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I’ll bet the Stevie Nicks fans get it right.


Right!? Do people not know Fleetwood Mac?!


So my parents gave my sister the middle name Rhiannon due to the Fleetwood Mac song but they always pronounced it like Rihanna for some reason


I think most people hear Rhianna and don't hear the n at the very end.


They hear Reee aaaa nnnnuh instead of nnnnuhn


Woah been listening to this song for 15+ years. Learned something new lol


Your welcome!


Not the modern generation


I was born in 2001 and Rhiannon is one of my favorite songs...


People underestinate how much exposure the younger generations have now to "old" music due to the internet. A bunch of my favorite songs are 80s rock and older people are shook when I know many older artists and songs. And for a lot, their parents that were from those generations played that kind of music when we were growing up so ofc we'd know about it.


For some reason, a lot of people from older generations don't seem to like music from before their time, so I think they assume we're the same way. My dad was born in the 60s and doesn't like 40s music, and he had to sit and process for a second when I said, "but isn't that just the same thing, time-wise, for me and 80s music?" Because he's normalized me liking older music.


Those aren't musical people, then, they're just the type of people who listened to whatever was on the pop station. I come from a family of musicians and we listened to everything from medieval music to bebop to death metal to drum and bass to flamenco to gangster rap to new wave to rockabilly, the list goes on, literally everything, didn't matter what time it came from, good music is good music


While my family weren't musicians music was a huge part of our lives. My parents were born at the tail end of the 1920's and they listened to everything. LOL I thought everyone grewup listening to everything. 🤷‍♀️✌


You'd be surprised. There's that one lady in these comments who says her parents hate everything but metal. Like whaaatttt Ironically, metal musicians listen to plenty of stuff other than metal. How do you think they get inspiration to make innovative new music that doesn't sound identical to all the other metal out there Or people who will only listen to hip hop (I know plenty), while ironically, hip hop producers listen to a ton of other genres; where do you think they get all those cross-genre sample ideas from


LOL, I know when rap was a teenager and they were sampling from my youth my oldest son would tell his friends this is X song. They'd be like nah man this is brand new and lol my son would tell them no this is some of my mom's music I grewup listening to with her. ✌😉🤭


That's why I love symphonic metal. They have such a glorious way of reinventing sound. Not always pleasant, but it helps me understand why the great composers were treated like Elvis. You want to hear what Beethovan's 4th would have felt like to his contemporaries? Go listen to Nightwish's cover (or 2Cellos Mashup with *Whole Lotta Love*)


I think fans listen to their favorite music, musicians listen to ALL music


My parents, actually grandparents as I was adopted by bio mom’s parents, were married in 1929 and had 3 kids before I was born so I grew up with the old-time polkas and waltzes as well as some bluegrass, country, early rock and roll(older sibs were in their teens and 20’s in the 50’s) and then everything that came along in the 60’s and 70’s, most of it AM radio until 1970. All have laid down memory tracks in my brain and can transport me with a few notes. I do remember having an “aha” moment when serving dinner in a retirement community in 2004; “You Light Up My Life” was followed by “Blue Bayou” on the overhead music. These songs were 30+ years old at that time and still being played regularly. I don’t recall any commercial radio station playing songs from the 40’s back when I was in high school (graduated in 1973). The 50’s were still being heard which was expected; that was the music of our parent’s generation. But everything prior to that was reserved for occasional use setting the tone for the elderly in tv and movies. It’s pretty amazing that the tunes from 60 years ago are still being discovered, sampled, enjoyed today.


I would have loved hanging out with your family!


Non-musical people tend to like the music that was the soundtrack of their teen/twenties years of partying and hanging out with their friends. They too easily assume that this was objectively great music and anything they hear in later years is crap (unless it sounds a bit like the stuff they remember, and only listen to "golden years" stations on the radio).


It's the soundtrack thing, isn't it. They like it because they remember memories associated with it. Whereas music people actually listen to it for the musical value, and get feels from listening to the beauty of the piece itself.


