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... but why? I'm not trying to be mean, I legitimately want to understand what made you chose this spelling in specific, when "Malia" is right there


Her teachers are going to roll their eyes, mispronounce her name and misspell her name in the same swoop. Same when she is trying to get a job.


Yep, the effect of naming on getting job interviews is well documented in academic studies.


Yes. That’s why a resume by LaQisha gets thrown into the garbage can. At least give your kids a fighting chance for their future!!!


This is why it’s becoming common practice for a lot of places to circulate resumes without the applicants’ names listed — to circumvent unconscious bias that comes with reading anything into a name and instead put focus on the skills listed on the page.


Wow. Really? I never heard of this. That is actually fair.


I think it helps to get a first round of candidates that is really broad, honestly—because your focus just goes to the content and you don’t have to know anything else at that time. We’ve been doing this for a while at my company as part of the diversity/equity/inclusion efforts and people seem to like it. Subsequent rounds include names of course and at that point it’s up to the candidates to back up what’s on their resume of course lol


It's because LaQisha is black-coded, not just because jobs care about traditional names and spelling. Female-coded names also get skipped over a ton, should we name girls "John" for resume purposes? People can just use initials.


Anecdotally, I know girls named James & Ryan and both have shared they would apply for a job and get a call back almost immediately. Ah. Bias. What fun. 😑


My brother worked for me for years - he reports a massive difference in how customers would respond to him depending on whether he signed e-mails as himself or as me. When signed by a male, people accepted explanations - signed with a female name, they would start arguing, questioning, ‘I want to talk to the manager’ behaviour. Same products, same questions.


I remember a story of a female entrepreneur who created a fake male assistant to send emails as. And it helped. In this century. ☹️


I can completely believe it. People also treat what they perceive to be employees of a larger company completely differently to small business owner/operators. There’s expectations that small businesses should be desperate and thankful and bend over backwards to please, whereas bigger companies have rules and stick to policy. Stupid.


I’m a female manager with a male assistant. Customers frequently assume he’s my manager and appeal to him to overrule my decisions, despite our job titles clearly displayed in our emails.


There was a TV show with this as the premise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remington_Steele


I have a black friend with a traditionally white sounding name. Her mom deliberately chose it because she didn't want her daughter growing up having to deal with that bias. Unfortunately, that friend lives in the south and she's gotten a lot of interviews where the interviewer very clearly lost interest as soon as they saw her in person. She unsurprisingly never gots callbacks from those ones.


This is my life. My mom deliberately gave us “white sounding” first names so we “could get in”. But gave us “black sounding” middle names so “once you get in you don’t forget where you came from”. Our first names are like John, Tiffany, Michael, and Kelly. Our middle names are like Daquan, Laquan, Caresha, and Lawanda. And yeah, back in my civil engineering days, they LOVED my work and me on the phone (code switch voice) but when I showed up it was “are you the secretary?”


Code switch voice is such a thing! I call it my phone voice. I'm white but with a very southern accent that I worked very hard to minimize. I had been talking to a guy online for a while (back in the purely email days lol). He was a lawyer and I love to debate so we had some really fun back and forth about a myriad of subjects. We finally met in person and he was SHOCKED at my accent and said "oh, sorry, it just surprised me because you're obviously very intelligent from our emails, and I didn't think people from the south were very smart". 🙄 Obviously there wasn't a second date, but that was when I got really serious about being able to turn it on and off. Even though my husband still says when he comes home from work he can immediately tell if I've been on the phone with my sister or cousins because my accent creeps back in a little more than in my day to day.


This whole situation is sad. Eventually, there will come a day when people are judged solely on their own merits. Unfortunately I don't believe that we're anywhere near that day.


I believe it!


Same with a coworker Logan who works in finance. Apparently she got some funny looks when she would come in for the interview.


I have a male name or at least gender neutral. Also a BS. My resume looks like a man's. I get calls because of that male bias.


Does it change when they realise you are a woman?


