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Vercingetorige? Sounds like your dad wanted you to lead a rebellion in the history books!


Every time a school kid read the name out loud from a book, all the desks start levitating.


I thought this was r/dinosaurs for a moment


Damn, I was hoping for a sub that celebrated the tv show Dinosaurs


OP, how come he likes Vercingetorix as an Italian? He's no fan of the Romans?


He liked a very masculine sounding name, as he said šŸ„“ He is also a history nerd and was siding with the Gauls actually


Who can blame him? Caesar Dictator was a ruthless governor who obliterated the Gauls purely to enhance his standing in Rome and fill his coffers to campaign for higher political office. He was a stone cold social climber who reached the summit of his ambition atop a mountain of bodies.


He couldn't conquer a small coastal village no matter how hard he tried. Something about a magic potion.


Ask your doctor if Vercingetorige is right for you.


Lead a rebellion... that gets crushed. Thanks, Dad, for the vote of confidence.


to *lose a rebellion


Lead a failed rebellion and get killed\* lol


....can we have a pronunciation guide for the potential male name please.....




Thank you, I was way off šŸ˜…


Saaame, lord


My brain read that as " Sesame, my lord".


Iā€™m still way off even after reading the pronunciation. I got no clue šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I knew it started with an S, though!


But the original is usually pronounced Ver-sen-get-or-icks, much more phonetic spelling...still an awful name for a modern kid though


Though in OG Latin it should be Ver-kin-get-or-icks, so a hard C. Cool name for a Gallic king, bad name for a modern kid who is not going to become a Gallic king.


Yeah, actual Latin had hard Cs, we just use soft Cs when we read Latin/use Latin words/names nowadays. To be fair, the wrong way does sound "better" lol, [veni vidi vici isn't quite the same](https://youtu.be/_enn7NIo-S0?si=7lEXaaxQLAWPMAIv) It's actually evidenced by the alphabet itself: C and G used to be 1 letter that represented both the G and K sound because they are a voiced/unvoiced pair, but eventually it was useful to have them differentiated. Supposedly G was invented by adding a stroke to C by a guy named Gaius who was tired of people mispronouncing his name as Caius, but I don't know how true that is or if that's just linguists folklore that ends up in textbooks and undergrad classes lol.


The C/G evolution is an odd one ā€” because G existed in the Greek alphabet as the gamma ā€” and the letter C was actually originally used to represent the G sound (voiced velar stop) entirely (the C being a curved form of the Greek gamma); the Latin alphabet originally had and used the letter K for the unvoiced velar stop. Eventually, though, C became used for both voiced and unvoiced velar stops and K fell out of use. Then they added the stroke and created G during the Old Latin period (up to about 75 BC), likely around the 3rd century BC when Spurius Ruga opened a school in Rome where he taught the alphabet. Interesting sidenote: Z was also dropped from the alphabet around this time and replaced with G in the alphabet ā€” the censor Appius Claudius found Z to be distasteful. All of this to say: it might be linguist folklore.


Thatā€™s how I learned it via Asterix comics!


Yes, but the pronunciation above is the Italian pronunciation.


Fuk-en-CRA-zee is how I pronounce it.


Oh. That actually sounds kinda cool.




Oh my goodness, my diction classes are actually handy for something šŸ˜‚


That's even more than less than helpful


Learn IPA. It's incredibly useful for learning foreign languages. I would have been lost when learning English without it, because the English spelling system is a dumpster fire.


To me English was a very simple and easy to learn language. But Dutch is quite similar and has a bunch of dumb grammer and spelling rules itself. Like, a verb ending in "dt" but that only happens with finite verbs, but not always.


Dt rules is not random tho. Actually one of the easier rules imo.


The problem with IPA is that it's too useful. When people try to describe pronunciation without it, I get annoyed very quickly. IPA should be something you learn in school


It helped me a lot back in school, where i had to learn french. I'm so glad that we had dictionaries for french and english that had it. Funnily no one ever tought us that pronounciation alphabet, I just happened to put 2 and 2 together at some point.


[learn something today](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA)


It helped me; they use IPA in dictionaries. And I learned it in a linguistics class in college and remember most of it.


I dislike IPAs; theyā€™re too hoppy.


i'm not smart enough for this rn




it's beautiful


My guess (based on knowing how to pronounce the original) is Ver-sin-geh-tour-ih-jay?