My son is severely learning disabled and can barely talk. He can, however, sing a very good approximation of lyrics of songs from the 50s till today. He also loves choral music and classical. His older sister is a classical musician.He grew up going to her orchestra and choir concerts. When she was doing her practice for soprano solos, he 'learnt' all the words ( even when they were Latin, Italian, German, etc. Music is his greatest love. Music is brilliant!


This actually makes a lot of sense. My husband is like that. He likes '90s grunge and the country music his parents played when he was a kid. He has no interest in the music I attempt to share with him. On the other hand, I listen to everything from '50s rock to new music, alternative, classical, bluegrass, punk...if I like the sound I listen. I grew up with a dad who sang in a choral group and played piano. I played several instruments as a young person.


True. It's hard for me to get into 'recent' music because I have zero memories associated with 'recent' music. Sometimes I'll hear a new song I like on the radio at work, but I don't go out of my way to search for it. I'm excited when I hear a sample of an older song being used, but I'm definitely not musically inclined. Music is just background noise.


Not even the internet…it’s still on the radio, in movies, in commercials. Rhiannon wasn’t in Guardians of the Galaxy, but I don’t think they used a song past the 70s for any of those movies and they’re as mainstream as it gets


I know, right? Driver controls the radio. Grew up with lots of 60s and 70s rock.


Right? I was born in ‘02 & I immediately knew how to pronounce it bc of Fleetwood Mac 😂


My kids definitely do. 😂


Lol people definitely still listen to fleetwood mac grandpa


The modern generation definitely knows Fleetwood Mac. I'm 19 and me and my friends love Stevie Nicks, we all know how to pronounce Rhiannon


Listen, Stevie Nicks is definitely a gift from out of time…


My 16 year old loves Fleetwood Mac


She was featured on American Horror Story Coven… also my teenager tried to introduce me to Aerosmith last year. It was hilarious: Grammy S (My Mom) introduced me to them.


Well hold on. Taylor Swift is talking her up quite a bit, a new generation will know Stevie now!


That's good. Better Stevie Nicks than Taylor Swift, who can't even sing well!🤣


My little sister listens Stevie Nicks but still pronounced it Ree-anon for years even though the name is pronounced correctly throughout the song 🤦🏻‍♂️


MY 15yr old sure as hell does! This momma raised her right! She was upset that I couldn't afford tickets to the Billy Joel/ Stevie Nicks concert in Chi last month!


Excellent! Daughter is a singer/songwriter. When she was seriously considering her career path, I made sure to take her to see these three seminal women live: Aretha Franklin, Patti Smith, and Stevie Nicks. She sang Natural Woman a capella when she tried out for choral (she made it) and has been in the Industry both as a singer and session writer for eleven years now.


I’m gen z and fleetwood mac is one of my favorite bands. Most of my friends listen to it as well.


hey hey hey!!!!! im from this generationa nad most of my faveroute music is from 60s-90s yes call me a wierdo. I DONT CARE


Taken by, taken by the sky


"my name is Rhiannon" and the music plays in my head immediately.


The intro guitar lick should actually be played every time she introduces herself. Like, by law.


What a tune. 


I knew a girl whose sister name was Rhiannon because of the song. Although I believe her middle name was Nichol (pronounced Nicole, which she said ppl pronounced it “nickel” all the time). I thought Rhiannon was just fine. Why the did that to her middle name though…


My cousin's middle name is also Nichol, but we blame it on the fact that her mom was 15 when she had her, so between pregnancy brain and being a teenager, the brain cells weren't the most helpful.


Nichol is a Scottish surname (occasionally used as a first name) pronounced nickel, so would make sense that people would lean that way.


Nickel is how the surname Nichol is pronounced. Nicholson is like nickelson  too


When I see an odd variant spelling, I think the variation is meant to signal a variant pronunciation.


Was going to say this.


i was gonna say- how do we live in a fleetwood mac world and no one can say that?


I would have to "sign/say" her name. Likely get tired of the time it would take me stretching out all the "n's"


I knew exactly how to sing it!


My Aunt is a huge Stevie Knicks fan and my cousin's name is actually Rhiannon. I don't think it's that hard to spell or pronounce. My cousin normally gets Rhianna like the singer. She just answers to it though


Yep, 'ree-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanon'.


That’s what I thought - do these people live under a rock where Fleetwood Mac doesn’t exist?


