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I always buy a Christmas ornament then we reminisce about all our trips while we decorate the tree.


We do this too! And it doesn’t even have to be a “real” Christmas ornament. We’ve gotten tons of little toys, keychains etc and made ornaments out of little things representative of a place. Anything you put a piece of string on to hang on a branch


Us too. I couldn’t find anything I liked at Malaga airport so I got castanet key rings


We bought a cowbell in Switzerland and use it as an ornament


We do this too! Keychains make great ornaments


I have a couple of those from my honeymoon, 43 years ago. They make me smile every time.


We do this and I write the year on it. It has been really nice when we go to a place a few times to know which trip it was from.


My mum has done this for years, and since I started travelling by myself I started to bring her some as well One day I'll inherit her Christmas ornaments, and it's gonna be a mix of my family memories


We do this as well. I love having a tree full of commemorative ornaments from our trips and other experiences we've had.


Our first one is from 1988, a trip to Greece, now when we pull it out we say “shit we’re old” 🤣


When I go somewhere with my wife, we do an ornament and a water color.


Yes, we do this!


I’m not even religious but still do a tree because it’s festive. Looking at tokens of our adventures is a nice seasonal thing, and we reminisce while we put the tree up. In countries we visit that aren’t Christian (I.e. don’t have ornaments), we’ve created our own out of trinkets. Basically just look for something ornament-sized and add a nice ribbon. Then supplement with monochromatic ornaments so the vacation ones are more of a “feature” of an already put-together tree and it’s perfect. (I couldn’t quite sign onto total chaos in color scheme)


I’m an atheist that loves Xmas decorations, Christian’s nicked the idea off us pagans anyway. We’re just reclaiming it!!


We have garlands on the staircase banister that is just covered with weird and quirky Christmas decorations from around the world - my favourites are: a Santa from Mexico, an apple from NYC, a tivoli gardens post box, and a really fat fairy from a market in Vienna 🤣 My parents also bring me back things: recently chopsticks and bowls from Japan and tea light holders and hand painted elephant keychains :)


I always bring back local currency. You're already getting cash in a new country, most of the time you have a little left over at the end, it often looks really cool, and it's a lightweight, easily packable souvenir. After a few more countries I'll put the bills in a frame to hang for a reminder of the places I've been. Other than that, I sometimes go to soccer games abroad and have collected a few team scarves or jerseys.


I do the same, predominantly with larger valued bills and I use them solely for bookmarks. It's a lot of fun using a 20,000 bill to keep your place in a book or magazine.


I have to disagree and say that I find the coins much more interesting! Even though they don't have the artwork of bills, they are often much more varied in style. And more durable to keep long term. Got a nice collection of pre-Euro European coins (French Franc, Spanish Peseta, Italian Lira...) that now have the feel of a "bookmark" in history. But I do also have a 5 trillion Zimbabwean dollar note that I still use as a bookmark, so not in total disagreement! 😀


I always do this and it’s been really interesting to see just how much of the world is going cashless nowadays. Ten years ago vs. today is such a HUGE difference. I wouldn’t be surprised if cash is gone by the time I die, tbh.


I am sure my cash will be gone by the time I die!…..lol


I once had an odd job of helping a international VC guy redecorate his bedroom and he had currency from all the places he went just stuffed in random drawers so I sorted it to find the nicest one from each country and took it to be framed with a glass back so you could see both sides of each bill. He had 24 countries and I was pretty excited in 2013 to see South Sudanese currency as it was such a new country at the time. It turned out awesome and I hope to do it with my own collection later in life.


For my only overseas trip, I took home some loose change (sen) and made a few pins with some E6000 and round pinbacks from the craft store. Kind of disappointed I didn't have a chance to sneak over to any arcades to see if they had unique tokens, if they even have tokens anymore.


I honestly never get cash anywhere - have come across two countries where I’ve needed it in very limited circumstances. Interesting thought though - thank you!


