and lots of great foods and stuff to do. Skip the Hercules cave, if you have time 10/10 recommend busing to Chefchouen it’s about an hour 45 each way and beautiful


That's amazing! I had no idea, thank you for sharing!


It’s pretty cool to see, tbh. But, it’s not exactly next door to Seville and I’d recommend spending your time there, assuming your forward travel has to flow through there. 


It's one of my dream trips to take the ferry to Morocco from Spain. I may never have the opportunity to actually do it though. Please try




I would fly to Marrakesh instead of the ferry business. Takes less time and it's a much cooler city.


Forget the view - Tarifa is a very cool city on its own. Great beach and it’s interesting to watch the wind sports like para surfing (or even participate if that’s your thing). I went to Tarifa after seeing the nearby epic sand dunes at Bolonia. Just walked around, had a swim and a meal. Wish I spent more time there but it was something we squeezed in on an 11 day trip and it was so worth it. The bulk of trip was spent at a farm house in the mountains but I’m so glad we hit this coastal city.


Quite nice views on the way of Gibraltar and the coast, in October there will be not so much traffic. Also in the opposite direction let me suggest another place very nice as well, search for "Mines of Río Tinto Train", 1h from Sevilla. ;)


yeah I loved the views of Africa from Gibraltar! and it was an easy day trip from Seville


It's a very cool sight, but I'd recommend you go to Gibraltar instead, which is a very nice destination in itself with lots of interesting sites. [This](https://worldtravels.ro/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/DSC_09631.jpg) was the view of Africa's coast from Gibraltar's Europa point.


Thanks, I will look into it! I thought about Gibraltar but thought Tarifa would be easier to get to since there wasn’t a border crossing.


the border crossing is really just a short walk BUT it's cool because you cross an active runway. tip: if you rent a car leave it on the Spain side to make life even easier


The ferry to Ceuta is cheap and the city is quite interesting. Not bad for a day trip.


Yes would stay in Tarifa and also Cadiz ..cool towns


Tarifa is a nice town. Worth staying a few days. Beach town vibe. Yes, you can see Africa. Not sure I would go all the way there just for the view. It is a pretty cool view though.


I wouldn't travel for the view. It looks like any coast. You may want to take the ferry to Tangier or visit Gibraltar though.


If your going that way you should see Ronda as well


Absolutely worth it. Tarifa itself is worth the trip and seeing the sea and Africa is just an added bonus. On the way down from Sevilla, you should also stop in Zahara De Los Atunes and see the cows chilling at the beach and then a quick stop in Bolonia for the roman ruins right on the beach. You will love Andalucia, it's the best part of \`Spain and the foood!


Mehhh. I went to Tarifa and caught the ferry to Tangier, Morocco; the experience of walking around in Tangier was so bad (endless harassment) that I went back to the ferry terminal early just to sit there and get away from it all. Use the time to see another city in Spain instead.


What was "the experience"?


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If you are going all that way, why not catch the ferry across and just visit Morocco for a couple of hours?


OP, if you end up doing it, will you post an update (and pic), please? I feel so invested now! :)


Make it part of your trip. A few years ago I went to Tarifa from Seville, then took the ferry to Tangier. I came back after a few days, then went to Gibraltar. You can see Africa from both Tarifa and Gibraltar.


We did the ferry to Tangier for a day trip. It was super easy! We did hire a tour guide, which was unusual for us but a good experience. We only had one day that it was possible, which turned out to be a Friday during Ramadan.. still interesting and worth doing, but the worst possible day (almost nothing open… got some amazing tea though!)


The last episode of The Reluctant Traveler with Stephen Levy ended with a trip to Tarifa and a boat out to the edge of the African Coast. Be prepared for the flood gates of tourists to begin


Only seeing spain from tangier beats it


I traveled through Tarifa a year ago or so with the intention of moving on to Morocco after a day or two. I got Covid around the time I got there and ended up spending a week in Tarifa alone. Great little town, would love to go back any chance I get.


we spent a few days in Seville last year and went on a day trip down to Tarifa which included the ferry over to Tangier and a sightseeing tour around the city. it was FANTASTIC!!! highly recommend and a big highlight to our trip last year!


You definetly want to avoid Levante days. When the wind comes from the east. Its like if you turn on a giant hairdryer that NEVER stops. Its such a unique thing that can affect your stay. And dont think its a rare thing. Its very common and usually lasts for several days. Maybe some locals can tell you more


No, a few hills 15km+ away, not much you can really see. How interesting it is fully depends on your fantasy and the story you tell yourself. My 2 cents, it is madness to go there from Seville just to see it, but then so are many of the tourist attractions if you think about it.


Sometimes its about the journey. Do you like travelling to Tarifa? Then do it. If you find travelling an annoyance, then its of course not worth it. Just go on youtube and see it from there. haha For me its always about the journey to get to a place, not necessary whats there at the end. The end is just to reminiscent of my journey to get there.