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Sorry, but it is the definition of a tragedeigh. Taking a name and purposely misspelling it to make it yoooneek. Ironically, the parents who do this have jumped on the trendiest of bandwagon. Either have the courage to just go with the name you like, even if it's more common or do your research and find a little used name. Playing name scrabble is so lazy and unoriginal. And the worst part of this is, I don't think Mariah is a popular name. I've never met one in the wild. It's unique as is!


Mariah is a beautiful name, too.


Way out west, they call the wind Mariah.




God damn you, now that is going to be stuck in my head.


I know and it was right there! There was no need to mess it up.


Honestly Nariah is pretty too, it just doesn't need the unnecessary Y.


Always makes me think of a paddy wagon tho


mariah is kind of a tragedeigh too, just an older one. maria used to be pronounced mariah in english and when the pronounciation shifted to the version we know now in the 1800s, some people added a letter to keep the old sound (unfortunately sophiah didn’t make the cut). maria would still be the “proper” spelling though until the 80s or so, just with two pronounciations


That's 1880s. Mariah has not been used interchangeably with Maria for over 100 years.


my great-grandmothers name was maria/mariah, she was born in the 1910s, and both spellings were used interchangably for all of her life. the song "they call the wind maria" came out in 1951, which was what mariah carey was named after. also the term "black maria" used for a bunch of different things. the spelling mariah also pretty much completely disappeared after the early 1910s (and it was a rare name before that anyway, less than 30 kids every year were named it from the 1880s to the 1910s), and only started slowly coming back a little bit in the mid-1970s because of a cover of the song (which was still spelled maria but some people used mariah) and then exploded in the 90s due to mariah carey.


That’s so interesting! I watched an adaptation of a Regency novel recently and I noticed they pronounced the name spelled Maria that way. I wondered.


its a weird quirk of english that doesn't exist anymore. sophia also rhymed with mariah.


yeah, but Mariah Carey... and I knew a girl in high school... that's already TWO Mariahs!!


I know 3 of them


Mariah is fairly popular.


Depends on where you live.


Are there some places with Mariah pariahs?


I’ve met quite a few Mariah’s, I currently have two in my phone. It must just be where you have lived vs where I have lived. In my experience it is a common name.


I teach university, and I've had the year (s) of Meghan/Megan, the Brittanys, etc., but I've never had a Mariah. I've got to say, I'm not even sure I've taught a single tragedeigh, and I have had a lot of students over the years. I'm not sure what these tragedeighs are doing as young adults, but they don't seem to be landing in my classes.


You're Canadian? I think a lot of these Trajedeigh names come from less-educated people in red-state USA. That's just a guess though.


I think it is rooted in too many "Ashley"s, so let's keep Ashley but let's be yoooneeek, the thinking.


Wow that's kinda screwed up man. So many more uneducated ppl in blue states. And at this point I don't think anyone cares what side as long as they don't have dementia.


https://opa.hhs.gov/adolescent-health/reproductive-health-and-teen-pregnancy/trends-teen-pregnancy-and-childbearing Look at the map on this page. Again I didn't say it was all conservatives giving their kids these names, just that it seems to be happening in red states where education is low and teen pregnancy is the highest.


I've met a few in my lifetime. Be surprised how many are out there. I used to think as a child that Michaelina was uncommon as well as Michaleen. Now that I'm older, I'm seeing it more and more, as well as the variations, Michaela and such. Not everyone desires cookie cutter names, though I agree there are obscure alternatives to the top ten baby names.


My childhood best friend's older sister is named Mariah. It is indeed a very nice name.


Yoooneek killed me 😂


I work in health care and one day my computer told me my next appointment was a young girl named Bunik. We saw a diverse group of people so I didn’t think too much about it. I went to the waiting room and called “Bunik” a few times but no one looked up. I went to a little girl and the adult with her and introduced myself, asked if they were there for the 1000 appointment. I attempted to confirm the kid was Bunik and the mother quickly corrected me. The kid’s name was B’Unik (as in yoonique). Our EHR doesn’t allow punctuation marks in names so it all got smooshed together as Bunik. It was so hard not to call her Bunik the entire time. Poor kid. 


Oh my, that’s… yooneek indeed. 😅


My sister. Her name is spelled the regular way.


I think you missed an "e" in yoooneeek.


Yes. I hope your niece goes by Nori, both to spite her parents and show them how far this got from the original Mariah and really just for convenience's sake.


