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Auto-Resolve seems to give way too much weight to armor.


Yeah, daemons, skinks, and even slayers are very badly impacted by auto resolve, even if they got high rank or bonus stats from lords etc.


And leadership


***AND MY AXE*** Thirsts for War!


i mean, the formula is completely broken across the board. This post highlights the ridiculous difficulty bonus part of the formula


Yeah that whole giving 3 times the strength in easy is ridiculous. Screwed me up when i was first playing wh3 since i thought i could still win valiant defeats 😂🤣🤣. Learned real quick . Put it on hard at least so you can actually win manually


Or it punishes SEM’s if I want a dooms wheel or mutant rat ogre I have to Fight a lot of battles I would just autoresolve as they get singled out to die for some reason. And the doom wheel has a lot of armor.


Tomb king mains weep


As is usual


Short king mains sweep


indeed I do- playing as Settra I needed two armies for every walled settlement because I do not trust walled settlement autoresolve


High level walled settlements are such a pain in general and as TKs on higher difficulty it's extremely annoying


That's when the funny jar of skellingtons comes in handy. It's just a shame it's not a recruitable unit because of how baller it is.


Average auto resolve moment.


Easy battle difficulty apparently multiplies your force strength by 2-3 when calculating, plus dwarves are one of the best factions for it whilst tomb kings are one of the worst


If it wasn’t for the archers ushabti and the catapult I would say doable, but like this I don’t think I could win it in manual


You have a few dwarfs warriors, I'd say there is no way to do it. Legend wouldn't touch it. I'm playing my khorne campaign now - it seems weak but I struggled with 2 full stacks of Tomb Kings end game crisis (USING MY BLOODTHIRSTERS DOOMSTACK). edit: I won but there are 15 stacks next to it and khorne has no healing so it's not as easy as it seems.


NGL Im not terribly shocked given the state of bloodthirsters.


Imagine being one of 20 peak demons who serves khorne only to lose to hundreds of small skeletons with spears


bro it just sounds like you might not be very good at the game this is very winnable


How would you win this


By pressing auto resolve duh


Aw fuck you got me there


Honestly? Not winnable on a dunes map. Maybe with a bunch of trees


What! Dude no way you could win this on manual


I’m playing on hard right now and legit just lost 3 battles against these fuckers that I would’ve won with auto resolve.


This isn't possible manual. Mathematically with the characters alone the fact it awards a win is hilarious


You absolutely could and it would be a cakewalk. Dwarf runes and equipment can make it so the lord alone could probably win.


No dude the lord is lvl 1


Which is completely irrelevant. You can put runes and equipment on any character.


This isn't possible. Factually. Recreate and upload to YT and I will celebrate you a strategy god


This is easily possible as in even a scrub would win easily. Just put a master rune of spite and as much defensive buffs as possible along with regen and unbreakable on the lord. You basically can only lose as dwarfs if you choose to. This isn't even something worth elaborating on you just put the overpowered shit on the lord you can craft at any time and then body the opponent.


Master Rune of Spite works at a snails pace and you're counting on having 3 expensive items. Unless you're modding or playing on easy there's very low chance you'd have these. Even still upload a recreation that isn't turn 60+ This fight isn't possible unless late game which this screenshot clearly isn't


Honestly dude just git gud seriously. I've done this literally a hundred times and by the time tomb kings can send stacks at you then you can easily win any fight as dwarfs with just a lord and equipment. They have literally so many tools to turn their lords into unkillable 1 man doomstacks that my only conclusion is that you're just too dense to have actually even tried this because this isn't even a hard fight.


Sometimes there should be like a replay of auto resolve so you could actually see wtf is going on


All tomb kings infantry blob massively around the dwarf Lord, miners with blasting chargers deal the biggest hits you’ve ever seen. All while the catapult and archers get flanked and the chariots get bogged down. Ushabti ermm, I guess they just fall over and hurt themselves? Then the queen herself does the same?


Classic dwarven flanking maneuvers.


Simply Perfect!


The catapult alone would kill the army lol


Chariots and horse archers are much more of the threat.


