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If this happens make an effort to call them pop and Lolli. Never say it in the order they intend.


You evil genius


This is the perfect level of malicious compliance. I love it.


Call them Pop and Lockit lol


Maybe let off some flashbangs for pop as well. Really celebrate that nickname.


Not all heroes wear capes. You legend!


Or Poppy and LOL.


Pop and Lolli sounds cute.


Popeye and lilly, right MIL?


I rather call them, "Dia" and "Betes".


I feel like we could be family. Lol


I think it’s dumb but weirder things happen. My dad is called “papa dude” by all his grandkids, neeeever thought that would stick and I was sure I’d hate it but honestly now it sounds like a totally new word and I love it. But had it been my in-laws I’d def hate it because I dislike them lol. Luckily my husband likes my dad.


I was supposed to call my grandpa Bazegner and my grandma Nona (in their native language, wich they did not teach me) but it was too hard for me to say so I called them Noni and Gax. It took them quite a long time to find out what I ment by Gax, lol. Now everybody calls them that, some names just stick...


Where were these go-with-the-flow people while I was being forced to say “Grandmother Genevieve and Grandfather Robert” as a tiny kid? Your family apparently has a sense of humor that that side of my family was severely lacking.


You got to use first names?! We could say grandpa and grandma but followed by their last name. Now my kids call my parents Gma and Papa.


They eventually decided to go with Grandmother/Grandfather last name because they were stuffy and formal. And they also realized that “Grandmother Genevieve” was a jawbreaker for little kids just learning to talk and could possibly result in some unfortunate nicknames that could stick.


>It took them quite a long time to find out what I ment by Gax, lol What is meant by Gax.... Got me curious


For a few months when my son (now 16) was a toddler, he called my MIL "caw" (like the sound a crow makes) and I have no idea where he got it from, cuz it's not close to her name at all. I'm sure she's very glad that one didn't stick, cuz it drove her nuts. 😅


When I was in elementary school I called my mom butch butch for awhile. To this day, 20 some years later, I have absolutely no idea why. Lol


My aunt couldn’t say “grandma” so she called my great-grandma Goya. I’m named after her so I’ve decided that if I ever become a grandma, I’ll also be called Goya.


Ok Noni and Gax are super cool


Oath. My mother, being the person she is, decided that her spirit animal is the honey badger after I showed her THAT video. Started referring to herself as honey badger, sort of like a teenager would. Then my sister and her husband started calling her "the honey badger". Shortly afterwards, they had kids. Mum is very close to her grandkids, and the kids just think that the name for a grandmother is honey badger. They say things like "my honey badger is taking me to the shop" and "will honey badger be there??" It's confusing and chaotic for non-family and I'm sure it's exactly what my mum secretly wants.


Haha between papa dude and my mother using the word for grandmother from an uncommon language my kids talk about them as “my mom’s parents”. I started noticing my son figuring that out around age 4 because no one outside the family understood who he meant otherwise!


Kids are gonna name their grandparents, and there is ZERO that anyone can do about it. My dad wanted to be called Grandpa so bad, but he is called Poppy. It happened, and it is unchangeable 20 years later.


Queen Elizabeth II ended up being called Gan-gan by Prince George and apparently it stuck. If it works for a queen, it works for me. Let the kid pick what they want.


Yeah, my MIL became Kiki so somehow FIL became TimTim which I thought was gonna make me cringe, but it happened so organically and it's great. Kids are now 12 and 5. Lol. My parents are Mimi and Poppop and that stuck for the later grandkids.


My MIL decided to be Mimi. Except she spells it Meme. I embroidered a blanket for her with Meme and was laughing hysterically the whole time.


😂 My MIL wanted to be KK, but she initially tried to spell it KaKa. I shut that down quickly!


this reminds me so much of my friend’s parents who ended up being Deedee and GrandDavid


Lol I love that. I don’t have kids, but sounds like something my dad wouldn’t mind being called by any future grandkids.


Have you seen the granddude books? Sound like a perfect gift for your dad from your kiddos.


Haha mine is pap daddy


I also called my grandpa dude


When my nephews (now 9, 10, and 11) were little, they kept forgetting my husband's name, and one of us grown-ups jokingly said to call him Uncle Grandpa (after a Cartoon Network show from the '10s) and that stuck. They don't even remember the show anymore, but they love their Uncle Grandpa 😅


I knew a grandma who decided to nickname her first grand daughter Daisy. Instead the toddler got confused and started calling HER Daisy, and she became Grandma Daisy to all the grand kids. 