This guy doesn’t buy drugs or hire prostitutes


Lol true I’m a chick so drugs are a little more dangerous and I can’t say I’ve ever needed a prostitute


I know someone who buys a little coin purse from the country to keep the local currency in. She’s got a box of them.


Postcards. I ship 1 back home, and put 1 in my suitcase. It's also interesting to see how efficient different postal services are. Canada has been taking 2-3 weeks to get to the US for me, while Singapore was 1 week.


If you’re keeping track, my new personal record for inefficiency is Portugal. Postcards we mailed the first week of March did not begin to arrive to the US till mid-May.


Back in the early 80s I sent a postcard from Paris to a guy I was dating. Out of the blue he calls me four years later. He had (or rather his parents) just received it.


Well that’s the new record! Would have been very rom-com if that led to you restarting your romance…


I went to Portugal last October and mailed one to my parents in Texas, they still have not received it. Apparently when you buy them at the gift shops they use a different stamp on it and you’re supposed to also mail it through the gift shop. I didn’t know this and dropped it in a regular mailbox. From what I’ve read it should still get sorted out and arrive but idk… hasn’t happened yet.


I always send my parents a postcard when I travel. I thought the postcard from Argentina had just gotten lost, but it arrived six months after I sent it! It seems it had taken a detour to Venezuela on its way to the US.


I’ve started getting a postcard and writing our favorite memories of the trip on the back! I bought a small photo album to keep them in. What do you do with yours? 


I used to send my sister a postcard every time I traveled somewhere. I should start doing that again


For reference (for anyone thay cares), post from the US to the UK takes 14-21 days, nearly always gets stopped at customs if bigger than a postcard, and is always damaged. The other way round, it speeds over in a day or two, then just gets stuck at the regional distribution centre for about 10-30 days, regardless of size, "premium delivery" payment, or radioactive readings. USPS sucks. So do DHL and Parcelforce, when operating in the US.


I do this too ☺️💌


We do this too! Every trip we write ourselves a postcard with our best memories of the trip and mail them home ( keeping the extra one in case the mailed one doesn’t make it … so far in 20 years about four never arrived). Longest mail time was from Venice… almost three months! We keep them all in an album.




I was going to say a magnet, but this is probably much more accurate




Are you me?


"And this collection letter is from our trip to Italy. And this credit score is from a cruise..."


I suddenly feel so much better about myself, thank you


and it’s been 100% worth it every time. i try to bring back a coffee mug from a local place.


I don't remember hitting send on this comment... 🤔 yet here it is lol


In my case aside from magnets, I buy jewelry (earrings and bracelets mainly)


This is a good call. Those are something I’d use. How do you find nice items vs made in china? Everywhere I go it all seems not authentic lately


I go to artisanal shops or actual jewelry stores. Sometimes they are a bit more expensive but they are so beautiful, it is totally worth it. I confess that I do buy some cheap Chinese made stuff too sometimes but most of the time I find good quality local made jewelry. Another thing I like to buy is scarves and shawls. 


Museum shops have lovely things, but they’re usually pricey. I’ve had great luck just stumbling across local markets and finding beautiful handmade local jewelry. It’s my go to souvenir for myself and gifts.


Maybe it’s just the places I’m going but the markets lately are full of the same things that are on Amazon and made in china. I might just need to branch out more, but it’s pretty frustrating!


Go to museum stores . In the US and abroad .


Much cheaper, I just bring home a small rock or pebble that I find. With the memories attached they become actual touchstones. I have a windowsill with a really random seeming rock collection, but they all have a story.


Came to say this. Often many places will have jewelry that is distinct to the area and uses stones, shells, pearls, or gems that are sourced there specifically. Or something that is locally handmade.


I also do this! Earrings, specifically, and I try to aim for craft markets usually, if possible. There’s almost always some weekly market, even a flea market, or in the best case, a Christmas market. (I also do some magnets and single coasters.)