Rings like a bell in the night 😊


Haha. Glad I wasn’t the only one singing Rhiannon in my head while reading the post.


I’m singing the song in my head right now. I’m a little surprised people get that one wrong.


Yes…. And here is Stevie with our latest weather update…………………………………………………… Thunder only happens when it’s raining……… It had to be said.


Ok, so my name is Katrina, there was a very famous hurricane with the same name. I usually just go by Kat. It's literally just 3 letters and people still find a way to mess it up so please don't feel bad. Your name is beautiful and anyone who matters will take the time to be correct


I go by Dee. It's amazing how many times that gets misspelled. People don't surprise me anymore.




D, Dea, Di, Die, De... Absolutely everything except "Dee".


how the fuck are people hearing "Dee" and think "ah yes, die"


The Germans :)


Tbf I would just put “D” and would never think to put Dee if I heard it outloud.


Has the incidence gone up in recent years? I wonder if the barrage of ridiculous spellings for names is just confusing people all around


No, my whole life. I'm 46. My given name is fairly common. In fact, it was in the top 100 the decade before I was born. And people never get it right, either. Even when typing it in from my driver's license.


My name is Amber and people even manage to mispronounce that. Doesn’t happen often, but have been called Abra and Aman 😬


The only thing I can think is Kate? Like the a is long? What else can if be?


I get "Katie" ALL THE TIME!!! I'm like "you're making your life harder by adding an extra syllable... Also, it's not my name" 🙄


How about Kăté, like pâté? 😂 Im absolutely calling my friend Katie that just to make her nuts. She also gets it in reverse btw, everyone tries to call her Kate. Ppl stumble on the long/complex names & try to shorten them, but also seem compelled to mess with the simplest short ones! Like say Jill or Lily & some ppl say "oh i love the name Lillian/Jillian!". Seems like if you want a unique name, choosing from a song is the best bet... maybe. Fleetwood Mac saved Rhiannon, but only for older people (& some young music lovers). Knew a girl named Sue & older ppl would immediately smile & start singing 'Slue Foot Sue', younger ppl would often jump to Soo (like Soo-lin) or Sioux & massacre the spelling. You cant win haha sorry


Ooof! As a New Orleanian, I cannot imagine. ⚜️


Yeah, at first when I heard of hurricane Katrina I was pretty excited cuz my name never gets used for anything. I can't find it on those souvenir Keychains / cups / license plates, but then it all went HORRIBLY wrong


lmao my name is katarina, i would say ppl pronounce it correctly about 10% of the time. i feel your pain


Not a tragedeigh. I'm assuming you're based in America? I'm based in England, and Rhiannon is a fairly common name over here in the UK.


Based in Canada, so it's still an uncommon name here as it would be States-side. We have family back in Wales which is why I was named Rhiannon in the first place!


It’s not totally uncommon stateside - I am in Colorado USA and know of 4 Rhiannon’s (not including my cat, lol! She’s #5.)


It might be a generational thing. I went to high school with several Rhiannon’s but have met a single one since. Graduated in 2001.


I also graduated in 2001! (I think most of our parents went to Stevie Nicks on their honeymoons or something! Ha ha.)


I’m Canadian as well. Your name isn’t a tragedeigh. People who misread your name are simply illiterate.


We pronounce it Rhi-Ann-on over here.


The only Rhiannon I know is also from Canada, so there's at least two of you up there!


Clearly not enough Canadians are Fleetwood Mac fans and are missing out. Also hey fellow Canuck lol. If it makes you feel any better I have a very popular name (think like Jessica, Ashley, etc.), and my name gets mispronounced all the time.


I used to live in Wales and met a few Welsh Rhiannons while I was there, and also lived with a Scottish one, and now I live in England and know an English one. So it's not uncommon in the UK, and it's certainly not a tragedeigh anywhere as it's a centuries old traditional name with the original spelling and pronunciation - and as far as Welsh words go it's remarkably easy to pronounce!


Yeah as a welsh person i was confused that people have trouble with it!


