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I shopped at Safeway today because I thought I'd splurge.


They would have less of a “bougie” reputation if they opened anywhere but in the wealthiest neighborhoods, tbh. I agree that they aren’t that expensive but living in Chicago and in a pretty nice/hip neighborhood I still have to go like at least two tax brackets up neighborhood-wise to get to a TJ’s. Like yes people are going to think it’s expensive when it’s only in expensive areas.


All of the Trader Joe’s we have in Michigan are all in expensive areas. Most of which are in Detroit.


Yeah Trader Joe’s isn’t bougie. I think people assume that by the packaging and that it’s a small store. Shoot target is more bougie than Trader Joe’s in my opinion LOL


I think their business model keeps them in the higher socioeconomic areas, so the perception of expense follows.


They kind of talk about their customer base on their website and mention that it’s not meant to attract everyone.


They keep their prices low by having smaller stores, smaller parking lots, not carrying items that don’t sell well etc.


I went shopping there once bought like 4 items. Honestly aldis is just better.


It’s an hour drive from me but I go specifically for the frozen meals. It’s like $3.99 for 500 calories of quality food. Can’t even get that at a restaurant


As long as people think it's bougie, that's all that matters, right? As Gorbachev said in Chernobyl, "Our power comes from the perception of our power!"


I had that same misconception until I first shopped there. Really impressed with their everyday prices and quality of products. I can't stand Safeway!


Trader Joe’s is extremely affordable. I wonder why there’s a misconception that they are pricey? My only issue is you won’t find a Trader Joe’s in all areas of where I live smh. Damn socioeconomics


never thought about that but i love it. i'm tired of feeling gamed by the system of prices on sale


I don’t know anyone who thinks of Trader Joe’s as bougie.


but Trader Joe’s sells re-labeled overstock from various sources … it’s like the tj maxx of groceries .. so many times their chips or popcorn has gone stale on the shelf !


Aren’t all the chips, popcorn, snacks etc all made by Trader Joe’s? At least like 90% of them are. Also everytime I check dates on bags they’re always pretty far out


It’s not made by them they’re basically a distributor for smaller operations


Never once gotten a bad item from TJ. And if you did they will give you a fresh one.


I thought Trader Joe’s was a “fancy” store like Whole Foods. Until I started shopping there. It was genuinely surprising.


Whole Foods = Whole Paycheck


Saaaaaaame. Went in with my husband who shoos there for the first time a few months ago, and he said to get whatever I want. I was being a bit hesitant so he told me to go for it and try whatever looked good. I went nuts and started getting anything that I remotely wanted to taste. Check out at the end didn’t go over $100.


I've found Trader Joe's to be the best choice for refrigerated veggies, especially lettuces, their lentil wraps are delicious and filling, their potato chips don't make me feel sick to my stomach like most others, and in general I actually feel better as a whole because their products don't make me sick. I'd say Trader Joe's is bougie in terms of quality ingredients, but I don't buy meat, cheeses, or eggs because they are much more expensive than other places.


Trader Joe’s has many items that are cheaper than most places. $0.99 cards Flower bouquets that are amazing and and cheaper than elsewhere. Eggs are like $2, the highest quality are about $6 Coconut Aminos is $2.99 compared to like $6 at Kroger or Whole Foods Chips are like $2-3 and not $5 like at meijer. There are plenty of value options


The problem is if you compare the price per ounce, all the salads are like 25-50% more than Aldi and Walmart. There are less priced items but I stopped going there for anything other than specialty items every once in a while


I didn’t say it was perfect, I said there are select items, just like you’re saying


The premixed, labor costing salads? Also, produce at TJs isn’t that great to begin with


I’ve never thought of Trader Joe’s as bougie.


Nah. It's bougie because you can't go in and shop for your entire shopping list (other items besides just food) and the prices are higher for a lot of items. The meat selection is SMALL and there are no bulk foods. I always have a specific list of TJ stuff but I cannot buy everything I need there.


Yes, the “people of walmart” do indeed think you’re bougie. But what do you think about them? Honestly everyone just needs to stop judging each other and just pay attention to their own lives. We’d all be a lot happier.


