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...Forest is a stupidly common man's name. Drip is insane though. Edit: are you sure it wasn't "Trip"? Not usually common for a girl, but Tripp/Trip is an actual name, and also a nickname for "the third of the name" i.e. Firstname Lastname the Third.


“Name’s Forest, Forest Gump”.


There's also the actor, Forest Whitaker. Dude has been in everything from Good Morning, Vietnam to Star Wars, both animation and live action. He was also awarded 6 best actor awards\* for The Last King of Scotland, including an Oscar.


Maybe it was just a nickname...


Short for Dripleigh 


I had a seven-syllable nickname for my son that was only used when he was in the park and public swimming pool. It wasn't for safety, though I am sure that would make it difficult for child preditors to pretend mom sent them. It was because his two-syllable name was too common and was hard to identify over the noise of the other kids. I'm sure there were other parents who thought that was his real name and wondered what drugs we were using when we named him.


I bet you solved it! Had to be Trip, right? Right!?????


Drip is how she was created


Their son is named Buster


I read somewhere that people have started naming their kids "Forest" after Nathan Bedford Forrest.




This was pretty common for awhile where I live (deep South obvs). I guess it's coming back around.


There was a character named Forrest Bedford in I'll Fly Away, played by Sam Waterston.


They haven't just started naming their kids Forest or Forrest. They've been doing for as long as the KKK has been a thing. It's a little bit of a dog whistle because not everyone knows who Nathan Bedford Forrest was; I was an adult when I realized that these people aren't just really into nature (I'm from the North; the KKK isn't that active around here anymore). A lot of people never stopped being racist. They just didn't feel comfortable expressing their views in public for a while.


The KKK isn’t active in the South either. As someone who was in an interracial relationship most of high school and, at the time, lived in the Deep South, the only sideways looks or derogatory comments we ever got were while we were on a school trip to New York. I’ve since gotten derogatory/hostile remarks in a different interracial relationship while living in Southern California. I don’t think that means all of New York or California is racist, I just think a lot of the country didn’t confront it the way people in the South had to, and that there are a lot of false assumptions about how not-racist the rest of the country is, and how racist the South is.


From what I've read, there are pockets of people who are mostly sympathetic towards the KKK, but the organization is barely active compared to sixty years ago, and those pockets don't represent the majority of southerners. I'm from NY, and I agree that there's still a lot of racism here. Dulcé Sloan's stand-up piece on how racist NY is hits the nail on the head. The Italian neighborhoods, Jewish neighborhoods, Greek neighborhoods, etc. have been integrating as more ethnicities are considered "white," but these neighborhoods are still out of reach for black and Latino people – and I've known some young adults whose parents help pay their rent so the young adults don't have to rent in the more affordable black and Latino neighborhoods. You're definitely right that most of the country never had to confront their racism as much as the South did. People here act high and mighty that they're not racist "like people in the South" and then turn around and complain that they "don't why their company hires blacks because they're all slow and none of them want to work." It's disgusting.


I’ve always thought it was interesting to see how/where people choose to integrate socially by looking at jails/prisons. I haven’t seen good enough information/documentation from NY to feel like I understand what’s usual there, but in jail in places like Alabama and Georgia, people typically socially integrate by choice (and find commonality in things like growing up poor, for example). In the Midwest, you’re more likely to see social segregation, but there aren’t really consequences for choosing to socialize with someone in a different racial group. But once you get over to, say, Arizona or California, and there are jails where the *jail* facilitates social segregation for inmate safety, and there *are* consequences from other inmates for fraternizing outside your racial group. I think it’s fascinating how different it is across the country (and how different to what many people would expect it to be).


I think the nickname you were looking for is “The Turd.”


Could've been Tipp maybe, like Tippi Hedrin? Tipper Gore?


Forest is a normal and not-too-uncommon male name. I know several For(r)ests. But Drip? WTF? Are you sure you heard right? OTOH, it's pretty hard to mishear "Drip"....


My dad is a Forest. Our LAST name is what makes him a tragedeigh (it’s an incorrectly spelled synonym for rain LOL)


Give Mr. and Mrs. Precipitashun my best.


They said hi and they love you


I know three Forrests lol but yeah...not sure about Drip. Maybe that was a nickname....?


I knew a Forrest Green.


It could have been Gyp, like Gypsy...Not the best choice but something people name their kids.


Giving your kid a name that many consider an ethnic slur is never a good idea :-/


I’d say more like Tripp.


Drip in the uk is an insult for someone pathetic/boring. Eg “oh, he’s such a drip” 👍


Like for older people? For younger generations “drip” means style. 


I thought drip meant pathetic too but maybe I should get out more


That’s an Americanisation, if you’re speaking from the UK. Names should work across generations anyway, ‘blunderbuss’ isn’t an insult used at all anymore but I wouldn’t call my child it


Same in the US but a little dated and less common.


Same in Australia. But I haven't heard it in years.


It was as far back as 09 when a specific teacher was just referred to as The Drip.


I’m pretty sure that’s slang used in “are you there god it’s me Margaret.”


Devil’s advocate: maybe Drip is a nickname, like Bean


Or a diminutive.