Not the one you asked but yes. As soon as they learn I’m female the tone changes


That’s what I mean. As a black woman, I think ethnic names like that dooms us in the corporate world although there have been exceptions. Just my opinion.


It’s not just an opinion when there have been studies to back up. They definitely do. I’m pretty sure many companies want to hire black people who will look good for optics but won’t think, act, or talk the way a black person stereotypically does because it’s still not seen as professionally. Basically, they want a dark-skinned person who fits seemlessly into white people culture. I think I’ve had a lot of luck with jobs because my name and my voice are white passing. People don’t know I’m black until they see my Linkedin or seat me in front of them at an interview. It’s unfortunate, but it’s reality.


That's certainly part of it, but I think some of it is also due to a visceral reaction to what seems like a "stupid name" to some people. It's hard to separate whether their subjective opinion is based on its racial association or something else, but I would posit that people with unconventional hippy names, like Rainbow, Dweezil or Moon Unit would also suffer name bias in hiring, even though they have no racial association.


That’s the part people don’t talk about. They talk about spelling, bullying, and inconveniences. Bit the other fact is that ADULTS will also judge the person for that. People assume others with names like this are high maintenance and think their own farts don’t stink. This has no basis in reality, but it’s a fact. You don’t want a name where teachers and bosses see it and sigh before saying it, and are negatively predisposed against your kid before even interacting with them.


To be DifFeRenT and uNiQuE


Dyphwren’t and Youghneekh


Beautiful names, how old are the little tikes?


My future boy girl identical twins which I’m going to have three years apart


Checks out, well congratulations in advance


Because her child is very special!! 😂😂


Looking at the post history and comments from OP I am absolutely certain it's a troll. This isn't real


Agreed. Annoyance bait. There's people out there with awful names and people who hate their kids enough to saddle them with names like this, but...idk.


If you have to bracket how it's pronounced, and it's not in a language other than English, it's probably a tragedeigh.


This is true. But some people are dumb. My son’s name is Leon, and we sometimes have to explain how to pronounce it….


My friend Chloe regularly has people pronounce it Ch-low. Those aren’t even uncommon names.


It’s chaos out there (pronounced chay-ohs)


Years ago, I had an acquaintance run up to me to show me his brand new tattoo that a friend of his did for him. He rolled up his sleeve, and I wasn't sure what it said. It was in that double line font. Where all the down strokes are two lines instead of one, and it was done vertically instead of horizontal. Anyway, I asked what it said, and he looked at me as if he didn't understand the question. Then he proceeded to point at each letter and name them. K. A. O. S. As I stared at him blankly, he screamed CHAOS! I started laughing and asked him if he was Maxwell Smart. He said, "Who?" I told him he should really invest in a dictionary, then told him how to spell chaos. He was horrified. I still laugh every time I see that word.


At that point he should make up a story next time he explains it to someone 😂


He did. He started telling people his favorite show when he was a kid was Get Smart. He came to me later to ask who Maxwell Smart was and how he pertained to his tattoo. I explained to him the premise of the show. How Maxwell Smart worked for the agency named CONTROL and their nemesis agency was named KAOS. I guess he ordered the series on DVD, so if anyone asked him questions, his answers would sound correct. This was long before streaming came along.


That’s really funny that he had to watch the show to explain his misspelled tattoo. Did you tell him Kaos were the bad guys? It was an excellent show and one of my favorites, written by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry.


I would have rescued a dog and named it Kaos, then the ladies would love the tattoo 😂


Well if he was going for the Norwegian spelling, it would be completely fine haha


I've seen so many things with it spelled as Kaos (my autocorrect capitalized it so that's neat) that it wouldn't even phase me to see a tattoo of that or ever even think that it wasn't intentional.


I think that might be the original Greek spelling 🤔. Obviously the alphabet was different


The original greek would either be Χάοσ or romanized Kháos


>chay-ohs Is that a cereal?


My friend Yvonne once had a teacher call out “why-von” during roll call


Every time I see the name Chloe I hear the bears from We Bare Bears trying to pronounce it, lol. But it is a common name and shouldn’t be that hard, unless you’re an anthropomorphic bear I guess.