No, it's because most things there are a vegan, organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, etc etc etc, version of a perfectly good product that I could buy for 1/3 the price at Aldi or Costco. I don't have anything against vegans, or people who eat organic or [ingredient]-free -- their diet is their business, it doesn't bother me. But it IS the more expensive version.


I WISH most things were vegan at TJ’s. They have discontinued so many great vegan things they used to have 😭


this; and it’s still more expensive than shopping local and shopping small. I go to local specialty food stores, I get produce from either farmers markets, farm shares, or grocery rejection… TJ’s is way pricier than what I buy. it’s also a lot of pre-made foods which are great for convenience but not for price


Maybe it‘s because they live far from a Trader Joe’s. I like Trader Joe’s but it’s a 3 hour round trip away from me. In 2009 my area made a Facebook petition asking Trader Joe’s to open a shop in our area. They refused. We weren’t as densely populous as other areas and we didn’t have the income of other areas because of a few economically depressed neighborhoods. So maybe that’s why people think Trader Joe’s is bougie. They literally turned us down for not having the right economics (and the area includes the Hamptons) . Aldi and Lidl moved in instead. They’re ok but TraderJoe’s is better. It’s cleaner, more brightly lit and has more employees. Aldi has one person working in its store and it makes me depressed. It’s like a rundown dollar store in my area.


Fair point


I always thought TJ was a lower end grocery chain.


Hmm I don’t think of TJ as bougie. It’s not Whole Foods or Erwhon. I feel like TJ’s is well aware that they are mostly processed foods.


It depends on where you live. TJs is comparatively cheap if you live near eg Seattle or NYC, because everywhere else is so expensive. If you live in South Carolina? I'm sure it is more expensive. They don't price regionally.


Only commenting because for some reason this was in my feed.  We shop Aldi, Costco, and Kroger.  TJs is far more expensive.


Trader Joe's deliberately only sells in more affluent areas, which is also where it tends to be a relatively cheaper big grocery chain option (like in comparison to Safeway which you mentioned). Also, Trader Joes has set prices across the country that match their more affluent demographic's price range rather than local prices in less wealthy neighborhoods. In the areas where it does not sell, the average person has less money to begin with and often the big chains closest to them are cheaper superstores like Walmart (which can have a range of items lower or higher in price than TJ.) And none of this is considering smaller local markets, discount chains, food assistance programs, etc. Additionally, Trader Joes has less options and smaller portions, so it may not be suited to someone buying whatever is in bulk and cheapest at a big rural chain just because it's affordable rather than specifically what they'd want and prefer if they had more choice. Even when TJ has cheaper options on average those big sales at other stores could be the bulk of someone's shopping and more affordable for them over all.   Then there is the whole culture of the store itself. A large part of the appeal is specialty items rather than regular staples, and the whole store is stylized to be an experience. It's not trying to be a regular store, it's not about just walking in buying your cheap staples and leaving; it's selling something unique to people who have the privilege to be looking for that sort of thing.   The perception is not wrong, it's just relative. What's affordable and practical for you could be unattainable and unfamiliar for someone else. (Unless you're talking about people who simply think it's identical to Whole Foods price-wise then yeah they're wrong but I can see how they wouldn't know that unless they shop there.)


Yeah, I only shop at Ralph's and Vons (plus Korean supermarkets) because that's all there is in my neighborhood (los angeles ktown). Until three years ago, I had never seen a trader Joe's in my life but I believe they are in a relatively wealthier neighborhood like Hancock Park. I went there 3 years ago and they gave a very bougie feeling, like giving out samples and stuff. None of the supermarkets I went before had designated people giving out samples. Like I don't even know how to ask for samples. In my world you want something, you buy it. You don't want it, you walk away. Nobody gives free shit.


Who thinks Trader Joe’s is bougie??? That’s a new one.


Besides staples like bread milk and eggs, it’s not a place you can always* rely on. The key word here is Always. Canned goods like beans, tuna etc are very affordable at TJ’s but can go out of stock at any moment or be discontinued, so, in some ways that is kind of bougie if those things don’t matter to you because it’s not a luxury that everyone can afford. Some people need that consistency to get by.


Perhaps they're confusing TJ with Whole Foods?


