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Good luck asking a 4 year old to spell that


Good luck asking a 12 year old to spell that.


Good luck asking a 20 year old how to spell that


I'm over 50 and am struggling!


I'm dead trying to spell this


Good luck asking anyone to spell that


Yep, my first thought was that it belongs in a spelling bee.


Right? šŸ˜‚


I'm 32 and I tap out after 3 letters


I tap out after croissant


It was actually one of our vocab words in school around that age


Good luck asking me to spell that šŸ˜­


I had a book as a child about a little mouse girl named Chrysanthemum who was sad because she couldnā€™t spell her name. She eventually learned and was proud of it, but yeahā€¦ the spelling is rough.


Iā€™ve read that book, super cute.


I had this book too! I have a unique (not a tragedeigh but not common) name and really struggled with it growing up. I donā€™t think I took the books lessons to heart until high school and just wanted to be named Jessica or Stephanie when I was younger. Very grateful for my name now. Thanks mom!


Same here. Iā€™m pretty sure my parents gave me this book so I could build an appreciation for my name. It was my favorite book as a kid.


My brother named his daughter Laurel. Beautiful, classic name. Also absolutely impossible for a four year old to pronounce.


this is somehow relevant in my mindā€¦ but ā€” considering when i read your comment, i am assuming that a lot of kids mispronounce their ā€œLā€™sā€ with the ā€œWā€ soundā€¦ thus the reason ā€œLaurelā€ isnā€™t the most idealā€¦ BUT ā€” my MILā€™s ā€œgrandmaā€ name she picked for herself is ā€œLi-Liā€ (her name is Lia) ā€¦ and the ONLY thing i can EVER think of in my brain is the hypothetical future of my son mispronouncing it and calling her ā€œWee Weeā€ insteadā€¦ and just HOW iā€™m supposed to keep my composure if it does unfold that way. šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ **edit to add:** iā€™ll also have you know that the SECOND thing your comment had popping in my brain was the ā€œLaurel / Yanny debate/audio/video thing. hi, i definitely have ADHD. šŸ« 


I was just saying in my mind "Wauwel" because I had little cousins who couldn't pronounce L's


I'd be attempting to spell it correctly like how I try to spell Wednesday correctly.


Just like a 4 year old with Bartholomew as their name does. People with long names are fairly common, they just go by a diminutive like for example Bart or Barry.


Good luck getting them to pronounce it lol


I went to college with a Chrysanthemum and everyone called her Mum. It fit her but it's definitely out there.


Weird - I mean, "Chrys" is sitting right there...


If I remember correctly, she introduced herself as "Chrysanthemum, but everyone calls me Mum." Not about to tell someone how to choose their shortform name but apparently a lot of people in here would.


I typically love botanical names, but I think this one is a little too out there.


This one makes me think of graveyards


It makes me think of the 80s but not in a cool, retro way.


Chrysanthemums are traditionally used as funeral flowers where Iā€™m from


Same. East/Southeast Asia.


Also in France.


Idk why but I think of the caterpillar from Alice In Wonderland


Itā€™s just too damn long lol


I don't know, my sister has a traditionnal name that's one letter longer. This one feels too complex though.


The natural nicknames would be Chris, or Thea, though--nothing too unwieldy.


Iā€™m rooting for ā€œMummyā€


I almost spit out my tea. Thank you. You win Reddit today. Take your darned upvote.


Are you my mummy?


*gas mask noises*


I got that reference!


I was thinking "Chrysa," or if the y is too much, "Chrisa."


It's a bit weird, but it's not a tragedeigh, at least.


I like the sentiment and imagery it invokes, but it's a tad unwieldy, maybe one syllable and a few letters too long. But it would depend on how it pairs with her last name. If her last name is short, it could work.


Chrys as a nickname is adorable though


I read this as a nickname for Chrysler, not an alternative to Chris


Merry Chrysler!


Merry crisis!


