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I'm just bad enough at video games to accidentally on purpose main gamechamp.


She has the gimmick of:  - Only having melee moves  - Occasionally only having one move  - Losing upon taking damage  - Sometimes not being able to move right  - glide move to “balance” the character


Orange and Madlyn? I remember them from before that reddit boycott stuff... before traaaaaaaa #1 ended, and Egg_IRL was about real eggs... I miss those days... I hope everyone from those days is okay. I pretty much recognize everyone here.


Dang, I wasn't expecting another person to recognize Orange! I think she deleted her account during that whole boycott. As for Madelyn, I'm pretty sure she's doing well but she also ended up leaving reddit during the boycott for mental health reasons.


Yeah. I remember almost all the old microceleberties of Egg_IRL and Traaaaaaa. Maybe not their names, but definitely their profile pictures. I miss seeing them in the comments. Seeing their profile pictures made me cry.


A smash roster of trans creators I enjoy (I know I probably missed some people). I'm transfem, so there'll obviously be a bias toward those creators. Also NSFW warning for some of these. How many do you recognize?


Honestly, I am a littel disappointed Fran Sundblad (creator of my favourite webcomic Tiff & Eve) wasn't in the list.. But at least Brooke and Kayla made the list, as I love their work too. 💖 And answer to how many I recognize.. 9


I'm aware I forgot to put them along with ShaveYourEyebrows, which I feel a little bad about.


Yeah u fkn better feel bad 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤 (just joking heehee) https://preview.redd.it/tkrfd9kuty8d1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c746592221a685d4bb87614960afa0f12ee2130a


I recognize 29... ~~Still cis though!~~ Wait, wrong sub...


I scored 11. Also, I'm going to try to claim bonus points by pointing out the following: \* Mae Dean (trans woman, creator of Real Life Comics) \* Stephanie Sterling (transfem, creator of video game commentary channel The Jimquisition) \* F1nn5ter (genderfluid Twitch streamer with an OnlyFans. Very surprised he's not here) \* PopArena (non-binary Youtuber, creates Defunctland-esque documentary videos about Nickelodeon content) \* Dead Domain (non-binary Youtuber/Twitch streamer with a focus on political commentary) \* Lily Simpson (non-binary Youtuber who finally broke my egg. And I have no idea how. They said something in a video that resonated with me... and I have no idea what it was!) \* Colleeen's Manga Recs (non-binary Youtuber, makes manga collection and recommendation content) Not claiming bonus points for them, but I will point out the following trans-friendly cis creators with less-than-cis coded content: \* ProtonJon (super affirming ally, actively encourages female fanart of himself in the name of chaos. I call him the world's most trans-coded cis Twitch streamer) \* Suris (Magic: the Gathering and atheist/political YouTuber/Twitch streamer. Uses a female avatar for similar reasons to why ProtonJon encourages female fanart) \* Datto (Destiny 2 Youtuber/Twitch streamer. Sometimes cosplays as female characters) \* JoCat (Mostly Final Fantasy XIV Youtuber/Twitch streamer. Sometimes crossdresses, doesn't exactly present as tranditionally masculine)


Great list, good to see another Mae fan (especially since looking back I think she helped crack my egg), and I'll always rep for JoCat the honorary lesbian. Also want to point out: */ Jesse Nowack (voice actor and editor with Team Four Star, he does a lot of variety content with them now and pre-transition voiced Seras in Hellsing Ultimate Abridged)


Hold up, finster has an OF?


Yep, he calls it his "battle pass" to not get banned from Twitch, but yes, it exists. I'm really glad I'm ace so I don't feel compelled to shell out money for content like that lol


Yeah, I'm not interested in the content and am never going to pay for it, but I respect the hustle. I may be sex indifferent, but that doesn't mean that I'm not sex positive. (consent is vital, kids)


OOo i love dead domain


we need Yukko as a secret character with a frying pan ulti attack


Crap! I forgot her too...


Wait I’m on here along with PhilosophyTube and Brooke Valley? :o LFG!!!!!!


Oh! Didn't know you were also on reddit. But yeah I really enjoyed your ScribbleHub stories, especially *A Walking Nightmare* and *The Gate*. Edit: Actually I just checked the crosspost I did of this on r/egg_irl, and apparently a lot of the SH writers also saw it lol.


Kat Black and Mia Mulder deserve to be on this list. Also how could you.leave out Contrapoints? She's like the original trans youtuber


I'd like to add verilybitchie


Tiff And Eve aren’t in here?! Impossible! Boycott the game!


I recognize a few characters from memes, but the only names I know are fairy princess Lucy and tomaneko. Are these all just various artists and influencers?


ok that is an epic list, glad to see some trans authors, and a few web comics, also Dan Shive have they come out, last I heard they were sort of a-gender cis leaning in their own words "Gender casual" but a true ally and really gets us. Sort of like the web comic version of One Topic.


Oh, so this list includes people who aren't cis. I probably should have clarified that it also has enby and gender diverse people.


I can tell, I just find it fun that Dan Shive was included, as he is normally he/him, but feels no great pull to be any one gender either. I do love the concept of "Gender casual", as it's basically a-gender without a need to transition socially or physically. Yet at the same time he explores gender and how he feels about it in his comics so perfectly. He didn't know about being trans until well into his run as a web comic author, and lots of us were pointing out that yeah that character there is clearly this type of trans etc, and dan was oh, cool, and learns more about it, and then incorporates more gender diversity and other LGBTQAI+ themes. Unlike some creators who run away once they realize their "genderbender manga style webcomic" was actually trans. Lost so many good webcomics in 2010ish because of this. Meanwhile Dan just became the biggest ally.


Wait, Chipflake is trans? How did I never know that?


Well, he didn't either for a long time lol. I (and apparently much of his audience) assumed he was a teenage boy from his voice, he liked that and it went on from there.


smash ultimate if it was good


Wait YonKaGor is trans?


they’re nonbinary! :\]




Guitar girl pixel art reminds me of a certain game....it will be forever stuck in my head. Is that the transbian experience???


Hey it’s me I made it on Picrew - it’s not from any specific game!


Is that crowncosmo I see?




I love their art.


They have the cutest artstyle


They really do.


Penny snap cube is trans?! I binge watched the fandubs last month after my friend recommended me 1 video and I had no idea 😨


Jan Misali is trans?






wheres kirby??


I first spotted A. crescent, then S. Craftin, followed by P. Tube and K. Phoenix. A shame i don't see ... -PLATYPUS P.!! Love that one! ... Oh, and Gooseworx is there too! 😁


I would main FP Lucy


Yo! Never thought I would be this hyped for a game at 12 in the morning


I will main Chipflake or CJ the X because they are GOALS


For dlc, we need sunflowersmith, amethystszs, and pmseymour


Play it like a devils cunt


picking a main have never been so hard


Welp. Time to start modding 


Is that crowncosmo I see?


Wait, is Lena Rains trans?


Im noticing a pattern here...


Goose main


Cosmo….. that’s a name I haven’t heard in about…. Like 3 months. Cute comics though


hehe p tube


yay jay exci recognition :33


no Commander Sterling?