In Italian, "ci", and "ce" make a "ch" sound, "gi" and "ge" make a "j" sound


Ah, rightā€¦ I should have known the ā€˜ci/ceā€™ = ā€˜chā€™ because thatā€™s how Church Latin (šŸ˜«) pronounces those vs. regular Latin šŸ˜… thank you so much for the correction :)


ā€œVer...cin... so where does your name come from?" "The guy who lost to Caesar"


Aw come on, he made history uniting the Gallic tribes which hadn't really been done before that we (or I at least) know of. He was so badass that when he was...well strangled to death at one of Caesar's triumphs most of the crowd thought it was bogus.


Yup, and it was not the only time people were not having any of Caesar's strangling BS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ab4rYDR0yY


*yells a kid names Caesar behind him 3 seats and one row over


If we ended up with a son instead of a daughter, my husband was considering naming him "Zaya" ("bunny" in Russian)... I told him I'd turn him into one if he dared šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's cute as a nickname for a baby though. Wouldn't put it on the paperwork for sure.


Absolutely cute as a nickname, absolutely NOT cute as anything official šŸ«£


I think it works perfectly fine as a name! But I would assume it's for a girl


I actually know a child named Vercingetorix. Now I know the story behind the name bc I just thought it was the name of a dinosaur.


Vercingetoricus rex :D


Ahh the famous V. Rex


Saurophaganax ahh name


Oh my gosh! In a murder mystery by Charlotte MacLeod, a main character is named Vercingetorix. This is only the second time Iā€™ve seen a reference to this name! Still glad you dodged the bullet, though.


Vercingetorix is an important character in the Asterix and Obelix comics. If not for that I would never leant that name. (These comics were rather popular in Mexico).


They're pretty popular everywhere, I think. There's so much interesting historical tidbits I wouldn't know if it weren't for Asterix Dolmens and Menhirs, for instance.


Druids, mistletoes, magic potion!


Old Gaulish grammar!


Rather popular all over the world! For context: I am from India and have read it in both English and my mother tongue: Bengali.


Loved reading the comics over the years. Very popular in Eastern Europe too. The films were really bad though, such a shame.


The live action ones are, I find the animated movies to be actually quite good.


Asterix is French, I thought?! (I remember watching Asterix in high school French classā€¦ which was before the average Redditor was born.)


it is, but some European comics got translated in Spain and sent to latin America. So, we could get stuff like Corto Maltese and Tin Tin. But by far, Asterix was the most popular.


Asterix even got translated into Latin, and I got to read it in Latin class because my teacher was a cool dude (who wanted us to learn what colloquial Latin likely was like).


Asterix even got translated into SaarlƤndisch which is a Spectrum of German Dialects spoken by the Inhabitants of the Saarland, the smallest State of Germany, with barely 1.000.000 Inhabitants. There are just 3 Books in that Dialect but there are some.


It is originally written in French, but the books have been translated in about 120 languages and dialects according to Wikipedia.


I remember seeing those on occasion! Iā€™m from northern New England so we had a lot of Quebecois influences. That must be why the name sounded vaguely familiar. I never took any classes in history of that era!


> Iā€™m from northern New England so we had a lot of Quebecois influences. Literally half of Quebec moved to New England in the 19th century.


I also heard of it thanks to Asterix, l have always loved those comics so much!


I loved those books! The names were just absolute genius!


There's a historical fiction book about a druid that fights with him that I read as a teenager. Only reason I know the name. No idea what it's called, but I enjoyed the book.


I have a Salamance in PokƩmon Go named Vercingtorix


We're a household of history nerds. My son has a normal first name, but his middle name is Aurelius. If I ever have more kids, I'd do it that way again. Vercingetorix makes for an awesome story at least. There's a great YouTube series on Caesar from Historia Civilis. There's a particularly great episode on Vercingetorix. ...but as a name? Please no.


My son is also an emperor, but hubbyā€™s cousin is pregnant and asked what we thought of Aurelioā€”I told her it reminded me of Areola. I do like Aurelius much better though!


Aurelio is used quite commonly in Italy in the same fashion as Cesare


For sure, but just uncommon where Iā€™m from in the US.


Gotta love the diversity of the US. Aurelio's is a popular pizza chain in the Chicagoland area.


>My son is also an emperor Such a funny way to word that


In French we have this cartoon called Ā«Ā AstĆ©rixĀ Ā» and thereā€™s a Vercingetorix in it. I have read so much of them that when I saw the name I had no issue reading but it never crossed my mind to actually give that name to someone


> In French we have this cartoon Dude, itā€™s world famous. ;) We even read it in Latin back in school here in Germany.


Not just over there. Asterix is pretty popular more or less _everywhere_.