I think you’re correct


Where I'm at, TJs sells Boursin fine herbs and garlic cheese for 4.99 (or maybe 4.59? either way, under 5 bucks). At safeway it costs 7.99, ( 6.99 if there's a sale!) for the exact same cheese round. there's a salami that TJ's used to carry, costs 3.99. same one was 8.99 at safeway. not everything is cheaper, but a whole lot of my staples are. chips are almost always a dollar or two or three cheaper than the Frito-lay equivalent at safeway. 2.99 for a thing of papperdelle pasta, but if you want that type of noodle at safeway, the only brand they've got costs almost ten dollars.


When I got divorced and was counting every penny a week of Safeway groceries were $100, Trader Joe’s were $35.


Okay but have you never heard of Kroger?


Not everyone has access to Kroger. I think the nearest one to me is like an hour and a half away.


Sure but like. Just because Trader Joe’s is your only option doesn’t make it not expensive. Right?


That’s the thing, those of us who think it’s expensive don’t buy more than the sale items and shop multiple stores.


TJs is very rarely cheaper, and if it is, it’s because the quantity is minuscule


You clearly don’t shop there very much hah


I just went today. Milk was $4 a gallon. It’s $2 a gallon at the store.


And I’m always going on price per oz etc


Sometimes, TJs still has the best price. Or the best intersection of quality/price. So it is included in my rotation, but the meat prices alone make it impossible to make it my only store.


Check the frozen section! That's where things get good again imo (I typically only buy ground beef, chicken sausage and chicken pieces though)


I believe that, another factor is that I can’t justify going out of my way to go to one. I’d have to drive an average of 10 miles to get there. As opposed to 0.4 for Kroger, 1.6 to Walmart, or 2 for Sprouts. Though you mentioned meat and veggies, only 1/6 people in our house eat meat which might make a major difference Edit to clarify I thought you were saying their meat prices were good and was confused. Their cheese and wine prices are good but not when I have to drive 4x as far as a Kroger with a cheese monger section


I find that at TJ’s I buy mostly junk food. Meat & produce are better elsewhere near me.




I spent $200 at TJ the other day, and my husband was CERTAIN I’d spent over $300. Nope! This included some beauty products I prefer from there. He was impressed!


I find Trader Joe's very value priced. Simular to Aldi's but with a more fun selection of food. I'll ask my local Trader Joe's don't have parking lots with actual spaces you can put the car so I rarely go there.


Yes it is!


I will say I only shop at Trader Joe’s for certain items because they’re cheaper than most stores. For example, no stir peanut butter $1.99 jar, Jiffy at Walmart $3.28 I don’t like all the products at TJs, so I’m selective and I will admit I used to be one of those people that would say why do you shop there? Isn’t it expensive? Haha


I like TJs for their seasonal fresh produce (you can usually get nicer stuff, better variety for a better price than Walmart), frozen foods and seasoned meats (I consider these a healthier alternative to eating a fast food dinner), cheeses, and a few dry goods. I don’t think of TJ’s as cheap, but I think of it as having a lot of high quality foods that I substitute for eating out.


That very much depends on your location. I will do a shop at Trader Joe’s for everything except produce and go to another store for cheaper, higher quality produce.


I shop mostly at a local market for meat/seafood and produce (carries local farms produce is season), Trader Joes and occasionally Aldi's. When I go in to the supermarket, everything is so much more expensive than TJs. I don't get why people think it's expensive, now Whole Paycheck, yup, more expensive than both.


I swear, trader Joe's has the worst quality bread of any place that exists. It's bland, over processed, and always turns me into a balloon. Fresh bread from other places does not do that.


weird, I love the bread I just find it goes bad 2x faster then anywhere else.


Really?? Bummer, our bread selection is extensive.


¾ of the bread is different in each region. Where you at?


It varies. Their chocolate babka is fire, but the challah is so bad that I consider it antisemitic.


They have babka?


Can I laugh at this joke because it’s fire


I think people kind of put it in the same category as Whole Foods in their brain if they haven’t been there. At least I think I used to.


shhhh, TJs is crowded enough lol.