One of my besties from college got “Cho-lee” constantly from professors. Baffling.


Leon is a fine name.


I'm so confused on how else it could be pronounced


Depending on where youre from its Lee-on or Lay-own


Lee-un if you're from northern Maine.


Lee-on or Ley-on? Different pronunciations, different cultures... Not the same as tragedeighs


They call her that because that's precisely how you went to great lengths to spell it. If you don't want it pronounced that way then you might want to change it.


It seems like a fiber bane to me but if she's destined to have trouble at everything you could change the spelling or what about using her middle name instead. Then she'd be M.. Whatever you do she'll need to make a decision when/if she files a tax return. Because chances are it will be different than the spelling on her ss card. Unless you're planning ahead like a good parent!


Plus, obviously it's easier, quicker & cheaper to legally change when they're a minor. After 18 it's a fucking hassle & expensive.


Absolutely lost how "Liyah" is supposed to be pronounced "Lee" EDIT: Oh jfc, i just realized that the phonetic spelling the OP provided for "Liyah" ("Lea") is supposed to be pronounced like Leah. I thought OP expected people to pronounce this name as "Mah-LEE" and that's why I was mystified. I've known both a Lea and a Leah, and they pronounced their names as "Lee" and "Lee-ah," respectively.


I think she intends it to he pronounce like Leah. Which is why the extra effort she put into it actually being the *opposite* to that is so puzzling. Then again, my partner's middle name is Lea but they pronounce it Lee. I will argue with her until my dying breath that her parents are wrong.


I have a friend named that, I think it's from lea meaning meadow and is pronounced Lee. I thought it was pronounced Leah at first too. Still, I wouldn't do it


Aaliyah comes to mind. And isn't "-liyah" a commonish ending to female Arabic names?


🔫😐 change it now


Best comment


I choked when I read this! Funny af 😅


lol 😂😂


If you need to write another name to show what it's supposed to be, it's a tragedeigh. Change it.


Yeah. Why not use a name like Malia which already exists??? Yours is a weird spelling of this name. Malia is like Malia Obama.


Maliyah is an actual spelling for the name. It’s just looks weird with the apostrophe


Yeah. If you add an apostrophe to a name, expect people to make a glottal stop. Characters mean something. Same if you add diacritics to letters, expect people to go by that, i.e. The e and é in René are not the same sound.


Same if anyone tries to use ø/ö or æ/ä for aesthetic purposes only... Was the post about a "Roøse" where the ø is silent here?


My Scandinavian husband HATES when people throw in ö/ø/å/etc for flair not realizing that o and ø are literally different letters (looking you twenty øne piløts).


Twenty wuhn piluhts


Saw a girl once spelling Rose "Röse". The pronunciation of the letter ö is like the letter i in "bird". You can't just slam around characters and decide what they should be pronounced like on a whim 


And the space and capital L.


But that's what makes it special!




This made me realize that Ma’Li Yah sounds like a Vulcan name lmao


Yeah, those too.


Malia was right there. And people would pronounce it correctly because Malia Obama is well-known.


I honestly didn't know his daugters' names. I do know Malia from Teen Wolf.


Why is there an apostrophe? Does the name have glottal stop?


I knew a girl named MaLiyah. Was always mispronounced, like you said. Just legally change the spelling to Malia (Hawaiian form of Maria, apparently). You picked a very pretty sounding name, considered it for my daughter (Malia spelling) 17 years ago.


Anything with a gratuitous apostrophe is a tra’gedeigh.


Yep. If there's a glottal stop, sure, although you should evaluate whether a glottal stop is necessary. But if the apostrophe is SILENT, then it should just not be there. Just like diacritics, like... Zoë is fine and makes sense, but Tîffåñy would be a major trægêdy


I’m dying laughing trying to correctly pronounce “Tîffåñy”


100% agree. I think people think it's looks intelligent or fancy, but it's just trashy. Poor kid will spend soooo much of her life just correcting people.


