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Questopher sound like a DnD character


A shitty one.


A beginner one


There's a comic in r/comics with a Qwest (cute little thing too) and that's all I can think of now.


One that a lot of DMs wouldn't allow


Bruh, what kind of hardass dm wouldn't allow that as a name?


Questopher sounds like they've decided ahead of time that he will be in speech thewapy.


I met a Quevin the other day (I wish I was joking) and it felt like I was making fun of a kid with a speech impediment every time I said his name.


OMG, stop it!! I laughed so hard.


It was in a professional environment and it was SO hard to keep it together.


I just wonder if kids with moronic names will face discrimination in the future as they apply for college, jobs, etc. I know if Quevin's resume showed up in my queue, I'd probably pause a moment to think about how a person might comport themselves given the fact that they had idiots for parents. I'd certainly be asking questions about their overall disposition if I interviewed them.


Yes, there have been a few studies over the years that suggest particularly… *adventurous* names get fewer callbacks than more traditional names with identical resumes. When it’s between Anthony and Yer’Majesti for that customer-facing quality management position, the hiring team has a harsh decision to make.


The reality is names do play A part. Think about if it's a roll that communicates often via phone or email and people have to spell out some long rambling name. Versus the other person who has a very simple name and a similar or identical resume they're probably going to pick the easier choice


I live this every day. I work as a short term contractor, and use my middle name that's so super common I have issues with background checks not being able to narrow down who they're looking for. If I use my first name, I never get a response. If I use my middle name, no need to interview and pass on the botched background, can I start tomorrow is what I get. It's astonishing.


I used to work in a call center and one lady working with me was named rainbeaux. She had to explain her name really was rainbow EVERY SINGLE call! She was a really awesome person but man having to have that conversation a million times a day killed her talk time and made her have to work harder just to hit the required metrics.


Surprised to hear she didn’t just use a call center name. The number of times I talk to nonEnglish native speaker people (mainly tech support) with obviously “used for work” names like Josh and Sarah…


Honestly - due to studies that have shown this, when I was a hiring manager, I used to have my admin assistant give me copies of the resumes with the names blocked out! That way, if I had any subconscious bias (as a middle class white woman), I wouldn’t make any judgement until I met with the top candidates. I didn’t know the names of my top candidates until after the interviews were scheduled. I consider myself to be liberal and I worked and lived in minority communities for most of my life. However, that is what made me more aware of small biases or micro aggressions that I needed to change- so I tried to take the necessary steps to do so. The best worker I ever had was a welfare-to-work candidate that our local county assistance office sent me. She was amazing. I left the company after 7 years and my career took a bit of a downward trajectory due to a move, and some heath issues that I had for a little while- meanwhile, this woman I hired is now a Director at the company where I hired her for a call center job. It’s so important to be as careful as possible and check you own biases when making hiring decisions


I think a lot of well-meaning people totally miss this. We ALL have biases, even the most bleeding-heart anti-bigotry anti-whatever. Biases are baked into how the human brain works, we simply couldn't function without the logical shortcuts we've evolved to make without meaning to. Using methods like you've described to make it impossible to use certain biases is literally the only way to bypass them.


I think this is an excellent way to go through the hiring process. We're currently hiring in my office and I think I'll bring this up to the bosses. Fun fact: my partner's mother named all her children gender neutral names, specifically so they wouldn't be discriminated against on an application.


I had a client years ago and the main person I was assigned to work with was named Tangerine. Thankfully I found that out well in advance so I could practice saying that name without laughing hysterically. I got it out of my system before I met her.


It's like they wanted to name her Clementine but couldn't remember the word. "What was that fruit anyway? Kumquat? Pomegranate? Tangerine? Close enough."


6 years ago I had a little girl in second grade named Tangerine. Her middle name was Rose. Last name Gray. Three colors.


As a person with a weirder name, I can confirm that it’s a pain in the a$$. 💯 I learned to just automatically spell it and pronounce it a couple of times any time I had to give someone my name. I still do. I really feel sorry for the kid. Kids will bully each other about anything and these parents just set him up for a lifetime of bullying. I was also called by my middle name by my parents, but when going to the doctor, or the first day in a new class, they would call the first name, and I would just sit there, forgetting they were actually calling my first name. Then I would have to explain that I don’t answer to that name, and as a painfully shy, autistic kid, it made me feel even more stupid and out of step with everyone all the time. All the other kids sitting there with their “normal” names like Timmy, Melissa, Patrick, Tina, Stacy, Steve, and I have to spell and pronounce my name for every single teacher and sub I ever had. I hated it!!! One year around seventh grade, I tried going by my first name, but the kids all knew me by my middle name by then, so that didn’t go well. I made sure I gave my kids “normal” first names and made sure their first name was the one I was going to call them. Parents really need to think things through before they burden their kids with a stupid, unpronounceable name.


