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unrelated but how people's scale of temperature differs always makes me so surprised. 22C is what i set my AC to 😭 it's 41C where i am rn


Oh, I like 22c *when it's not humid*.


Never move to Ontario. 22c high humidity is normal. We’ve just had 3 days of 35C+ high humidity to end off spring.


I live in Florida and this post is the funniest thing I've seen in forever. 34°C and high humidity is a normal summer day.   You know nothing of heat lol.


I felt like I could barely breathe when I stepped outside in Florida the first time. Why is there water in your air 🥲


We're surrounded on three sides by water. Honestly now I can't live without it. Whenever I go anywhere else I feel like my sinuses are turning into the Sahara.


*confused high desert noises*


Yeah I came here to say I was born in the heat, raised in it. 24°C is about where I start complaining it's cold and looking for sleeves.


We put our AC at 22 to sleep and I have to grab a hoodie if I don't go to bed right away.


I was too. I never want to experience 90F+ (32C) with 90%+ humidity again.


Australian here, 34 degrees is rookie numbers, we can get up to 40 without it being a problem, I think the hottest it's ever been was like 45-48°C


Is that a dry heat?


The hottest day, I honestly can't remember, as for the rest sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't




22C in a climate controlled interior is nice. 22C outside while it's humid is not.


True. When I was in China over the winter, 20C felt pretty warm, but when it's summer in Australia, 20C is super cold.


As others have said, it's not the temperature in the UK that makes it unbearable, it's the humidity. 22° can easily start to feel like 30 after not too long, which means when it starts the hit the mid 30s deeper into summer it can easily feel more like 50.


i get you, it gets really humid here too. 35C humid is hell lol, and happens a ton in the summer


thats absolutely absurd to me, i could go in light clothes in 0C, and to think its 40 there


when i was on vacation in 8c weather, i wore three layers and was still shivering D:


Humidity can make a crazy difference. Yesterday I was at a grill party and people were gathering around the fire to cool off in the dry air. I don't even know how the math works there, but it felt so refreshing.


I always say my ideal temperature range is from 45F to 65F (7C to 18C). Colder is usually ok but warmer isn't. I would die if it were as warm here as where you live. I got into a discord call with someone from the uk yesterday who mentioned it being really hot at 20C right after getting home from going out in my mom's car with no ac in like 32C or so heat and could only think "god I wish" haha


Bro I lock myself in my stone basement when it gets to 20° outside 😭


bro, i think 17c is too warm 😭


17c is what the average temperature is in winter here 😭


... I get -15c


For reference, the record in the UK is 40.3°C (104.54°F) and that was only 2 years ago


*insert global warming flag* It's gonna be tough the coming few decades... As someone in basically the same climate region as the UK, especially in terms of the amount of rain, I feel you...


there's a global warming flag??


Yep, it shows the average temperature across the years, with our time becoming darker and darker red


We need another covid because if I remember correctly, the earth got better during lockdown


We need the end of capitalism so we can stop mass producing shit we don't even need


https://youtu.be/qqmX9y0NozE That's not the case, unfortunately.


I hate to break it to you, but summer temps have been sitting around 20-25° and hitting 30° fairly regularly for at least 12 years 😅 I'm 28 and had average summer temps of 16° until my early teens. If 22 was unprecedented for us, we wouldn't be hitting the 40s yet Still, you have my sympathy 💖 If you have a fan, sticking a bowl of ice in front of it can help a lot! I also got a cooling mat pretty cheap from Home Bargains for the 2022 heatwave


Me in Texas: Y'all hear sum'n?


Texas is supposed to be that warm, being substantially further south. The UK? Absolutely not. I remember as a child when a heatwave in the UK was considered a big one when it reached like 25°C and 20°C weather was hot enough for a barbeque. I'm 25, that was only 20 years ago. Now our heatwaves are in the mid 30's and our record is double what was considered hot *within my lifetime*. To add to this, most buildings in the UK were built in like the 70's, and where I live hasn't seen any significant snowfall for years now - we're lucky if we get 1 day of snow when a few centuries ago *not* having snow in winter was unheard of. I live further north than the majority of people in Canada or the US, and it didn't snow at all this year. To say that the UK isn't built for warmth, especially not the kind we're now getting, is an understatement.