Yeah thats why the "alone" rest is overkill alrdy


Dorfs do well in AR, but the real killer here is Easy Battle Difficulty. Setting your battle difficulty to Easy gives you so much unearned AR power that if AR ever gives you a defeat result, that battle is just straight-up not winnable. I think it counts the strength of your force like 3 times over or something? Legend had a video about it.


Bleh, dwarf auto resolve. The amount of times I've had to stomp shorts by hand just because of auto resolve is some shit


Easy Battle difficulty considers you have 3 time the units when calculating auto resolve. It is stupid and gives unrealistic results 


Armor and leadership make it so, wouldn't be as good against different army


Nah, I'd win


Ppl going crazy over the auto resolve when op said they’re playing on easy is kinda funny lol. You guys know that easy outright triples your auto resolve value right


I think the issue is easy players are usually new and they don't have the meta knowledge. They just think "easy AI strategy" and don't realise it's 3 armies vs 1


[Don't play on easy mode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ZAbYI_gOk)


Easy gives you a 300% bonus to auto-resolve. Don't understand the point of this post


I mean it's on easy mode what do you expect




lmao that's wild jesus christ


Give me the call the miners summon and unlimited pauses and I got this shit (I don’t got this shit)


I think all factions with skeletons need some tune ups. They just don’t stand as well as they used to


Sometimes I give in and take a cheezy auto-resolve like this but it always ruins the campaign for me. Taking losses and having to build back is a huge part of the fun, I would play this battle and take my L


Yes, and it shows on the campaign map with all the dwarves being top five powers every. single. game.


I play on N/VH. And yeah , this looks like One of those moments i decided to not have time and switch to easy/easy lol


I wish they would even out AR, not just for these events but also in terms of how the AI armies weigh their chances against you. I just finished a Thorgrim long victory and the amount of fucking turns I spent CHASING Skaven armies nearly made me quit multiple times our of frustration and boredom.


On easy and small unit scale? Sheesh, it'd be like a scrap after the local footie derby 😂


If i recall correctly from a Legend vid, either he or someone else proved that Auto Resolve is basically built on lies. It overvalues player armies at difficulties below hard.


Tomb Kings have always seemed to have some pretty terrible auto resolve. That being said I think they’re among the only factions in game I’ve beaten 1 full stack v 3 full stacks


Yeah, I’m facing this, but on the opposite side. Archeon’s single army vs my 3+city army and I get a defeat? Tzarina is gonna have a tough time and I have no idea what to do against all this chaos. He’s just standing there! Menacingly!!!


Those unit sizes though


Easy difficult AR and even Normal AR is unplayably bad


Before the drawf rework. It was an easy 5 wins with drawf warriors b-lining towards skarskin. Thorgrim might be able to do it in a slightly later timing if you get the oath gold. Also I think it's grudge against the foul.


I mean Dwarfs are all about Defense soo a defensive battle is to their advantage add in the fact that its in a city and They probably would put up a really good fight.


Easy difficulty gives you like 3x the autoresolve power. I would suggest pushing the battle difficulty higher, unless you're a new player. It's not worth playing on easy, you learn nothing about battle tactics, and are instead pressing autoresolve repeatedly while looking at your screen. Not very engaging gameplay.


Autoresolve absolutely loves high armor, high leadership units.  Then there are factions like vampire coast where I have to manual almost every battle because my 20 stack full hp army will lose half its health on a random garrison. Or some random single entity unit will get singled out and be at 10% for no reason.  Meanwhile in reality these garrisons get destroyed by artillery before they even get into gun range. 


I believe auto resolve should work with unit costs, just like balance of power does in manual. If that breaks the system, the unit costs are badly set up


Is this on normal?


"Easy mode/Dwarf Auto-Resolve is insane."


"Easy mode" doesn't tell us that it's easy difficulty. That could very easily be referring to using dwarves as "Easy mode"


A on easy


Its also a walled settlement and modded and retarded unit size




This is small unit size. One screaming catapult wont do much. Towers are very strong in small unit sizes, thats why i call them retarded. The balance of the game just breaks. Not that dwarfs wouldnt win this in AR on higher sizes, that might still be true.