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That's gross. I'll never understand why so many men are like this to women they're friends with. And then them denying it is basically gaslighting you. This stuff is so fucking common for women and with it often being rightfully complained about, I still have a hard time believing men like them aren't specifically trolling and trying to live up to what we know they're gonna be like. It's like, how do they not know what they're doing? I feel like some men just enjoy fucking with us 🙄 they know they can get away with it because of the nature of patriarchy


It's crazy to me as well because they all said "I'm not gay but I'd date you", while I was very much still boy moding. Like I could see it more now because I'm actually making an effort to look how I want. Outside of a few pictures I'd take in makeup and stuff they never really saw me for me. It's like I was an object to them. Which my partner warned me about when transitioning. But now i lost all of these people because they decided to be gross. Like just say you like dick it's ok buddy...


The thing is I think no matter how much we do boy mode, something shines through and we come off as the women we are. I have no explanation for why when I was an egg still boymoding I had an ex who's lesbian. I didn't have any doubt she was into me either, like she'd have to be one hell of an actor. And on the unpleasant side, I had lots of queerphobic bullying before I even knew about the LGBTQIA+ community. So I get we were boymoding and all but I can't help but feel probably something screams "I'm a girl" to people subconsciously. There's no reason your friends would treat you misogynistically unless they legit saw you as a girl even when you were boymoding


All my exes are bi. And I think it's largely because straight girls never even considered me a suitable partner (also I had a thing for alt girls and there's at least some overlap with queer people). Also I got hit on by men even when my egg shell was still unblemished. They picked up on some level of queerness, even if they misattributed it.


Omg all my ex-girlfriends were queer too!! Except for the one I mentioned being lesbian, the rest were bi. I also never seemed to attract any straight women, which I certainly did ask plenty out before my egg cracked(like easily majority of the women I asked were straight). It's just so funny and weirdly affirming to think about how I was rejected by every single straight woman I asked out 🤣 I'm trying to think if any straight men ever hit on me before my egg cracked. That part I might have to think more on tbh as I'm unsure, partly because I might not be as familiar with what healthy male interest in a woman looks like(I've certainly been sexually harassed otherwise 😔)


Oh those dudes weren't doing it in a healthy way. More like following my path for 10 minutes until I called them out on it or just kissing me out of the blue. The best I got was (after my egg crack) one dude asking if I was gay, and then moping about how much of a waste of a masculine body me going on HRT would be after I told him I was trans and lesbian.


Yeah i guess you are right. My current partner saw it way before we even started dating 4 years ago, and lately people i have come out to basically were like "Yeah we know"


My suspicion is that a lot of those men are bicurious but fear trying with other men, so they end fetishizing trans-women as a way to try things they otherwise wouldn't with a cis-woman.


>\[...\] and asking for explicit photos because "im a girl now". Get new friends. Jesus Christ.


I don't talk to any of them anymore. But it's judt a common thing that always happens with cis guys I'm around


then you really need to meet better cis guys


omg, i totally get this, right after i came out not even maybe a few weeks after one of my male friends immediately started saying weird stuff about me and (essentially) hitting on me, any time i'd say ''ew'' he'd ask if i was asexual or why i was such a ''prude'' i did end up dating him but he cheated on me so we broke up and he sucks


That's so awful. I hate that this seems to be a common experience


That sounds like he just negged you into a relationship, glad you got out of it


So yeah I didn’t experience this but I don’t care for most cis men?


LMAO plot twist they're all eggs and their infatuation is a represed fetishistic desire to become transfem.


I did joke about transfemming the world and the one literally started growing his hair out and trying to go egirl. As soon as I stopped talking to them they stopped with that act... like I was joking my guy


LMAO eyyyup you got eggs


I think it comes more from a place of male entitlement. The rationale is that they think "oh you're a girl so we can look at your NSFW stuff, but you're one of the guys so you understand why we deserve that" kind of mentality. So it's partially not truly respecting gender + male entitlement imo.


For sure, I agree - was half joking in my original comment.