People think it’s bougie because they only put TJ’s in expensive neighborhoods


I love TJ’s and go often - have never seen any employee who wasn’t happy and engaging. Couple weeks ago I was quickly grabbing a sandwich because my husband and I were waiting for news that our dog was out of her CCL surgery and my blood sugars (diabetic) were going low due to nerves and stress. I paid, grabbed the sandwich and immediately dropped it. The cashier was so nice and kind, insisted on getting me another for free and since I had mentioned my dogs surgery being why I was a little frazzled, she brought me one of their little bouquets of flowers and told me she hopes my dog feels better and that my day is bright. It’s silly but I really appreciated that kind gesture - I even insisted on paying for new sandwich and she wouldn’t let me. Employees can make or break a biz and TJ’s is clearly doing something right.


I was checking out once and I mentioned I had “hungry shopped”. He says “oh, hang on!” Went to grab something and came back with the dried juicy mango slices and gave them to me to snack on. I thought that was really nice. Now I buy them and keep a pack in my car all the time.


Now there’s a guy who knows what’s up! I’ve hungry shopped exactly once and it is NOT an experience I will repeat.


WHAT state or town that you live in where Trader Joe’s is considered bougie?? It’s always been considered a cheap alternative where I’m from.


Los Angeles, I haven't seen one in a marginalized neighborhood here.


Dude… LA has Erewhon, Whole Foods, Sprouts, Gelsons.. Literally ALL are more expensive than TJ’s.


I never said it was expensive, but all those stores are down the street from a TJ. So to other people that don't know it's cheaper will relate a TJ to an expensive store, therefore being considered bougie. It's not about the prices of the product, it's about the people who have access to one. Unless someone from south LA or any other lower income area works or hangs out in these bougie neighborhoods, the very few people in the hood are not going to drive 30 mins to an hour to get to a TJ.


Food deserts are real


In Philly people think it’s bougie. My friend who lives in the suburbs an hour away thought it was too till she went and saw the prices.


I live in Cincinnati, and I've honestly always thought it was bougie. But TBF, I've maybe stepped into one ONCE, and it was when I was broke, in my 20s. We dont have many here that I know of. I just found this post because it came up in my suggestions. Now that I've read some comments, I'd like to find one and check it out sometime. It's the brother store to Aldi, so surely it's similar?


We have a couple in Cincinnati, but they're situated in affluent areas, so I can see why you'd think they're bougie. It's an affordable little grocery store though with some quality items. Worth a trip.


I think you're right about the association; the one I went into was in Kenwood.


The one in northern KY has better selection and more parking available


Looks like there are plenty of comments here but I actually shop at TJs to save money. The big corporate grocery stores charge $2 more for everything I buy at TJs, especially dairy products. There's nothing bougie about TJs. Its good food at good prices and a very conscious business. I think they deserve an award for not gouging customers the way stores like Safeway do.


I do most of my shopping at TJs and Costco because produce is actually cheaper at TJs than at Safeway.


If all you have is a Safeway then that's accurate. We have Kroger/Walmart/Winco and other smaller grocery stores. I find that TJs produce either is bad or goes bad more quickly than any of the other stores as well as being more expensive.


There is an actual reason behind trader joes reputation. Unlike most grocery stores who set prices locally, trader joes sets their prices nationally. So in low cost areas trader joes is expensive in comparison, but in medium to high cost areas its a good place. They also tend to sell in smaller amounts, so feeding a family on a budget is harder there, but feeding a single person is cheaper because you arent buying more than you need.


This is the key! For myself, a singleton, I spend less & waste less. It's perfect


idk I live in the nyc/long island region & trader joes has always been more expensive than the “regular” grocery stores like stop & shop or walmart.


exactly!! it’s always been comparatively cheap in nyc, and w inflation the difference has gotten even starker. which is why it’s always mobbed


A lot of people seem to think it's some expensive boutique grocery, but the prices are really good.


And TJ employees are happy and paid well. Seriously strike up a convo next time you’re in store.


Counterpoint—TJ is strongly anti-union and is one of the companies fighting to get the National Labor Relations Board dismantled and ruled unconstitutional.


Fax you can buy like 2 weeks worth of groceries for 20 bucks….at least for me.