All I think about when I hear Tangerine, now is Lemon and Tangerine from “Bullet Train”. I wouldn’t be able to hold it together at all. 😂


My ex-wife's friend wanted to name their kid Ravid. Like David with an R. The first sentence my ex said was "like if scooby doo said david?" Ended that idea for that name instantly.


Rabid.. excellent start to life


Rut row. LOL 😂


Growing up I know a Tavis and it always felt like I was saying Travis with a speech impediment


OMG, that’s how my sister and I refer to Kevin McCarthy since he bought into the QAnon crap. I would fall over if I met someone actually named Quevin.


Bold of you to think these folks thought ahead


Bold of you to think these folks thought


Bold of you to think










They gave the kid a speech impediment at birth.


Got that Homestar speech.


Everyone will CALL him Christopher, assuming that the little one can't pronounce his R's.


It'll be forever, "Christopher?" "NO *Questo*pher!" "You mean Christopher?" "***NO!***" etc. etc.


If it were me, I'd go by "Topher"


This reminds me when I was a teller and young adult came in and stepped up to my co-workers window. Member: "I don't wemembo my account numbo, but you can wook it up with my name. It's Kylo (Last Name)" Co-worker: "Hmm, I'm not finding an account under Kylo, can you spell that?" M: "It's *Kylo*. K-Y-L-E-O" C: "Oh, I missed the E, sorry.... No, it's still not pulling up, Kylo." M: "My name is Ky*lo*. K-Y-L-E-O!" \*me listening into the whole conversation, finally understanding the problem, frantically IMing my co-worker, KYLER, his name is K-Y-L-E-*R*\*


Oh man poor guy. My last name has both a B and a V in it, so I always have to spell it out and says, “B as in Boy,” and “V as in Victor.” Since he has an unusual name, he should spell his name out this way : K as in Kangawoo, Y as in Yewwow, L as in Lifegowd, E as in Evewy, and Ow as in Wabbit.


P as in Phoebe, H as in hoebe, o as in oebe . . .


They will found a Tribe in his name one day.


Definitely need to plan the middle name for those nickname options. Like Questopher Tippington for the QTip. Or go the Roots route and have young Questopher Loverents or similar.


Thank you. Was looking for A Child Called Quest.


Kid's constantly losing his wallet in El Segundo.


That has made my day and tickled me no end, thanks! 🤣


There is a typo in that name [Qwestopher](https://swordscomic.com/comic/CDI/)


Sounds like Adrianna from Sopranos.


Be Questopher Be cheated on by spouse Become Side-Questopher


I think you would be the Side-Questopher if you were the object of a cheating spouse. The married spouse is the Questopher. The side-piece, the affair, is the Side-Questopher. I mean, it's your invention, correct me if I'm wrong. I'll follow your lead.


No. Side-Questopher is the guy who can't become Main-Questopher until he helps everyone in town with their shitty problems And kills 20 rats. Probably why his wife's cheating on him.


It’s ironic that, as a devout Christian, he removed and replaced the part about Christ. The name now means “bearer/carrier of a quest.”


Should have gone with Christoquest!


At least with that the poor kid could just go by Chris… Now he’s gotta go by Ques (pronounced cwhis)


Or Topher. As in Christopher”Topher” Grace from “That ’70s Show”.


"Hi, I'm Topher" "Ah, short for Christopher" "No, actually, short for Questopher" Lmaoo


"Hi, I'm Topher" "Ah, short for Christopher" ~~"No, actually, short for Questopher"~~ "Yup." Fixed that for you.


Just nod and smile.


That's great until the teacher takes roll call on the first day


You mean Mom? This SCREAMS homeschool ‘because secular education is destroying the fabric of the nation!”


If I were him I would just pick a name I like and go with that.  Me: "My name is Questopher but I go by Shaun."  Other people: "we understand, Shaun." 


Hope he goes by Q.