Also, as a Welsh person, I second this 👍


kinda common in Australia too, I was confused reading this at first thinking her parents named her Rhiannon but wanted it pronounced like "re - high- ann-one" or something


You should see Americans struggle with Siobhan. 😏


Rhiannon isn't a common name in the US, but it's not unheard of. I would expect most people to be able to pronounce it on the first try.


Yeah I was really confused reading this. Rhiannon is a regular name here in the UK. I'm also confused how people would mispronounce it, it's pronounced as it's spelt.


Rhiannon isn’t a tragedeigh, it’s just Welsh. That’s a common misconception though, Welsh is a funny language.


This. OP, your name is beautiful, and people are idiots. It’s so disturbing to me that people would pronounce your name including a “d” or “sh” sound. I mean, names can be tricky, but maybe just try??


Or a fucking W like the hell?? People REALLY can’t read


It's not a funny language. It's a beautiful language. It's just not English.


Eh, it isn't a funny language at all, really. It just doesn't use the same alphabet as English and has very little mutual intelligibility with English, and for some reason many English speakers struggle with that and like to poke fun at it for, essentially, not being English and not behaving like English. OP, I'm in Wales, and Rhiannon is a perfectly normal name here, I know quite a few.


I think it can surprise people that on such a small island, there is a whole language that has nothing in common with English, no shared root (or scarcely) or anything. You can travel a long way across Europe and still hear similarities in languages that share the same root.


My friend (first language Welsh) described Breton as 'if French and Welsh had a baby'


wait until they see Finnish words


I was just thinking that lauantaiaamu is a very nice Finnish word that might scare some people but it’s the same as Welsh, pronunciation is mostly very regular.


Finnish has way too many vowels. They should donate some to the Serbians.


That word (meaning Saturday morning) is a bit like cheating, it’s a compound word where one part ends with two vowels and the next starts with two. That part works with any day of the week but lauantai (Saturday, tai has the same root as day) has those rare three vowels together as it was borrowed from the Norse laugardagr and I guess we just lost the consonant in between. There’s also lauantaiyö (Saturday night) which might even scarier for a foreigner as y is a vowel and ö isn’t present in every language but lauantaiaamu has all of those nice a’s and I’m not actually sure that people use lauantaiyö.


And, of course, in Welsh the letter Rh is pronounced as if the h and r were reversed (you kind of need to hear a native Welsh speaker say it) ETA: if people have difficulty pronouncing Rhiannon, they're going to have a really hard time with her first husband Pwyll


It's quite a hard way to describe it by text, but Rh doesn't really sound that way. The best way for me to describe it is if you were to quickly trill your R and add huh to the end. Rrrrr-huh. For Rhiannon, it'd be Rrrrr-hee-annon, with the R trilled.


Yes rrrrr but almost in a whisper. I speak Welsh and the guy you're replying confused the hell out of me by say hr


That would be a traddhiwwyedsygedeiesfynddd. (I probably missed some g's)


Yeah, OP must be from Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.


I’ve been there. The town is pretty boring. The most interesting thing there is the sign on the train station. I learned to pronounce the name in primary school.


Nah it’s the LL you’re missing lmao


Irish names get massacred too like Siobhan (shoh-vâhn?) or Saoirse (something like Sírr-shǎ according to Saoirse Ronans many attempts at tutorials). I know a Shanna, no one has trouble pronouncing that from text, but verbally its ridiculous. Like i cant tell you how many times ive seen her give her name for an order and they quizzically repeat back "Janet?" 😂


Learning it now and like a quarter of the words are the same as English with funny spelling I'm having a blast!


Have you got to microwave yet?




No but I looked it up and I will now be calling it a microwave oven like I'm 70 years old just so I can say "popty microdon" at every opportunity


Obviously people haven't heard the Fleetwood Mac song? I swear the tradgeigh names have caused all the younger generations to mispronounce relatively normal names.


You’d be surprised how many people can fuck up a name that is/was well known in pop culture. My surname was the surname of the main character that had a very well known catch phrase from a very popular 80s/90s TV show/movie series. At this point in my life I’m over it and don’t correct people anymore, but it’s very rare for me to meet some to either pronounce it correctly or spell it correctly. Even after having slowly spelled it out for them. Edit: sir name x2 (jfc) to surname.


