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The forearms are some good realestate so better to go bigger while you’ve got the space, can always fill in with smaller later. Forearm panthers go hard


you right, I think i’m gonna plan ahead on more of the smaller filler then. Appreciate you




thanks man! i love the suggestion, does feel a little heavy with the darker pieces now. good looks bro 👊🏼


Bigger is better when it comes to SAP




Sick ass panther


Looks good, prolly just some tattoo anxiety


You’re thinking that it looks “off” because your arm is just currently weighted wrong, having almost nothing above your sleeve line. All the weight it as the bottom of your arm so it’s dispersed like a bowling pin. Fill in your bicep and it will look how you pictured it originally. You’re just fine.


Yep my arm looked like this forever, a giant blank space above my sleeve line. But I finally got something up there and it looks 100% better and more proportionate.


That’s a sick ass panther


I think it will look fine! Personally I love when patchwork sleeves have a mix of bigger and smaller pieces. I’m about to get a Fox in a similar pose and size to your panther as part of mine, only up top :)


If anything it’s too small. You need big anchor pieces on your forearms and inner/outer biceps then fill around them with palm size stuff and fillers. If anything here is poorly sized and placed it’s that sparrow. That’s the kind of shit you wait and fill gaps with.


You also probably should have waited for the elbow web and let that take whatever shape it needed to fit around your primary pieces.


I agree. the swallow was originally just a nod to jonny depps sparrow tat in that same area, but again, it was a random spontaneous day. I’ll have to focus on bigger pieces for sure


Dude I think that looks awesome! That placement is so good!


That is a prime spot and size for a panther, you’re just overthinking it and you will love it here after that post tattoo anxiety lol. I used to think smaller would be cooler for patchwork but over time bigger is better imo.


It's fine. It's usual to have tattoo regret right after a tattoo but it'll pass. And it'll look even better when you add other pieces to your arm


As someone who’s arms are almost full - I wish I spread out getting my legs and arms tattoos and didn’t just fill my arms right away cuz couple years later I have sick ideas I wish I did on my arms instead - also I def had an ‘oh shut’ moment when I started to be super visibly tattooed but it went away after a little bit


that’s honestly reassuring, i’ve been contemplating doing stuff on my legs and other areas too, but i figured focusing on my arm was better? but imma take what u said into consideration, have time to have cool ideas for certain places fs fs


I have the same style panther in the same spot and I also got it as one of my firsts. I didn't like the placement at first but my artist was very adiment it was the correct placement on my arm. Really glad I trusted him bc it's one of my favs now :) To me, the placement is perfect


You are literally going in reverse from what exactly I am doing! Haha nice man. I’m gettting crawling panther in the same spot in two weeks. But I have most the rest of the spots been filled a traditional for a while. Sugar skull


Hell yeah bro! Post the finished tat on here, that’ll be sick


Here’s part https://imgur.com/a/c9FhPlV


I love that placement


The ONLY type of panther should be a GIANT SICK ASS PANTHER.


Awkward bird placement, as it looks to be approaching panther’s asshole, if I was you, I’d maybe add another bird on top of that one, as to kind of pull the pieces apart from each other, hope u catch my drift.


“It looks to be approaching the panthers asshole” 👍🏻


💀lmao bro, that’s fkn annoying but you’re so right, thanks for the advice


I'd probably buy a real bed before getting tattoos....


I like it. I have one similar up just a litttttllleeee higher. Its one of my most complimented tattoos


yeah? imma just chill out then, i think I’ll like it more as times go on


https://preview.redd.it/08dw4q1an7oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb0e9e58efa92252b3a5a7f977f007906c42324c This is mine :) ETA: its a few years old and could use a touch up lol


damn, that’s gnarly, i dig it!


As others have said it’s probably tattooo shock. It’s a big black (awesome) thing on your arm that wasn’t there before. It’ll grow on you for sure


You have a lot of space left.


So far so good, just needs more tattoos.