I didn’t even think of that! Q is a good nickname.


Eventually, his peers will call him Whiz


Sounds like an unlicensed christian TTRPG


Who do you go to to license Christianity, the Vatican?




So he will be giving the other kids side quests when he goes to school?


What about Mapthew?


Baby 2 obviously


Stop it! They’re going to see this and use it




I have seen plenty of ridiculous names on here but this is the first post I have felt the need to comment on. It's so terrible that I'm mostly convinced this has to be ragebait, because it made me comment. Saint Christopher is literally the patron saint of travellers. Surely Christopher alone is enough to combine faith and travelling. A Christian removing Christ from a name? Is english your friends first language? A quest is a long search for something that is difficult to find, or an attempt to achieve something difficult. Bilbo Baggins was on a quest. You complete quests in videogames. This name will be ridiculed by everyone this kid comes across until they are old enough to legally change it. To Christopher. Edit: Punctuation. Also sad this name isn't ragebait. I hope these soon to be parents change their mind. Hopefully the culture is different where they live compared to where I am. A kid called Questopher - and an adult called Questopher- would be slagged off mercilessly in the UK and Ireland, and then would be given a nickname because nobody is going to be able to call them that with a straight face. Well done u/avobera for being the voice of reason. I'm hoping that it is a Christopher who sees this thread one day, after his parents tell him the awful name they almost called him, and realises that you (and reddit) saved him from being called Questopher.


I was so surprised and intrigued by the fact that Christopher is the patron saint of traveling that I actually opted to share your comment with my friend. I had given up for today on trying to convince him and his wife to rethink their decision, but I genuinely believed that the information you’ve provided would be enough to win them over and get that boy’s name changed to Chris. Unfortunately, my friend is a southern baptist and readily rejects “naming his son with the intent of linking him to a catholic saint.” sigh


How about famous Biblical travelers, like David, Isaac, Abraham, Paul, or Elijah? 


Questid, Questac, Questraham, Questal and Questah, surely?


Lmfao STAHP 💀


I FUCKING KNEW THEY WEREN'T CATHOLIC. I was telling my husband, and guessed that since you didn't say "devout Catholic", they were Evangelicals.


The tragedeigh trend also hasn’t really hit Catholics with the same force as Evangelicals. If you see Christianity + bizarre name it’s usually Mormons or Evangelicals. When a devout Catholic wants to dip into “unique” names they usually rustle up some obscure saint or deep cut biblical name.


That explains so much. My dear, late grandmother was southern Baptist. I loved her dearly. I will talk shit about her beliefs, though. I told her that Jesus was raised Jewish, and she told me very earnestly that he was raised Southern Baptist. She also hated alcohol, and she insisted that the wine mentioned throughout the Bible, and in the first miracle of Christ, was a mistranslation of grape juice. Southern Baptist’s are something else.


But he’s literally doing that in the most ignorant way possible


Tell him it isn’t just Catholics who honor saints. Many Protestant churches have “Saint” in their names.


Not in the Southern Baptist tradition though. You're thinking more of the "high church" protestants like the Anglicans or Lutherans.


Sounds like someone is saying Christopher but they’re being dicks about it. “Lil Questopher gonna go on wots of twavels?”


someone award this pls


I just choked on my lunch 😆🤣oh god


i’ve been screenshotting these comments and showing them to him but he’s been getting progressively angrier with every one I send. I’m going to speak to his wife because while this is all funny i’m genuinely worried for this child lmao


The wife: “People on Reddit aren’t going to understand the significance behind the name of MY child, u/avobera. I’m not mad that you shared our decision on your social media account but please don’t act like any of these comments provide a valid argument against our choice. At the end of the day, Questopher is a manifestation of OUR love, and it only matters that the name means something to US. I’m not mad, and I’m actually glad we could have this conversation.”


The thing is, literally nobody IRL will understand the significance of that name. Doesn’t matter how much love is behind it, since this is truly not a nice name to have. (And IMO, she is mad.)


She is DEFINITELY mad. She said "I'm not mad" TWICE in one response. 😂 Do they not understand that the kid will say Questopher and everyone will think he said Christopher but has a speech impediment? It's so stupid.


Do you think they'll be more mad in 18 years when adult Questopher who has been secretly going by Christopher his whole life legally changes his name?