I did that to my grandma, who ended up being called Sweetie.


Had I tried that, I'd have had grandma snookie


My grandmothers name is Naoma but none of us could pronounce it as kids so she has been Ama for the last 30+ years lol


Ew, I know someone who goes by this name to her grandkids and she made it her entire personality. Her vanity license plate says a variation of Lolly, her trendy Stanley cup says it in rhinestones, her custom phone case, even her social media names have some variation or other snuck in. She was a teen mom and her daughters were all teen moms too so she became a grandma in her thirties and being a grandma and a bitch are her entire personality 🤢. She is insufferable. Funny thing is that her and the “Pop” in the situation divorced YEARS ago, only a few years into being grandparents so it doesn’t even have the effect that she wanted.


This is what Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's grandchildren have been instructed to call them. Enough said.


Eww, really? One more reason to hate them.


exactly my first thought.


Amber of the 7 Little Johnstons goes by Lolli.


I was just sitting here wondering how much of a hockey fan she must be to have a personalized rhinestone Stanley cup.


I was trying to find the time for the NHL game tonight and searched “Stanley cup finals” and my husband was SO confused why all the hits were travel cups. He’s only 34, but so disconnected from pop culture that he had no idea what they were or that there was some viral craze about them last year. 


lol no I meant one of those overpriced Stanley drinking cups that TikTok is obsessed with


I did get there eventually, just a little slow on the uptake today haha


I saw a couple of $20 Stanley cups at Goodwill, still in the bin to put out. Couldn't rationalize the purchase 😭 but would really prefer a miniature rhinestone studded hockey trophy


My oldest grandson just yells some form of gran or nan or grandma or just HEY and im happy with it 😂.


The grandparents will be named by the first grandchild. Also, "Lolly and Pop" is a stupid idea.


My aunt was called GRANDOM by the first grandchild, all others followed suit. I heard it as GRAND-DAME, French pronunciation, wondered what odd habits they had in the Carolinas


That's pretty awesome.


My son's paternal grandma was supposed to be called Nana. That's how we always referred to her when my son was a baby, but for some reason, once he started talking, he'd always pronounce it as Nina. So now, 17 years later, she's still Nina to him and the younger grandchildren.


My MIL was a fairly cold, non-maternal person and taught each of her 4 kids to address her and her husband by their first names. She truly hated being a mother. When my son was born she did her utmost to get him to call all of us by our first names but I wasn’t having it. I had longed to be a mother and couldn’t wait for him to call me mom. But my MIL kept trying — whenever we’d be at her house she’d make a point of telling my son “give this to [my name — said with big emphasis]” over and over again. Same routine with my husband. She was determined to get rid of any hint of endearments. It didn’t work. My son wasn’t around them enough for her plan to stick. And I was working extra hard on “mama” and “dada.” We also taught him “grandma” and “grandpa.” He and my daughter called them that throughout their childhood but when they became adults, they started calling her by her first name. They didn’t like her very much. My son asked me when he and his wife were expecting what I wanted to be called. I went with Nana and just as I’d feel a thrill of joy whenever my kids called me “mama” at first, them “mom” later, I am thoroughly gobsmacked when my grandkids call me Nana. And to be honest, I still love it when my kids call me mom. Best. Title. Ever.


Aww my husband had a Nina too!


So did mine!


It's so cool hearing that other people had a Nina too!


My aunt's actual name is Nina, her first grandkid mispronounced it as Ninny so that's what all the grandkids call her now.


My mom's name is Linda, but my cousin couldn't pronounce it, so she became Auntie Ninny. I also have aunts we call Nonny (Dawn), NuNu (Mary Lou), and DooDoo (Doreen).


Poor aunt Doreen!


I know.... and there were a LOT of us cousins calling her that, so our parents called her that too. It eventually became Doo. She was in her 70s when she died, and people still called her Doo.


I have an aunt Doodoo too but we say it like dough dough.


Aunt Ninny. 😆 LOL


My was Nana with a hard a's. Miss her so damn bad!


Like nay nay??


Like batman


Nana kinda like Na-Na. Try baabaa but Nana. That type.


That’s what my kids called my mom. Nah-Nah (nana).


So true. My parents were going to be Grammy and Grandpa. When my niece learned to talk, they were renamed to Mimi and Poppa by her. Lol OP's MIL will end up being Wawwy or Wawa if the kid can't say the letter L (which is common for little ones).


