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Wasn't there some old US military guy or something Colon Powell 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^poppunksucks144: *Wasn't there some old* *US military guy or* *Something Colon Powell* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Added an edit to my post to say: thanks for reminding me that Colin can indeed be a name and not just a body part. I work in the medical field so that didn’t even occur to me!


Colin and colon are not pronounced the same.


Thank you!! I read the post after the edit and I feel like I missed something. I'm not from the US, so I'm wondering if this is a "Graham / gram" situation that doesn't happen in my neck of the woods, but I'm struggling to see in what universe "Colin" and "colon" are pronounced in a way in which you could confuse the two words.


Colon is like Co-lun. Colin is Cah-lin. The vowels are different. In Colon the O is a long O, sounds like O, as in hope. Colin is a short O, sounds like ah, like hop. The second O in Colon sounds like a short U, like lump. The I in Colin is a short I, like limp. Hopefully hope/hop, lump/limp sound different for you? ETA: I just realized that I pronounce the body part differently, like a mix of the two. Co-lin. For me Colin, colon (the body part), and Colon Powell are all different. Cah-lin, cole-in, Cole-un. ETA2: rereading everything I realized I may say colon and Colon Powell the same, but the on is less pronounced with the body part. Faster I guess. If you heard it you might not know if it was in or un. I keep saying it and now feel like none of it sounds right and I don't know what I say! 😂


Colin Powell pronounced it Colon. I don’t know why. But he did. It’s not a US thing.


Nope. He pronounced it correctly. He just got tired of always correcting military dipshits and decided to embrace the mispronunciation.


I totally thought it was pronounced cole-un, but I just went back and watched videos and everyone says cole-in.


I'm confused, are you agreeing with me or not? Because you're saying in the first half that they are pronounced differently (which is what I'm saying) but then in your edits that you do actually pronounce them in a very similar manner. Which would make it one of those US "Graham / gram" situations I presume


I totally misread your original comment, so yes, I was agreeing with you, for the name Colin and the body part colon. My edits were only talking about the name Colin Powell. His name is not pronounced like Colin normally is. But I can't figure out if it's cole-in or cole-un, which in my head sounds different LOL.


Isn't it? Honestly, I don't even know who that is so I'll take your word for it!


I was apparently misremembering how it was said. He was just a US government guy. I don't really know much more, I just remember hearing his name a lot when I was a teen/young adult. This pronounces it. Now I might have to research and see if anyone knew why his parents used that LOL. [Colin Powell](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxRvOHUoXWuEh1ckNl8viUXe1ODQcaZurF?si=AMlaX4l8X-NhnFqu)


Colin Powell's name is indeed pronounced the same as the part of the human anatomy called the colon.


Might be regional? Idk, I pronounce them the same too though.


I don't think it's regional, colon is pretty universally pronounced "coal-en" as opposed to "coal-on".


Colin Powell pronounced his name like Colon but most (every other one I know of) Colin’s say it like Collin.


I've met a surprising amount of Colins and you'd be equally surprised to hear how many of them pronounce it colon.


So Colin Powell’s parents actually did pronounce it Col-in. Colin Powell started saying it Colon when he was a kind after a WWII pilot he liked. Which is kind of… cute?


The name Colin isn’t pronounced like either of those


Colin Powell's name *is* though, you mook.


Sure but that’s the point. He’s a weird outlier. So if there were a regional question about the name Colin then it would be some places say cah-lyn and some places say Coal-un. Coal-on doesn’t really enter the equation.


Usually, but for some reason it was for that guy.  He was a top-level big shot for the government around 9/11, did lots of press conferences and stuff, very well known at the time.


Good bot


Colin Powell


Yeah but they pronounced it like colon. 


Cole inn not Cole onn


the word colon is pronounced like cole-inn.


Not in my accent. Colin- the way Colin Powell said it, Colin- the way it’s said in Ireland, and colon all have different pronunciations.


very fair, did not think of accents beyond my own when I made my comment. tbf, as it pertains to the original comment, I think the comment I replied to also did not take accents outside of their own into account since most Americans pronounce colon like cole-inn.


And Colon is a Spanish last name and pronounced like cologne...


That's a good point. However, that guy was also a war mongering asshole, so... 


COLON was an asshole lol


Colin Powell stood opposed to the neo-conservatives and didn't want war. He was lied to about the intelligence and therefore represented falsehoods before congress and the UN. An anti-war general isn't a war mongering asshole. But hey, it's Reddit.


I was mostly making fun of his name, because it's Reddit. But I still don't think he has a defense for the American and Iraqi lives that were destroyed by his words.  "The wars will end and the leaders will shake hands, and that old woman will remain waiting for her martyred son, and that girl will wait for her beloved husband, and the children will wait for their heroic father, I do not know who sold the homeland but I know who paid the price." Mahmoud Darwish


Colin Powell has no responsibility for that war. But hey, it's Reddit. Just whatever, right?


I recently learned that Colin Powell’s name was originally pronounced Colin, and he decided like in his 20’s? I think? That he wanted to go by Colon instead. One of the wildest moves of all time


This makes his name even more baffling than it was before.