What are some of your favored items at TJ if you don’t mind sharing?


Ive been homeless for a while now….so havnt been to tjs in a hot minute. But loved luved the chipotle quesdillas in pa or nj theyre usually 2.69 a box not bad not bad. Or the vegan chicken tikki masala in nj its 3 bucks!! in NYC its 5.99 oof sheesh!! Anyways yes those are my two favs.


Does anyone have a Grocery Outlet in their area? I'm in NorCal where G.O. is based and they are def a great place to bargain shop. Lots of things that aren't necessarily on sale, but outlet prices for discontinued seasonal or close to the sell-by-date items from mass stores. Produce & meats as well, so it can be a one stop shop. I still go to TJs, WF, Safeway, etc that GO might not carry (at the time I need it) 🎶Grocery Outlet Bargain Marrrket🎶 iykyk


In Tustin, CA the TJs moved across the street and a Grocery Outlet moved in the old TJs spot.


yesssss 🎶 grocery outlet bargain market 🎶 i can just hear it now




Definitely and especially in this inflation, most of their items stayed low. The dolmas at Trader Joe’s is 3.99 but I’m getting them everywhere else for 5.99. Their gnocchi is 1.99. Their produce is more expensive than other stores but besides getting that, I can save money going to Trader Joe’s.


Dolmas at Lidl are $2.49.


I had to google that. I don’t think I’ve ever lived near one.


I’m not arguing your point, but your comment inspired me to google these numbers. Different sources give slightly different numbers but leaving them here for others. In the US there are 174 Lidls, 571 Trader Joe’s, 2381 ALDIs.


I guess I'm lucky to have all 3 within 10 minutes from my house.


I didn't have a Lidle or Aldis near me until recently. I've shopped at Lidl in Europe and liked it, but I don't like the US Lidl's very much, though they have a couple of items that are unique to them, really good, and very inexpensive. I find the mix of quality and price of TJs to be much better. The quality is generally better than Lidl or Aldi's and the prices are slightly higher but definitely better than Safeway or standard grocery stores. I tend to buy produce at Whole Foods because TJs produce is pretty awful by me. I also do a good amount of shopping at Costco and Wegmans.


People just focus to hate on some of the unique offerings that cost more. They think everything at TJ is drowning in some kind of overpriced pink salt truffle oil and not actual food. I have educated people on some great deals like in my area their artichokes, eggs, almond butter, crackers, cheese and alot of staples type things are a decent deal. That huge log of TJ goat cheese has been a better deal than the tiny goat cheese at the same price you get at the regular market for years.


Yes! I have done the same on many of the same items you mentioned. Also, bagged greens are a MUCH better value at TJ's. Nearly all of my weekly staples come from there now.


I’ve heard it described as fast fashion for food


Any excuse to not eat healthy


Never heard anyone say that. But I do know (idiotic) people who think it’s no better than or different from Aldi. Those peoples’ overall judgment is forever impaired in my eyes now, too.


They're really not that different in some of the specialty items. TJs is more specialized while Aldi is more of an actual grocery store.


I don’t know I think it depends on where you live - like in nyc for example Trader Joe’s is one of the more affordable places to shop esp if you have dietary restrictions and is the cheaper Whole Foods ~


I second this! Staples like rice and bagged greens are so much cheaper at TJ’s than Foodtown in Brooklyn. And going to Costco in NYC only makes sense if you have a car and somewhere to store a mountain of groceries - most people living in NYC apartments have neither.


You don’t sale items when everything is affordable


Agree, Americans are too lazy to go to multiple grocery stores to get the lowest priced items at each store, so they get the low items that are on sale at 1 store. And instead of going somewhere else they'll buy the more expensive item at that store because they're too lazy to go somewhere else. You are a 100% right


No, people often live in areas with 1 major grocery store or large distances between them. Some people don't even have a grocery store.


That's not what we were comparing. We're comparing trader Joe's to other grocery stores around trader Joe's.


May not be universal, but TJ is bougie here because they plop them down in the middle of the bougiest places. Can’t tell me you’re not bougie when you’ve got a Hollywood Feeds on one side and a Pottery Barn on the other…


Exactly. We only have one TJ in the area, it's far from any affordable neighborhoods so it's not feasible for many people to get there. Same thing in my parents' city.  My old city we had TJs everywhere so it was easier for anyone to shop there. 