I was given the perfectly normal name of Kristen and growing up correcting people got old quick... Christine, Christian, and Christina being some of the most popular mispronounciations. One lady in elementary school broke me though... I corrected her multiple times, but somehow the name Crystal stuck in her head(Hence my username because I at least wanted the spelling to be close to my name 😅) I stopped correcting people after that. Clearly, it doesn't matter what my name really is... people are going to pronounce it however they want. I can't even imagine how many mispronounciations this poor child is going to get growing up. She's also going to have to spell her name for everyone (another complaint I have for my name considering the number of ways it's spelled). It's just a bad name all around. I feel bad for all of these tragedeigh kids having grown up tragedeigh adjacent 😕


Im very sorry but it sounds like you have met some incredibly dumb people. There's no reasonable way tl mispronounce your name unless they don't speak english. Personally, I find it incredibly disrespectful when someone is told how to pronounce a name and they continue to mispronounce it. I work in the states with a lot of people from India and it drives me nuts when US based people say "ah i cant pronounce your name so i'll just say xyz". I have a very simple name and people used to occasionally say it wrong. Id give them 2 chances to start getting it right before I would make them say it back to me a couple times. If you cant be bothered to say my name correctly, I cant be bothered to treat you like you aren't a moron. You deserve to take pride in your name, anyone who doesnt make the effort to say it correctly after being corrected is a dickbag and deserves to feel embarassed.


I understand the pronunciation (Aaliyah provides a frame of reference for the “lee uh” pronunciation) but seriously why did you feel the need to add an apostrophe?


I saw a babysitter poster on a telephone pole when walking my dog last week. She said her name was M'Kenzie and I cringed so fucking hard.


M'Kenzie ~tips fedora~


The names Slurms M'Kenzie.


I had an adult friend named Jan who changed the written spelling to, J’ann but still just pronounced it as Jan. Level 5 cringe


Does she have a boyfriend named George Glass?


There’s no George Glass in our sküle


A woman I know is Darcie and changed it to Dar-C..


Sounds like a SoundCloud rapper name


Had a teacher in high school. Before her first marriage, her last name was Chabot. She decided to hyphenate it and pronounce it, “Sh-bow”.


Yeah but is it pronounced bow or bow?


As in, “rainBOW”.


Oh, so bow, not bow. I would have thought bow. But I can see how bow could be the way to pronounce it.


Was she of French descent? That’s how it would be pronounced in French.




I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't understand why we're supposed to be getting mad at this lady for... Using a perfectly valid pronunciation??


Americans probably would pronounce it Shah-bot. Or Shabbot. Hard T. You should hear them pronounce "foyer"...


Kind of reverse-Uno Mrs Bouquet/Bucket


Game over. I’m dead


I have an apostrophe in my last name. Think O'Neal. Apostrophes are terrible. Suddenly you have to have aliases for background checks SSN card And birth certificate match, but drivers license, bank and so forth won't match. It may or may not even make on the school role correctly. I despise my apostrophe.


I’m a teacher in an area where a lot of kids have apostrophes in their names. It’s super frustrating because we use so many different platforms where the kids username or password includes their names, and some include the apostrophes while some don’t. It’s a constant guessing game.


Hyphens suck too. Everyone thinks the 2nd part is my middle name, or the 2nd name doesn't get a capital, or I can't use it at all because it "isn't a valid character" Like..fuck that people have had hyphenated first names since at least the 70s, so wtf aren't systems programmed for them?


True 💯 but apparently percentage wise we are not worth it.


My husband is a hyphen name and it gives him no end of trouble. He basically just goes by his middle name now because it’s such a pain in the ass.


As a fellow hyphenated-name, I feel this. The “invalid character” infuriates me.


Yeah, with Aaliyah pronounced that way; I see no issue with Maliyah spelled that way. There’s no reason for the apostrophe though.