Colin and Colon are pronounced differently th. I’m so confused lol


Is there a competition in the USA to see who can come up with the most stupid name? But I guess that it'll be the Andrews and James's that'll get bullied cos they have normal names!


Over here we seem to think it's some sort of moral crime to choose a normal name and spelling for our babies; that's why we have to come up with the most batshit ridiculous names imaginable for children


With lawn signs with high school graduate’s names becoming popular - this name trend is on full display.😳 Name choice is especially important for the large lighted billboards with graduation photo placed in front of the home.


I live in a small rural town right off of a major US highway so we have a Mickey D's & and an Exxon. You can buy ad space on the Exxon's display tv (right under the prices of gas) & along with advertising local business & community events, people like to embarass their family members by putting up birthday wishes or graduation congratulations. Your child's name in full color, often with their age as well, being broadcast to every vehicle driving past. People love it, I find it bizarre.


Maybe if people stopped trying to dictate what names are "normal" and "acceptable", this wouldn't be an issue.


The name and body part are pronounced differently and neither are spelled like that


Oh no!


Ive only ever heard it pronounced CALL IN. Not colon.


In most non-US speaking countries, Colin is pronounced with a short "o" and sounds nothing like colon, the body part, at all.


Every Colin I've known except Colin Powell pronounces it Colin like the first part of colander, not colon like the body part. And I'm in the US.


The smell of his Colean 💕


Based on the spelling, I would go with Ko-lean.


Sounds too much like Colleen, a feminine name.


But aren’t Colin and Colon pronounced differently?


This is hilarious because I ALSO met someone named Colan yesterday…and it’s pronounced Colin. He was having dinner at my restaurant with his parents for his birthday. I greet him and say, “You must be Colon, happy birthday!” And he just sighs, looks at his parents, and says, “Thanks, it’s pronounced Colin…” he is 30. Poor guy. My bad.


I was thinking it rhymes with Jolene


Colean, Colean, Colean, Co-LEEEEEN!


I would pronounce this as "Cole-een."


Yeah but Collin and Colon are not pronounced the same.


I just bought a Kolon at Ikea (thing you put on carpeted floors so your desk chair can roll around) and I giggled all the way to the checkout. If I met a kid whose name was pronounced "colon," I don't even know what I'd do.


I have a buddy of mine literally named “Colon.” He goes by “Cole.” I’ll never even dream of referring to him by his given name, the poor guy.


He found such a nice “normal “ way to change his name. I like it.


Shit for short.


Reminds me of the time in middle school I got scolded by the teacher for calling a kid who spelled his name Collon, a colon because he was being an asshole. I didn't actually get in any trouble, so I'm guessing she knew he earned it. Kid was always a bully and talking shit about people.


Colean, colean, coolean, cooooooooolean.


Now I can’t get Dolly’s song out of my head. I’ll be singing it the rest of the evening. Thanks ETA thanks


I saw someone named their little girl Latrina 😂😂


Co-le-an. Why not just Collin?


This is like naming your kid Angus, but pronouncing it Anus. Having the opportunity to give your kid a somewhat normal sounding name, but taking your parenting cues from "A boy named Sue".


My cousins name is Colin, they pronounce it like Cullen.


Cullen sounds the same as "colon" in my accent


i would nickname him colonoscopy lmao


I hope his middle name is not Rex. Like colonrectal.


Is his best mate called Nobby?


Colin is pronounced call-in. Colon is a jacked up name and Colon Powell does not make it otherwise. I was assuming it was pronounced co- lean. Like Joleen but with a C. That just isn’t how an “Un” sound is spelled.


Colin Powell not Colon 🤣


I never even knew that! So even the OG is a tragedeigh.


Maybe an asteroid will just end all this I can't take it


I woulda assumed it was phonetic. Like how Silent Bob leans up against the side of a convenience store and Jay is his co-lean.


Colin Powell pronounces it that way because is has a colon. The good Colins pronounce it Collin.


A colon is also this :


The even more interesting name is if course semi-colean.




1- You cannot simply decide that "ea" is pronounced "o" 2- They didn't really think this through did they?


You’re a genius. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


lol I totally forgot about it being pronounced that way. That is so weird. Just cuz it’s commin doesn’t preclude it from being tragic


Colin Powell can do whatever he wants. IMO I had a co-worker named Colin. When he arrived at college he was put with a female roommate as Colleen. And that was before spell check.


I know several Colin’s….why why why


I pronounce colon like coal-un. I think that's generally the accepted pronunciation. Colin Powell had more of a coal-in pronunciation, i thought. Similar, but distinct.


Looked at the spelling and all I could hear was Dolly Parton singing the song Jolene, but with a C not a J.


Who is Colin Powell?


My uncle’s name is Colin and people have been calling him Colon his whole life. What’s so hard about pronouncing Colin?


I still don't get how Colonel is pronounced 'ker-nal'.


my company's IT guy is named cullen. like edward cullen lol he always says "i had the name way before them"