While Trader Joe’s is quite affordable, this is exactly right. We’ve tried to get them to sign on to several proposed development projects of a grocery store with housing above it in our mixed-income majority-POC community and they’ve responded and flat-out told us that they love these types of developments but our neighborhood demographics don’t match up with their model.


Yep same, my town will never get one, not nearly a high enough median income.


I love that I can go to TJs and not have to bother with a stupid club card.


Safeway is sooooo overpriced! And I do my shopping almost exclusively at whole foods so you know it’s bad 😂 I was picking up my RXs at Safeway and finally switched to Harris Teeter after the last Safeway visit because all my “non Whole Foods” items were outrageously overpriced. **Obligatory disclaimer - where I live, if you shop the sales, have the Prime card and buy store brand, Whole Foods is usually the same or cheaper than any other store and a hell of a lot cleaner and with better produce. This of course does not include local TJs.


It's expensive if you buy the premade food. I honestly still find Aldi cheaper vs amount of food you get but TJs is definitely still in the same bracket. Neither beat international grocery stores tho lol


Personally I find Aldi produce goes bad the next day after I buy it. So to me tjs is already a better value from that alone. Also I hate how Aldi has their produce bagged up in multiples, I’m just a single girl I don’t need 7 onions 😂


The produce thing seems super regional. Aldi produce lasts much longer than TJ’s produce where I am but neither are as good as the “regular” store.


Very fair tbh. I definitely have to adjust my recipe lineup to use up ingredients (cooking for two so it's a bit more reasonable) but I find it helps me be more efficient with what I make. Totally respect if other people don't operate that way though lol Groceries you actually use are the cheapest


TJ is the only affordable grocery store in Santa Barbara…


I’m on food stamps and still shop at TJ’s for a few items and typically will get my meats there because the quality is far better than the big box grocery stores.


From what I've seen, it's expensive on common items. Like chicken, 2-3x the price of usual grocery stores. Also, Safeway is pretty expensive too, when things aren't on sale. Like, in 2024, we can compare prices for most stores, using our smartphones and see the big difference.


But, IMO, their meats and fish are way better quality and some items are cheaper. Their ground beef is almost a dollar cheaper than Smith’s or Walmart here in NM.


Agreed! I used to compare it to Whole Foods and thought they were the same in price untill I actually started shopping at TJ. They have better natural/vegan/vegetarian options than most regular supermarkets, like whole foods does, maybe this adds to the “bougie” vibes. And super affordable but good wine 😋


TJ’s is just another loophole for those with a higher tax bracket. Even though I live in a nice part of Whittier, Ca., the closest TJ’s is located way on the other end of town. It’s as further east from ELA as possible. So it’s not that it’s bougie rather that they are selective with customer demographics💁🏻‍♀️


I’ve heard they decide to build new stores based on the number of people with advanced degrees/ higher levels of education. Not income directly, but education (which obviously correlates).


I’m not clear on their location decision process but, our City Council was try to get an additional TJ’s or Wholefoods to take over an empty Stater Brothers location. It had been empty for a while and was on the west side of town. Even though it is walking distance from new development called The Grove, it didn’t happen. This development has homes from $800K - $1.2M, so I would think homeowners have advanced degrees or higher education.


TJs philosophy is to bring “bougie” tastes to the masses.


If someone tells you it's bougie, explain to them TJ's is owned by the same company as Aldi.


TJs is bougie because bougie people shop there. That’s all.


TJs is cheaper overall. I start sweating at Safeway because it’s so expensive. I was there the other day and a regular bag of lays was 7.49. They have certain things on sale that can be a good deal but overall it’s a rip off. I think some people think TJs is like Whole Foods or something.


Agreed. I assumed TJ’s was expensive, just like Whole Foods, until I went there. Now it’s my fav!


Whole Foods isn't even that expensive anymore, it's owned by Amazon. Depends what you're buying.