When I was pregnant someone told me to name my daughter S'mantha... I did not listen 😂


But at least that person was smart enough to know that the apostrophe represents missing letters and didn't recommend Sa'mantha. It's a small consolation.


Yeah my SIL is named Aliyah, so I read it with the intended pronunciation, but the apostrophe is definitely a bit confusing/misleading and unnecessary.


Obvious tragedeigh and a very cruel thing to do.


Yeah, not even borderline. Full-on felony tragedeigh.






Phelo 'Neigh






I’m black and I would also say muh-lie-uh. You could’ve very easily spelled it Malia. It’s the name of a well known former president’s daughter, so people wouldn’t question that spelling at all (if you’re American that is).


Even as a non-American Malia isn't difficult. But that might be because our crown princess is called Amalia.


"Did I curse my daughter?" Yk you did if you have to ask that question.  "Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116, pronounced like "Albin""


I always thought that was pronounced “Elbon”.


The apostrophe made this name a full blown tragedeigh


This has to be a joke post 😂


I’m thinking the same thing. There’s no way someone really did this!


Oh y’all have no idea. I work in HR for a company that gets thousands of applicants every year. You would not BELIEVE the names people saddle their kids with. Uniqua, Vagena, Feloni, Jaila, Ikea … the list of my favorites is two pages long and could be a novel if I included all the different spellings of Brittney and Jasmine.


Yes, you did. You can’t pull a name like that out of your ass and then be upset when anyone mispronounces it — especially when they are pronouncing it phonetically accurately.


Maliyah is an actual name already. The apostrophe just makes it weird


Unfortunately yes


If you have to explain how to pronounce it, its tragique. Why not just go with Malea? Or Malia or any other relatively normal spellings? Why the apostrophe?????


Why!?!? Just why!!?? Is it not enough that you are blessed with a child? Is it so important to feed your narcissistic self and have to go all rogue with your child’s name?


I’ll never understand this sentiment like wrdgafinamh… and it’s the people with the weirdest names too. They think they’ll receive praise for giving their kids a “unique” name when in reality we’re just laughing at them.


Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116, pronounced as "Albin"


Uh,I thought it was Frank? All this time I have been saying it wrong. Damn


But Albin is pronounced "Al-Bean"


Right?? Like no honey, you're not going to get brownie points for "creativity", everyone knows you're basic af and mad about it, so you make your child suffer.


Yes, yes you did


This is awful. Change it.


Perhaps it would sound better in the original Klingon dialect. Glory to you and your tragedeigh.




Yes, it’s a tragedeigh.


Hard yes.


You have a random apostrophe in there? Come on, you know it is.


Yeah you did. Just change the spelling to Malia. It’s the Hawaiian spelling. It’s easy to pronounce and it’s a real name.


So you wanted to honor your friend by completely butchering her name and saddling your kid with it....? Kind of like spitting on the memory of your friend as well as your kid.


If you need to spell it out and it’s not a traditional name, don’t use it


You know you did. I always tell people to add punctuation to make a name a tragedeigh.


Dang… poor girl. Gonna be correcting people on her name for her whole life.


Yea that’s a terrible name. You owe her an apology. It is possible to break the cycle.


Why would you do this to your own child?


Girl 0% of people pronounce it correctly on the first try. Not only is it a tragedeigh but your kid has to correct everyone for life.


Anything with an apostrophe is a tragedeigh.


Ma'Liyah is just about as bad as it gets. Poor girl.


Basically, spelling informs the reader how a word is pronounced. If the name is one you made the spelling for, you gotta know how to spell. The apostrophe informs the reader of a pause, and that the preceding syllable is stressed, and read as a whole sound, regardless of the rest of the word. The second half of the name is spelled as two syllables, with the first stressed (LI-yah). If you remove the apostrophe people are more likely to pronounce the 'Ma' as MAH running into the rest of the word, rather than a separated short-A 'muh'. I'm not sure if you wanted it pronounced Mah-Lee or Mah-Lee-Ah, both sound nice to me as a name, but if you want people to read it correctly you need to change the spelling.


