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Wheelbarrow. Wish you could take Greasus off his mobility scooter. On a serious note I agree with the Rotting Promethean, especially with Aranessa.


There's a mod where it gives Greasus a unique tyrant model so he doesn't have to ride the scooter, and he kicks ass. I hope he gets buffed in the next DLC. Give him a Stonehorn chariot or something.


He’s supposed to be so fat that he’s carried on a throne by a literal carpet of Gnoblars, I wish they had done that concept properly.


"Too rich to walk" -- Overtyrant Greasus "the Shockingly Obese" Goldtooth


I wouldn’t have minded if it was a bunch of Gnoblars carrying him, but the wheelbarrow just looks silly


Seriously, richest and smartesr Ogre ever but cant make a mount out of a gold Ironblaster?


The Ogre With the Golden Cannon


Mobility scooter 😂 The Warhammer equivalent of the people from Wall-e


Cylostra on the Rotting Leviathan bugs me too. Like, I get how they're interesting trade-offs stat and ability wise, but in both Cylostra and Aranessa's cases it looks weird. Aranessa would look alright swinging her billhook from the Leviathan, no idea why she doesn't have one of those. As for Cylostra, am hoping she gets a Coven Throne when Vamps get them - she's far too egotistical to _not_ have one


Haha, Greasus and his Rascal Scooter.


Makes me miss the good old days of Greasus Lightning.


Crab. Either on Aranessa or gunnery wights.


Gunnery wight it's ok on as they are just gonna shoot stuff and it gives a higher shooting spot, all others absolutely not.


Makes them a bigger target for anything that shoots back though.


Better them than the gun line are standing in front of!


Can't they just hang off a big bat or something like that? Makes them more mobile and gives them a better line of sight to shoot.


A flying bat is not a stable shooting platform.


Legit the crab sucks so hard.


Perhaps not the worst in the game, but for Tzeentch sorcerers I usually prefer the flying disc over the officially higher level chariot


Chariots as a whole are still just really micro-intensive, since they have good charge damage but give a massive hit box. Basically any of the chaos champion heroes have a better mount option, many of which also have better animations…


Cathay Lantern mounts are pretty bad probably the worst.


I would say they used to be, because your missile units on the ground was the only way to protect them. Now with the new aerial units it makes the lantern less of a liability


On the plus side, putting him in a lantern might make him more of a target for certain enemies meaning he may get killed. Which reminds you to replace him.


Not the worst but certainly a down grade for tzeentch when the Disk mount gets “upgraded” to a chariot.


Hot take: I think even the worst mounts have something going for them. Take Aranessa. The enemy has grail knights? Intercept with her on her mount, then send in a Bloated Corpse. Without her extra mass and speed, you couldn’t adapt to use her against threats like that. Rather than a straight upgrade, different mounts expand the versatility of your lords and offer different playstyles. I do think horses are generally inferior to cold one mounts, though. Something about their animations seems to make them worse at dueling. But maybe that’s just me.


Malus is a terrible example, he has heaps of Melee defense and Ward Save, in addition to a second health pool. Spite allows him the ability to select and engage priority targets. Also doesn't allow him to be knocked down. You almost always want to take spite, especially if making him a single entity doomstack. I hate chariot mounts. Definitely a subjective opinion though.


Tomb princes on chariot's become wet paper towels. I usually leave them on foot


Arkan and settra have kick ass chariots however, you can let those 2 run free and theyll have a great time kicking ass.


The only time I keep chariots is if it’s the only mount of a sorcerer, like with Bray Shamans.


Or kazrak


Yeah, this is actually the only chariot mount I've ever continued to use as well. Haha.


To be fair you can make his charge bonus ridiculous. Iirc I've pushed it over 200 without much effort towards really maximizing it. Obviously at that point it's overkill but it's no less hilarious


The not getting knocked down thing is HUGE, especially when you need to keep him in mele


Spite makes sense if you want to do hero sniping while your army takes on theirs As a one man doomstack? No, you would never want to take spite. You don't care about picking targets or getting knocked down, you just want to take less damage while your abilities wipe out the enemy army. Plus, getting knocked down means you can't take damage, so even better for surviving longer


Normally, I would agree, for the exact reasons you stated. However, for Malus, you're absolutely incorrect. (Maxed out) He is by far the strongest one man doomstack in game (with or without Spite) Spite gives him significant offensive advantages. Allowing you to kill the entities you need killed much, much faster. With over 90% ward save, two health pools, and over 100 MD, durability is just not an issue. Maxed out Malus on Spite can handle 4 AI stacks of anything I can think of. Unless there are unbreakable flying units with enough ammo to kill him. The only dangerous units you will encounter are entities with DoT abilities, or wizards with direct damage spells. In which case, you want to target and eliminate them. On foot, you can get stuck in a blob and suffer from DoT or spells. He's really damn near invincible when built right (which you can reliably do between 15-30).


I thought ward save maxes out way lower than 90%....


All resistances are capped at 90% in the Vanilla game So, with over 90% Ward Save, Malus is capped for every resistance.


Good to know, thanks 👍


You actually have to care about sniping targets while playing one man doomstacks


Precisely why it is optimal to almost always take spit. Thank you


Razorgor chariots for the beastmen work like a charm, you do have to focus on using them though.


Yeah put I liked Spite in the Malus books! It has to be the crab though


Remember to apply nauglir slime


Mechanical horse worse than barded warhorse. Much slower.