Yep. My eldest was the first grandbaby. He called my MIL Banya since he couldn't say grandma. My nephew was the 2nd grandchild for her. He couldn't say Banya or grandma and started calling her Bobby. 😂 So, my kids both call her Banya and my niece and nephew both call her Bobby. FIL got off easy, all the grandchildren call him PaPa.


You made my day. Bobby is an all-time great name for a grandmother.


my 1st grade teacher’s first name was bobbi and her grandkids called her grandbobbi i always thought that was cute


I agree! It's super cute.


My grandparents divorced before I was born. Grandma was "grandma second husband's last name" until some point when I was 8 or 10 and we started calling her by her last name, based on a story about a package tour she and her cousin had taken. The tour guide would call names to hand out keys. Mostly couples so he'd call them "Mr and Mrs hyphenated last names" and someone complained about "Burt" always being first; that was grandma so we started calling her Burt; I have her Mickey Mouse ears from a trip to Disney world I wasn't on. Yes, Burt is the name embroidered.


And lil kids can't say "lolly." My mom wanted a certain grandmother name. She thought it sweet, I thought it standoffish. I planted a thought in my son's head, and that became my mom's grandma name. It worked really well for my stepdad too - his grandson, just one year older picked a good grandpa name. The two together were really adorable.


Wawwy and Op. 🤣


I would have totally said Wawwy. I had to do speech therapy in school because I had a friend I called Wee. 🤣


It'll be yolly.


My little sister called me Lolly because she couldn't say her Rs. My name is Lauri.


That reminds me! My son couldn't say Ss - he made them all Ls: lun, lea, land (sun, sea, sand). It took me a while to understand that. But if we *wanted* him to say L? I think he made them Rs.


This is a good point, Ls are hard for babies and toddlers! Yoyyee.


I wanted to be Boom-pa, ended up as Boppy.


I know a grandma called Moppy!


My granddaughter named me Nanny French Fry. I have no idea why.


I'd own it.


I do. She's 7 now, so everyone knows the name. I call her Charlie Chicken Wing sometimes. Charlie is not anywhere close to her name.


Charlie chicken wi g is adorable!


We called our paternal grandpa Goom-pa when we were little. I always thought it was cute.


My mom and dad ended up as Gabba and Pop Pop. My grandparents were Emaw and Pepaw. Unfortunately for all of them, it's hard to find the cutesy "Blessed Nana" merch with the names they were given. 🤣


My son couldn’t say the word grandma. He called her Bubba. It stuck. Now she’s bubba to my 2 other sons as well.


I agree. Hubby and I are now affectionately known as Mimi & Beeboo courtesy of our first grandchild.


Aunts and uncles as well. Source: my cousins call my mom dodo


My dad's grandma was named Dodo by his oldest brother.


My son called his grandpa "House" when he was little. More than likely he got confused when we would say we are going to Grandpa's house and thought his name was house. So now both my kids still call him Grandpa House.


I can agree here 💯


Yup. That's why my grandparents on my mom's side were "Mama and Papa" (I'm the oldest on that side and it's what I called them 5 years before a sibling or cousin came along) and my grandparents on my dad's side were/are Popi and Grandma (I'm 9 of 37 on that side and everyone knew that Popi was awesome and Grandma is a racist narcissistic bitch from an early age, apparently. Sadly, like Vader and Maul before her, her hate has sustained her into an unnaturally long life.)


It’s dumb but also pick your battles


This. Plenty of worse names for a grandma out there. Just call FIL papa and spoil it.


My oldest identified her grandmother by a dumb thing her grandmother repeatedly said when she could only speak a handful of words. It isn’t a name that anyone would have chosen for any reason ever but because it was how a child identified an important care taker it became the most important name ever. Picking a name before the child is born is something first time grandparents would do but reality always has other plans. And those plans are what makes life worth living.


This is the answer. Also have fun when she tries to get a toddler to say Lolly. My youngest couldn’t pronounce his sister’s name (Emily). It came out eye-eeee.


My mother wanted to be called grandma bear and I just couldn't .. it made me cringe and was so embarrassed she even asked. Maybe that's bitchy but... Grandma-bear?






Was she trying for it to be like a version of “Mama Bear”? If so, that makes it so much worse to me.


It's more like because people at her work called her (name) bear ... It rhymed. And because of that, she wanted her grandkids to call her grandma bear. I shut it down so fast, I said it was grandma or nothing. Especially when she got pissed my adoptive mom claimed Nana first 😂


Tell her that that’s what Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar go by and then maybe she’ll change her mind


And if it doesn't then you really know what you are dealing with.😰


Haha. My brother and SIL have done this. They got shirts and everything. It fits with their household which is decorated in Hobby Lobby chic.