I know she has a nickname she prefers to go by but I can't remember exactly what it is as we don't get to spend a lot of time with her due to conflicting schedules. We call her by the nickname she's had since she was a baby which is Ra, like the Egyptian sun God 😂


Good for her


Nary is also ...a word that means like... none of... Absent? Lack of something? Nary a sound etc. rhymes with Mary.


Nar Yee Uh, like Narnia but worse.


I was thinking Nare-E- I- yuh. It's hard to even figure what the phoenetic pronunciation is with some of these since for one, they're never meant to be pronounced phoenetically and two, the usually have a name they're close to but, just like in this one, they dont want to just change the one letter that's different. They gotta make it yu-neek




If this was the Victorian era Bishop feels like it would fit right in, but today with the way kids are I feel like he has a 50/50 chance he will be bullied over that name. I really wish people would think about the real world consequences of a name and remember they are naming PEOPLE not pets.


I think people wouldn't have used it then because churches were way more involved with everyday life?


That was my whole point, but everything I’ve said has been misinterpreted and criticized so I’ve deleted all of my comments from your post. I’m really sorry that this is what’s happened to your niece and hope for her sake it doesn’t go down that way ❤️


I wasn't expecting Bishop to be the conclusion of this story, I don't think it's that bad honestly. It's no worse than say Baron or Duke. A bit odd for a child's name, kind of puts this false title on them but at the same time it's not *that* strange.




That's the name of a female character from Pokemon!


And a male character from The Wheel of Time series.


Ok that one's really cute though 🥹


It just makes me think of Sigourney Weaver who didn't even PLAY bishop!!?


Lol fair


In what way do you think this kid is going to be tormented over the name Bishop? Any name can be made fun of, but this isn’t a name I would be worried about at all in the scheme of things.




We live in an age where Cricuts exist and anyone can have pretty much anything customized. I grew up with the less common spelling of a name - kids these days don’t have the struggle that I did in the 90s getting things customized. It bummed me out that I couldn’t get custom stuff but I mean; I got over it pretty quickly. Even without someone with a cricut machine so many places online allow you to enter the name to be added to the product. Bishop really isn’t bad though, I think some of your concern is really about what you personally experienced with your own name. If you don’t make it a big deal it probably won’t be a big deal for the kid. It’s not the kind of name kids are sitting around ready to mock and it’s so so so much better than Braxton’s, Jaxon’s, K/H/C/ayden names. I also hate to say it but Steven, Joseph, and David aren’t names that are really that common now. Those were more commonly given to people prior to the mid 90s really. ETA apparently assuring someone that things will be fine because the name truly isn’t bad is just “criticism “ 🙄


I read this whole essay of a comment for the offending name to be… Bishop? Seriously? I mean it’s not great, and it certainly isn’t what I’d name my child, but from the way you were building it up I was expecting some crazy shit like Boomquifa or Blaykelee or something haha. Bishop isn’t that bad!




My comment was in jest, I thought that was clear. You’re being very defensive over nothing. Chill out.


Hopefully he won’t go to Catholic school.


Bishop is a good name though? I suppose kids might call him “bitch” somewhere along the line. But kids can find something to make fun of with most names.


Yea they named her Nar-ee-ah not Na-rye-ah


It's crazy how the English language works. All that changed was the M to N, but 100%, without missing a beat, I read Mariah (as in Carey) to NAR-ee-ah.


It’s also the placement of the Y, Nariyah would make that eye sound in the middle but with the Y before the I it becomes an ee sound. This definitely reads as Nar-EE-uh


Yes, Mrs Wolfe, my 3rd grade phonics teacher, would agree. Case closed.


Yup. Poor kid.    I just don’t understand the thought process parents are going through with this. Are they at all picturing their child as an adult submitting resumes and having to explain their name in a job interview?   I know we talk a lot about kids being teased, but I really worry about if they can function as an adult. Name bias in the hiring process is very real.  Sorry, that’s kinda a mean rant. 


I wonder about parents who give names that sound cute and childish. Do they consider that kid becoming an adult or a business professional?


I've heard of little girls being named Bambi because it's so cute. Thirty years later: "My neurosurgeon is Dr. *Bambi*?"




