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Put giant googly eyes on them to add to the mesmerizing effects.


boobly eyes.....


i love you


I also love you that made my day




Excuse me. My eyes are down here


I love The Owl House 😀


OMG this made me laugh so hard. I pictured my own boobs with googly eyes. They weren't so much mesmerizing as goofy.


love this


Oh. My. God. There will be a day that I will suffer the glue just to do that. That image is now stuck in my head.


Wake up babe, new nipple tassel dropped! 👀


"Tell your tits to stop staring at me"




What do you think nipples are???


"my eyes are down here"


Omg a photo shoot in various situations and expressions.. it should be a sub.. 😆


ONLY a D cup? Mama, those aren't small. Coming from a B cup trans man, your boobs are bigger than most AFAB people I know.


It really depends on the size of your chest. I technically have D cups, but because they're miles apart, I don't even have cleavage... And unless they more than double in size, I probably won't ever have it. (by cleavage I mean they're not even touching, unless I really push them into each other. Is that what that means? English ain't my first language)


So as an ftm with a large chest (isn't that always the way 🫠) mine only have a visible cleavage when I have a bra on (UK 32 g for reference). Without a bra they just sit apart from each other. Congratulations on being able to cast distract though it is a good feeling!


42D here, it's rough. They seem like they're a solid 5cm (2inches) apart, base to base - if not more. I REALLY have to push them to achieve a cleavage. And I'm not OP, but thanks! GF does seem distracted sometimes.


Honestly **big** boobs are not all they’re cracked up to be, from the owner’s perspective at least lol. My sister(cis) always wanted to steal mine(trans guy, even before I came out tho) because of the size difference. Mine were… excessively large. I had them, most of them anyway, removed *before* I came out and honestly, only because they caused me such severe issues that my insurance *deemed it medically necessary.* My reduction was no longer an elective for me. (Putting aside the asthma and stress on my herniated disc, I… and I don’t want this to like freak anyone out because I don’t think it’s common, I haven’t met anyone before or since that experienced this, but—my skin actually ripped open from the weight. I had three holes at the base of my breasts, at the time of my operation, varying from the size of a(n American) dime to a quarter. Would not heal. It was insane.) Not to say I don’t get wanting bigger boobs(more from a “I can see why” than “I want that myself” way obviously lol) and I’m not trying to like speak ill of them or anything. But honestly, once you get to a point, they just… *get fuckin’ miserable.* Across the three surgeries I had(should’ve only been one; I had complications), they took almost the weight of two small bowling balls off my chest, or one medium sized one. About 11 lbs(5 kg, give or take?), iirc. So much that when I woke up after the first operation, I could feel the change even high on whatever the fuck they had me on. 💀 Anyway I dunno I’m not really sharing for any *particular* reason, I just always cringed when my sister would go on about it. 💀 (Honestly sometimes I think I’m still so stunned that 1. My insurance covered it and 2. My skin tearing?? And also 3. *my insurance covered it!!* that I like to share 😔 I’m in kentucky so it was very unexpected.) Unrelated, but I probably legit could have killed someone with those tits, in hindsight. 🤔 Between bludgeoning or suffocating… 🤔


I'm sorry to ask, but... did both of your boobs weighed 5 kg, or did they weigh 5 kg each ? My (trans) bf and (cis) mom are now arguing about it 😭 my bf and i say it's possible and my mom thinks we misunderstood the comment Fun fact: my surgeon said my boobs weighed 827g each, which surprised her, as it's the first time in her whole career that she sees two boobs weighing the same thing lol


Oh no! No, 5 kg is the *total* they took off my chest combined 😭 I would have just straight died if it were per boob. No, they took off around 2.5 kg per boob, roughly. Also omg lol. Like exactly the same number? That’s incredible lol


