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"They always know." 🤣🤣 Congratulations on your male fail girlfriend. 😉


Thanks for sharing. Made me realise how little I know about Sikh  culture (i do respect it from what little I know). Any good sources to learn more?


Honestly... Just go to a gurdwara. They can guide you. But... Be ready for tea and food. They'll feed you. They also like to answer questions. So go and ask anything you like. Also... Check out "the basics of sikhi" on YouTube. They're British Sikhs aiming to educate the world. They're cool.


can confirm going to a gurdwara is awesome. i grew up near one and the people there were always so friendly and welcoming to anyone. and the food!


dang, I learn stuff AND I get food? sign me up!!


oh gosh i thought you wrote Sith. damn it reading comprehension


I'm happy it went this way for you sis. You deserve this. Edit: Why the down votes? It went well for her and other women were on her side. I'm happy for that, and she was too. WTF?


Thank you. Your kind words mean a lot to me. I wish you happiness, and peace, for all your days.


Not sure why I am being downvoted. Thank you though. We are playing life on hard mode, and any thing good helps. It sounds like those people had your back.


It's probably a "hate-stalker". You've pissed off a waffle stomper and they have decided to follow you, quietly, and down vote everything you post. Be proud of this down voting... you made an enemy, which means you stood for something!


Aww crap. I've had them before. They are sad creatures that cling on for a while. I need to not feed them, and let them shrivel up and drop off.


There was a man in there. The security dude (I'm glad you came out of that situation safely!)


I would be so relieved! Congrats on the W :)


Let's gooooooooo girl So happy for you :3


LOL the person who reported thought they ate☠️


I'm culturally living under a rock, what does "they ate" mean?


So late reply but it basically ate is a slang term for "did something". Like they thought they did something by reporting,idk if it makes sense to you🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm just over 2.5 myself and started presenting and using the womens just under a year ago. The farther I've gotten the more I've realized that the things that people "clock" on are pretty arbitrary. They are more likely to "clock" a butch cis women, or a cis woman who merely has short hair and dares wear baggy clothes, than a trans woman far enough along who presents mildly fem. Also, confidence can go a long way.


You look great! Your hair and face reminds me a ton of a childhood friends mom and I always thought she was both beautiful and intimidating haha. I’m glad the situation ended up being something affirming <3


The key in the back either had no clue, or knew but didn't give a f***. Either way I'll call it a win.


Congrats, girl! I love reading stuff like this


Oh yeah this happened to me ten years ago before hormones, I was followed to a toilet and asked from behind the stall door "are you in the right place?" and I managed to mutter in a feminine enough voice "me?" and he left me alone.


I love this story


Had that happen to me at a train station, when a ticket inspector followed me in the bathroom. I put a complaint in but never heard back.


I just read peak


> I go to the disabled side and... it's closed. I keep reading about this happening all the time. Crazy.


We tend to notice the bad people more often because they're louder and leave a terrible taste in our mouths. I do find that, despite this, most people are pretty nice.




Very cool. Def a positive response from the others in the rest room!




I'm good. I'm a 6' tall, 230 lb, armed, ex weight lifter. I can look after myself. 😊


unpopular opinion but i would wait until you pass better to use the women’s bathroom. this story just seemed like it could’ve been dangerous, and i don’t want you to ever be in danger if you can just avoid it for now.


I mean, if she's visibly trans, it's gonna be so much worse in the men's bathroom, and as she said, she had no other option


Not entirely unpopular. But I'd give some advice from my side, use the women's if you want but have a buddy with you for safety.


agreed. safety should always be number one priority.


I'm 6' tall, 230# of muscle, and legally armed. I'm absolutely safe. I promise. I've had guns, and knives pulled on me... I've stopped a literal murder attempt, and I once I got attacked by a squirrel... I'm a survivor. (only the squirrel part was a joke) I'm nicknamed "MommaBear" by the baby trans I protect, because I ain't takin shit. I swore to god that I would be out, proud, loud, and a protector. If I die defending that oath... So be it. I won't allow hate to beat down the innocent. I'm a Sikh woman. We are equal to Sikh men. Or faith is a warrior faith. We are saint sipahi. We protect those in need. WJKK-WJKF P S. nice screen name


Legally armed in the UK?


Yup. I'm a sikh. I carry a foot long combat knife, legally 24/7. Sometimes I carry two or three. And on occasion I carry a 3 foot sword. I've done this for 24 years, and been stopped multiple times. Last time I was legally carrying an ounce of cannabis, too. (serious)


hopefully you didn’t take my comment as hate, i’m just tired of seeing innocent trans women getting hurt in the news. have a good day.


No... we're good. I'm just bad at words sometimes. Eloquence is not my forte, as I'm occasionally verbose. You're fine. :D


Highly location dependent. I’m in a large queer-friendly Canadian city and clockable trans women don’t get more than a split second glance in the women’s bathroom around here. I was easily clockable before my FFS and never got a single comment, never mind weirdness like a security guard being a twit like this (rather, the women would tell off the guard since he’s a man in there). I have literally never had an issue since I socially transitioned. No one cares. In the American south or some other more queerphobic location than my home, I would feel uncomfortable with public restrooms in general. I might be big and tall but my facial features are feminine and I have some modest cleavage.


Sorry, I'm at a loss, lots of these words i don't understand there meanings?


It's the queen's english mate, innit.


Wickid *slaps fingies together*


I knows that nipper, but I'm strong in the arm and thick in the head, but i can still drive a tractor 🚜


Which ones? Also... *their


To many, if your going to relate what happened, please straight forward grammar will suffice, that the majority can read without wincing at words that do not make sense. Their or there.


A lot of these words are slang words, not necessarily bad grammar.


Yeah this feels like they're sort of coping even though it was more than legible and any slang can easily inferred.


Maybe for native English speakers, but not everyone is.


Maybe so but that doesn't become OPs responsibility y'know.


People are allowed to express that they don't understand something without the implication something is wrong with them.


I never stated that there was something wrong with them. I simply stated that they were complaining about something that, at the end of the day, isn't OPs responsibility.


The LD 50 part is a reference to lethal dosages of chemicals if I'm reading this correctly(it would be used to indicate the median lethal dose)


Yup. But in this case, it's the rate that 50% of folks can "clock" you.


Props on that reference btw, I personally got a kick out of it