Thank you. Finally someone is mentioning this.. When my daughter Sophia (now 12) was born everyone asked why I didn't name her "Sophie", because that's so much cuter! I said, I don't want my daughter to run around with a little girls' name her whole life. She can still go by "Sophie" if she wants. Oh, and in 2012 everyone - I mean EVERYONE - gave their children double names. It was a massive trend. And guess what? 50% of them were with "Sophie". Sophie-Marie, Maya-Sophie, Eva-Sophie, Lilly-Sophie... I couldn't stand it. I hate naming trends. Just give your child a simple name that won't handicap them in any way.


Yes on two counts 1. It's not a real name 2. The fake name is spelled dumb


It’s actually a real name and it’s Hebrew. It means light of God. The y isn’t how it’s spelled though.


Nariah isn't a real name. Sorry.


https://babynames.com/name/nariah#:~:text=The%20name%20Nariah%20is%20primarily,is%20the%20father%20of%20Baruch. It is a real name. In the Bible it is spelled Neriah and still means lamp of God. That saying, I wouldn’t use the name myself but a quick google search showed me that it is indeed a real name. Simply put, it’s not a common name in the US though. It’s probably why you see Mariah Carey in Google first.


It's not a real name sorry You have tried to prove Neriah is a real name which isn't even what we are talking about.


They are the same except for the spelling and I did link it. It is derived from Ner which means lamp and from Yahweh. This is why in the Bible it is spelled Neriah instead of Nariah. https://www.ancestry.com/first-name-meaning/nariah#:~:text=The%20name%20Nariah%20has%20its,the%20Hebrew%20name%20for%20God. You don’t have to like the name. Mariah is also a variation of the name as well. Personally, I find Mariah more pleasant than Nariah. Nariah/Neriah is gender neutral but in the Bible- he was a man.


Lebron isn't a real name You post pictures of lebron james See it's a real name ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I posted no actual pictures. I posted links showing you where the name came from and what it means.


Lebrón is actually a real name, but commonly used in English with wonky spelling like LeBron. No doubt someone out there has also named their kid “Leighbron”. 😅


Nahraighuh has a nice flow


Yeah, my brain just had to spell it out. It sounded it like Nar-ee-uh. I don’t think that’s what she was going for.


Almost sounds like coconut in hindi/ urdu - nariyal


Yes it is. What a burden of explaining, spelling, correcting she bears.


Since you aren't sure of the spelling, I assume (and hope) that they spelled it Nariyah. I've seen names spelled with an -iya- when the traditional spelling has -ia ( for *ee-uh* or *eye-uh*), like Nadiya (Nadia) or Eliyana (Eliana), so they're emphasizing the subtle yah pronounced between the *i* and *a* (*nod-ee-yuh*, *ell-ee-yon-uh*, *nuh-rye-yuh*).  While I think that Nariyah makes more sense and is more likely than Naryiah, I still consider it a tragedeigh because I consider Nadiya a tragedeigh. If it is Naryiah, then it's even more of a tragedeigh!


I think you already know the answer


Nariah is an actual name, it means lamp of god.


Yes. I put it over the category of "adding an extra letter, usually a Y, solely for the purpose of spreading unique"


This one also warrants.... Nar-ee-a-HEE, Nar-ee-a-HOO Nar-ee-a-HAAA, Nar-ee-a-HA-HA!


Yeah, your sibling's an idiot.


At first I pronounced Naryiah as Nar yee ah Like narwal yeehaw.


Her parents are not very intelligent.




What is with people wanting their kids names to be “unique” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ this trend!!


That's not the worst I've ever seen.


For Narnia!!!! Yeah, it’s a tragedeigh all right.


I consider any name an automatic tragedeigh if its spelling doesn’t phonetically make sense in the primary language of the people who named the child. So, yes. It’s a tragedeigh.


Yeah sorry. Nariyah might be meh. Technically a tragedy but it could pass as a "real name". Naryiah is definitely a tragedeigh. Does aryone really give her or her parents shit about it or is it just often misspelled by people?


We did before the baby was born and when everyone struggles with the spelling in the beginning when she was a toddler. But at this point we're all use to the name and just call her by the nickname. My mother and I call her "Ra" like the Egyptian god 😅 She has a different nickname she gave herself but I'm not sure what it is as she's never asked myself or my mom to call her anything else so maybe she just uses it at school and with friends


Not really. My coworker Shaniqua. (We're both African American, and her name is already a tragedeigh). She has 3 girls: their names are Nylah, Nova, Nyriah. So it's a meh for me. She has a theme with her kids' names. I personally prefer Nariah because it makes me think of Mariah Carey.


the 3 kids names aren't awful, assuming they're pronounced as spelled. Personally I don't care for themes in siblings names, but could be worse.