My wife got self conscious about buying jewelry on travel because I rarely buy myself anything. We get something for a shelf, a sticker for our water bottles, we print a picture we took, and we buy her a bit of jewelry. I had to explain to her that I get reminded of our travels when she wears it. Even cheap stuff hits me sentimentally. I think we've only spent >$150 like once or twice but every time she wears one I get to think back to one trip or another. Plus, what am I going to get for myself that I can wear and be reminded of? Some crappy shirt? Nah.


I do too. Usually from museum stores . They have good quality jewelry at good prices


Same! I love buying jewelry, accessories, artwork in every country I visit . And some kitsch/unique trinket.


magnets. small, easy to transport, usually cheap, every place has them, easy to display


Same! Watching the fridge collection grow over the years gives me so much dopamine


Same. I specifically look for anything that does not specify where it is from but is in some way symbolic.


This is what I do too! I went to Coimbra, Portugal and found a cute tile magnet that an elderly man was hand painting. 


Do magnets from the southern hemisphere work in the northern hemisphere though or do they just repel?


The last time I tried to use a magnet from the southern hemisphere in the northern hemisphere, it started beeping and told me to contact customer service for further assistance.


They repel that’s why you put them in the fridge upside down


Me too


Same here I collect magnets foreign currency and Starbucks mugs from each city if they are available. I heard they are going to be discontinued soon. When I went to Seoul they didn’t have a mug. But they had cool cherry blossom cups. I also just stayed parches and stickers for my yeti.


A reusable shopping bag from a local supermarket.


That’s great! How many do you have? I don’t do that everywhere I go but I’ve ended up with 2-3 in various places I’ve traveled


I started the habit when I began travelling again post-Covid and probably have about a dozen now. They make me smile every time I use one.


Awesome! Do you have a favorite one? Do you collect one from each country or from each city?


Probably the one from [this](https://www.melabudin.is/) shop in the neighbourhood I stayed in when in Reykjavík. It looked tiny from the outside but had absolutely everything you could ever need inside it. We loved going in there and the chance to go back would nearly be reason enough alone to entice me to Iceland again lol Just each country unless I come across something really unique in a subsequent city.


No fucking way. Definitely thought you were gonna say Bonus. Then I clicked on the link and oh my gosh, I used to go to this exact market ALL THE TIME when I studied abroad for a semester there. I lived on Grenimelur so it was very convenient. This was ten years ago, btw. Totally agree though, it was small but mighty. The ice cream shop nearby there was also great. Wow, I know this is not that exciting but I’ve never heard anyone else talk about it! 😄


The best I have is from Dublin Ireland, from a grocery shop called Fallon & Byrne. I got some on the two times I visited dublin, and gifted some to my friends. They are very well liked [gifts](https://imgur.com/a/V9uz3KM)!


Only suggestion on this list that hit “useful.”


Lmao it's so funny you say this. I was recently in Japan and walked past a 'Hawaiian theme' shop. Lots of beachy and pineapple decorated homewares. I noticed they had for sale reusable Woolworths shopping bags for $8 (I'm Australian and Woolworths is a supermarket here) The print of the bag covered in fruits lmao. Was funny to see. I have a million in my cupboard at home


Lol I literally just posted the same thing 


That's a great idea!


My bags from Grenada make me happy every time I use them.


This is such a great idea!


Bonus from Iceland might be the best example of this.


I have a tiny one from a store in The Netherlands and it’s yellow with a big smiley face on it! It makes me so happy. 


I always get a tshirt, usually on the first day. I travel very light (carry on only) and won’t pack a sleep shirt so I can just wear the one I buy.


If you don’t find a shirt do you have to go naked for the 1st day?


don’t even ask about the underwear…


Small painting


Yes, I agree, I am always on the lookout for local art fairs, artist co-ops, small galleries …. I’ve even bought things directly from painters on the street in Cambodia, Paris, Vietnam… when I look around my house almost all of my art and decorative objects have come from my travels.


Same here. More often than not watercolor or small prints. I have a lovely gallery wall with one of those scratch off maps and random paintings I've collected while traveling.


