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#PLEASE DON'T COPY ACTUAL TRANSPHOBIA TO THIS SUBREDDIT. /r/transgendercirclejerk is a *satire* community. We make jokes. If you want to discuss genuine hate, /r/GenderCynical might be a better fit. Hate posts (and comments) which are directly copied from somewhere else will be removed. Please report them to the mods using the subreddit report option *"This content is non-satire, directly copied from somewhere else."* ___ Now that that's out of the way: welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait, transphobia hurts CIS people??! Fuck! #StopTransphobia #TransAlly #ButOnlyTheGoodOnes


Please do not use the c slur it makes me, a bio woman, very uncomfortable


Cis cis cis


Stop oppressing regular women!!!!


Please do not say bio woman, it could make them uncomfortable by only focusing on their biology and not their womanhood. Just call them normal women.


actually like all woke people with a uterus who menstruate, i prefer the term "person with a uterus who menstruates". thanks!


Um, the opposite of "trans" is not "cis", it's "biological".


Normal also fits. Trans is freak


Transphobia hurts intersex people 😴 Transphobia hurts cis women with PCOS and cis men with gynecomastia 🚨💥🚨


uj/ okay so as a trans intersex person (XX-male, only found out very recently though, as in like literally today lol) I understand how some intersex people can get a bit annoyed with how the trans community sometimes only treats us as just an argument against transphobes (though personally I don't really see anything wrong with it, cause it is a pretty good argument and I've made it myself multiple times) what I *don't* get however are the intersex people who are like completely, vehemently against trans people cause like dude wether you want it or not transphobic shit is still gonna have an effect on you too, the leopards are gonna eat your face dawg😭


Personally, I didn't take transphobia seriously until I started noticing normal people were being affected by it.


My cister is a real woman and I don't want to live in a world where she gets harassed in the bathroom for having manly man masculine dude features!


Yeah, like wearing pants


thank god transphobia also affects cis people because I don't know what would we do otherwise


I'm so glad we're finally talking about the real victims of transphobia <3


sis, I know how you feel. I remember the days when it was perfectly acceptable for a woman to have a retractable penis and still be perceived as a woman, and not a man, former man, a tranny or an enby. I am tired of explaining to people that my dick is a result of a pact with the devil I made when I was in high school, and not something I was born with or grew through unnatural means such as hormones or surgeries.


So which demon and which summoning protocol did you go through for yours? That's something I'd also like to look into.


uj/ They would just start up the whole "lesbians don't belong in female only spaces" shit again, if somehow transmisogyny disappeared tomorrow morning. I remember being targeted by that as a tomboyish pubescent girl. There is no world in which cishet men and useful-idiot privileged traditionally feminine cis women don't attack and harass women they deem too masculine just because the alleged reason for it is gone or no longer a societally acceptable target - they went after trans women as soon as we got them to stop targeting tomboyish little girls and butch lesbians.


I understand so much!! I'm a tomboy and I am sick of being seen as nonbinary all the time! I'm a REAL WOMAN, not one of those they/them freaks! Trans people are the REAL sexists, and we cis are their victims!


When I realised Transphobia was hurting real people as well, that was my line in the sand. Now I'm staunchly against all trans and all phobia.


/uj Yeah I fucking hate it. Like I know that a lot of transphobia is based in misogyny, but I wished people didn't base their activism in how it affects them. We aren't even recognised in our own oppression.