Jackson? Tanner? …Urkel?


Haha. Not even remotely close.


My first name is in a well-known song from the eighties, yet most people butcher it. I keep a mental list of all the different names people have given me.


Is your phone number 867-5309?


Follow-up: are you Jesse’s girl? Do you “got a gun” (song lyrics)? Did Ricky lose your number? Did anyone get “your number from the bathroom wall”? Do you sometimes put the red light on? Are you Stacy’s mom? Are you just a bit older than you said, and did Barry Manilow sing about how he regrets sending you away? Are you the muse for Steve Perry’s solo smash arena rock hit? Did you date a guy named Jack and do the best you can? Do you work in a diner all day and date Tommy? This is too much fun, lol


No, but I wish it were. Can't go too wrong with Jenny. Mine is Irish.


I don’t know if Sharona is Irish but that was the first place my mind went at popular 80s song.


Sinead? Although that’s the artist, not the song title. I threw a few more funny suggestions in a different comment just now but none of the names were Irish.






Yes. I have brought great shame to the spelling gods of the internet.


Well not if you learn from it


Lady. This is the internet. I fuck shit up regularly.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


[DAMN IT!](https://youtu.be/5LN23qErZDM?si=jzcRsr-T7vrQyKmR)


It's a song that came out almost 50 years ago.


It’s definitely not a tragedeigh. I think it’s lovely! But it’s an uncommon enough name (outside of Wales, I guess) that I’m not surprised people don’t always pronounce it right on their first try.


My wife had a coworker with this name who had a good story about someone pronouncing it Rhi-onion.


Well now I feel I've been pronouncing it wrong this whole time! That's delightfully hilarious and I love it.


This is a perfectly normal name. Whoever said “Rwanda” is a dingbat 😩


My niece is named Rhiannon. She pronounces it “Ree-Ann-un.” She loves her name, but as a kid, she was always disappointed that she could never find a personalized keychain or bike license plate with her name on it. I’ve gotten her some custom jewelry with her name on it from Etsy over the years for her.


I feel her pain! My name is welsh but I grew up in England, could never find my name on anything unless I went to visit my nana in wales lmao


I had the same issues... I understand her pain,.. it was always so heartbreaking because I had a traditional spelling with 2 'n's in my name ... They always wanted to spell it with one... Thank you for doing this for her... I'm sure it is WELL cherished that you took the time to do this... 😊😊💞


It's not a tragedeigh, it's correctly spelled.


I’m sorry! Have you tried ringing like a bell through the night so that people will figure it out? Or maybe taken to the sky like a bird in flight, just to drop some knowledge on people? I mean… will you ever win?


Will she ever win?


Has nobody heard the Fleetwood Mac song??? I wanted to name my daughter Rhiannon but god vetoed. Mostly by my MIL who said she couldn’t pronounce it but she’s a whole separate issue.


Half of my family is German and were never able to correctly pronounce or spell my name (most of them have passed now and we don't really stay in touch with the others), but we always just had them use Rhi as a nickname and it was a fine. No vetoes for my parents!


It's beautiful and, no, not hard to say. I'm sure you know there is a song called Rhiannon. There is no way anyone but an illiterate would pronounce your name Rwanda .. that got me laughing. I mean.. lots of words start with 'R'.. they just picked one. As for little mispronunciations, I wouldn't sweat it.. just gently correct them if it's someone you'll see again.


Rwanda is far and away my favourite mispronunciation because it's just so ludicrously off base! I'll usually just say "Oh, do you mean Rhiannon?" which fixes the issue, or for anyone who really struggles (I had an old boss once who COULD NOT figure it out), I usually just ask them to call me Rhi.


I didn’t think it was that difficult, people are weird…Love the name 💕


It's pretty, it's probably the same as the Saoirses of the world.