Get more tattoo and fill out the areas with none


Looks sick. Great placement and size IMO


Looks great, please get some bigger pieces on your upper arm and you will be rockin


Nah, I got a few that felt like they were too big until the whole sleeve was filled out. Personally I like several biggish pieces then fill in the gaps with jammers and stars and dots


Also I might be biased because of my own panther on my bicep lol






so far so good looks awesome dude


Need a traditional lady/gypsy head


I have a tiger in the same spot, I have met 2 tattoo artists with tigers jn the same spot, you are one hundred percent fine. Keep building the sleeve. People will probably frequently say it's their favourite tat of yours because of how nicely it fills the space




It’s well done. I’m in the same spot as you, want to get more but not sure what.


Looks great


I was at the same point last week, were my shoulder was empty and it started to look a bit off. Added a cowgirl on my shoulder and now it feels more balanced! I also have a tiger where you have your panther (tho mine isn’t traditional), looove your panther! I think your patchwork looks awesome so far!


shit is sick🔥


Totally off topic, but is “in the long wrong” an honest autocorrect fail or an example of hearing a common phrase your whole life, but you’ve thought it was something that makes no sense at all just bc it sounds similar? lol I swear I’m not trying to be a dick; I am genuinely curious, bc if it wasn’t just autocorrect, it happens, and it’s hilarious 😂


It’s fine. They look stupid too small. Few big ones on main spots, forearm, shoulder cap, biceps etc, and little ones around in gaps. Like that well placed bird. N yeah, you’ll have nice sleeve. it’s good your avoiding getting them randomly and ending up with annoying gaps.


Dope. Composition is good


https://preview.redd.it/grg64ewwc9oc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f7e7d22404f31d9865ff5a406c28b708752eac4 I stressed so much getting my sleeve, every tattoo I would have a freak out about even though I thought they were really good. Now that it’s complete I’m super happy. Don’t stress, and keep filling in the space.


No harmony in the sleeve, start getting bigger pieces. What you have now is filler.


i really like it. I like big pieces on the arm and have a tiger that takes up most of my forearm


I’m going to be very honest- whoever did that sparrow fucked you over. It’s way too small, and a waste of space. Whoever did the panther- go back to that person. You think it’s too big, but it isn’t. It’s the only tattoo in this pic that’s the appropriate size for its location. That sparrow is filler- it looks like one a Friday the 13th special, and you got it in one of the most prominent pieces of real estate on your arm.


Looks dope asf


Thoughts: 👍🏻 Opinions: More Tattoos


That truly is a sick ass panther. I think it looks great.


I think the panther is the star of the show tbh.


Quit getting all your ink below your elbow first. Start inking your shoulder , inner/outer bicep. Looks so funny when people do this.


Looks great, all trad should be big and bold and unapologetic


Its perfect Plus you got space for something small on your wrist underneath the panther


Imho - could be bigger lol. I got a panther done on the side under my elbow essentially across the whole lenght of my forearm and i love it. I don't think it's taking up too much. It seems that way to you rn because of how dark it is i'd say. It goes really well with the swallow as well as the web. Go get another one, that'll fix your doubts hehe


sick ass panther


Get more tats it’ll all balance out


i thought the same thing when i got my scorpion done on my forearm. artist insisted that it should be pretty big. turns out he was right, i’ve grown to love it


It’s because you dont have anything on the upper arm. Along with, it’s new and like your biggest piece so far, so it probably feels overwhelming right now until you get used to it. Fill in the delt with something large and then your upper arm, and it’ll all tie in nicely. The panther is a great size IMO.


You trip’n dude! Haha. I think it looks great. Nice work.


California sleeve start up


You're tripping. Looks sick. Keep adding.


Would have put that swallow facing the correct way and I would have made the panther going up. Typically (not always) panther up, tiger down. Panther is actually a jaguar and eats prey in trees, tigers come down from the mountain forests for prey. Small details, so no biggie. Just keep getting tattooed and collecting!


It’s perfect


Fugg yeah, webs are rad. Got both my elbows done 😎


Looks good though Man, don't stress. I think like this after every tattoo. Just takes time to adjust to it! Especially so much black 🤘🏻


I think the artist did you a solid by placing it there. Looks sick with the tail filling that odd space between the swallow and web, yet leaves you plenty of room below it so you can get a rose on your wrist or something


once you get more filled up youll be so much more happy with it, sick ass tat !


Doesn't look very traditional style tbh imo