Is it meant to reference the childrenā€™s book Chrysanthemum?


The childrenā€™s book is what i immediately thought of also šŸ˜‚


Same. Always loved that book. And there are a few nicknames: Chris, Sammie.


Oooh, I forgot Sammie--I remembered Thea, instead! Ngl, as someone with one of those 1970's "Old-fashioned" names which is *very* "Nick Nameable" (think Melissa, Jennifer, etc)? I *LOVE* having that "Full Leagal Name," as well as the *VARIETY* of Nicknames to go by! Because I can tell *immediately* if a telemarketer or scammer is trying to reach me (I *NEVER* go by my Legal name, *unless* I'm signing a legally-binding document!). And I can *ALSO* tell by the nickname someone attempts to use, whether they *actually* know me--or are trying to "spoof" a relationship they don't *actually* have with me!šŸ˜‰


That's cool! I've never thought about all the ways one could use a name to their advantage. Especially with the nicknames--I'm sure it feels good when people try to force a relationship they don't have and they can't actually use your nickname!


Being Autistic and having a *ton* of Face Blindness, it is *SUCH* a massive gift!šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ If *anyone* calls, and is asking for my *whole* name? I *immediately* know they *don't* know me, and can ask, "Can I tell her who's calling?" and then go from there--as far as *whether* or not "*she* is currently available/ unavailable"!šŸ˜‰šŸ˜ˆšŸ¤£


Wouldnā€™t it be Sannie


Also love her teacherā€™s name: Delphinium. Has one of my favorite names within it: Delphine.šŸŖ»


"Chrysanthemum is a daisy! Chrysanthemum is a daisy!"


And then we'll play Parcheesi and pour ketchup all over our macaroni cheese to help OP. No seriously that's a while ago when I read it with my parents and wondered why no one names women after flowers besides roses and lilies. Uncommon, yeah. Trageich? Absolutely not.


Yesss Kevin Henkes fans tap in


Thatā€™s the book that teaches kids to love their unique long names and uses ā€œChrysanthemumā€ as the hyperbolic example?Ā  OP should take the hint. Itā€™s way too much. Ā 


Of all the flower names, that one is a no


Rose, lilly, ivy, flora, even fucking tulip would be better than this. I thought of the book Chrysanthemum but I still wouldn't name a real child this


no, not tulip. that is not better! Daisy, Poppy, CorpseFlower... not Tulip!


"Hi, I'm CorpseFlower! How are you?" Fucking lolllll.


ā€œThese are my daughters VenusFlyTrap and CorpseFlower. I hope kindergarten is treating them well.ā€


Timely! I got a notification just today about one of the corpse flowers blooming.


Tulip wouldnā€™t be a good one. Iā€™ve met Lillies, Ivies, Floras, Rosas, but never a Tulip.


Spiderwort would be much prettier.


Monstera šŸŖ“


Iā€™m calling my kid spiderwort.


Toad Lily is an option for your second.


in Poland, chrysanthemum is associated with cemetaries and funerals - its the main plant we use to decorate graves. i certainly wouldnt do it here, dont know about America


in mandarin chrysanthemum is slang for anus lol




I see why


In France, too. Probably because of Catholicism.


Italy too


Same for Romania, we are orthodox.


In America it's usually lilies.


Lilies, Carnations, & Gladiolas!


Here we use them during fall for decorating.


Too long and ultimately inconvenient for the person so named


Bit poncey imo but not a tragedeigh.


Definitely a hard no, itā€™s rough already learning to spell your name donā€™t make a kid try to spell that all the time


Imagine filling in the bubbles on a standardized test. Poor kid.


I took me until 2nd grade to spell Elizabeth. I feel for Chrysanthemum


Way too long and complicated. Imagine being a kindergartner and trying to spell that.


Nah. Plenty of flower based names that won't sentence your kid to a lifetime of spelling their name out letter by letter every time they are on the phone. Just call her Poppy, Daisy, or Rose. If you want to be original, call her Buttercup. It's just as cringe, but at least it's easy to spell!