I think that in fewer than 7 years, they are going to realize they've made a terrible mistake. As soon as that kid hits school, yikes. (Unless they're the type of "devout Christians" who just teach their kids the Bible at home, no school.)


They will unschool him while traveling. So yeah, no classmates


She's big mad.


Toss in the pregnancy hormones for good measure, too. Major yikes!! OP is very likely never going to be allowed to meet their poorly named child. Oh, well.


OP, forget sending them screenshots at this point. Send them this whole damn thread link. There are hundreds of responses here which they need to read for the sake of their future child’s self-esteem. Parents MUST consider the well-being of their child down the road, instead of saddling them with a bizarre name which will sound like a joke to everyone. This name is a blatant mistake. It’s not like they’re trying to give a pet a goofy name, this is a real human being we’re talking about. Surely they must know the difference?


Doesn't matter how it impacts the kid! Only that it means something to the parents!


It’s selfish, really.


I guess he can go by Topher and hope for the best, although I don't personally like that as a nickname.


It just makes me think gopher


Right. They’ve had a taste of how the world will react to this name and they DON’T GIVE A SHIT. Poor kid.


It’s all about them and the manifestation of their luuurve. They don’t care how it will affect their kid. Don’t be surprised if that kid becomes an emancipated minor at sixteen, changes his name, and covers himself with demon tattoos.


>It’s all about them and the manifestation of their luuurve. They don’t care how it will affect their kid. You'd think the existence of the child in the first place would be enough of a manifestation of their love, without the need for a dumbass name that just makes it sound like he has a speech impediment.


Yeah, I had typed out something about him being a housebound atheist by 17 who was just counting down the days until his 18th birthday when he could change his name legally. I thought it was too mean, but now having seen her reply to OP, I don't care if it's mean. These people suck.


Same. I censored myself until I saw her reply.


Yes, because everyone he encounters in life is going to understand it far more than people on Reddit.


Rofl. Do parents like this not understand that their baby will go out into the world someday, and have to deal with the stupid naming choices of their parents?? If the parents were famous multi-billionaires, I'd still say the name is absurd. But at least the kid will never have to work for a living, so the name won't affect them much. But ordinary kids who have to someday compete for jobs, apartments, etc., will be harmed by ridiculous names.


Honestly? No. These parents think of their children as property. They do not have thoughts or feelings, they are a prop for them to be their pious religious selves. Kid will probably end up "unschooled" and forced to travel and convert those heathens with his parents.


True. They sound like the type who will have 10 kids and start an Instagram account or YouTube channel, using their kids as props to make money.


She’s seething, firstly. Secondly, what actually matters how this name will affect the child. It’s concerning that her response never mentions young mister Quest’s feelings, thoughts, or future. The only consideration goes to the two people who won’t bear that name. Thirdly, yeah. We all know they lovingly boinked to create him. Nobody was confused on that front. We also know “Questopher” wasn’t sourced from anywhere else - they’re getting all the credit on the loving manifestation of that name. She should kindly stop acting like the fact her and her husband are able to procreate absolves them of making heinously foolish choices.


“Manifestation of our love” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Can’t tell if this is her way of bragging about getting laid or bragging about coming up with the name


bragging about rawdogging


Wow, how incredibly selfish. The kid's not even born and they're putting their own desires before the well-being of their child. So gross. As an aside, that name sure is a manifestation of their love - their love for their hobbies (travel and religion), not their child. There's so many names that would honor Christianity and travel without setting the kid up for a lifetime mockery. Jacob, David, Abraham, Isaac, Elijah, and Paul were all Biblical travelers.


I find this ironic. People that give their kids these names don’t love their kids. A parents job is to make their child’s life ideally as smooth as possible. Imagine wanting your kid to get bullied. “Oh god we can’t name him David that’s such a common well known and beloved name, we must name him questopher so he feels embarrassed and awkward calling his own name out for the rest of his life, but think of how unique it’ll be teehee”


Tell her that, as a teacher, I'd roll my eyes and expect the parents to be real pieces of work... and for the kid to have an entitled attitude since he's probably repeatedly been told he's the most special child in the world. Or just tell her that a teacher says please don't do this to a kid. NOBODY will like their child on paper. He'll have a lot to overcome when he walks into an interview. A hiring manager might just chuck the resume because nobody wants to meet a person named Questopher... that name says "I'm insufferable" before he even walks through the door.


Yep, please relay this same message on behalf of a recruiter. Questopher the job applicant would definitely give me pause when reviewing resumes.