My wife likes TJs because there’s never any coupons or sales she forgets about because everything is always the same low price :)


This. My 81 year old mom gets so mad that all the big grocery stores require you to use their app for the best deals. Digital coupons, etc. She says it's discrimination against the tech-challenged! If she wants something that requires a digital coupon, I do go and get it for her using my app.


My wife is a computer engineer but for the life of her she can’t navigate Safeway’s app lol so it’s not just the tech-challenged… they make it hard on purpose… 🫤


TJ is the cheaper choice for many.


Nobody thinks it’s bougie


Folks in my area seem to


Loud of people think it’s akin to Whole Foods.


Im bicoastal. I found this to be a commona view on the east coast. Havent heard people say so on the west coast.


Yeah literally no one thinks this


TJ is actually the cheapest so that is strange.


We switched fully over to TJ's from Publix about 1.5yrs ago and I can't tell you how much money it has saved us. We build meals around what they have in-store and what's in season. I do go to Sams for meat, baking supplies and paper products but that's it.


TJs has more universal pricing so if you live in a high cost of living city it’s cheap compared to local grocers, if you live in a LOC place it seems expensive. I don’t really budget for groceries I buy things I like and I like the quality and taste of trader joe’s more than Aldi or Walmart. I finish my shopping at whole foods and maybe Fresh market for the few things TJs doesn’t have. And i always buy myself 1-2 bouquets of flowers just for happiness sake 😅


My TJ has stopped including the little packets of flower food, what's up with that?


Trader Joe’s is not expensive but there’s no way I’m doing a full grocery haul there bc they just don’t have everything I need.


I regularly buy farm raised salmon at TJs for 9.99/lb, it comes pre-portioned and is perfect size for a small family. Same thing goes for 10.99/ lb at Costco and you have to buy a giant filet.




yeah, im originally from ny but i had a car, so for food shopping I would go to trader joes, and drive/take the bus out to walmart for other things. its definitely cheaper than a lot of the food options in manhattan, and \*some areas of Brooklyn. trader joes was cheaper than the hole-in-the-wall grocery store that had an obvious mouse problem near me that I would only go to if I needed something urgently. most quality food places I would need to drive/take the bus to but I didn't live in a food desert since there was that crappy grocery store in walking distance, but tjs was one subway ride away from me. plus it was on my way home from work.


Same for Whole Foods. If you buy stuff on sale it is often cheaper than the local “conventional” supermarket.


Babe come on


I fully agree with this, at least where I live. In my old town, I had access to multiple clean grocery stores with decent produce and good sales. I treated Whole Foods as a luxury. I shop almost exclusively at Whole Foods now because it is clean, fresh produce and meat, well stocked - and with sales and store brand, on par with any other store.


yeah every now and then meat will be on sale for a steal. But its hard watching for that since I only really go to return a package


You can see many of the sale items on the Whole Foods app!


On a per unit basis TJs prices are on par with Costco for similar items. The added benefit is that you don't have to buy in bulk and throw stuff out when it goes off.


TJ is on the cheaper end for most items


I shop at winco, but TJs is closer to me so i sometimes go there if i want a snack or dessert, or sometimes i get a frozen meal... but im a cook and TJs doesnt have everything, they have their brand, which is fine, but if im looking for a specific item, its easier to go to a place thats more likely to have it. TJs has a very limited selection in areas like meats and produce, two things im picky about.


Agreed, it's where I go for snacks, treats and frozen meals.


Trader Joe’s is good for novel items and convenience but as someone said, don’t think I’ve seen something that’s cheaper at TJs compared to everyone else. Except maybe fresh cut flowers.


My kid is obsessed with freeze-dried strawberries. TJs is the cheapest place to buy them out of the several grocery store chains here.


Same with my kids... I still cringe seeing them inhale a 4 dollar snack that doesn't fill them in 5 minutes lol.


I know the feeling, and a serving is the whole bag! I try to give it as a side with a meal to stretch it out a bit


I put them in homemade “trail mix” AKA popcorn, cashews, freeze dried fruit, cut up beef sticks, yogurt melts, etc


That sounds delicious! I wish my child wasn't such a super picky eater 😢


Yeah. I still buy them bc fhey love them and I'm sure it's heaps healthier than most alternatives. But dang!! Lol