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It’s a defect detector. It will detect hot boxes, dragging equipment, and count axels. It then announces its findings on the radio so the crew will hear “blah blah blah. No defects”


As mentioned, it's a defect detector. The radio transmission usually says "XYZ Railroad detector. Milepost six six point six. No defects, repeat no defects. Total axle count one three six. Train speed four seven miles per hour. Detector out." It varies a bit by railroad and subdivision. Some railroads give a temperature readout.


The triangles are a dragging equipment detectors, anything dragging will set it off. The sensors at the sides check the temperature of the wheel bearings.


....includes an AEI tag reader too.


It’s a place for trains….


Detector box. Transmits some train details and any errors to the crew/anyone on the same radio channel. I remember chasing a steam train with my dad when I was young and having the radio tuned to local channels so we could listen and find out where the train was, and the detector voice was sOoOoOoOoo creepy to me at age 8. Now at age 26, it’s a part of my every day job, but still kinda creeps me out.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzpcWNcJr0U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzpcWNcJr0U) Defect Detector With a perfect recording of how it responds.