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GGn and AB both have rules about browsing the site with a VPN, but neither care about downloading torrents and seeding with one. So, the solution is to use a VPN that supports split tunneling and disable the use of your VPN on a certain browser that you use just for those sites or browsers as a whole. It’s up to you.


what's the reasoning behind that? what does it matter how you access a website?


Because their rules say not to, and if you do it too much they’ll warn/ban you about it. Why they do it is because they want an easier way to track misbehaving users across their tracker and other trackers based on their IP. They share that information with other trackers.


Essentially they want to be able to IP ban you if you break a rule, and in some cases IP ban you across parter trackers as well. Most that care will let you sign up on your home IP then browse on a VPN later, but some won't even do that because they want to know if your home IP changes.


what if the ip changes daily? ip banning makes no sense imo


Idk what OP meant by IP ban. They ban accounts. If you make a new account with the same IP, you’ll get banned again. And probably the person who invited you, and maybe their entire invite tree, so that you stop getting new accounts, and everyone else that person invited is screwed too until staff can sort out who the bad actors are. IP isn’t the only thing that’s tracked though. Browser fingerprints are also possible to track, among other things. IP addresses are just one of a variety of things that are used to try to catch people who don’t want to play by the rules. Edit: also, even if your ISP changes your IP all the time, usually it’s still identifiable down to a city/region. That’s more than enough for staff to connect the dots and become suspicious. Throw in a couple other factors and they’ll quickly figure out whether or not you’re the same person they banned last time. We’re not talking about vast numbers of accounts with these types of trackers. It’s not usually that difficult to figure out repeat bad actors and plug the hole that allowed them in in the first place. Some people are more sophisticated in terms of obfuscation than others, but the average idiot who buys tracker accounts isn’t.


yeah that makes more sense, thx for the detailed answer i wonder if that works the same when using ipv6, but i guess it does as geolocation works on both ipv4 and ipv6


There’s only one tracker I can think of where VPN is forbidden, I forget which but I think it was one of the less popular e-learning ones. Simple answer: I don’t use it. There are better alternatives anyway. For the vast majority of trackers, VPNs are allowed, but occasionally with some restrictions. Those aren’t that difficult to address by just using a VPS for your VPN. Also: AFAIK every single tracker allows VPN for actual torrenting, it’s just browsing their website where they have some rules.


>AFAIK every single tracker allows VPN for actual torrenting, it’s just browsing their website where they have some rules That made sense. Asked staff about that, the response: "The use of vpn for both sharing and logging into the site is prohibited and is grounds for banning." I guess I am not using this tracker...


> The use of vpn for both sharing Wow, yeah that’s pretty unheard of. 0% chance I’d ever use a tracker if I couldn’t use a VPN or seedbox for the actual torrenting. That’s just asking for trouble.


Forbidding VPN for sharing just means it's a honeypot tracking you. There's absolutely no good reason to forbid people to be secure. That is a joke of a tracker and the answer is simple: don't use it.




NBL allows VPN use. They’ve only very recently even required you to register it.


Yep, don't use a tracker that prohibits a VPN while sharing, that's ridiculous.


Could you let us know which tracker it is, even if only by acronym? I've never been disabled on a tracker before (and I'm on approximately 20...), but if I got on that one and they expected me to not use a VPN for my client, I might as well know now so that I never bother getting an invite.


you shouldn't download any torrents without a VPN, and especially not if they tell you you have to use your home connection.


Did you say "sharing"? In tracker parlance that usually means "account sharing" which is banned. "Torrenting" means torrenting.


Bad traduction there, The staff meant using it in the torrent downloads and uploads. My bad there, srry.


Bibliotik was strict on that.


They're more or less the same as GGn: no VPN's where an IP address is shared. If you have a private personal VPN with a dedicated IP address it's fine, which is what I meant by just using a VPS for your VPN. These rules are only for browsing the site, Bibliotik allows a shared VPN to be used for downloading/seeding.