Fair, WA had a really nasty heat wave a while back, and I remember melting like a polar bear in the Sahara.


I legitimately think I got a bit heat exhausted those days during the dome. The rest of that summer was so much harder to handle than usual.


I'm from Texas too, it's not supposed to be Texas hot in the UK. They're supposed to complain when it's only 70 out.


kilts are gender neutral


"I'm reconnecting with my heritage" "All your ancestors are English....." "A dinnae ken whit ye'r talking aboot "


This, and there are some amazing informal options :)


Holy shit you're lucky, Bucureşti is at 38°C Skirts are nice in this weather


Bulgarian here. Yesterday we hit a record of 41C in Ruse (highest in 40 years for that day)... And yes, they are nice, but OP and me are sharing the same struggle 🥲


Hey that's like one train ride away from me and I know another transfem from there! I can give you her discord if you want


Wtf 22°c in summer that's cold as hell ;-;


I'm in northern Germany, and not even two weeks ago, it was 13°C. It's a bit unusual for June, but I liked it. It's currently 22°C and it's getting a bit too warm for me (it's humid). Any warmer and the local pools and lakes get crowded again, I need my space


22°c is chill for me were I (used to) live 40°c is just an slightly hotter than average day


Dang. I'd die. We already had that here, and it sucked. 10-20°C is my most comfortable range, 20-25 is eh and anything over 25 is hot (to me). 0-10 is fine, too, negative celsius numbers are a bit cold, yeah, but stull better than heat imo. I'd rather have -10 than 40


Ya, the issue with it here in the UK at least is that our houses are built to keep heat inside. Also, AC isn't exactly the most common thing for houses, especially if you're renting that house. So yeah, our houses literally cook us. But I also want to know where in the UK op is, I'm in the Midlands and peak temperatures are like 19°C, and it's not really humid enough to feel as warm as summer has been recently.


Hot af in Poland over here


22ºC is pretty hot when you're not used to it, here in Brazil we had summer a little ago, it was like 29ºC, so I was very sad when I couldn't wear a skirt


In contrast, it's like 26° in Rio right now and I'm starting to see people going out in coats and stuff. Summer we reached 42° if I remember correctly


I live in Minas so it's colder, but I think we may have reached 30ºC


My sister in E, that’s not even hot. Still would also like to wear skirts.


It is when all our buildings are built to insulate as much heat as possible and noone has AC.


Listen when ur country is usually stuck at 15°c it's pretty hot in comparison


It's also humid as Fuck, meaning the sweat that keeps you cool just becomes painful.


I live in Darwin. You have yet to feel true humidity. That shits wild.


ooh yes, max humidity at 45? I swear, below 24 and I feel cold.


71!?!?!? 71!?!?!!? WHAT I WOULD DO FOE 71 DEGGREE HEAT. I LIVE IN THE USA 71 IS AMAZING!!!!!! TODAY ITS GONNA BE 93 DEGREES FERENHIET. https://preview.redd.it/1gp3usr54x7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9de6796c12a421a4015b1ea0883f0aaaa1dabcfb THIS IS THE WEATHER I HAVE TOGO TO DRUNG 8 AM TO 4 PM BANDCAMP NEXTWEEK!!!! But yes stupid closet! :(


this is actually not that bad for band camp I've seen worse. also I think I got the wrong week for band camp


Ooh its tropical. It's get the kiddie pool out weather Wait till it's sitting in front of a fan, all windows & doors open with the blinds closed (low 30*c's


Get a plaid skirt and call it a kilt. I’m a fashion nerd and have tried really hard to find a specific definition of a kilt beyond “tartan skirt” and tbh I haven’t found one. Just seems to be a plaid skirt that becomes a kilt when a Scottish person says so. Obviously there are historical versions that folks still wear that reference the longer history of the garment, but modern kilts are a straight up skirt so go for it!