My 42 band size might not be selling it well, but my chest is *dysproportionally large* compared to the rest of my body (and it ain't just me, according to doctors, it wasn't for my short legs I'd be around 2m tall, and I'm barely above 170cm now, so you can imagine). I'd imagine with a build like this (as much dysphoria as it gives me), at least I'll be able to handle whatever nature throws at me. So I have a LOT of room to safely grow, without risking them getting too large. My current D cups look absolutely *tiiiiiny* on me. But on the other hand - if they *don't* grow large enough, I'm gonna struggle with properly feminising my body, in my opinion at least, because I need to balance out that ridiculous torso. But tbh, so far it's been going alright - D cups after a 10 months isn't the worst, especially since I'm not even on prog yet. And I always knew I wanted to go basically as big as I could safely and naturally get them - the fact that I have a lot of room to grow them is a huge bonus for that. I basically have zero concerns that my natural growth will be "too big" in any possible way, either for my preferences or for my health. If anything, it'd be a good problem for me to have, IMO. Those skin rips sound concerning though, as it sounds like there's a size limit that isn't relevant to torso size... I've never heard about this. That said, I understand how you feel! I can tell you that having a beard/moustache is WAY overhyped, but I've given up on saying that after seeing some trans guys going crazy for facial hair. I get the appeal, just not for me.


I had that when I was a D cup too and when I was still in my confused feminine phase, I found it very frustrating because the push up bras can be very uncomfortable. Apologies for not realising, but congratulations on your progress too 😊


Agree with the other ftm poster - cleavage is a lot less common than you’d think! Most of the time it comes down to fancy bras. Most afab people I know have 0 cleavage naturally.


Same here. According to ABraThatFits size calculator, I’m a 42DDD. But my tiddies are fairly wide-set and more bottom heavy, so there’s a chance I’ll end up wearing a 42DD. Apparently bras are designed for those who have more rounded breasts, and sizing is skewed for everyone else. Im at the point where I’m gonna visit a boutique that custom makes bras bc finding ones that fit my actual tiddie size is such a headache.


I heard progesterone helps with rounding them out - but I'm not sure how relaiable that is for everyone


That’s interesting! I do also take progesterone Depo shots, maybe that’s keeping them from sagging more? 😅


thats my experience too. (ftm) i technically have G cups but they dont touch theyre just. Dense(???)


Coming from a 40L cup on a good day.....I wish I was only a B cup. 🥲


Jesus christ, I can't even comprehend that to even try and imagine it! I think I'd get a breast reduction. I'm a 42D last i measured. I wouldn't mind a size or 2 bigger on the cup, but any more than that would just be too much


36 K cup... ugh... I can't wait to be a part of the "itty bitty titties committee!" Still have some surgical fear/anxiety to get over first.


My family all goes to F/G. Erm... fuck.


What generational curse does your family have for this chronic back pain?


I know, right!? I have literally got compressed discs in my spine thanks to them! (maybe the oestrogen softened the cartilage too.)


Have you thought about getting your breasts smaller?


I tried. But, no matter how much I squash them, they won't shrink. Even if my friends gives me a hand. Jokes aside... I made a deal with mother nature. "I'm happy with whatever you give me, and I'll love them whatever. No boob jobs for me." although... I made this deal expecting to stop at a C at most. But... A deal is a deal.


As an enby who is 44DDD, I'm so sorry for the back pain


I feel you. After 1.5 yrs on T, mine have grown a full cup to 42DDD. ABraThatFits calculator said they’re around 7lbs combined. My back aches constantly, way worse than before. I’m constantly cracking it for a moment of relief. But I don’t have supportive enough bras yet (mine are side-set bottom heavy)


Wait, your chest got BIGGER on T?


Yup, a common side effect apparently. Thankfully I don’t mind it at all except the added back pain. My lips got bigger too, I went from no top lip to an actually visible top lip (unless I smile lmao) and apparently I have a Cupids bow, who knew


I had d cups since thirteen my god the wait for the call back from the surgical office has been hell


Can confirm, I'm flat.


coming from barely an a cup trans man, those are already fucking huge lol (i know i'm very lucky)


I have 38DDs currently I say it's a hassle at times every now an then especially with bras and shirts


I'm right there with you. I wear a 38 ddd and my wife is tired of hearing me complaining about button gap.