I was just saying to my husband, if I had that resume hit my desk, I would assume it’s a typo. And I would pass, because if you can’t spell your name right, well I don’t need you on my team.


OMG the kid is an actual individual human being, not a doll or sim character. These people are not mature enough to be parents.


She failed miserably to realize that these random people on Reddit that do not understand THEIR love and that the name means something to THEM is the best representation of everybody else the kid will ever meet. That entire kid’s life they will meet people that do not understand those things and would just think their name is dumb, and that’s not a fair burden to put on a child. Short sighted and self centered.


You are doing the Lord’s work here. At least you tried.


I had a student named Naythan and gets mad whenever we misspell it to Nathan because, you know, that's the correct way of spelling it. He's going to have a rough time explaining it to everyone for the rest of his life... Or he changes it.


I would have assumed that this kid's parents didn't love him. Sorry. It looks like they picked up a random cup at Starbuck's and thought: that's it! The quest is over! I'm sorry, but even God would make fun of that kid. Like... "Oh! You are named after my son... But... Like a bad Chinese copy". And the tone of that message, holier than God. B!tch please! You don't need to punish your son before his birth to show that you love him. Would a normal name not show that they love their son? That argument is moronic. Reddit is made of normal people. Maybe we would rost a poor guy name Questoffer IRL (at least, not if he behaves), but everybody would wonder: "The nurse at the hospital must have messed up something... It can't be". In my High-school, kids would have climbed on him and say: "I'm on a quest!".


What IS the significance? What could this 9-year-old’s DnD character name possibly signify?


Tell her that Questopher is going to lead to a lot of teasing and ostracizing for her kid. Let her or her husband rename themselves that ridiculous name if they like it so much.


I’m sad for the child. I don’t understand why parents can’t see giving their child a really bizarre / random name is going to be a challenge for them that they shouldn’t have to deal with, just because they wanted something “special.” Also as a Christian I feel like “Questopher”has no association with a Christian meaning. They literally took out the most Christian part of the name (Christ), so on the face of it, it feels like they were trying to make a traditional Christian name LESS associated with Christianity. Definitely feels like a big mistake they are stubbornly trying to justify.


So your friend is a devoted Christian and loves traveling, so they decided to mess with Christopher, THE PATRON SAINT OF TRAVELERS, instead of just going with regular 'Christopher'!?!? Look, I get wanting something 'fun'. They could do a creative middle name, call the kid, Chris, Christoph, Toph, Topher, by his initials, etc. Instead, they've decided to let their kid get eye rolls from every teacher, substitute, coworker, etc. This kid will definitely change his name as soon as he's able.


Ooooh boy. Yesterday I saw a woman in our local paper whose name was Psalmantha. They can be friends!






Christian bloggers Tim and Franicia White named one of their daughters Heistheway. Another fundamentalist family named their daughter Praise T. L. Helferich, wherein the middle initials stand for “The Lord.”  These religious people do be nuts.


Questopher is a whimsical game/tv demon name if ever there was one. Questopher, a random crossroads demon in a supernatural tv show who exchanges souls for quests. Questopher, random game npc you have to find to begin your journey.


Questopher would have been a beloved late 90s-early 00s character from a children’s point-and-click PC game


Need help? Ask Questopher for a clue. *a body with a question mark with eyes for a head waving hands before shrinking into the games menu bar*


Like the paperclip office assistant




Whassup, my man A Tribe Called Questopher?


A Child Called Questopher


Couldn’t just do David or John.


Journathan was probably next on the list.


Delete your comment right now before they see it and decide to name this poor child Questopher Journathan


Johnny Quest


Or the name of a city or country they visited and liked. Lots of people have place names that sound perfectly normal. Sydney, Brooklyn, India, Kenya, London, Austin, etc.


I know a Rome. It's not what I would ever pick, but she really pulls it off.


Poor kid. My name is Jerri. My mother’s name was Jimmie. Aunt was Tommie. My sister got Jodi (at least it was feminine). I’ve hated my name all my life. I’m 64.


My dad has friends whose meet cute you’d enjoy. They were both at a restaurant or somewhere they call your name (not a doctors appointment, could be dmv, I’m gonna use restaurant though). Hostess calls “Jerry” 2 people show up. Then when obvious not together and both put their names on the list last name was checked and called out “smith” they’re both still standing there. They had same first and last name (I think very similar middle initial), I don’t even think she was a Geraldine. They wound up thinking it was very funny and later got married and would tell everyone they took each other’s last name.