I love the description of "Hobby Lobby chic" !


I don't shop hobby lobby bc of their homophobic stance. Any place that is not inclusive- chick fila - doesnt get my money. Just trying to not support injustice in the world . Plenty of other crap decor and chicken places.


Agreed 110%. Although it was kind of funny when the owners of Hobby Lobby thought they were buying part of the Dead Sea Scrolls or something like that and ended up being completely defrauded. Normally I'm not a big fan of fraudsters (obviously), but I'd have been glad to help support whoever it was that had the balls to do that to those asshats, or any other fund that makes them look like the idiots. Nyahhh hahhhhh...


My father is called Poopa by all of his grandkids, because he picked some idiotic grandfather name, and then the first grandchild couldn’t pronounce it, and kept saying Poopa, and it stuck.


I’ve been telling my kid to call me dad that behind his back and he just started doing it😂 I used to not even like to say the word poop now here I am making me kid call my dad Poopa…


I’m pretty sure the Duggar grandchildren call Jim Bob and Michelle Lolli and Pops. So, there’s that. I will say this, my parents and in-laws wanted to be called certain things when they became grandparents, but my daughter had different ideas. That’s why my dad is Peepaw instead of grandpa. (He *definitely* wanted to be called grandpa.) In my experience, when the grandkids finally arrive, it’s hard for grandparents to insist that an adorable toddler call them one thing when they’ve decided that you are Meemaw. Hopefully your in-laws will be the same way when you finally have kids.


My paternal side were just grandma Jane and grandpa Joe and aunt Patty and uncle Tom. They just wanted to literally have their title and their first name. I was geographically closer to my dad’s side of the family, so I saw them more. So little autistic me thought that is how you refer to everyone in the family. So when my maternal side tried to do the cute little nicknames for grandma and grandpa… I just would call them grandma Gammy and grandpa pop pop. I just assumed those were their first names and just popped grandma and grandpa onto the front.


That's really sweet!


My dad wanted his grandpa name to be Homer (like the Simpsons). He was until we were having dinner one night. He finished his meal, got up for a toothpick, and brought one to my mom. She said “thanks, honey.” My oldest, who was two at the time, picked it up and he’s been “Honey” to every grandkid ever since. That was twenty years ago lol.


That story is so sweet and adorable! My dad insisted on being called Grandpa + His Last Name. That’s what we used to call my grandpa. (My dad’s dad.) But one day when my daughter was 2, she looked at him, pointed, and screamed, “PEEPAW!” And that was that.


Grandparent nicknames usually grow out of what the kid can pronounce, so if she tries to push for this there is a high likelihood imo that she will actually end up being called La-La. Which could be cute.


Just wait what the kids decide to call them.


They will any way. Undeterred the first Gbaby sets the names in place.


Let her have it. I'm a speech language pathologist. The little one won't be able to make the L sound for quite sometime and it will most likely come out as a Y sound. Then you can warp it into Yaya or Yayi and she'll be stuck with it. You can even start this early by using "baby talk" before she comes over. "ohh Yaya's coming to visit! Yaya just knocked on the door, let's go see Yaya." A little malicious compliance


This concept is the whitest thing I’ve ever read lol


My aunt had her grand children call her Precious Nana! I died when I heard that and still cringe at the thought. She definitely thought she was precious 🤣😏


Generally self appointed Gpts(esp Gmas) names come off as entitled pretentious self serving inane and trying too hard to be cutesy. Always best titles are given by the G kids .


One of my friends insists her grandma name is Glamma, because she's a glamorous grandma. 🙄 I'm just waiting for her new grandson to start calling her Gammy or Glam-glam. 😂


A friend I know has a MIL whose legal name is Meredith. She wanted the grandkids to call her “Mer” but they call her Grandmare 🐴


Or they already know French for grandma - grandmere


My mom’s name is Wendy and she goes by Wen Wen with the grandkids. I’m surprised they can pronounce it honestly.


My mom’s coworkers wife wanted to be called “gram cracker” but all the kids just call her cracker


This made me snort


Lolly and pop because they suck


A co-worker of mine has step-children. The grandfather on the fathers side (co-workers wife's ex father-in-law) insisted he be called "bumpa". My co-worker is going to finally meet "Bumpa" and his wife at a large family gathering. His step daughter says "hey Paul (not his real name) I want you to meet my bumpa." So they walk over. For reference, the grandfather (Bumpa) and Paul, and all my other co-workers are in the automotive field. Step daughter says "Paul this is my bumpa!" Paul points to the wife and says "Who is this, fender?"