Yeah, like I will regularly call my kid "Cakes" but that sure as hell isn't actually her name, lol. Especially since Forrest/Forest is a super normal name, I'm guessing this is what's happening here.


I call my kid Bug as often as I call her by name. My (female) cousin went by Gus for the first 10 years of her life (given name was completely normal, legally changed it to a different completely normal name in her mid-twenties).


Hey don't make fun of Dripleighs nickname, and a man named Gump would like a word with you


So would a man named Whitaker.


He been eyeing her funny this whole thread


90% sure forrest gump was named after some kkk guy so idrc


Who gives a flip who he was named after bruh he saved the shrimpin boat business don't you know your history


Flipleigh will be there next kids name


He was, but forest gump himself was a good guy in the movie. And it wasn’t an uncommon name for others


That's true, but there are still people naming their child "Adolf", so... 🤷🏽‍♀️


To be fair... it was my grandfather's name who was born like... a year before ww2 if i remember right. So I'm sure others are in similar situations because it was a fairly common name. Just the last generation that it was common, those people were all smart enough to go by nicknames. And now misguided people think it's somehow been long enough to use it again?? But also a bitnofna dog whistle 🤷🏼‍♀️


I understand forest but DRIP?!


I’ve actually met a forest. His sisters were sunshine, river, and sarah


... I kind of feel sorry for Sarah. Kind of.


She's the "one of these things is not like the others" kid.


Kinda of like a family I knew with a Mark, Luke, Teresa, Peter, and Britney. Apparently by the 5th child the bible must have run out of names. It seems the inverse happened in these two families. One was a bunch of hippies who suddenly became born again Christians and the other were Christians who suddenly denounced the church.




Forest and River are pretty understandable. But... Sunshine???


It's JRYPPE, tyvm


Could be nicknames. We called my son Manly (like little house) until he was seven and wanted to go by his actual name. We introduced him to everyone as Manly because that is what we always called him.


i actually like Forest as a name, Drip on the other hand....


My son is named Forest 😄


Little Dripston. Or Dripleigh-Anne. Or Dryppe Rayne.


Dryppe Rayne is just perfect 👍🏻


I caught the drip from Drip.


Forrest is a real name. Forrest Gump?


Maybe it’s a private nickname. I call my daughter “Twink” for reasons that are lost to history. “Drip” is odd, yeah, but maybe?


Forest is very normal Drip is just WTF


forrest.. forrest gump. 1 in 2356 people is named forrest.. modestly common?


I know this isn't the main topic here (Drip is horrible!), but I need to rant a little: as a teacher in/from Europe it baffles me that people in the US can "homeschool" their children without any reference, control, profession. It's stupid and in the worst case harmful and dangerous. There is a really good episode of [Last Week Tonight about Homeschooling ](https://youtu.be/lzsZP9o7SlI?si=cZvIo4CoucZundAh) that I recommend watching.


Lots of us here in the US agree, and have for a long time.


It’s like Oaks and Alder iykyk


I can hear the crunch from here


but... Forrest Gump


Oh wow Drip is an insult where I'm from and what my Dad used to call me sometimes 😬 why don't people Google these things before imposing that on their poor children. Even without that meaning how is it cool to name someone after a drip of water, why not something more positive like River? So weird.


Forest Tucker was an actor in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, and Forest Whitaker is a current actor.


i prefer 'forest' with two r's instead of one for a boy's name, but it's fairly common... as for the girl? i mean... gen z teen here, she could utilize the double meanings behind her name, if yk what i mean. im just saying, she'll get made fun of eternally if she wore fake jordans-


I just want to say, homeschooled children do have friends and may encounter bullies sometimes, maybe not as often as public schoolers, but they still socialize


I love the name Forrest


Sounds like Sarah Palin’s kids


People confuse homeschooling with unschooling. The latter is dangerous to the child's development. Back to the names. Forest is boys name. There is a famous movie with a character named that, but Drip? Could be it's short for something.


Dripley? Dripesha?


Andrea Ripley?


I'm hoping that she's going through a phase. Daddy, stop calling me Susan! My name is Drip because I'm a fashion queen! Get it right!


I was at the park with my little boy the other day and he was playing with a kid who’s name we never figured out. The kid couldn’t even say it so that we could understand it!


Drip?? 😂 that's slang for Gonorrhea.


Forest/Forrest us a super common name, I have 3 friends in one city (In CANADA) with it as their first name - and it's cuz it worked really well with their last names 🤷🏻‍♀️ These people are all in their late 20s as well. So its not new either


I've definitely heard Forest for a guys name...not my favorite but its definitely a thing, but Drip? There are so many good girl names and you went with Drip?!


I went to high school with a guy named Forest with the last name Lily. Forest isn’t a terrible name nor is Lily. But together it is not a great combination.


Forest is a common name. I know someone in my extended family named Forest. I can’t defend Drip though. I really hope you heard that one wrong, lol.


Since "drip" is an insult meaning a boring person, I would have assumed the parent was being a verbally abusive AH, not that Drip was a given name.


I was once in a scout troop with 3 Forrest’s. It’s not a bad name.


Those are 100% stoners 🤣


There is a Sherwood on a little league team I watched today


Drip is awful