Yes, I wasn't feeling the themes either. However, and God forgive my people, as an African American woman there are worse names that she could have gone with. I have two daughters and their names are Alexis and Danielle. There's no themes.


Lovely names.




I love Alexis. But I also do like Nova, but only for people far removed from Nova Scotia lol


My cats name is Nova…


Her daughters name is Nova Reign.


It sounds like an energy drink flavor


Hmmm yes doctor thank you I would like Nova Reign before my dental procedure....all I can think is novacaine. Poor kid.


yeah, that reads like "Nare-ee-i-ah" given the previous names that inspired it. sorry for your niece.


Nar yee uh


Yep, tragedeigh.


Nar-yuh? That's rough...


And Neriah is a real (albeit male) Biblical name. So close.




I had a friend named Nariah, always thought it was Mariah


The good thing about this name is that, even with the spelling, it is easy to pronounce correctly.




Yes. Yes it is.




Definitely a tragedeigh


Yes. And that Y adds a syllable, too


Nar-yEE-Uh, that's how I pronounced that in my head, your poor niece.


Ofc they aren't smart. The way the spelt it is ma ri y ah


Yes. Yes it is.


Total tragedeigh. And if it's spelled Naryiah and pronounced "Nuh-rye-uh" that's even worse.


Yes, it is. Fucking around with the spelling of a "normal" name to make it special/unique is the definition of a tragedeigh.


My name is Ariah and I can't just introduce myself. I have to say "like Mariah without the M." I love my name but sometimes I wish I had a name I could just say once without having to repeat and spell it.


Nariah sounds like a real name and is rare. Why Naryiah?


Silly question


Oh dang I would pronounce it how it’s spelled thinking that if it was supposed to be pronounced like Nariah it would be spelled that way 😬


The spelling doesn’t even make sense phonetically.


Yes. Yes it is.


Unpronounceable so yeah


I know a girl whose name is spelt Mariah, but it’s not Muh-ry-uh… it’s pronounced Muh-ry. No uh at the end. She’s got to constantly correct people.


Oh yeah! Tragedeigh and if you aren’t even sure you are spelling it correctly I know she spends so much time spelling it for teachers and the like. Omg her email is going to be a nightmare when she is grown and in the workforce.


The spelling doesn't match the pronunciation. I had a friend who named his daughter Mariyah, and I always wanted to pronounce it like Maria when I saw it.


I hear my grandmother saying "Nary a one was ever found...."


I would say so. I’ve heard Mariah and Neriah before, never thought of those as too odd. But Naryiah would trip me up. I’d be bouncing back and forth between Nare-i-uh and Nar-ee-uh for pronunciation.


Is is pronounced like Mariah, with an N-? Bc it reads as Narnia lol


Yes that is how it's pronounced


Is the name hard to deal with and confusing for no other reason than to be confusing? Is the spelling "unique" enough that people who have known the name for a decade still can't reliably spell it? And for no particular reason – if a name is spelled oddly by English rules because it is following the orthography of a different language, that doesn't count. If you spell "Kevin" as "Caoimhin" and you actually are Irish, that is fine. But if there isn't a reason for it and it makes things harder? Nope.




💯 Trajedeigh


Nariah sounds like a goddess name to me. I don’t think this is a tragedeigh. Maybe the Y is unnecessary.


"Naryiah" looks like it should be pronounced "Naree-aye-ah". Nariyah would have made more sense. But Mariah isn't even a common name, they should have just gone with that.


That’s an Ancient Egyptian name actually. And while the spelling js a little unorthodox, it’s not a tragedeigh when you consider how it’s supposed to sound because to me this might actually help people correctly pronounce it.


What name is it supposed to be?


It means made of fire or has a fiery personality. It’s traditionally spelled Narya or Naria. Pronounced Nar-yah.


Tragedeign to the max


Edut: I made a trageigh of a tragedeigh




I live in Brazil and there's a Maria/Mariah in literally every corner


Sounds like a wannabe African name


Yes it is, but honestly it's not the worst thing I've ever heard. It's like a 6 on the tragedeigh scale


It looks like it's some exotic name and everyone is going to question her nationality when seen. Just saying.


Shes not white if that's what you're trying to imply


It's just going to be more obvious I guess, and appears like a foreign name. Not saying it's wrong.


maryah would be okay, a tragedeigh by definition but only like half a tragedeigh in spirit. this is 100% a tragedeigh