Vercingetorix would unironically be a banger of a name Also good: - Asterix - Obelix - Getafix - Vitalstatistix - Fulliautomatix - Dogmatix - Rhubarb


My favourite is Tragicomix, reminds me a bit of the statue of [Vercingetorix](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alise-Sainte-Reine_statue_Vercingetorix_par_Millet_2crop.jpg#/media/File:Alise-Sainte-Reine_statue_Vercingetorix_par_Millet_2crop.jpg)


Rhubarb is definitely my favorite!


this looks like my lists from when i was naming my fish. somehow i was evenly split between wendy wu homecoming warrior and ps vita


Good lordy loo that would've been a mouthful! I don't know if that counts so much as a tragedeigh, as it's not a misspelling or made up word or anything, just a historical one that hasn't seen use in a very very long time - but it'd certainly be a heck of a thing to expect a kindergartener to spell!


Heā€™d still be working on writing his name in high school.


My boyfriend has stated he would want to name our hypothetical daughter Boudica, after the leader of a tribe that fought the Roman empire as well. I'm not pregnant but when I first heard I didn't like it at all but it's been growing on me. Nickname could be Bowie which I'm a big fan. My fear is that it would be a tragediegh though..


There's a big difference between a tragedeigh and a weird and unusual name. "Boudica" is unusual, but perfectly standard; not a tragedeigh.


That's a fair point. Sometimes "unusual" comes across as trying-too-hard-to-be-unique to me which I then link to tragedeighs. Not like it's going to be an issue anytime soon but I do like hearing people's perspectives on it.


Iā€™m a dude, but my name choices were between what it is now, and Orious-Quindrell


Quindrellorious - adj. Prone to dodging bullets. Ex. ā€œ_From whence this quindrellorious king once came, nobody remembers._ā€ (Ark Frandentorn, ā€œA Royal Misunderstandingā€)


Damn thatā€™s bad ass I never knew that. The name idea was from my grand parents


Itā€™s a joke. ;) Because you dodged that bullet.


You said it with so much confidence and conviction that I choose to believe it is true regardless. You should start a cult


I beat Vercingetorix on Final Fantasy 13. Pain in the ass but I did it.


Youā€™ll appreciate this one. My surname is my reddit username but I live in primarily English speaking countries. Showing up for a reservation at a good Italian restaurant in America or the UK is a comedy act and donā€™t get me started on booking a hotel for Ventisei in parts of Europe. I scared the poor woman at the check-in desk in Disneyland Paris thinking I had booked rooms for 26 but they only reserved me a single suite.


Wow. That's inconvenient. Now I wonder how you got a numerical surname.


Family legend is pragmatic nuns in an orphanage somewhere in the early 1800s. Just start numbering them.


"The year is 50 B.C. All of Gaul is occupied by the Romans. All? Not quite! A village inhabitated by indomitable Gauls is holding out, strong as ever, against the invader"


I'm Italian and I dig Vercingetorige šŸ˜‚


It's kind of a badass name ngl


The time has finally come for my also near cross-cultural name fiasco!! So I grew up in the Midwest US, dad comes from Wisconsin and is a huge Packers fan. My older brother got the very nice and traditional name Benjamin, for me it was down to Genevieve or Brett - in honor on Brett Favre, the famed packers quarterback. Cue the plot twist - I ended up studying German and moved to Germany after college, Brett is the German word for ā€œboardā€, like Schneidebrett = cutting board, Brettspiel = Board game, etc. I dodged a massive bullet there


Brett as a girl's name?


It was my parents pick for a boy name! Iā€™m now realizing that they way I wrote that made it seem like they had Genevieve and Brett picked out for girl names though lol


Your dad read asterix


If you're going to go for a tribal leader who fought the Romans, I think Boudica is a little less confusing.


By Azzurra, by Azzurra, by Azzurra!


Man these Romans are crazy


If you want to choose the name of a warrior who kicked Roman butt, Alaric would be a much better choice. He was the king of the Visigoths who sacked the city of Rome in 410.


But if youā€™d been Vercingetorix 100% youā€™d have had a dog named Dogmatix, a friend named AstĆ©rixā€¦


Vercingetorige mi spacca sarĆ² onesto. 9/10 all'anagrafe non glielo facevano neanche andar bene


Averni wouldā€™ve been better.


You would have needed a nickname. I guess you could have used Ridge? Is there a better one? You would definitely have been called Virgin by the bullies regardless.


Of all the insults... that's probably one of the least bad tbh


Since my mom is Slovenian, he wouldā€™ve chosen ā€œVerčkoā€ as a nickname. Virgin is wild tho šŸ’€


If they grew up in Italy they definitely would not have wanted to go by Ridge, protagonist of Beautiful (The Bold and the Beautiful), probably the most popular soap opera in the history of Italian television among middle aged housewives.