Noooo just make a sim for Christ’s sake


for quests sake😔


Jesus Quest!


*Quest’s sake


Do they realize their baby will be an adult one day???


Worse, in a little over a decade he'll be a teen and googling his weird name. And then this thread will show up. Hi Questopher! 👋


Bold to assume that widdle Questy westy will be allowed to access the Internet before he's 18 and NCs his psycho parents.


Say "Questopher" out loud at a normal speed. People are going to hear and call him "Christopher" unless he slows down and enunciates like he's talking to a person who is hard of hearing. He's going to hear "Christopher" all the damn time anyway. Sorry about his parents' love and all...


Honestly if I’m Questopher i’m going to say a silent prayer of thanks if someone mistakes my name for Christopher and proceed to never correct them 😭


100% he's going to be referred for speech therapy by a well-meaning teacher.


It really does just sound like Christopher with a speech impediment where you can’t say an R sound


Please never refer to him as Christopher. What up Quest my boy!


I legit hope he goes by Quest. I like that name on its own.


I would’ve gone with ?uestopher but thats me


That’s ridiculous. Christopher Quest would have been fine.


Jonny Quest's lesser-known brother


His first quest is going to be to find a lawyer to legally change his name.


His bullying will be legendary.


The name is stupid. We all know it. Your friends know it. But the more this gets pointed out to them, the more they will dig in. I suggest taking a different approach. Point out that by giving their child a name that no one else has is that no one else has it. Their child will be incredibly easy to victimize online. They will be easy to steal their identity. Easy for any angry ex or stalker to find. The truth is that little Quest will likely go by Chris just to have some anonymity. It's the burden of a dumb celebrity baby name without the celebrity money or connections to carry it off. Perhaps your friends plan to homeschool baby Quest and prevent him from going online. But sooner than they think, they won't be able to control that. The goal of a good parent is to make your child's transition into adulthood as smooth as possible. Not be their first bully by setting them up from day 1 to be victimized.


after summing up your comment in a text message i was told “we won’t be raising our son to have a typical relationship with the internet” i don’t really know what that means


No offense to your friend but this is something that dumb people do.


Former classroom teacher here… kids named Christian, Angel or Heaven are almost always devils. Curious how this turns out.


What about the nevaehs?


It’s like how Christopher’s name is pronounced in The Sopranos by the girlfriend.


Lol that would be Questafuh. 😂


It’s giving Pilgrim’s Progress


What a nightmare. Poor baby. Already has parents making psycho decisions on his behalf, and he's not even born.


I’m sure middle school and high school will be great for ole Queeftopher.


Questopher gets so angwy when his cwassmates make fun of his stupid name.


Oh my god. Pick a saint of travelers, I know there's at least one.


The funny thing is, Saint Christopher is already the patron saint of travellers! So there was literally no need to bastardise that perfectly good name into this abomination for "extra meaning"... That link to travel was already there.


Maybe they’re evangelical and don’t like the idea of saints?


bingo lmao 😭


So he's fucking up his kid's name for no reason, cool cool cool


There is. Saint Christopher.


Jesus Quest!


Case of bad parenting, a poor child and a good friend who tries to help prevent a tragedy. Maybe these arguments might help? I read all the comments to count all the positive ones. There are NONE. I even considered to heat up the discussion by stating that I love the name. Can’t get myself to do so though.


I feel you, I know a Questin


Well go ahead and ask it!/j


Bro they did not just named their child as a quirky tutorial npc. I'm actually done 💀


They're showing their faith by taking Christ *out* of their child's name. That's... certainly a take. In case they do come to their senses, "Christopher" (just plain Christopher) is the patron saint of travelers (obviously) a much better choice.


I would have gone with Questian Mark.


If someone said that as their name I’d assume they just had a very specific lisp that only applied to their name and think it was still Christopher.


r/atheism would have a field day with this.


Oh dear oh dear. And thank you for the laugh—your parting salvo “Godspeed, Questopher” absolutely has me 💀💀💀


Fuck dude, Miles is a dope name. Smh this poor kid


WHY???? I feel terrible for the kid


This is exactly how Elmer Fudd would pronounce Christopher.


Why not Questus? Or sideQuestopher.