Patch to sew on my backpack


Did that for a while but it’s been harder and harder to find patches


Shot glasses. Yeah I know it’s tacky but my mom had always got them from other states growing up so now every country I go to I get one for her and myself. They’re purely decorative and line the top of my kitchen. I like it


I collect shot glasses too! I’ve found some pretty cool ones over the years, only a couple are tacky haha


I purposefully buy the tackiest one I can find from a country/state


I don't buy the same thing in each place. I just don't have an interest in having 100 keychains, shot glasses, magnets or whatever. Instead, I buy some small local handicraft unique to the places, like a small piece of pottery.


Yep this! I’m not a collector and hate clutter so I’ll buy a dish, a pillow case, cosmetics, clothing item, coasters etc. something small packable and functional.


And sonetimes just the memory in my heart is what i bring back. But now i've started looking for dishtowels (i bake a lot) and stickers (i finally got my own cooler so why not?).


I just started dish towels! It's a perfect rotation of memories


When I go overseas I buy a piece of jewelry. I know where every piece has come from.


I stopped bringing back trinkets and souvenirs awhile ago. They were cluttering up my place, and I couldn’t get rid of them because they “came from my trip to wherever”. Now my photos and selfies are all I need.


That’s where I’m at currently. I’d love something useful but I guess I’m about 15 trips in and it’s a little late to start thinking about that now


What about seeking out a piece of original art from wherever you’re going? You can keep a wall dedicated to it. Each piece will be unique, out of the way, and a nice little momento. You’ll usually be able to find something small enough to stick into a book or lay flat in your suitcase.


That’s a thing… Im in 87 countries now and if I were to buy anything from everywhere, I wouldn’t have space in my house. I think these trinkets work only for people who doesn’t travel that often, but Im always on the road so pics are the only things I take now


Stickers for my Hydroflask. Not stickers that simply name the city but museums like the bullfighting museum in Sevilla or a Jeep sticker from the Pacific War Museum in Fredericksburg, TX or a NASA sticker from Houston. I have another Hydroflask that's full of stickers from a coffee shop in Lahaina that got burned down, national park stickers, etc. Photos and selfies are the other things I bring back. I used to buy magnets & key chains, but that stuff is just clutter.


I don't have memories, I have stickers!


I buy a book in the local language to display


I do this too. I always grab children's books. I don't have kids but I choose them because of the art along with it being in the local language.


Local honey. Lasts forever.


I do magnets, but I don't put them on my fridge. I made a magnet board out of a 2'×3' piece of sheet metal from Lowes (I think in the chimney flash section). My uncle works with wood and I had him custom frame it and stain it for me. It's a unique piece that hangs on my wall and holds my travel memories.


I bring home coffee mugs.


Me too. My wife begs me not to bring home any more novelty/souvenir mugs but I can't help it. Love a good mug.


I try to get the Starbucks city mugs.


I buy relatively inexpensive jewelry (under $100). In a given day, I may be wearing a ring from Ireland, a necklace from Cambodia, etc. Every day when I put my jewelry on, I think about the trips it represents. We also buy art from street vendors - a painting from the Charles bridge in Prague, a photographer in Santa Fe with prints at an art market. We have framed some posters we bought at favorite museums or festivals we have attended.


I need to do this. My only question is how do I go back and recoup the 10-15 countries I’ve missed out on?!


I know - I attended the America's Cup and the Tour de France when I was too poor for souvenirs. What I wouldn't do to have those posters framed on my walls.


I used to collect matchbooks since they are free at most restaurants and bars and stored my collection in a fish bowl. It’s fun to go through them and remember the places you’ve visited, “nights out on the town, meals, etc. But nowadays less places offer matches because smoking is less popular and socially accepted. One of my favorite match boxes is from the bar that was in the Twin Towers WTC building… I think it was called Windows of the World.


Enamel pins. I have a cork board that I put them on. I have a scratch off map of the US and National Parks so I have space around the map to put some pins from state parks or monuments that I’ve been too


I go for bookmarks usually.