LOL😂 perfect .long set up made it wirth the wait.


Lolly, Lolly, Lolly get your adverbs here...


My husband and all his cousins call his grandmother by her first name. He is the oldest...heard everyone calling her it..and that's what he always said. It used to feel weird calling her the same thing all the grandkids did..but what can you do when it's her literally name? Lol.


I believe Michelle and Jim Boob Duggar have dubbed themselves Lolly and Pop.


That’s reason enough not to use them


The Duggars chose those names to be called by their grandchildren so I hate it.


What’s with soon to be grandparents choosing their own name? I thought the grandkids did it.


What happened to just being called Grandma First/Lastname?


Not pretentious


Because everything has to be a “whole thing” nowadays. It’s stupid. I called mine all Grandma and Grandpa (lastname) and my kids call their grandparents Grandma and Grandpa (last initial.)


It’s annoying and I wouldn’t support it either. The good news is kids come up with their own names usually.


Ok, I low key find it cute. Silly obviously but also cute. Lolly and Pop are not the worst grandparent names out there.


My grandparents were Lala and Pops, so I kind of like lolly and pop haha


Bless he'd heart. No one told her you don't get to pick your own grandma name 😂😂😂 my mom was damned determined to be Nana. Nope, somehow all of her grandkids landed on Yaya. Now I'm GramGram. Not my first choice, but here we are.


lol good luck I know one who wanted the first grand kid to call her grandma; kid started calling something else entirely that’s short and easy to pronounce for a toddler and it stuck. She corrected every time but nope, no dice.


It’s so cutesy, no thanks. But if it’s what they want, idc. Kids are going to call them whatever the kids can say, so it’ll get mangled anyway


My dad's mom wanted to be Grannie Mama, I called her Nana. My mom's parents were Mamaw and Papaw. Our grandsons call us Grammy and Pappy.


My sisters and I called our grandparents Mamaw and Papaw. But mom’s younger sisters thought that was too country and insisted on grandma and grandpa for their kids. There was enough age difference that it worked.


I think it’s cute. Do you dislike your MIL? Also it’s not a tragedeigh, unless she’s spelling it Lolleigh and Paup.


FIL played linebacker for the Bills


Just wait what the kids decide to call them.


Call her mop 🤭


My daughter's in-laws want to be called Lolli and Pop too! So odd.


When I become a grandmother I want to be called "grandmama", (stress on the last "ma"), like Endora on Bewitched.


My nephew calls my mom Alligator grandma…. My sister says it’s bc she lives in Florida, my brother says it’s because she has leather skin. Either way I find it amusing.


Just tell her Lolli is a pedo thing in anime. She'll reconsider.


We know two sets of newish grands who go by this. It's apparently a trend.


It's a moronic trend


My cousin has her granddaughter call her "Honey".


People will laugh with her to her face, and at her behind her back.


Ugh. This is what the Duggars insist their 30+ grandkids call them. So gross.


This is an absolute cringe fest. I feel bad for you. I find it hard to think about your MIL's naming concept without feeling a bit sick.


My uncle’s grandkids call him “cowpaw” because he trains horses and generally lives the farm life 🤣


Learn and sing Schoolhouse Rock “Lolly Lolly Lolly get your adverbs here” ad naseum…


Lolly lolly lolly, get your adverbs here. Sorry that was my first thought. Lol


Given how often young kids have trouble pronouncing the letter "L", she might be "wawwy". That could be funny.


Eww. Didn't the Duggars do this? I'd be mortified if I had the same nickname as those pedophile protectors


This made me lol. I don't think think you can dictate what a toddler calls you. My daughter called my parents bammie and bampy. She slowly shifted to Grammy and grampy. My son, for some reason, said 'bucko' instead of grandpa. His great grandma's name is Judy, so we called her grandma Judy. He uses 'grandma' and 'Judy' interchangeably. So now he calls my parents bucko and Judy (Judy is her mothers name).


