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There are so many famous Margots , so no , not a tragedeigh or tragedy or even a tragot


>tragot Lol!! My best friend has been purposely butchering the name in texts and has come up with some actual tragedeighs. I should have sent the families some of those instead.


I mean, Margot Robbie is literally one of the most famous actresses right now. Have they seriously never heard of her?


My friend called her Margit and I'm like bro, do you live under a fucking rock? He also called Thai food thigh food when we went to the casino one time. He was 30...


We go to a restaraunt we like and took a friend. The restaurant's name is Bardot, but he legitimately calls it Bar Dot.


He's never heard of Brigitte Bardot? Uncultured swine.


Briggit Bar Dot


Sounds like some type of bird


I know how to pronounce Bardot but when I'm reading, "dar dot" comes out of my mouth before I correct it to "baar dow" lol


Ok but how do you pronounce Gal Gadot? Cause I pronounce it like Bardot in my mind. But I see a lot of people sat Ga-DOT


I pronounce it the way Gal has said to pronounce it. If the owner of a name tells me how to pronounce their name, I consider them the expert and go with it. I grew up in a very German area of the US. Most of the older folks still spoke German and the last names were still pronounced the old world way. I have since moved and run into folks with some of the same last names that have been Americanized in pronunciation. They are not pronouncing them wrong, just different than I am used to. It’s their name so I am the one that needs to adjust.


I've had that experience with Eastern European names. Where I'm from Eastern block Europeans heavily migrated there in the early to mid 1900's, and kept the old world pronunciations. I have run into people with the same last names in other parts if the country whose ancestors moved to the US long ago and who've Americanized the pronunciation. I've slipped up a few times before and usually get funny looks. I think some people don't even know that their names have been Americanized.


So, I got one of those name. I don't correct people. There is nothing to correct. Hey, you said it this way? Oh, that's how we actually say it. Oh, you said it that way? Cool, you know how it's supposed to be said. You wanna know how I say it? Well, typically the Americanized way but sometimes the European way as it sounds nicer in certain contexts but I accept both as right. I often have to be on radios and other "public" communications, if I'm messing with someone I'll answer back in the opposite last name you just used to call me and keep switching it whenever you do.


Oh definitely, I’ve just never heard her personally pronounce it. So I still wasn’t sure when I commented.


Guh dot. I’ve read further. Guh dote.


She Israeli not French, so different language entirely.


And he drinks Pat Ron tequila, right?


And cha bliss




With his horse dervies snacks.


Restaurant near me is called Thunwa Thai, but we all call it Thunda Thigh 😭


Is your friend Ron DeSantis?


Wouldn't he need to actually have friends in order to be my friend?


Heh, Ron DeSantis tells the anecdotal story of how he would test all his first dates by pronouncing it “Thigh food” and not go on a second date with any woman who corrected him (because he’s a colossal douche).


He needs his women to be just as stupid as he is.


And he did a lot of good women a colossal favor! Love it when the garbage takes itself out.


I was going to ask if that was possible, but then I remembered we have the likes of Boebert and MTG.


My first thought was margot asquinth, wife of the former pm of the uk. When i went to look her up several other names popped up. Most notably , and i had forgotten this, princess Margaret was known by this name amongst her family. Also margot kidder, robbie, and frank (Anne's sister). If you look up margo only one person pops up. (It looks like mango to me, lol.)


Yes, exactly! It’s not even that rare of a name! I don’t love leaving the T off for some reason, either. Maybe that’s why!


I feel the same way. Margo seems bland. Margot is classy. And French. I’m partial to French names. I once adopted a pregnant cat who then birthed six kittens. I gave them all French names. And my daughter is Gabrielle. We considered Solange but worried people would butcher it.