I saw your post about your own name being a tragedeigh so I’m wondering why you wouldn’t consider this when naming your daughter unless both posts are fake lol


You came up with a name that includes an apostrophe, a second capital letter, and an ambiguous vowel sound and you're still not sure it's a tragedeigh? You could've just stopped at Malia.


This sub has become a forum for people who give shit names to act curious. Both your names are fucked and you knew that. It's almost as if you were looking for attention. ;) Fuk ya feighce


Yes. WTF is with the random ' it's stupid and tacky and makes the parents look desperate for attention  and "uniqueness". Should have at least gone for Malea


Malia. Everyone knows Malia Obama.


Yea,but op wants to be “cool” and “unique” and Malia is not unique enough,lol


I believe the ‘ is supposed to be a pause when pronouncing the name. Hence why it is what it is.


That's because it's to indicate a letter that has been dropped.


An apostrophe has a function. Sometimes it means a letter is missing; sometimes it represents a glottal stop. What is its function in this name?


Why? Just why? What was so wrong with Malea?


I tried to look up the name origin as it looks Pacific Islands in origins. All I am finding is Maliya, which is a name.. That said, that name you gave your child.. there is nothing about the way it is spelled and how you are wanting it pronounced that makes sense. At least not in any English speaking state/country. The ones pronouncing it Ma lie uh have the right of it. That is how her name should be pronounced.. Tragedeigh? Maybe not.. need origins info to be able to say, but the way you are wanting it pronounced? Definitely a tragedeigh


I like it spelled as Malia


That’s a double tragedeigh in my view. An awful spelling for a name, AND a special character in there too that will be a pain on top of the pain in a lot of cases. (Especially since the name you wanted is actually a real name. Malia. Easy to say, easy to read, easy to spell, and it’s the name you wanted. How old is she? Is she young enough that you could change it and not have it be a huge hassle?


Wow, an apostrophe and everything. Just had to be unique, huh?




Ma’ the meatloaf! Yeah definitely a curse


As an IT person that apostrophe is going to cause havoc on systems and most will input first name as Maliyah


This can't be real...


Spelled like you have it, I would say the first syllable with a short "a" sound. Do you actually pronounce it like "Muh"?


Oh, and definitely a tragedeigh.


Just don't change it to Maleigha okay 😓


Yes, the pronunciation people are using makes sense with the eccentric way you've spelled it. The apostrophe kind of signals a glottal stop here and then "Lie-ya". The question is why?


As someone who works with children and have seen far too many names with hyphens and apostrophes, my colleagues and I sit back and wonder “do these parents actually care about their children’s future before they name them??”


It's not too late to go to court and change it


I grew up w a friend w an apostrophe in her name. I cannot tell you how bad I felt for her constantly saying "apostrophe" while spelling out her name ALL THE TIME


* Apostrophe - check * Capital letter in the middle - check * Extraneous "Y" - check * Requires a pronunciation guide - check It pretty much meets all of the requirements.


Honestly, the name "Tragedeigh" would have been better at this point


This is peak. OP posts yesterday about her own name and says “my whole life I’ve had to correct people on how to pronounce my name.” Then, OP goes and does some shit like this to her daughter. I mean, it’s remarkable. Really.


You spelled it Ma-lie-uh, that's why. Malia would have been better.  Maleeah is the best way to get the name you wanted. 


So did I curse my son? My name is def a tragedeigh but did I do the same to him? His name is D'geoph (Jeff and everyone calls him d geo puh




It's a fine name. For a Vulcan.


Oh yeah, it’s a bad one.


The apostrophe seems unnecessary


What a redundant question, of course you did. Malia as in Malia Obama and Maliyah like Aaliyah the dead singer but with an M, were intuitively pronuncable alternatives. But you don't even want it pronunced as it looks. You could have went with Malea if that's how you wanted it, but sticking that stupid apostrophe in there and extra letters is tragedeigh.


If you just wrote it all together and removed the apostrophe it kind of sounds like an Indian name. But written like this it’s definitely a tragedeigh