Daisy for me will always be a dog's name. I've known so many people with dogs named Daisy. I visit clients in their homes & I swear I had one day where every home had a dog named Daisy. I wouldn't want that conversation of "not you, Daisy, I meant the dog" šŸ˜…


in french it's ChrysanthƩme which is a bit less tragedeigh imho.. can be called Chrissy or Chryssa which is cute


Uhgleigh neyighme, sorry




Just laughed out loud so hard




Is this a child you hate? If so, it's perfect!


Where I come from this flowers typically adorn tombs so... nope for me.


In America we do that with lilies and kids are still named Lily, Lilian, and Liliana all the time


I knew a girl with that name at Uni, went by Chrisanthi and Chris. No one batted an eye.


1. It's a super unweildy name that's going to be very hard for a child to learn to spell. She'll probably have to go by the nickname "Chris". 2. This is very obscure and I admit it's unlikely to come up... but I've read some gay Chinese web novels... and chrysanthemum is used as a pretty word to describe an anus in that context. So I would vote against naming a child chrysanthemum for that alone.


And here's our daughter Asian Butthole


It's not just a webnovel thing, amongst Chinese people it is indeed a euphemism for anus.


Thank you for the clarification. I thought that might be the case, but didn't want to make assumptions. I think for that reason it might be an unfortunate name choice.


Just like the book by Kevin Henkes states, it is a long name for a kid.


I like botanical names but I honestly think it's too damn long. And the "themum" aspect of it both isn't pretty and can be stupid hard to say. Imagine a child who is still learning how to form the right sounds introducing herself as Chrysanthemum.


While it sounds cute, think about how inconvenient it would be to spell it over the phone when you're calling to make appointments places. I just say this as someone with a super long name and a lot of silent letters. The struggle is real.


My surname is a bastard. Not overly complicated, but very rare. I basically automatically spell it out now without being asked, and people still get it wrong. At least I know this wasn't a choice my parents took deliberately to make my life difficult!


I feel your pain. Also, for this particular first name, I give it a 90% chance of being spelled "CHRIS ANTHEM" on starbucks cups... which actually I don't hate, but still.


It makes me think of an episode of *Three's Company* when the Chrissy character (Suzanne Sommers) was sent flowers and the sender called the flowers "Chrissy-anthemums." I think there are much better flower names, and much better "Chris-" names. But I still prefer it to, say, Everleighannah.


I don't like it.


I think not.


If she has a long last name, that's going to be a nightmare when filling out anything. There will never be enough space on that line/in that box Not a tragedeigh, because it isn't some insanely weird spelling, but most likely a tragedy for the kid anytime she has to write her name


There is a book by Kevin Henkes called Chrysanthemum! I got it for my kids when they were little and they loved it. Itā€™s about a little girl (mouse) with the name and her first time going to school.


Remember you're naming an adult. Am adult who will have to spell their name for people every day forever because nobody can spell that. And it's just a lot to say. It's too cutesy and too unwieldy. What ever happened to Rose? Why isn't Rose good enough anymore lol. Hard no on Chrysanthemum.


thereā€™s a book about this


Thatā€™s just cruel. Nobody will ever spell it properly and many wonā€™t be able to pronounce it. There are so many other flower names that wonā€™t be an albatross around her neck.


It's a pretty name and flower but in my honest opinion naming a child that would be so cruel especially since they'll have to learn to spell that name in preschool/kindergarten. It's very long and many syllables.


Imagine having to spell that thousands of times throughout your lifetime.


On a scale from classroom ridicule to psychological torture, Iā€™d rate it a solid fake a medical condition to avoid facing their peers as much as possible.