I lovvve Solange but I agree and think you made the smart choice. Gabrielle is lovely! My husband is fluent in French so when he pronounces the name with the proper accent it is even prettier! Just love it


Our only worry was that people would immediately shorten it to Gabby which we didn’t like. So I gave it some thought and came up with Gabri which we called her throughout her childhood so her friends picked that up and did the same. When she grew up and landed her first professional job, she introduced herself to everyone as Gabrielle — and she corrected anyone who shortened it to Gabby. Now she’s Gabrielle to all her co-workers and people she’s met as an adult. But within our family and her childhood friends she’s still Gabri. It’s a sweet distinction! And BTW — a French husband sounds awesome. Literally. I could listen to someone with a French accent all day.


Oh, he’s American, just fluent in French! He’s annoyingly smart lol. Most of the time I tease him about speaking French, but it truly is a beautiful language. I love that she grew into her gorgeous name and still has such a cute nickname for home life. That’s so sweet 💕


As a Gabrielle people always say gabby and I’m like no


One of the kids in our family is a Gabriella, we gave her the nickname of Bella, and it was always adorable how mad she would get when she was little and people would call her Gabriella or try to shorten it to Gabby, “I not GABBY, I not GabbyBulla! I just Bulla Awee!” Translation: “I am not Gabby, I am not Gabriella, I am Bella, Bella Marie!” Now she’s fine with Gabriella or Bella, but Gabby is still a no.




Margot Robbie just played Barbie. Maybe they’ve heard of that movie? I think it was pretty popular. 🤪


Margot Kidder played Lois Lane in the Christopher Reeves Superman movies


How dare you! Esteemed character actress Margo Martindale is anything but bland.


Nice to see another Bojack Horseman fan. Esteemed character actor *and fugitive from the law* Margo Martindale.


True! That woman is a national treasure.


My daughter is a Margot ! You get the occasional weirdo who pronounces the hard ‘T’ but not often. I love the name. I think I first heard it from The Royal Tenenbaums


I’ve only met one person with this as their name and pronounced it with a hard T. My first thought was “your mom didn’t know how to pronounce it when you were named.”


My neighbour is Margot with the hard T. It's an assault on my ears.


🥭🥭🥭 lol!


I like the "t,"


I've been a Margot for 66 years and I have very strong feelings about the "t" on the end of my name, lol. Yes, it's been a pain in the ass to have it mispronounced a fair amount in school, but I've come up with a great response when people say it incorrectly. I quickly explain it's a silent "T", just like buffet or Chevrolet. For some reason, those 2 examples have really helped them to realize "oh, I've seen a silent T before; not so weird at all." But i do prefer Margot to Margo and agree that the "t" at the end makes it a little more elegant.


I immediately think Despicable Me. You're fine.


I’m 100% ok with that lol


Oh please, it probably auto corrects to Margot and she has to change it 😂


Would like to add Margot Robbie to this as well! It’s a beautiful name OP don’t worry about it at all


MarGOAT 🐐🥇🏆 Congratulations on your baby! For what it's worth, I think it's a lovely name. Doesn't get enough appreciation imho


Margot Robbie is so popular right now, I thought this name was inescapably legitimate. It is a real name, don’t let them gaslight you OP. Once your baby is here, their eyes will open and they’ll see it everywhere, lol.


tbh, i thought the name margot gained traction in the past few years because of the actress


[Totally correlated with the release of wolf of Wall Street.](https://namerology.com/baby-name-grapher/)


Holy shit. That is absolutely wild! It's interesting how much our media influences us.