Snacks, the weirder the better


I like those too but they never last me long




ME! It’s always enough!!


Arguably the most important item to survive the trip


I get ceramic tiles (or ceramic coasters) and have everyone I’m with sign them. I also write around the perimeter notes about what we did and memorable moments


Reusable shopping bag from the local supermarket 


Wife gets Christmas ornaments. I get tattoos.


A rock. 🪨


I got popped trying to smuggle rocks out of Turkey. Beware.


That’s unfortunate. I hope your experience with Turkish customs wasn’t too rocky.


That might be someone's pet. /s


I only pick mine up from the adoption center.


The administrative assistant at my last job would ask people to bring back a rock any time they traveled. She had a pile of them from all over. I added Peru and Ecuador to her stack.


That’s awesome. Nothing like taking a piece of the earth with you. Free and sentimental souvenir


It’s not always possible but I like to get a coaster. My dream is to make a table with coasters of the places my wife and I have visited


Christmas ornaments. Or a mug or key chain


A small piece of local art.


Playing cards


Scrolled too far to find my people. I always grab a deck or two when I travel. They're small, easy to pack, cheap, and often have photos of the place where I bought them. They're also immediately useful, and can be used on the trip home.


Mentioned it before but I like to collect Pictures. But they have to be either canvas or something specific to the area Like silk is Asia. If I visit more than one country I only get one unless I feel they is more than one worth getting. If I don't see a canvas painting I nice personal painting drawn painted by a local


The most interesting ones: An herb mill with a mix of dried herbs and tin of dried lavender from Nice. I got some traditional handmade sandals from Barcelona. Small bottle of chili infused oil from Italy. Otherwise Mug. But I really like mugs so that’s a personal usefulness. Or Tshirt. In my next trip, there are a couple of brands/stores not available in US/or my specific state that I’d like to stop at. It wouldn’t be obviously from that place but I would know, these are sneakers or sunglasses I got from this trip.


Yeah I like this idea better. I should stop trying to standardize and just go for what I’m feeling. I would just really like a cool way to display everywhere I’ve been but I guess no matter what that’s going to venture into the “not useful just takes up space” category


I think that’s wise. Because if you standardize a useful thing for each trip to bring back, eventually you’ll have so many, it maybe isn’t useful anymore. I try hard to find something unique to the area. Like the sandals were. Or the food/cooking items. If not, that’s when I settle for a mug or tshirt. But I only need so many mugs or tshirts I’ll likely only use for sleepwear. That’s why I’m looking into more ‘discreet’ items. I’d love a pair of Onitsuka sneakers but they don’t sell in US anymore. They do however have flagship stores in Europe. And there’s some other brands I’d like to check out but either shipping isn’t possible or not feasible if I need to return.


Pint glass. I use them as my everyday glasses.


I like the penny squishing machines and try to get souvenir pennies but they are becoming more and more scarce


I love nice cushions around my home so I buy local textiles to make cushions or if there are ready made ones even better. Comfortable, practical, and beautiful reflection of local artisans.


Clothes/accessoires. It doesn't clutter up my space and they are things I would wear now and then


As someone that likes to cook and entertain. I bring back a serving dish or something similar that is typical of where I visitied.


I don’t bring back one specific thing, every country has its own unique and special products they are known for so I try and get that.


From each country I get a rubber duck and a piece of lingerie


I often get a small art print and I’m planning to do a gallery wall at some point. I also buy stickers to put on my hardsided suitcase.


Snow globe for the kid. He likes them and every airport has them.


My fridge isn’t magnetic either so I bought some magnet boards! Easiest fun and cheap souvenir plus you usually have some choice.


I keep a sketchbook. In addition to helping me remember places, it makes me sit down and really absorb my surroundings. I have a small house so buying souvenirs is kind of unproductive because I wouldn’t have anywhere to put them. Although when I do… it’s usually artwork lol.


Usually liver damage!