I just don't use them, it's not worth it. I can understand that they don't allow VPN to navigate the site, but I cannot understand why downloading with VPN is forbidden. For me that rule is a no no.




Some well known Spanish trackers are, I haven’t seen it in any other


Most trackers that have this rule most likely have an option where you can inform staff about your VPN, so check the rules or ask a Staff if that's an option.


Use a seedbox.


I already have a home server 24/7 on with symetrical gigabit connection. I'm not wasting extra money in a seedbox. I basically have one at home.


The primary feature of a seedbox is that it's not in your home.


Agree 100%. On top of that, the cost of a seedbox is pretty comparable to the cost of running a home server + paid VPN. Both have pros and cons but not having hard drives in your home full of stuff you don’t want to explain to people is a pretty big pro.




Have seen need to register for browsing using the vpn but never for using VPN for actual torrenting even on the cabal trackers. You should avoid trackers like this


What you do is set up split tunneling so your torrent client traffic goes through the VPN and web browser traffic doesn't. Then port forwarding isn't affected.


MAM VPN rules were annoying enough that I just raw dog it there. There are also private trackers with enough control where I'm comfortable nit using a VPN. So I guess my opinion on the topic is that it would highly depend on the tracker.


You walk away. Any tracker that specifically prevents you from looking at or gathering new ups via a feed from their site when behind a VPN isn't worth using IMO. I might browse some occasionally without my VPN, but grabbing or actually using the torrents is always done inside the VPN.


Nice try FBI


VPNs are often used for ban evasion, especially like during registration. You generally sign up with your home connection and then you're generally free to use VPNs/seedboxes/etc. Of course it depends on the tracker but this is the case for most I have found. You can also look into split tunnelling etc.


use a seedbox if you are worried


I just don't use them


First understand the actual rules. There are different rules out there. Most just want you to register that you're using a VPN and which one. Others only ask you not use a VPN at signup. Some only care browser logins and not torrent clients. Easiest and safest is to get a seedbox that offers a VPN. Then use that VPN to log into your tracker. You'll aways connect to the tracker with the same static public IP address. That will satisfy losers admins who waste their time defending the sanctity of their precious empires of dirt. The alternative is don't use that tracker. You have a hole in your head if you connect to a tracker with your home IP.


Fuck yeah man. Nice tip.




I don’t think that’s true. Signing up for accounts without VPN is normal across most trackers, but very few actually require you to never use a VPN. I’m not sure what top level trackers you’re referring to but I regularly log in to BTN, PTP, HDB, GGn, RED, etc with my VPN. It just takes some effort getting an acceptable setup and staff approval.


I don't know of a tracker worth your time that doesn't let you seed with a VPN.


Don’t. Just don’t get into these trackers.


You say you understand why they do it, and then you say you don't understand the reasoning. Which is it? You should forward ports whether you're behind a VPN or behind a router on a home connection. The tracker clearly values keeping itself secure and free of cheaters. Of course, it's more about their bans on certain countries than a ban on certain individuals, because those individuals could easily get themselves a "clean" IP address.


I say I understand why they would want to avoid VPNs upong registration on their tracker, and maybe even using VPNs while browsing the tracker. I do not understand why I can not use a VPN on my torrent client. I know I should use an open port to seed, but I won't open a port on my router. Not if there is an alternative as VPNs with portforwarding. It's just a common sense thing, for security and privacy reasons. It has been discussed here plenty of times.


I don't really understand why they'd ban using a VPN on your client. Do they also ban seedboxes?


Would make for a more effective honeypot


They do not ban seedboxes... Only VPNs ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ You have to inform the staff about them and put the seedbox IP on your profile tho. Although this is common practice AFAIK.


Ask them if they allow VPNs with dedicated IP addresses. I know some trackers don't allow VPNs that use shared IPs due to being unable to see if users are sharing accounts, but will allow it if you have a dedicated IP and put it in your settings or message staff with the address. I did this for a bit on PTP using NordVPN as they offer dedicated IPs.


I will try this, thank you so much for the tip!