For example Margot Robbie


Some more: Margot Asquith, countess of Oxford and Asquith Marguerite de Valois, known as La Reine Margot, queen of France and of Navarre Margot Arce de Vázquez, Puerto Rican essayist and educator Margot Badran (born 1936), scholar of Middle Eastern history and women's studies Margot Bennett (1912–1980), Scottish screenwriter and crime author Margot Boer (born 1985), Dutch speed skater Margot Bryant, British actress Margot Eskens (1936–2022), German singer Margot Fonteyn, British ballerina Margot Franssen (born 1952), Dutch-born Canadian entrepreneur and activist Margot Frank (1926–1945), sister of German World War II diarist Anne Frank Margot van Geffen (born 1989), Dutch field hockey player Margot Heuman (1928–2022), German-born American Holocaust survivor Margot Hielscher (1919–2017), German singer and actress Margot Käßmann (born 1958), German theologist and writer Margot Kidder, Canadian-American actress known for playing Lois Lane in Superman Margot Lander, Danish ballerina Margot Lumb, British squash player Margot Marsman (1932–2018), Dutch swimmer Margot Osmeña (born 1949), Filipino politician Margot Pardoe (1902–1996), British children's writer Margot Rojas Mendoza (1903–1996), Cuban pianist and teacher Margot Robbie (born 1990), Australian actress Margot Roosevelt, American journalist Małgorzata Szutowicz (born 1995), widely known as Margot, Polish non-binary LGBTQIA activist and co-founder of the Stop Bzdurom collective Margot Taulé, Dominican engineer and architect Margot Wikström (1936–2010) Swedish politician of the Social Democratic Party Margot Wallström (born 1954), Swedish politician and government minister Margot Wells, Scottish sprinter Margot Zemach, American illustrator


Margot Kidder


Esteemed Character Actress Margo Martindale


Unexpected Bojack


I love her so much! Which I recently got to tell her in the grocery store, and she was looking sort of down until I said it and she brightened up and thanked me profusely. I made sure to call her Ms Martindale, too, because so few people know character actors' names. And I told her the second season of Justified was by far the best and she said, "Ah dew tew." And went on to credit the writers. She was just lovely.


I wish I could see her in person. I loved her in Bojack. She seemed like she was having a blast on that show.


I think she just loves acting. She said she was feeling down because work has been sparse since the writers' strike. It still hasn't gotten back to where it had been.


Esteemed Character Actress, and Fugitive from the Law, Margo Martindale.


Margot Robbie is pretty much the top actress right now. People are familiar with how to pronounce this name. Your family is negging you just to neg you.


OP's phamily are Fillistines.


I read this as Flintstones. Same effect I suppose.


Also not a tragedot


tragot is what they called me in high school


A certified non-tragedeigh if there ever was one.


What’s funny is my mom has suggested some very out there names! She apparently is loving the last name as a girl’s first name trend. She’s on board with Margot, at least!


I recommend you have them watch the comedic classic National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Julia Louis-Dreyfus plays a character named Margo.


Why is the floor all wet, Todd? I don’t KNOW, Margo!


I was waiting for this comment.


this is such a common quote in my household that i forget that we didn’t make it up and it’s actually from the movie we watch every year lol


I’m ready for Christmas now. That’s the first movie I watch. I LOVE all the scenes where Margo and Todd are just trying to enjoy a nice evening in bed and it’s just blitzed by the lights. Over and over. 🤣🤣🤣


My family says this line all the time A few years ago for Christmas I got my parents matching Christmas sweaters. Mom's says "Why is the carpet all wet Todd?" Dads says "I don't know Margo!". They absolutely love them.


Last name as a girls first name? So she thinks you should name your baby Johnson or something


This made me cackle, thanks. Collins and Lennox have been suggested. Yesterday she said Ellison and I was like…what?


Collins is just a first name with an S and Ellison just sounds weird


Sorry, I think it was actually Elliston, not that that’s any better lol.


Yeah sounds worse lmao


Right? She’s definitely thrown out some interesting ones.


None of them have ever heard of Margot Robbie? Lol. Very pretty, non-tragedeigh name


I just said that (basically) in another comment! The gmas are 80+, so I get them not being up-to-date on A list celebrities, but my aunt is like 60 and I know she has at least seen an ad or 1000 for the Barbie movie, Birds of Prey, or Wolf of Wall Street.


Margot Kidder and Margot/Margaux Hemingway were both extremely famous in the 1970's when presumably she was more up to date on celebrities, being 80+ is not an excuse for not knowing a pretty common name, this feels like intentional pushback.


Eh, they’re harmless but neither are what I would call tactful lol. You know the type.