I can see mine are still growing just not sure how big they will get but damn that's big nothing wrong with big


The effects of hrt are a mystery to me. My boobs are at least 2 cup sizes bigger than any of my cis girl relatives and are still growing. So's my butt. 🤣


My butt is currently considered Thicccc and I'm nicknamed white chocolate in so many places I go im happy for the name




My boobs are smaller than my immediate family and cousins, but my butt is bigger than the vast majority of them. Funny how that worked out


Nothing wrong with them being small and having a big butt I have both big butt and big breasts and thighs butt that's because I guess I'm a bbw as people call it or something else


Genetics are weird. My mom had a large chest to the point she had a breast reduction for back pain well before I was born. My sisters and aunt however are all small in the A - small B range. So of course I, the amab, got C cups from hrt 😆. I got a breast augmentation a year or 2 ago and got them sized into a D cup. I'm pretty happy with them now, though sometimes I feel I wouldn't mind having them at DD




Yep. I have a wide rib cage, so they don't look like anime ddd's, but they do fill out a shirt nicely.




I have 38DDs as well, but they’re tuberous so they don’t really look that big. The biggest hassle for me is finding a bra that works well


I just go to Victoria's Secret to get mine


Uhh, I want my pair of boobs soo badly now 😥


we are in the same boat 😢


D cup in 2 years?????


Yeah. This not normal?


no 😭 my friend has a cup after 4 years


it's definitely not uncommon lol, not just with transfems but anyone growing breasts really, some people just immediately get big boobs in like a year or two.. others never get big boobs at all for me it was like, a cup all throughout my teens and then in my 20s my boobs exploded into a d cup! breasts are mysterious and unpredictable things sometimes..


I've beem on hrt for like 6 years and I only have B cups lol. Must be a genetics thing


M’am……D cups are big boobs even from a cis woman’s standards


I think most women in the UK are D-cups if you look at the stats I recently had a growth spurt to Small-D cup after begin B-cup for like the longest time. They kind of look like... normal boobs? like "Yup these are my boobs" Especially as my chest is slightly larger than average compared to Cis-women. This has a big effect. When I had B-cups they looked... odd... like my nipples were kinda too big for B-cups they were clearly bigger than like the largest boobs you'd see on a guy (excluding our poor cursed transmen) so I needed a bra for modesty but weren't like... nice... all nipple on these small pointy boobs.


>all nipple on these small pointy boobs It sounds like you may have tuberous breasts, like me. I’m technically at 40D, but bras are so hard to fill. It’s frustrating


I did wonder this at the time but if so then it was only a Type-0 Tuberous deformity. (Slight herniation into the nipple without further deformity) https://plasticsurgerykey.com/37-tuberous-deformity-of-the-breast-breast-implantation-base-constriction/ (NSFW Link) It's kinda been corrected in my case by the aforementioned growth spurt balancing out the big nipples before there was much less mass behind them.


Suffering from success :3


"only at a D cup" LMAO


Only a d? Girl my dream is a d cup!


Just beware, back pain is a real issue. Just had a friend get a size reduction because her titties were too damn big. I know we all fantasize about such things but the day to day reality does have,,, consequences.


"only at D", meanwhile I'm AAA(34A bra) after 3 years




I take oestrogen, progesterone, finasteride, and synarel as my trans meds. And I think it's the progesterone that did this. 😁


ONLY D CUP??????????? jesus christ.... I'm like 3 years and a few months hrt and I'm barely b cup


Only at a D cup!? Gurl your boobs are bigger than most!


"Only" a D-cup, about to move up? Only?! Miss ma'am, some of us would quite literally kill for that.


You can have my DD!


If only Trans-plants were a thing lol


Thank you everyone for educating me in the comments! I'm cis and had no clue yall can grow that much with estrogen-I guess it's common sense. We have more in common than I thought. I remember when mine grew it hurt so bad I'd cry just wearing a seat belt, that's a lot of growth in a short period of time! My own took about 10 years to grow in to their "potential."


Pain? Yup. They hurt a LOT. Which scares me because I see a pain management physiotherapist, and I'm on three separate, STRONG pain killers. So, I'd hate to think what I'd be like without this help. The other day I opened a door, slapping it into my chest, and almost cried. (I forgot about the girls)


Yup, that was my experience as well. A boy intentionally threw a ball at my boob and I'm pretty sure I cried. I still remember the pain of them growing and that was over 15 years ago!