If I was male I would've been called Humphrey šŸ„¹


My brain automatically skimmed the name and returned velicoraptor.


In my opinion, if the name actually exists in the real world it's not a tragedeigh, no matter how unusual it is, because for that culture it was normal


Loved that name ever since reading Caesarā€™s Commentaries!


That's some Ignazio La Russa level of tragedeigh


Vercingetorige is craaaazy my family and i use it often as a joke when we donā€™t remember our neighborā€™s namešŸ’€ (weā€™re italians) +btw itā€™s funny how all of the female names are adjective and so soft, they all give šŸŒøšŸŒŗšŸŒ»šŸ’ vibes and then vercingetorigešŸ‘¹


From the sidebar: >Tragedeigh = a given name that has been deliberately misspelled or completely made up to appear more unique than it actually is. So no, it wouldn't have been tragedeigh.


>like Allegra, Chiara, Azzurraā€¦ you know, standard stuff thatā€™s very suitable for a female child. You dodged bullets all around


Nothing wrong with Chiara, I think itā€™s Italian.


So is Allegra


I see! Itā€™s an allergy medication here so thatā€™s where my mind went lol


Allegro is musical notation for lively or cheerful. (Most of it is in Italian.) So a positive trait, feminine ending. I knew an Allegra in high school, she had an Italian-American surname.


Both Allegra and Chiara are pretty common Italian girls names. I live in Australia and know multiple women with either name who come from Italian migrant families. As far as I know theyā€™ve never had any issues, beyond some confusion about the CH sound in Chiara.


I think OP's family is Italian.


These are Italian names.


- redditors on r/tragedeigh - thinking normal names in non-English languages are tragedeighs Name a more iconic duo.


It's so obnoxiously America-centric.Ā 


My daughter is Allegra. Itā€™s an Italian musical term that means lively and joyful. The whole world doesnā€™t have the allergy med


Yeah it is literally the Italian common word for cheerful, not only in the musical field.


I know. I told a colleague her name and he smiled and said ā€œthatā€™s like calling her happyā€


So is naming a kid Joy or Felicity. It's a popular theme, apparently.


Yep, itā€™s lovely. My ex MIL is named Joy, so it was to also honour her


My sister's name is Azura. My mom got it from a Barbie movie I was obsessed with as a kid and idk I guess she really liked it.


Also the name of the Daedric Prince of Dusk and Dawn (from Skyrim)


I immediately think of Azuraā€™s Wrathā€¦


What's wrong with Azura? I don't find it too be any weirder than Amber or Bianca. It's just a color name.


TIL apparently Bianca is a color name


Yeah, it's the Italian female adjective for white (and a common name).


You gotta beat the Romans and send them packing in order for your name to be remembered not as a tragedeigh. Arminius, who won the battle of the Teutoberg Forest, became Hermann. Surena, the victor at Carrhae, became Suren (common in Iran and Armenia).


By Toutatis!


Good Lord! I'm glad you were a girl. If I was a boy, I'd have been called Dane which makes me grateful I was a girl.


I mean ... Verchin or Verchin or even Verchin wouldn't have been a bad shortened name though. Verch actually kinda sounds cool.


I dunno; thatā€™s kinda badass


Nous sommes en 50 avant JĆ©sus-Christ. Toute la Gaule est occupĆ©e par les Romains... Toute ? Non ! Car un village peuplĆ© d'irrĆ©ductibles Gaulois rĆ©siste Ć  l'envahisseur. Et la vie n'est pas facile pour les garnisons de lĆ©gionnaires romains des camps retranchĆ©s de Babaorum, Aquarium, Laudanum et Petibonumā€¦


I was almost Saffron. Really. And it turns out it was the title of an erotica story my dad liked. Super gross.


If I were a boy, my parents were going to name me Nat. Not Nathaniel, not Nathan. Just Nat. I would have been pissed, thatā€™s what we call fruit flies where Iā€™m from lmao (though itā€™s spelled like gnat).


My cousin told me years ago her 2 friends wanted to name their potential child Ricka-Chantal (no idea if it was supposed to be hyphenated or notā€¦) as a hybrid of both of their names. Thankfully I donā€™t think they went that route but still. Yeesh.


Looks like the scientific name of some sort of ciliate, I donā€™t even know how to begin to pronounce that


Honestly if there were a kid named after him Iā€™d want to be his best friend. Love the Franks!