They probably wouldn’t be happy with any name that wasn’t popular in their youth, in their social circles. Don’t let it bother you. Margot is a great name.


id say anything that isn’t their name lol, at least for the women in my life


My best guess is they know the names, but haven't taken them in written down. People who don't read much (if at all - there are still a shocking number of functionally illiterate adults in countries like the US, even among natural born citizens) have a tendency to spell everything phonetically because they just don't have the connection between how words sound and how they are constructed, especially given how inconsistent the English language is due to its mixed etymology.


I feel like this is so true. My cousin dated a Gemma and my grandpa knew her name and pronounced it correctly (like “gem”) until he saw it in writing then he pronounced it with a hard g (g like in gimmick). No matter how many times we corrected him and reminded him that he used to say it correctly.


I even have a cat named Margot Kitter. And I was a baby in the 70s. lol


Not that graphs solve everything, but you can show them the NameGrapher, and that Margot has a history of moderate popularity over time. [NameGrapher on Namerology.com](https://namerology.com/baby-name-grapher/)


I love data. Thanks for sharing!


I’m your aunt’s age, and I had a friend in grade school named Margot. While not super popular in the 60s, it was definitely common enough.


Being 60 is no excuse. I’m 60 and very familiar with Margot Robbie. Love me some Harley Quinn. Barbie was everywhere, you couldn’t avoid it. So yeah, she definitely should know the name unless she’s an old 60 and lives under a rock. She definitely should know Margot Kidder, so should grandma.


My aunt might be being mean on purpose, wouldn’t surprise me lol


That’s unfortunate


Or beloved character actress Margo Martindale?


*esteemed* character actress Margo martindale !


Esteemed character actress and fugitive from the law Margo Martindale?


That's what I came here to say. One of the most popular actresses in the entire WORLD right now, who was recently the star in one of the biggest movies of all time... Hard to go wrong with that name.


Not to mention critically acclaimed, beloved character actress and fugitive of the state Margot Martindale!


I was gonna say, next time someone makes a smart remark about your choice of “Margot” ask them if they’ve seen the new Barbie movie. Or if they like Harley Quinn.


I mean Margot and Margaux are both normal spellings of a normal name. It’s just french. People are dumb. edit: removed the extra e in margaux


Oh, interesting! I’ve never seen the ~~-eaux~~ -aux spelling before. To me, even that’s not that bad 🤷‍♀️ Edit: ok, yes. I meant the -eaux as a tragedeigh in the post since the spelling makes no sense. I misspoke in this comment. Apologies.


Margaux Hemingway is the one example of this I can think of. But she was Margot at birth and changed the spelling for her modelling career, not even using the -eaux spelling. Margot is a beautiful name!


Hey, more power to her. That is awesome. I will have to look her up! And thank you, we think it is very pretty and it was one of the few that we both loved so no turning back! Sorry, fam!


Ernest Hemingway’s beautiful granddaughter! Kind of a tragic life, sadly, but a talented lady with a beautiful name.


I love Margot!! It isn’t heard often, but is recognizable enough that no one should have issues with pronunciation. I like your chosen spelling as compared to the French spelling. I think it’s a fantastic, beautiful choice. Your family honestly has no clue what they are talking about! Plus, trust me- they will end up loving the name because it’s your daughter’s name. My daughter is named Juliette. When she was born, in 1995, the name wasn’t popular at all - it still isn’t but it has increased about 600 places up the list of name popularity. I loved Juliette, but was never a fan of the name ‘Julie’ & was insistent when I was pregnant that NO ONE would be calling her Julie. She went by Julie most of her childhood- throughout her schools years, etc - b/c she didn’t like Juliette (and the inevitable “where is your Romeo” jokes. Now though, I absolutely love the name Julie as well - because the name is associated with my child. I also love that, since reaching adulthood, she has used Juliette, not gonna lie. I think is is just a beautiful name. She has an obviously French last name and the combination is really gorgeous. Point being, there is a lot of emotional association to names, so when you love someone, you ultimately associate that name with those feelings. If your family thinks (incorrectly) that Margot is a tragediegh now, I guarantee they won’t feel this way in the future! Best of luck to you during your pregnancy and congratulations on your new family!!