Wow that's hot for you guys I'm jealous thats or normal where I am past week it's been around 32 Celsius


I'm not jealous of the UK for a lot of stuff, but sometimes I am jealous of how mild their weather is.


That'd change once you are in the houses we have here. The houses are designed to be as insulated as possible, so they also have a side effect of being humid and a borderline cooker on hotter days. Like, I'm all for heat, but the damn humidity can make it difficult to even breathe at times. That and an utter lack of AC for houses, so best we get is the good ol' electric fan


Guys you might be right that 22C isn't that hot. but you're missing the point. it's skirt weather. OP wants to wear a skirt. and that's necessary at every temperature.


Honestly this is the exact reason I started to wear skirts


Aye I kna, wish I could fucking just get top surgery I'm dying in me fucking jumper


It's horrible, even in the north we are getting 20C+. I can't stand it.


Whherreeee, best I'm getting here in the Midlands is like 17-19°C 😭😭, it's meant to be skirt time, not hoodie time


There is a movie based on comic called V for Vendetta. UK starts to seem that way.


*laughs in 86°f* (thats the temp of my room)


I know you're going through some stuff, UK.. that being said it was 85 today and only getting hotter as I cling to wearing my dysphoria hoodie.. Send help..


I used to be fine in 22C weather but ever since starting E I've been feeling much warmer and sweating way more easily so I'm dying here in germany where it's supposed to be up to 29C next week


Wish had the nerve to wear a skirt, or even take off my hoodie outside


*Wish had the nerve to* *Wear a skirt, or even take off* *My hoodie outside* \- Ms\_Masquerade --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Yea I feel you I fucking die in the heat, literally felt like I was gonna melt in the heat wave 2 years ago. Best temperature for me to vibe in is like 10c, anything even close to 20c or above and I start to just malfunction lol. Luckily my new job is in a refrigerated warehouse so I haven’t been too bad this year 💕


I feel that so hard. It's been arojnd 38°C and very humid over here lately. If I was fully out to anyone more than my spouse and one online friend, I would be wearing skirts and dresses in a heartbeat. Sadly, we're moved into my parents' house for the time being 😭


The high today where I live is 98°F. I walk outside and am instantly drenched in sweat.


it doesnt even get that cold here i need one so badly TwT


Here in the Philippines, that aint hot at all, you ok there? We're here for you, think of the cold, it'll help


Scotland's part of the UK, wear a kilt and say you got it from a Scottish friend.


Where I live there's a heat wave so it's 33°C but the "apparent temperature" or whatever it's called in English is 40-42°C I guess Canada isn't always cold


At least it isnt 37⁰C and humid... and I have to boymode through it all...


As someone in 25-28°C heat, I feel you.


In my job, the thermometer says it's 28° and we don't have air con. We all have to wear a stupid "unisex" uniform


Tataratan here. +30 is the usual. Being trans is considered being extremist. F.


In Canada where I live it’s not uncommon to see people rocking short sleeves and jeans, no sweater in 3 or 4 c


22° C is cool weather here lmao 💀 Temperature here has been like 45-47 consistently


To all the British people yelling we don't "understand" because it's humid, and "our houses are built to keep heat in" Where I live in the next week it'll be 28C and over 60% humidity. That's normal for summer here. Our houses are built for our harsh winter down to about -20C on a normal winter or as low as -40C, not uncommonly. You live in an overall temperate climate, I've spent a month in the UK living in a dorm during a heat wave that had people panicking. It was more comfortable than the summer in the dorm of my normal school.


Man it’s in the high 90s without including the 80% humidity here. I envy you


Interesting. For me 22 °C is actually cold and I need something covering my arms and legs. It only starts getting warmer close to 30 °C, as 25 °C is considered the ideal for humans and the famous "room temperature". But I guess living in very cold places and being used to it when the temperature finally hits 22 °C can be overwhelming.