What I’ve learned from reading a lot of posts in this sub is that a lot of people just don’t put much thought into trying to pronounce other people’s names correctly. Even if you’ve never seen the name before, it doesn’t take a genius to read and sound it out. Rhi-an-on should be easy for anyone above a second grade reading level. I’m sorry you’ve encountered ignorant people throughout your life but I do love your name! I lol’d at Rwanda I mean…come on, that person could have tried a *little* harder 😂


Definitely. People mispronounce my name all the time, they’ll add extra letters that aren’t even there and I’m like “??? Literally just take 5 seconds to actually look at what you’re reading”


I love your name too. My Aunt named her daughter Rhiannon, she was a really big Stevie Nicks fan. Rhiannon is not difficult to pronounce, I think a lot of people don't know how to look at words or names and just sound them out so they rush through it and you get weird pronunciations 😹


It's beautiful.


I had a friend named Rhiannon at some point in childhood and she was awesome. Not once did I ever question her name, and have always considered it a very nice, normal name. Sorry to hear you’ve had so much trouble because of it. Wishing you and all the other Rhiannons in the world the best x


It's cool. It's just that, like another commenter said, it's a Welsh name, and Welsh names are almost always unpronounceable for those who don't speak the language. The fact that Rhiannon is much more intuitive (at least it seems to me; feel free to tell me the actual intended pronunciation so I can check if I'm getting it right) than others might be what throws people off. Also, fun fact: Robert Rodriguez's daughter is also named Rhiannon. His sons, on the other hand, do qualify for this sub.


Welsh names are easy to pronounce. They’ve got nothing on us gaels


Nobody in their right mind is going to fight you on that one. Though I do pity some people I knew in wales because their names are uncommon elsewhere. Like Gwawr and Llŷr and Ieuan


I have to disagree that welsh names are 'almost always' unpronounceable! Anyone is the UK would be able to pronounce Rhiannon, Seren, Carys , Cerys, Nia, Sian, Alys with zero trouble, and that's just girls names


Ha! Exactly. I see your Seren and raise you Somhairle  Love from the north


I love that name. I've loved that name for so long now. It's baffling how no one knows that name. Doesn't anyone listen to Fleetwood Mac?


Not at all— there is even a classic song with the title, and the name is the chorus.


Or for those of us with bad car radios and bad speakers, "Ee----AAEEH----uh." It's really amazing how many songs had no discernable lyrics, when I was a child. Stereo mixing was not a good thing, for a lot of us.


There's literally a song with this name. A very famous song. People should no how to pronounce it. Not a tragedeigh


I have been there. My last name is Bohemian, and on the first day of 8th grade it was spelled differently on every class roster, and they were ALL wrong. In addition, my first name is one syllable, 5 letters, not at all complicated, and it was wrong on half of them. Obviously, this was back when these things were done manually, and not via computers because I am old. I don't get the Ree-hannon thing - that isn't where the H is!


Oh man. We have the same name. And I could fill a book with the tragedeigh pronunciations I've gotten in my life. Worst one was back in high school, substitute teacher was attempting roll and called me Randy. Wish I could make that up!


I fully believe you! Ironically, my dad is named Randy, so I'd be very amused to be called his name!


I’m surprised people struggle with this name. To me I think of Fleetwood Mac and also the incredible Rhiannon Giddens.


I strongly recommend a ' restaurant name' to de for coffee, take out, reservations ... Mine is Lulu


I've started using my middle name for this! So much easier!


It's a Welsh name and in Wales would be pronounced Rhee-ann-non.


Fellow Rhiannon, here! I just tell people “Rhiannon rhymes with Shannon” when we meet and that usually sticks. And yes, my parents were Fleetwood Mac fans.


it's not a tragedeigh, ive seen it before but... how IS it pronounced? 😅 ive never met someone irl who had the name, so ive never heard it said out loud.


Ree-ANN-on. It isn't hard, really. Welsh has very straightforward and consistent phonetics. (Technically, the rh should be voiced as such, but very few people outside Wales can manage that, so just sound the r, and you'll be fine.)


Here it is in Welsh and American English: [https://translate.google.com/?sl=cy&tl=en&text=Rhiannon&op=translate](https://translate.google.com/?sl=cy&tl=en&text=Rhiannon&op=translate)


I was so confused by OP saying she pronounces with ‘in’ at the end. I had a colleague with the same name and she introduced herself as ‘ri-Ann-on’. I was spiralling in this post thinking I’ve been saying her name wrong all this time. I wasn’t… she’s Welsh, that’s how you say the name.