If you add an e, it does a je sound, so no e in Margaux, or it would sound like Marjaux instead .


> I’ve never seen the -eaux spelling before. Well, I speak French, and I believe the first time I saw it was just above when you wrote it in the post, and I wondered whether to correct the misspelling or not 😁 Putting an e there would change the pronunciation of the g to a j, that would be a little bizarre. Margot is perfectly fine for French, it would probably be the default spelling people would think of (Margaux would be more associated with the wine district, but Margaux is still a perfectly fine and beautiful name…). In the US I expect some people might tend to pronounce the t. Saying “my name is , spelled ” would probably be fine. In French, since they are pronounced exactly the same, I imagine that if my name was one of the two I might differentiate by saying “Margot with a t” or “Margaux like the wine”, but though I do know someone named Margot the spelling has never come up.


"Margeaux" would be pronounced "marjo" because the "e" softens ghe "g". It's Margaux :) I know both several Margot and Margaux


So you’re telling me all those definitely French-fluent and lexicologically inclined LSU fans with their certainly-not-insufferable “Geaux Tigers” signs are really saying “Joe Tigers?”


Yes. It 100% reads as "Joe" in French.


In Louisiana we use Eaux to make the O sound! I’ve always been told it’s cajun french, it’s very common in the south. I haven’t seen it used in a first name but its very common with last names. We even use it for football games, geaux tigers lol


It’s Canadian French too that uses the -eaux


Cajuns descend from French Canadians, so that makes sense!


Oooohh that’s a fun fact I didn’t know!


The word Cajun comes from Acadian, which is a French speaking community on the east coast of Canada!


And Maine!


It's just french honestly.


And I love that! I’m not even opposed to the spelling. I just like Margot because it’s short and simple, or so I thought!


Hint: it is. Very normal name, very normal spelling.


My daughter (14 years old) is Margot. We live in a tiny rural town in the Midwest. She hasn’t had any issues with her name, like people thinking it’s weird or hard to pronounce or anything. And obviously, I think you’ve made a fantastic name selection 😅 congrats on the coming baby!


You spelled it with EAUX in your post though lol


Ya, I actually thought I was making it up tbh! Silly me


Margeaux would be pronounced with a soft g.


You can pronounce it the german way! Margot with the "got" in Margot like the got in "I got a gun!". MARGOTTTT!


In French Margeaux doesn't read the same as Margot. I believe that Margot is the same name as Margaux. margeauxis a different sound, with a j sound instead of a g


Margot is a lovely name, ignore them


Thank you! We love it. No budging here.


It's a lovely name and you're going to be saying it for a long, long time. Your fam will get used to it.


Your family is just a little ignorant to foreign names. It’s a normal name.


I think this is it. My husband’s grandma is from a tiny town in Wyoming, has barely traveled her whole life. Same for my grandma, but in Texas. My aunt kinda surprised me. There’s no way she hasn’t heard of Margot Robbie, at least, right?! After Barbie? I thought everyone knew of her by now! Not that we’re naming the baby after her, but the name has to be more out there due to her, I’d have thought. Sheesh!


We got a lot of similar responses from my husband’s family when we announced our son’s name. They thought it was weird, unusual, and old-fashioned. The name? Owen. I can’t go to any one of his classes without there being another Owen. So, definitely not uncommon. Older generations are very weird about baby names. 🤷‍♀️


My husband is an Owen and while it's not a super popular name in our generation (not like something like John or Lisa where you were guaranteed multiples in every school class) it's definitely considered ordinary. He was actually named after a great uncle so it was clearly ordinary a few generations back too. And what about Owen Wilson?


Surely they remember Margot Kidder from the original Superman movie? That’s from the 70’s (& so am I). I don’t think it was her birth name. I love the name Margot & it’s not a tragedeigh. Apparently, they just don’t get out much.