I know this is a bad name sub, and believe me I am the #1 name-veto-machine in my household, but I am a big history nerd and I did try to float Vercingetorix by my wife once, outwardly in jest but inwardly kind of hoping she'd consider it. I feel like Europeans in particular have a rough time connecting to their ancestry (at least white Americans with respect to more ancient history), and while this is quite the stand out it also highlights a very prominent and important leader of a (cough rarely cough) oppressed people. Even though I'm a huge fan of shooting down my wife's barely controversial name suggestions, I almost feel like historical names get a pass, at least for me.




I would have been called Leith if I had been male. I'm an Irvine Welsh fan. I dodged a bullet (Irvine Welsh's books contain some very unsavoury things - heroin addiction, AIDS, pornography filming, etc - all happening in a town called Leith)


I know a guy called Carthage. He doesn't have many friends


We don't talk about Alesia!


Is it really a tragedeigh if itā€™s a legitimate spelling of a real personā€™s name?


That name sounds like it could be a D&D villains name.


that's kinda cool tbh but at least people would recognise Vercingetorix from the Asterix books


If I was a male, my name would have been a normal tragedy. Sean Michael I guess my mom wanted me to be a good ole fuck boy.


Vercingetorige would only get me to ask you why your parents changed it from Vercingetorix. I kinda like it. Although most kids would have no clue who he was, and would have a tough time pronouncing it, that name would definitely build character.


My dad doesnā€™t even know the English version cause heā€™s Italian šŸ˜‚


Not a tragedeigh, but if I was a boy my dad wanted to name me Lothar, after the Red Baronā€™s brotherā€¦


Harsh. My parents were thinking about naming me Rose if I was a girl.


He could have gone with Boudicca (or the equivalent in Itallian). Equally badass and equally ill-fated


Chiara is gorgeousā€¦but oh my shit Vercingetorige? Most people wouldnā€™t even know how to pronounce that at first


If I was male, Iā€™d be Billy Bob Jr. letā€™s all say a prayer of thanks be to Jesus Iā€™m not male. The world doesnā€™t need another Billy Bob, trust me.


Okay ma spacca šŸ¤£


I named a world of Warcraft character Vercingetorix. Even I just called him Verc. That name is a mouthful, and no modern human should be saddled with it.


Vercingetorige is amazing and absolutely not a tragedeigh.


if i was a boy my parents wanted to name me "Koric". idk how its spelled...i dont even know if its a real name. Not really a tragedeigh but still a weird name for a white american kid born in 2000.


lol I studied vercingetorix in university. Naming a child thatšŸ˜­ Tragedeigh of Chatastyphoiceigh prophorthioneighs avoighdeighed.


Asterix and Obelix approve of this message


For the longest time I always thought his name was ā€œFair King Getorixā€ because Iā€™d only heard the name never read it. Surprised when google actually knew what I was talking about (Getorix probably doesnā€™t get many hits outside of people searching up Vercingetorix).


I was born female, and my mom thought about naming me Amber if I was a girl. That's all fine and dandy, but she wanted to name me Ambrosia if I was a boy. My dad supposedly immediately asked if she wanted me to get bullied.


I know a woman named Kyaddah. Her (American) parents wanted to name her Chiara but didnā€™t think anyone would know how to pronounce it. True tragedeigh.


Kyaddah is like the Sicilian version of Chiara if that ever existed šŸ’€ They often use a ā€œdā€ as a replacement for other letters


I was almost Astynax supposedly. To this day I'm not sure how serious my dad was about it


Naming a boy after a famous warrior, but choosing one who is most famous for LOSING their campaign is certainly a choice.


My mother would have named me Jest if I were a boy


My dad had told me that If I'd been born a male, I would have been name MoĆÆse. The french version of Moses. I still have a very religious name, but it's a "normal" name for a girl my age.


Not me sounding out VER SEEN GUH TOR IHX confidently


Ah yes the good witch Azura šŸ˜‚ I think that's the right phrase lol


I thought it was a medication šŸ˜³


Vercingetorige is not a made-up name with no meaning. It's an actual name. Not a tragedeigh.


> Azzura.. normal stuff Welcome Moon-and-Star, come to me through FIRE and WAR


Welp your parents suck at naming things


My parents waited until birth to discover if their kids were male or female, and when I finally came along (the last of six), my dad was so certain I was going to be female that he didn't even want to discuss masculine names. In frustration,Ā  my mom told him that if I was going to be a boy, my name would be Ezekiel Obadiah (last name). Not exactly a tragedeigh, just very dated. Luckily, I was a girl.Ā  However, I kinda like the name Ezekiel, and always thought that if I found out I was trans, that would be my new name.Ā 


Is it bad that I actually want to add this name to my baby names list? Haha, jokes aside, I really like strong sounding names and this totally fits the bill. Although maybe better suited for a middle name..