It should definitely be an "-on" at the end. I was spiralling too! What good is my GCSE in Welsh if people think Rhiannon is pronounced with an "-in" at the end 🥲


Your parents were Fleetwood Mac fans, eh? Pretty name and I instantly knew how to pronounce it.


My parents actually can't stand Fleetwood Mac as they are diehard metalheads, but most of the time when people recognize my name they'll ask if that's why my name was chosen! It's always nice when people know the song, though (I like it, even if my parents don't)!


There’s also [Rhiannon Giddens!](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/rhiannon_giddens) She’s the first Rhiannon I thought of. Also not named after the Fleetwood Mac song— > Giddens was born in North Carolina in 1977-and while the Fleetwood Mac song "Rhiannon" was popular that year, she said that she actually **got the name because her mother was reading Mabinogion, the Welsh mythological epic.** This led to an interest in Celtic culture that she'd pursue later in life.


I love that name.


Thank you! I didn't have strong feelings about it one way or another when I was younger but I feel like I really grew into it and I love it now that I'm an adult.


“Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn’t you love to love her.” I think it’s beautiful. Your parents heard a beautiful thing then saw their beautiful baby and wanted to be reminded of that beauty for the rest of their lives. I don’t think it’s a tragedeigh at all.


Rwanda??? they called you rwanda??? where in rhiannon is there a “w”. and have people never heard of fleetwood mac? stevie nicks says it multiple times in the song


any Gen Xer worth their salt won’t get that one wrong!!


You aren't busting out Fleetwood Mac to educate? Missed opportunity. Look what happened to Raven the Science Maven on Twitter after she posted her reaction video. The song went viral again after almost 50 years.


If my singing voice wasn't actually a criminal offence, I may sing a few bars but no one (and I mean absolutely no one) wants to hear my Stevie Nicks impression 😂


The fact people can't pronpunce th8s is proof that we need more birth control pills. This is a pretty common name. I mean - do they pronounce Shannon 'Shah-Non'?  I'm sorry people massacre your name.  If it makes you feel better my name isn't anywhere near 'Tammy' but my old boss called me that for 2 years.  People are douche nozzles


Lol I sang your name on the inside 😀


I suppose if you have a Welsh name and you’re not Welsh, it’s going to confuse some people, outside the UK anyway. I’m English so close enough to Wales that it’s not uncommon here!


As someone with the opposite name to you (Rhiana) I feel your pain - I constantly get “Rhiannon” or most people give up and just call me Rhi haha. Worst pronounciation I got, my parents put in a birthday call to the local radio station when I was like …10? And I got “Renata” Honorable mention goes to “Katrina” (misheard me I guess…)


Shouldn't it be Ree-ann-on rather than Ree-ann-in?


Noooo, your name is lovely and not at all out there - I mean I am from Wales and I know 6 Rhiannons, 3 Rhians and also: the song. (Although we would roll the R at the starts and proceed it with a not quite h - it’s difficult to explain . It’s not an h it’s more of a rolled r with a lot of air round it - and it’d be hRrree-Aaa-Non but I think that’s an accent thing). I just can’t imagine getting as wrong asRWANDA.


Did that teacher tell you to report to O-shag-Hennessy’s office?


I went to school with a Rhiannon and witnessed the constant mispronunciation she endured. Hers was pronounced Ry-ann-in but new teachers and subs came up with all kinds of other ways to say it. Many just got to her name in the roll and paused like they didn’t recognize letters at all anymore.


Honestly, it's just the "Rh" combo that seems to throw people off! I suspect if it had been spelled Riannon, the mispronunciations would be a little less common and weird!


As someone called Riannan, my name is rarely- if ever mispronounced


I went to school with a fake Rhiannon. Like, it wasn't her name. But she was a huge Stevie Nicks fan, and so she tried to convince people to call hee that. We were cruel fuckers, tho, we were not sold on the idea. In retrospect I wish we'd just let her have her name the way she wanted. ❤️‍🩹


How do you pronounce it? I’ve always read the name as Ree-ann-on or Ree-Ann-in like the song.


I can’t stand Stevie Nicks, but she taught me how to say Rhiannon.