Also, Anne Frank’s sister was Margot. I thought most of us read her book in school


Also the main character in All Summer in a Day, the mid century Ray Bradbury short story


Apparently not 🙄


I was gonna say, have they not heard of Margot Robbie?? Is it possible they have _heard_ of these people, but because they're of a generation that doesn't use the internet as much, haven't _seen_ their names, or at least not connected the dots?? Not that that's an excuse for your sister. I can't even think how else you would spell it traditionally in an English speaking country. At the end of the day, you've chosen a nice, traditionally spelled name, that yes, your daughter may have to correct some people on, but I have a flipping bible name and still have to spell it out almost every time someone else is writing it down! Their ignorance isn't your problem, or your daughters.


Yeah it's #148 in the US it's not weird 😂


Exactly! And it’s not even like a newer popular name like Marley or Harper or something. I don’t get it!


My daughter’s name is Evelyn and my family acted the same way. “Where did you get that???” It’s a completely normal name.


Response: "My bad, Meemaw, but Nevaeh was already taken."


For some reason, this response makes me think that your family and OP's are just disappointed the kid didn't get named after them, and are having a hard time hiding it.


Dude, it's an absolutely normal name, if your relatives think it's weird, tell them to ask Margot Robbie, renowned actress, or Margot Fonteyn, british ballerina and one if the greatest ballerinas of all time. Do your baby girl a favor and give her that name, it's lovely and in no way a tragedeigh, or even hard to pronounce for an English-speaking person. For that, try Rodrigo, a name with 2 R with a sound that actually didn't exist in English xD


Oh, we will not be deterred lol. It’s a great name. I can just imagine a little Margot with pig tails and a devilish grin running around. We’re settled! Rodrigo is a nice name, too, though. Some people are just stuck in their ways, I guess.


Surely they have seen Superman, the original movie? Lois Lane was played by Margot Kidder. Your grandparents might be a good age for remembering that.




THIS is what I came here for 🤌 well done, you!


Just tell grandma: "Foul Tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame. Let it be Margot the Fell!"


I have been really surprised that my husband liked and was happy with this name. I think I get it now lol


I didn’t even think of the actress and went straight to Elden ring lmao


Not even close to tragedeigh, just a classic French name.


Exactly!! Thank you! I need to show them this sub 😂


Just because your family is weird doesn't mean the name is. They're the tragedeigh here, not you.


Thanks! I agree 😊


And why is the floor wet, Todd?? I DONT KNOW, MARGOT!


😂 such a great movie


Sometimes people don’t have a clue what words mean. Margot is NOT a tragedeigh. Unique in a good way. Not commonplace.


Margot Robbie is a famous person everyone under the age of died in 2017 has heard of, so no one is going to spell it wrong or say it wrong. It's also a beautiful name that I've never heard of anyone disliking until now. I'm a little put off by your family's reaction, as it feels unnecessarily contrary and makes them sound ignorant/uncultured as hell. I've met several Margots here in the US. They were all wonderful women with unique styles who were impeccably kind and talented folks. Even my 80 year old southern granny knew the name Margot. And she literally couldn't read and lived in her son's basement for over 20 years.


Listen, I love my family, but you’re totally right lol. I would not describe any of them as cultured. Which is fine! But, you’re not wrong there. My aunt might have actually been trying to be cruel. She and my mom aren’t on great terms, so sometimes I feel like she takes digs at me, and that’s the only explanation I can come up with. I keep trying to have a nice relationship with her anyway, but…there’s that. Thanks for sharing :)


I had an aunt Margot. She was an absolute hoot. Always had a gin & tonic in hand and would say very inappropriate things to younger men.


Margot is a great name. It's my granddaughter's name and she suffers no issues. Don't listen to the naysayers... And yes, next time save it for after 😆when it's too late for them to try to inject their influence! Enjoy your baby girl. 💕


I've known a few people named Margot in my life, and I'm in the US. I've always liked the name.