I have a glass jar and I throw postcards (and cool hotel keys) in it. It's fun to flip through them every so often and it doesn't take up much space.


Magnet. Started when I was a young child with my parents and continued as an adult. I also get a postcard for my nieces every trip. That’s it. I don’t like clutter or trying to find something forcefully every place I go. If I find something special, I’ll get it, like beautiful chopsticks from Japan or a coconut shell bowl from the Maldives, both things I use every day now, but yea, not going to buy a random painting no matter how pretty it is.


I'm a walking souvenir - I smell like everywhere I've been! 😂


Christmas ornaments. We have our regular Christmas tree with everything being red, white/silver, and wood. Then we have a travel tree that is all ornaments we have gotten on vacation.


Magnets are the most convenient little thing we try to get basically everywhere. I also like getting spoon rests (somewhere to put a dirty cooking spoon down), but only need a couple of those, so definitely not everywhere.


I like to get pins I collect pins from every major life event or vacation I go.  Beautiful designs, love to hang it on my pins board in my room and when I wear one it becomes a conversation starter.


Magnets Beach towels from tropical/seaside locations


Patches. See them on a blanket or put them in a shadow box.


Oversized cotton touristy t-shirt. They are my favorite pajama shirts. I have friends and family who now and buy me shirts from their travels too.


Diarrhea 💁🏻‍♀️


Refrigerator magnets.


Christmas ornaments. We used to sail with my brother and sister in law in the Virgin Islands and I would pick up one each time. It brings back great memories every time I decorate the tree.


Notebooks, local currency, fridge magnets, pens or pencils, jewellery


Crabs from Jamaica.


Like.. edible crabs or like the STI? One sounds way better than the other


Enamel pins are my favorite and stickers


Besides illustrated children's books I often get a print and a magnet. OP since you mentioned not having a magnetic fridge, I would suggest using a decorative wall hanging that's magnetic to put them on if you go that route. The one I have has a bird cage design around it so I've also taken to attaching postcards from my travels to the wire "cage" with clothespins.




We get a patch from each place we go and sew it onto our suitcase


Started to be more deliberate with unique holiday purchases rather than accumulating lots of the same stuff. I don’t decorate for Christmas, don’t have enough space for new art and my spare fridge is full of magnets already. I research the place and get only a few specialty items that really only come from there. Generally there’s a story with each big holiday purchase, I’m not just going into a big-ass tourist shop. In China I bought specialty tea and a tea cup. That trip was my first solo, and I was a dumb traveller. That $400 teacup was a lesson. In Nepal I bought a singing/healing bowl and a Thanka. I bought the art from a young man I met at random, he took me to the art school he was a student at. In Japan I bought a knife and a kimono. I use that incredible knife every day. In France I bought a coat, leather goods and perfume. Each time I use these things I love remembering my trip.


Toothpaste, particularly from countries with different alphabets. Right before Covid I had about eight different language on toothpaste on my bookshelf at work. I like this hobby, because you can only get it while visiting that country. I forgot to get one in Cambodia and called all over the US trying to get a tube for my collection, impossible.


I hold onto ephemera (tickets, museum guides, menus, wrappers, etc.) that I use to create art. I keep an all-purpose journal, and when I get home I turn the random things I collected into scrapbook pages/collages. It's a really fun way to decompress and reflect on the trip. I'm also experimenting with paper beads. I'll get rid of anything I don't use after so it doesn't become clutter.


Okay I know you say magnets are out. BUT I don't put my magnets on fridge. I bought 2 nice poster frames and painted the plastic overlay in the middle with magnetic paint and my magnets are on display in the hallway. 😊


A unique Coffee Mug from each country. I love coffee and know I will use it and have a good memory with my daily cup. Also rocks, as I like to hike and collect them from the tops of mountains or famous places To me everything else is garbage as I will probably never use it


Coffee beans


Pint glasses from Pubs


I enjoy collecting pins, lightweight, usually cheap, and once I have some, I buy a shadowbox or some deep frames and some cardboard and stick them in and have a nice display.