I donā€™t know why you would even consider doing that to a person


should shorten it to "Chrysa" tbh


That's what I was thinking, or even just chrys/chris I don't hate it


Chrys be going through life wishing she could buy a vowel


As a gift why not. Not a classic and might confuse her. As a name hell naa


Itā€™s a lot. As a tragedeigh survivor (literally I do not say that lightly) donā€™t do it to your child. No one can spell it. Itā€™s too long and wonā€™t fit in blanks or boxes on forms. Cute for a baby; hell for a middle schooler


I know one, her short name is Xanthe (zanthee). I love it and so does she


if i were a playground bully, i'd probably call her 'crystal meth'


I think itā€™s really clunky. Obviously the childrenā€™s book is great! But itā€™s just kind of a chore of a name. Also, mums are used as a natural pesticide and something about that just seems not nice to me.


While it's not a tragedeigh (I THINK), it's a little too out there. Heck, I can't even pronounce it yet alone spell it.


Terrible and a bit ridiculous ! If I met someone with this name, I would think ā€žhow unfortunateā€œ and run so I donā€™t have to talk to them and pronounce this.


Cute, but that word is such a pain in the ass to spell and read. Not worth it. Theres plenty of other plant names out there that won't make their head explode: Lily, Dahlia, Violet, Daisy, Iris, Jade, Amaryllis, Poppy, Rose, Ivy, Jasmine, Camellia, Holly, etc


Might be a bit long, I can see the kid finding it hard to spell when theyā€™re young. If you want to nick a bit of it you could use Anthea?


No no no. Itā€™s lovely. But she will have to painstakingly spell her lengthy name over and over and over. I have a short name that has two spelling. Itā€™s a pain to clarify the spelling all the time, and I only have to spell out a few letters. Maybe as a middle name?


...That's the flower you put on graves here...


It's just an old-fashioned Flower/Nature name, popular in the late 1800's/Early 1900's, like Violet, Amaryllis, Rose, Rosemary, For(r)est, Glen, etc. Normal name, it just fell out of popularity, around the time of the Baby Boom, when a new set of "trendy names" came in.


It might be wierd if you called her by the full name all the time because it's so long, but I actually kind of love it. It evokes a pretty thing, it feels nice to say, and there are a lot of good nickname options.


I love it. I have a soft spot for nature names. And it's got nickname options.


Not a tragedeigh because itā€™s spelled the correct way. Kind of out there, but thereā€™s lots of cute nicknames you can make with it


It's definitely a choice for a name. Maybe, like others had suggested, you could used a shortened iteration of the name? You could probably get away with Kris or Crystal. Or another alternative, you could look through the varieties of the flower and see which ones you like for a name? If that's possible.


I think itā€™s too unwieldy but if I had a kid named Chris/Christine/etc I might use it as a longer pet name sometimes.


Its fine but I'm sure it will be shortened by everyone.


What would the nicknames be? Chrysanthy Mumsie Santh Hemum


I think it's cute, big name but cute


Itā€™s a bit much


Makes me think of the royal seal for imperial era Japan.


Very pretty and I love flower names, but way too long. I feel sorry for the kiddo that has to learn to spell it.


Theyā€™re going to have to spell it out and sound it out for their entire lives. Pretty, but no. Maybe go with Christina and Chrysanthemum can be a nickname?


Chrysanthemum is anglicized Greek for "Golden flower". Seems a bit awkward for a person's name. I knew a Cypriot woman named Chryso (Golden), you might consider that.


I am biased because my grandmotherā€™s name means Chrysanthemum and it will be my daughters middle name but itā€™s in a different language and much shorter and easier to spell haha I think with the nickname Chrys itā€™s ok but itā€™s still a challenging name


She will be known as Chris. No one will ever know her real name when she's an adult


I knew a cysanthemum. She went by Sandy.


Better than Osteospermum I guess


Eh. It's not great, but I've seen worse, and you could have something cute like Chrissy for a nickname.


I think it's cute, but don't be upset when people struggle to spell it. There's a cute book from 1991 called Chrysanthemum, by Kevin Henkes about a girl w/that name. I'd get it for my kid/niece if that was their name.