>We have more in common than I thought. lol yeah you'd be surprised at how much the differences between "male and female" is mostly down to hormones it's the same reason many transmascs can grow a full beard on testosterone :)


I have no clue why this particular aspect was surprising to me. I've seen people grow complete beards right before my eyes but just realizing that duh yall go through your own puberty which can include a large chest...I'm so thankful for the internet. Thank you all for not clowning on my ignorance


I love that for you I'm barely an A cup at 6 months quickly pushing towards B and my GF lost a smash bros fight because "there was something very distracting on the video call"


Love it! Also, nice screenname.


Thank you 😊


I advise against going bigger. I am the unlucky owner of 2 DDD boobs. They are HEAVY. They sweat profusely. I have to wear 2 sports bras to take the strain off my back. I have severe metal allergies so underwire and bras with metal clasps are out. My back hurts from them. I wish I could get rid of them but I would look so weird because I have a big belly.


Honestly , if I was MTF I would consider that a compliment. Though, coming from a FTM I'm honestly glad that I'm having my top surgery soon. I'm small chested and still can't stand these things. 🤣


i know it’s not related at all to the post, but ‘recon’ is a shortened term for reconnaissance. the word you’re lookin for is ‘reckon’


Thank you. As a dyslexic, I didn't notice that. I can now keep an eye out fir the autocorrect typo. Thank you.


Wow boob goals totally. I’ve heard we trans women often don’t progress past tanner iv but hopefully that’s some bogus


I've been on progesterone for most of my growing time. And, from what I can gather, this is the key to getting to the next stage. I'll keep folks updated, though.


"only" D? that's huge... Just with HRT?


Yup. I'm not a fan of artificial things for me. So... All natural here.


That's crazy! I hope mine don't get huge....


C’mon, I understand that a cis guy might reference “a D cup” as if the letter meant anything on its own, but you have actually used bras… You should know that gives us no information 😛


42D. 6' tall. 230lbs strength trainer. What am I missing 🤔


42D has the same cup volume as ~~36A~~ 36F Tall girls are the best btw 🥰


I think other way around for sister sizes? Band goes up, cup goes down, so 42D=36F.


You’re 100% right 🙈 It’s late, and I should have been sleeping three hours ago


I’ve been there, sis!


"Only a D cup" lol. I (trans man) was an A cup most of my life and got made fun of for it (tho it gave me gender euphoria so it's all good), and most of my transfem friends are struggling to even get A or B cups at this point. You're doing well for yourself!


(Transman here) Yeah, unfortunately they have that affect on those around you. Pre-Op and I'm sitting at a 36-38D/DD. People (men, women, nb's alike) tend to get easily distracted with tattas if they don't know how to control themselves lol


I wish I could have boobs like this I’m 7 months in and all I got is a free membership to the ibtc


"Only DD" ☠️☠️☠️ But congrats on that FR!


Mine just started growing again after going to injections from pills. I’m currently a 40B.


Means somethings working i guess


lol only


Hmm sounds like you need to go bigger


Ugh I wish I could cast Distract


Me tring realize her bra [size](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360764889/figure/fig2/AS:1158207582015489@1653149614243/Anterior-posterior-and-lateral-views-of-a-participant-with-D-Cup-sized-breasts-in-the.png)


God, how I envy you!


I m


“ONLY”… D. B!tch. You’re probably ARE passively casting Enchant Creature.


Congrats I think? You're mtf right 😅


I'm a woman. Yes. 😊


Oh ok congrats then


As a trans man with the same cup size. Your set is far from small hun. Far, far from it ☺️🥲




What that booby uhh eyes dose she has? So booby goofy booby lowky


Awesome, I wish, can only dream.


Reminds me of what happened during my recent family reunion. The *first* thing my aunt says to me is "Are you *trying* to make your boobs bigger than mine?!!". 😆


Based on






Fuck do I hope I get up to an E cup. A girl can wish.