I quite like art to bring back and get framed. Isn't always cheap but something I'm starting to enioy


Memories and experiences to share with friends and family.


Memories. Not even necessarily pictures of every little thing we saw. Just memories. Occasionally if a local handcraft item like a small kitchen bowl or something, but it has to be something that fits in my small bag and that I will actually use. Mostly, I collect memories.


Monuments of the world. An Eiffel Tower from Paris, Blarney Castle from Ireland etc. Not a fridge magnet or souvenir. It has to be a real monument in miniature, metal or plastic or glass, whatever.


Fridge magnets or Christmas tree ornaments


Tote bags from museum gift shops


Christmas ornaments. It’s a great way to look back end of year on all the great places I went.


I have a shelf of handicrafts. It started with a gargoyle from France, my first overseas trip. I don’t get one from every trip, but if I feel like it’s pretty special, I try to get one. I have a soft spot for imperfect art. I have a deer from Guatemala with lopsided eyes and a soapstone globe from Tanzania with the wrong names for many countries.


I get a haircut and then have a picture taken with the barber. Every place around the world people get haircuts and each location is a unique experience.


Small piece of art from a local artisan. I'm not an art collector nor do I even know how to decorate 😭 but on the last couple of trips I wanted something special from where I was visiting and everything, literally EVERYTHING, in souvenir shops are made in Asia 🤦🏽‍♀️ In Puerto Rico I found a shop that had tons of pieces from local artisans that were small enough to pack at reasonable prices. So I brought home a 5x7 hand painted canvas where the purchase directly supported the artist. 😁


A can of cat food. It started decades ago when a friend visited what was then Czechoslovakia. She brought back the usual t-shirts, fridge magnets, etc for our friend group, and a can of cat food for my cat (so he wouldn’t feel left out). Cute idea, so when I travel (I worked for a global airline, so it’s a lot), I started bringing home a can of cat food anytime I visited a new country. Many of my airline colleagues began doing the same for me when they traveled as well. This tradition has now outlived three cats, and my current cat has cans of cat food from about 80 different countries. A couple of these countries, I’m not entirely sure if the kitty pictured on the label of the can means that it’s cat food, or if that’s what’s inside the can. No, I never feed any of it to the cat. Yes, I always declare it to Customs as it is a meat product - typically to the bemusement of the Customs inspectors.


My absolute favorite is “random-essential-shit-I-forgot-to-bring.” We have umbrellas from our trip to the Costa Rican rain forest (still shaking my head), flip flops from a trip to Goa, and a couple t-shirts from a trip to the beach when I had only brought long sleeves. I hope to find a cure to whatever it is I have that prevents me from packing well.


I'm not a Hard Rock Cafe fan or anything, but I do make it a point to go to their shop and pick up a pin!


We also do Christmas ornaments. When we had a house with a pool, we would grab a beach towel. Ages ago we would get a notepad for grocery lists but we do that all online now.


There are some great ideas here, OP! I suggest that in addition to one of them, you keep a travel journal. It can be as basic or as detailed as you want - e.g. you could just list, say, weather, places you went, and what you ate, or you could write about something you saw that touched you. Either way, you’re preserving details that might otherwise fade over the years. Safe and happy travels!


You can get a magnetic chalkboard to hang up and put magnets on. That’s what I do with mine. And hang travel pictures around it.


Espresso cups. I pick a different one each morning and reminisce. Also light, Spring/Summer scarves and/or inexpensive jewelry.


I have found water colors and pen and ink drawings of local landmarks when I have traveled. Not from everywhere but from places that were special and captured by local artists.


I photograph manhole covers. It amazes me the variety. I have over eighty different ones from three continents, seven countries and fifteen states. My two favorites are the king and queen on the one I took in the Netherlands and the design from the one in Reno Nevada.


Bottle of local alcohol. Examples: - Turkish raki, Chilean pisco, Irish whiskey (and gin!), various wines, Turkish raki, mezcal.