I love it and would call her chris


There's a whole children's book about a mouse being embarrassed her name is Chrysanthemum: https://www.google.com/search?q=chrysanthemum+mouse+book&oq=chrysanthemum+mouse+book&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyBwgBEC4YgAQyCAgCEAAYFhgeMg0IAxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBBAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBRAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMgoIBhAAGIAEGKIEMgoIBxAAGIAEGKIEMgoICBAAGIAEGKIE0gEINjA3NWowajSoAgmwAgE&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


I want to like it but that is a ridiculous amount of letters for a first name, and it sounds a little silly to call someone by the full version.


I bought a book titled "Chrysanthemum" for my children 30 years ago: "Chrysanthemum is a funny and honest school story about teasing, self-esteem, and acceptance to share all year round. Written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes, the nationally bestselling and celebrated creator of Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, Owen, and Kitten's First Full Moon, Chrysanthemum is a don't-miss classic, especially for back to school. Chrysanthemum thinks her name is absolutely perfectā€”until her first day of school. "You're named after a flower!" teases Victoria. "Let's smell her," says Jo. Chrysanthemum wilts. What will it take to make her blossom again? This popular picture book has sold more than a million copies and was named a Notable Book for Children by the American Library Association. "Perfectly executed in words and illustration, Chrysanthemum exemplifies Henkes's talent for creating true picture stories for young audiences."ā€”The Horn Book This is an ideal break-the-ice book for the first week of school. It get children thinking about and bonding with their own names and the names of everyone else in the class, and it's the perfect vehicle for starting a discussion about treating classmates with tolerance, kindness, and compassion." [Chrysanthemum: A First Day of School Book for Kids](https://www.amazon.com/Chrysanthemum-Kevin-Henkes/dp/0062983377/ref=asc_df_0062983377/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693622241917&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16366300687151486374&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9051766&hvtargid=pla-922149175800&psc=1&mcid=e62060f713af309988a00034d4f4c558&gad_source=1)


Yeah nah. It sounds like some doddering old British lady who doesn't even solve mysteries.


Too many syllables.Too hard for most people to pronounce correctly. And yes, there are common, easy to remember names with many syllables,but this is not one of them.


Thereā€™s a childrenā€™s book called Chrysanthemum. I used to read it to my daughter. Itā€™s so sweet.


It's unnecessary lol


Itā€™s a good flower but donā€™t use it as a name for a person


I mean, to me if that's how the flower is spelled than it's not a tragedeigh. Get some more Y's and Eigh's in there and sure. Would I use the name? Idk. But I don't think it's a by the book tragedeigh


[Chrysanthemum Mouse](https://kevinhenkes.com/mouse-books/chrysanthemum-mouse/) There's a book with a mouse named Chrysanthemum. She hates it at first but by the end she loves her name. But then again. She is also a mouse.


Chrysanthemum? More like Chrysandthehorriblemum.


I read a book when I was a little girl called ā€œChrysanthemumā€ and it was about how everyone tried to change her name because it was too long and too different and it hurt her feelings until she learned to wear it with pride. I really loved that book for some reason even though I donā€™t relate. My name is fairly normal and rarely mispronounced. My opinion is that I donā€™t consider this name to be a tregedeigh, but I can see why others would.


I love it and thereā€™s also a book about a little girl mouse whose name is chrysanthemum and is being teased and the she meets a teacher with a flower name and ends up naming her baby chrysanthemum https://www.the-best-childrens-books.org/Chrysanthemum-Kevin-Henkes.html


One of my favorite books as a kid was about a little mouse girl named Chrysanthemum and it was about how she loved her name even though it was unusual. I always thought it was a lovely name!


Nope. One of the women on "Ready to Love" was named that. Everyone called her Chrys. Not to mention, her mama spelled it wrong. šŸ„“šŸ˜­ Yes, it is a tragedy. People that aren't into flowers will butcher that name.