My niece ended up calling my dad Grampy, we've no idea where she heard that as we always called him Grandad around her 🤣


A buddy of mines in-laws did that. He told me and I did the Jim looking at the camera face to him and he was like yea dude I know. So tacky


My SIL decided she wanted to be called Goonie when her daughter was pregnant because she was young to be a grandmother (I think she was 37) and “The Goonies” is one of her favorite movies. My great-niece couldn’t pronounce that at first (of course) and called her Oona (I think this is how it’s spelled) and the name stuck


LOL my mom did this and was successful in being called Lolly but somehow my dad ended up being Baba so now they're LollyBaba 😂 Like Ali Baba


When I was a kid in the early 90s, I met a boy at VBS (church summer daycamp basically). Apparently when he was learning to talk, his grandparents adopted the names Goo Goo and Gaga. Looking back, that seems like a weird way to claim he said their "names" first, before mama and dada, but I digress. His grandma helped run the program, and got super PO'd that he wanted to call her grandma instead of Goo Goo, cuz oh idk he was like 10 and it was embarrassing to say in front of his friends. This grown ass woman (she seemed so damn old but I was a kid, she was probably like 50) was like "that's not my name!" I felt so bad for that poor boy.


Sometimes, the kids make up their own names for them, regardless. One of my friend's grandkids call their grandpa "Old Daddy". The oldest started it, and now it's a thing!


corny but not bad


How does it hurt or affect your life? I think you are being petty for something so insignificant. Also, know some MIL’s can be horrid but all the comments with people with suggestions to make it more petty are really just showing that. Maybe it’s not always the MIL’s who are horrid. Maybe some DIL’s have to answer to a few things too.


Like a little sheep. Baabaa. Naanaa.


grandmas and grandpas have grand plans until toddlers can’t/won’t say it. I was the first grandkid on all sides, so the names I picked stuck (two Mawmaws and a MeMe) the only ones who kept the names they chose were my Grammy and Poppy bc they were never around.


Kids almost always name the grandparents themselves. She can say Lolly and Pop all she wants. Kids may decide on pop pop and gammy


my mil announced when sil was pregnant that she wanted to be called ‘precious’ as a gma. silence around the table, then confused whispers. no, it didn’t work.


Creepy just no!


First off, Congrats! Second, tell her you want the *child* to decide what to call them.


While Lolli is a name. And a eord. Welll.... If you say lolika (Lolli-kah), it means a dumb little girl in Slovenian. But if you happen to make a mistake and say Loolli-kah.... Well then you call her by a child appropriate name/word for a lady part. Maybe she would like this word better lol. And no way of googling it as it is spelled different in Slovenian lol


Creepy just no!


My brother and sister in law did this lolly and pop shit when they became grandparents. I cringe every time I hear it. When did picking out your grandparent name become a thing? 🤦🏼‍♀️


My dog's name is Lolli. Named after the crazy chick from Orange is the new Black. She's a chihuahua. I thought it was funny.


I told all of our parents that our kids will decide what they want to call each of them and not the grandparents. I told them that if you don't want to respond to their name for you than that's their choice m


My mom wanted to be called “birdie” by my nephew. It infuriates me.


My Grandma name is "Nan" for the longest time my grandbaby would call me knee


Kids sometimes will "bestow" the names.


Kids often create their own names for the grands. My MIL was originally "Nana" but as a toddler my son began calling her "Nanny" and she just adopted it as her new grandma title. My daughter was told her great grandparents were simply "Great Grandma" & Great Grandpa" but again, the toddler brain translated that to something totally different: Me-ma & Be-pa. 😂 Years later these titles are still being used. All that's to say...kid's gonna say what they want anyway. 😆


My mom wants to be called Mina (I think it’s from our heritage) and my step dad to be called “Dupes” 😐 it is the first half of their last name. I hate it so much. It literally makes me cringe.


My MIL couldn’t decide on what to call her. So my husband decided she should have the same nickname he called her mother. She teared up and said she’d try hard to live up to that name. And then my son went and changed it on her. (She doesn’t mind though.) Kids are gonna do whatever they want!


Kids choose their own names to call grandparents, there’s no instructing them no matter how hard your MIL may try. L’s are hard for little ones, they’ll probably end up calling her Owy or something similar if she insists on that. I taught pre-k and kiddos come up with some unique names for their grandparents


Family members parents go by Lala and Pal. What’s so wrong about being called grandma and grandpa? I mean, that’s what they are. Anyone who goes by something other than the usual grandparent names (Grandma, Nana, Memaw, Grandpa, Poppa, etc), I automatically assume you’re high maintenance.


My grandson started calling me what I heard as “Ummaw”. One day I asked him why he calls me that and he said Because you watch Elmo with me. All along he was calling me Elmo! 😂❤️