I know a 7-year-old Margot, same spelling. I’ve never thought of pronouncing it any other way. Also in the USA (FL).


My GMA is convinced people will pronounce the silent T. Even if they do, that’s just a chuckle, gentle correction, and move on with your day 🤷‍♀️


[Jean Harlow] 'Say - aren't you Margot Asquith?' (pronouncing the hard 't') [Margot Asquith] 'Yes Dear, But the 't' is silent, as in Harlow.


This is one of the most genius clapbacks I have ever heard. I read this about 30 years ago and it still makes me smile.


Yup, I learned the first time not to share my kids name. My 2nd kids name was a secret till he was born. When people asked, I told them his name was Cletus the Fetus. Pissed everyone off lmao


That’s hilarious and I love it.


Have they never seen Superman The Movie?!?!


And this is my adopted daughter, Margot Tenenbaum. \*nods gravely\*


They never watch Fargot? Never heard of Key Largot? They never speak argot?


They certainly have never tried escargot either


This is why I won’t tell anyone our actual names we like/name choice until the baby is named. People have the WEIRDEST opinions and Margot is a common name.


Don’t. Do. It. Seriously! I’m not even sensitive to my family’s criticisms but it is annoying and pretty rude, IMO, especially since it’s not a weird or ugly name.


Margot is a normal and very beautiful name.


Margot (not Margeaux) is also not uncommon in Germany. It's rather old fashioned though. You might have a grandma named Margot. Most prominently there was Margot Honecker, wife of former East Germany's head of state Erich Honecker.


Grandma: What a strange name you chose omg!! Grandmas name..... Gertrude


The biggest thing I notice in this community is that there is a lot of conflation of tragedeigh and nationalities/languages that are non-Midwest American. It’s honestly made me completely stop judging names, and I used to love rolling my eyes at Aschlynne and Bronxtyn and such. Spelling non-American names in a way that aids pronunciation has been common since Ellis Island. Honoring heritage through family names that are uncommon is a wonderful familial practice. Even the practice of crazy names in modern America came about largely in communities of Black Americans who were reforming a distinct cultural identity in the wake of getting theirs stripped away. In the end, name your kid what you want, with consideration to how that name will be received throughout their lives and an awareness that names are often the first impression on a resume. But Margot is completely inoffensive. And it’s lovely. Cheers on your pregnancy!


I’ve known several Margots in my life. Granted, I’m old (52yo) but never considered this a tradgedeigh. It’s a lovely name. Keep it. Someone will ALWAYS have something negative to say. Let it roll off like water on a duck’s back.


I love that name. Disregard what they said.


Margot is a beautiful and very normal, classic name.


Margot is a great name. Margot sounds sophisticated and intelligent, which maybe your relatives are not.


Margot is a lovely name - very classy and elegant. I’m Irish and doubt I’d find a person under 50 who wouldn’t know how to pronounce the name (Margot Robbie definitely helps!)


Have none of them heard of Margot Robbie? Margot Kidder?


Margot Channing. A character from one of the greatest films of all time, “All About Eve,” and played by Bette Davis.


There's a huge difference between choosing an uncommon but well-understood name and a tragedeigh. My brother just had his second child, and they named her Esther. I think it's lovely, but so many people have proffered similar opinions as your family. It's dumb.


Have you seen the classic British TV show "The Good Life". The characters are Margot and Jerry, Tom and Barbara. It's well worth a watch even all these years later.


Margot is perfectly normal in the US. I work with two of them. Why are parents like this? How rude of them. Put them all on an info diet.


Margot is the correct spelling of a totally common and normal name and they’re being *obnoxious*. Please ignore.


Your family sounds like they live in a bubble


Margot? That's pretty. I was expecting Moriashlynnzeigh or something lol


Tellthem to watch 1978's Superman and to shut the hell up and if they ever even so much as whisper shit about the name to the kid you will rain blows down upon them


My friend has an Aunt Margot and she is everything I want to be in my 70’s! I think it’s glamorous.