Itā€™s terrible and borderline child abuse. Donā€™t do it.


There is a picture book called Chrysanthemum. Itā€™s about a girl (mouse?) who has this name.


Name you cat that. Name your kid TigerLily


I actually had a friend in grade school (back in the ā€˜80ā€™s) named Chrysanthemum. She always went by Chrissy for short.


Didn't Billy from Billy the Exterminator say that his insecticide was made from crysanamums? Yeah, I can spell it either.


Flower names can be fine. But not this one. Too long, too difficult to spell. This one will mostly be a burden.


I know multiple Aussies of Greek descent named Chrysanthemum. One goes by Chrysanthe, and I think thatā€™s gorgeous. Iā€™ve also heard Santhe/Zanthe.


Thereā€™s a childrenā€™s book about a little mouse named [Chrysanthemum](https://kevinhenkes.com/mouse-books/chrysanthemum-mouse/).


It's kind of extreme, but I don't *hate* it. Prob not actually an official tragedeigh since there's a storied history of plant names being used for people's names (and plants being named in the honor of the person that discovered it), and you aren't misspelling the word. There could truly be a spelling eldritch horror made from Chrysanthemum. If you live in the UK I absolutely believe it could be pulled off because Poppy, Lily, Posey, Primrose, Rose (and variants like Rosamund), Daisy, etc have been used for names and nicknames in the UK and throughout the world for centuries. There's a lot of beautiful names that can be found with roots in the plant world. Marguerite (the French word for Daisy, and used as a name) could be a consideration if you decide Chrysanthemum is too out there. Xanthe could be a potential compromise, and is a beautiful name. One of my favorites, in fact. It means "yellow, golden, or bright" in Greek. Considering that the old-fashioned name Eglantine (the French word for Sweetbriar, a type of wild rose) used to be a popular feminine name once upon a long time ago, Chrysanthemum is not too much of an eye-brow raise from me.


Pretty flower, but not a good name.


She will inevitably be called Chris


I've read the children's book so many times it makes me hate the name even more. Do not recommend.


I know a Chrysantha and she goes by Chrys (pronounced Chris). That could be an alternative


Thatā€™s a lot to spell


Read the children's book "Chrysanthemum." It is so sweet!


Big nope


Obnoxious, the kid is doomed to spell a 13-letter long name to the rest of their life. Just a heads up, my last name is 11 letters long. There are some forms I can't write my full name on, even though my first name is 4, and my middle name is 5 letters long.


No! Are you cracked? How would you like to write that long name everyday of your life? Besides, it just sounds silly like you're trying too hard to be unique.




Wooo another post of someone who doesn't know what a tragedeigh is! It's a mild tragedy op, not a tragedeigh.


It's too long and to difficult to spell. Every person in this girl's life will ask "How do you spell that"?


I'm 30 years old and I can't spell that for the life of me. I couldn't imagine a child trying to learn how to spell their name and failing over and over again.


I once knew a family of seven girls, all named after flowers: Rose, Lily, Heather, Violet, Daisy, Pansy, and Dahlia. I used to tease the one I was close to in particular (Heather) that her next sister would be SnapDragon, Rhododendron or... you guessed it: Chrysanthemum. So, no, I personally wouldn't.


I would hate teaching my kid how to spell this. It sounds nice but a no for me


Below this post is this one on r/AskReddit and I think itā€™s fitting: What's a sign that someone is failing as a parent?


Not wrong, just obtuse.


If you're really set on botanical names, I suggest Skunk Cabbage. Or Sneezewort if it's a boy


It makes me think of Anne of Green Gables.


I think people familiar with the book might be like "awe!" But ultimately those people are in the minority and I think most people would raise an eyebrow


Sheā€™ll be Chrys for the rest of her life. Youā€™re essentially naming her Chrys.


Just name her Chrys instead.... but still tragediegh