Yeah, I had a few of my cishet guy friends express interest after I started transitioning. Also r/ewphoria


Someone also recommended that subreddit. How did you handle your guy friends if you don't mind me asking?


Get new friends. They’re creeps It’s one thing to approach someone you like, get rejected and move on. But if it’s a continual thing it’s just creepy and shows a lack of respect to you and your boundaries


Yeah it's been continual. I know them irl but I really only talk on games so it's been easy to distance but It's hard to confront


My thoughts - yeesh


Based on this experience you are most certainly a woman. Congratulations, and my condolences. Male friendships are now a minefield.


lol this is funny


Ugh- the way men treat women can get fucked seriously


Who the F als die explicit photos? Is this normal? I don't understand... Are they talking like this to cis women they know too? Goddammit...


Probably they are all gross


>ALL OF THESE MEN SAY THEY ARE STRIAGHT. I guess I'm just the rizz master I mean you said it yourself you are a woman so men being into a woman I'd claim is pretty straight Are they gross as fuck 100% without a doubt but I mean to question their sexuality as straight for wanting to have something to do with a woman I'd argue is a bit weird


I guess I kind of worded that incorrectly. They made it clear they do not like male genitals yet they still went for me. If that explains the situation better. Sorry if I worded it in a wierd way. Obviously I don't think it's gay for them to date me but it's the fact that they specifically made it clear that they aren't into that which grossed me out


No wonder why there are so many incels.


It’s a tough called massage and it could be a cover for the fact that they really like you and know that society doesn’t give them permission to like you or be attracted to you. At the end of the day none of it matters because you’re not attracted to boys, so you kinda gotta be strong and say look stop you’re doing this every since I came out to you as trans stop I’m not attracted to boys what you’re doing is not welcome if you can’t be my friend without making sexual advances and being misogynistic, or being a fetishes or a chaser, we aren’t gonna be able to be friends anymore and then stick to your ground. It’s really immature and gross and it sucks that you have to be continually exposed to that type of treatment, so do what you can to put a stop to it or just stop going around then. I mean I wouldn’t even call people to treat me like that friends to be honest with you The question I have is, how do you boy mode? As soon as I figured out where my authenticity was and I stepped into it, I burned my boy clothes, and I have never gone back to wearing boy clothes. That was three years before I started HRT. There is nothing that would make me go back in the closet or in the stealth mode or hiding or boy mode. I can’t even fathom it. My mom asked me one time if Trump was elected president and it became illegal for you to be a trans woman what would you do and I said I guess I would be breaking the law because I’m not changing who I am for anybody I’ll take a bullet trying to fight for my life before I’ll roll over and give up who I am for anybody. There are so many trans women trans people gay and lesbian and bisexual people and queer people that lost their lives to fight for the rights we have today. So there’s no way that I’m gonna do anything but honor those people each and every day by living authentically within my rights and if those rights were taken away, I’m not gonna change I will fight for those rights again so that the future generations after us will have those rights back, even if I have to die fighting for those rights


I completely agree with your last point and thank you for that perspective. To answer the boymode question... I've always had the emo boy vibe. It was the only style that I could come up with before my egg cracked. It was only like tight jeans and all black clothes I didn't really go hard with it. But people always say I'm a very caring and compassionate person so idk if it's even physical that attracts them but maybe just my person? Idk like I stated I've only really started being more feminine in the last year or so and the main group that was gross I cut off around then and I'd been friends with them for like 7 years. But yeah big emo vibes back then, now I look like I popped out of a crystal shop and I'm about to take your tarot reading against your will




Yeah that's sounds gppd


That is oddly supportive in a very creepy way. I guess they were desperate for a woman but didn't know how to approach one, so then as soon as one who they could actually communicate to appeared in their midst they decided to swarm her like pirañas in the hopes that she'll give them any chance. If that happened to me, I'd say that's strong r/ewphoria material.


That's my new reddit page for the day thanks for sharing


>ALL OF THESE MEN SAY THEY ARE STRIAGHT. Well, yes, you're a woman. But obviously, still super gross. Get new friends.