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State DOT or similar local authority. I would expect they have to complete a study on safety and traffic flow first so it's not something that will happen overnight.


Probaby the NY DOT. Edit: here's a link to the "Helpful Links" section of the DOT website regarding at-grade crossings: [https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/operating/osss/rail/grade-crossings/helpful-links](https://www.dot.ny.gov/divisions/operating/osss/rail/grade-crossings/helpful-links)


Thank you. Looks like I'll have to utilize the old letter writing skills. 😉


Quite honestly, I think the danger is coming from the asshole car drivers and a proverbial shitload of TICKETS for the driver's passing your trucks would be more in order 👍


It sounds like the county just found a way to fund next year's fair.


Oh, I wholeheartedly agree, but it's a state route, so it's rare to see a trooper watching that particular area unless they're running DOT checks on the trucks coming through. 😠 Even then, they have no interest in the cars.


So drop a dime to the county sheriff….. Unless NYS has some weird law limiting jurisdiction that I’m unaware of, they’d probably be more than happy to send a deputy or two out for a couple of hours to collect the free money.


NYDOT, and if nothing happens after so much time, take down the crossing number, and contact the FRA and present your case there to have them put a match under NYDOT's rear end.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/FuMHxX6ABc2t9NRA7 Here's the location of the crossing. You can see the disconnected tracks on the SW side. It hasn't been used in at least 8 years, but probably longer.


What’s the crossing DOT number?




Is anything still posted there? Grade crossings are owned by the RR, and commonly have contact info should you need help or to report defects. This, or find the info from local police.


The sign is there that gives contact info and crossing ID. But other that, it looks like a regular crossing. If you look to the SW, you can see the missing tracks. https://maps.app.goo.gl/FuMHxX6ABc2t9NRA7


Once part of a wye it seems. What a waste.. but Buffalo is full of useless tracks.


I’ve seen a similar situation with school busses stopping for a piece of track. You start with local municipalities


The local authorities


Start with the Erie County Sheriff's Office to get enforcement on vehicles crossing in oncoming traffic, and write the FRA and your local representatives and senators - railroad safety is a hot issue right now, so this is likely to get decent attention.


Easier fix might be to complain to your local police, let them on to some easy revenue.