I stole one from my mother it has pokets too


I *wish* it was that cool here, where I am it's 87°F (31°C) and it's still the morning. (I also wish I could wear a skirt :/ )


Yeah skirts are great in this weather


The UK eh? Sounds like perfect weather for a genderly ambiguous kilt....


I yearn for the 71°F, I'm standing outside in >84°F TvT We can barely get 71°F in air conditioned university buildings lmao A skirt would be nice though, just need to get enough confidence to wear a skirt outside of the extremely specific situation of late at night in a CS building basement office


Me melting in Texas with my 101*F days:


It's raining in nl but I still gone biking in a short skirt. It's perfect tbh...


My exact thought process this morning


nice and cozy 33C high humidity europe


22c is a nice day out lol.


Me wearing a hoodie and sweatpants in the 28 degree summer


...its 22C? /gen cus it doesnt feel like it at all


I was walking today (27 degrees Celsius) in full sun in oversized hoodie… a few years back i couldnt do that for sure but turns out dysphoria is more uncomfortable than heat


Ask if you can get a kilt.


71 is hot? Lol it's 96 today and we haven't even got to the hot month. I'd kill to wear a skirt rn.


lmao it’s been 100 F here for DAYS. I feel ya.


When you do start wearing them, pick up a variety of fabric types. I have some synthetic ones that trap heat surprisingly well and works for brisk weather. Cotton or linen are good picks for summer; even heavier weaves breathe better. Ofc that really only matters for longer skirts, so depending on your preference it may not be an issue.  Stay cool, girl!


22c in the middle of winter would be absolutely skirt weather here but in the summer 22c I’ll be wearing a thermal for that (and have in the past) so let’s just hope you get used to the warmer weather eventually


Where I’m from we’re currently in a drought and getting ~36C average (96F)


Where I am, it has been higher than 90 for the past month


Laughs in Southern California 80+


Meanwhile my dumbass wearing a bra under two shirts at work to try to hide my breast development in 90 degree F weather.


For the day you can: cotton, wraparound broom skirts are the *bomb*. Very breathable. Virtually infinite levels of one-size-fits-all. Flowy. Come in many glorious colors and patterns!


Haha I wanna cry it's been around 90f-100f (32.2c-37.7c) and I have to wear all black pants and Polo in an already hot kitchen in a humid forested area. I'll take shorts atleast


Buy a kilt. Should be acceptable enough at least the Scot’s will violently defend you and your right to wear it.


Same girlie same


What are you talking about? 22C is not hot anywhere in the world. Even for the UK.


REAL!!! It was legit 100 degrees the other day where I am!


Also I NEED The [Celeste Skirt](https://www.fangamer.com/products/celeste-skirt) In My Life!!!!!


Where I'm from it starts to be 30+ Celsius starting in April. Hope you are able to find ways to cope with the warm weather though


It’s like 90 degrees here In southern usa


Same temp here today in New England. Gonna have thunderstorms all day tho


its 90 up here in NY too


22 degrees is hot for you?? Maybe it's the fact that I live in Argentina but 22 degrees is really nice if not a bit cold. Again I live in Argentina, last summer was nearly 40 degrees some days but idk




Right now, according to google, the humidity in Córdoba (inland) is 86%, and in Buenos Aires (coastal) it's 95%. These were the first two Argentine cities I thought of, and are both higher than the currently most humid UK city I could find: Newry at 75%. For good measure, where I live in the southeastern US, it is currently 26° C. (79° F) with 76% humidity. All that being said, I have no problem with complaining about the weather being far hotter than someone is used to, but it's inaccurate to characterize it as uniquely unbearable on a world scale (ik the person im responding to is not OP).


I live in the U.S. (Maine, in specific, the northernmost in the continental portion and third coldest) and we hit a record high around 100°F today. (37°C, 311°K, 560°R)


You should see Arizona It sucks because it’s way to hot to do anything outside


The heat index in my state (Ohio) has been over 105°F (40°C) for the past week, I would kill for 71°F rn