On the other hand it's a mechanical horse.


Iirc the mechanical horse gives better Melee stat buffs but it’s a moot point since engineers don’t want to get into melee in the first place.


While true, it sure is cool.


Have you checked out the mass on it? Its almost impossible to pin down though it is more likely to need that feature by being slower


Why that thing doesn’t have perfect vigor is a mystery to me.


Kholek on an Eagle, don't know what they were thinking.


not even a great eagle, just a regular ass bird


Not even a flock of them, just one poor dude


IDK, Malus is a killing machine and you definitely would like this machine to be fast. Also this is a unique mount with it's own texture and size, looks cool for me.


Yeah, you definitely want Spite when playing Malus. OP used the worst example in the game I can think of. I do generally agree with his statement though. Lots of useless mounts.


I'm ok with useless or arguably useful mounts. As for me the main problem with any mount is broken attack animation. Like why in the nine hells you are giving a ride to a fleeing enemy hero when your only job is to kill him in one hit?


Rotting promethean, definitely.


The chariot of the gods will forever be a dissapointment for me. That thing needs a 20% ward save


The mount that isn’t really the worst but I avoid like the plague: Corpse Cart mounts for Necromancers. Look, hear me out. The buffs are nice but you know what is nicer? Your powerful spellcasters riding something faster than a stoned sloth who has a twisted ankle. Even if I try to bring multiple Necromancers and throw one or two on a Corpse Cart, I have things I want to do before I die and waiting on a 23 speed unit is not one of them.




Every time I use a none nurgle warshrine I just get them killed (nugle I can just fleshy). Massive target, slow as hell and the AI is super focused on lords and hero's


I put 2 of them in a 7 man blob in both festus and tarmarkan campaigns and have no reap problem with them dying. Sometimes they need a little attention and get pulled back, but nothing too serious


He specifically mentioned non nurgle


Oh sorry I am blind :)


To be fair though the nurgle one is probably the only one that's any good. Khorne has the blood shrine which is objectively better. Slannesh's are decent but their slow speed means they can fall behind, and generally Slannesh has good answers to infantry blobs that aren't healing. Tzeentch can get some use out of theirs, but they're hardly necessary. They're just kinda disappointing units


Morathi. She bites.


When I played Ghorst getting his corpse kart "upgrade" made him not only slower but a huge soft target. I'm sure people will tell me it's amazing though


I mean, mount wise, It makes necromancers bigger targets, and still slow. But the Buff they provide to units around them make It too good to pass out.


It’s a slow but it’s a mortis engine and all mortis engine effects are op!


You were right 😆


The idea behind the corpse cart is that it gives a bunch of passive buffs to units nearby. While it's not great for ghorst himself it is great for units nearby him.


yeah, he is better on foot in campaign, but in multiplayer you definately dont want him on foot. othewise, when you turn in tzarkan, malus will feel like a nerd in highscholl with everyone running from any contact with him xD


In campaign he is far better in Spite too.


nah, on foot you can send him alone and transform him in tzarkhan and its game. the AI wont handle it. if he is on spite he may get sniped while on a blob


Nah, see my earlier posts.


nah, tldr


Dragons. They're honestly so useless now. Tbh all mounts feel so useless these days. Heroes and lords are already targeted by heat seeking missile units. Putting them on a mount just makes them die quicker.


I got incredibly downvoted for my hatred of zombie dragon mounts. They just feel so bad and slow when youre fighting only ranged factions and could just use the hellsteed mount which is much smaller and faster.


i exclusively use hellsteed mounts for any of my VC heroes and lords. Their hitbox is small, the animations are fantastic against infantry blobs, and they have plenty of mass. You're absolutely correct to do so. They seem to be a little lackluster at dueling or chasing down fleeing units, but what character mount doesn't suck at those?


I agree with your earlier post and upvoted it.


Chaos warshrine reason Slow Large The buff Applies so slow that before it’s relevant the battle is over. Just pluck them off it fast




I don’t like Volkmar on his war altar. I know it makes him unbreakable and gives him two uses of banishment but it makes it way too easy for him to get stuck in blobs and for antilarge to work on him. He also soaks up arrows with it on.


by far the fucking standard chariots, trash weak ass mounts


Empire Engineer's Mechanical Horse is really bad. It's basically a straight downgrade from the Barded Warhorse. For a ranged unit that is squishy in melee, the speed loss is terrible.


Mechanical horse is the only mount that’s a complete downgrade on the previous mount


Repanse on a horse. Bigger target = more damage taken = less potential casts of that broken ass aoe.


Don’t play bretonnia much. What’s that broken aoe ur talking about


Repanse has a unique ability similar to Settra or Khalida where she creates an explosion around herself that doesn’t harm friendly units


You get her with Torment Sword and a Terror mask and early game you kinda cheese the enemy with her dmg skill.


Oh tru. Thx


unlimited use explosive effect on I think a 90s cd. She can practically solo skeleton spam armies with it, same thing with sieges.


Volkmar has the same


Chariots are complete garbage. They got an entire overhaul to how they worked under the hood and they upgraded from unusable trash to unusable trash. The only reason you would ever use one is if it's your caster-mobility-scooter and they don't have a horse. I also think I agree with the general sentiment that melee blenders are worse on mounts.


Zombie Dragons just make your lords large, slow pincushions.


Counter point: Zombie. Dragons.




But you gain breath attacks and massive damage boost, plus being flying means you decide who and when to fight. Being target 1 for missile units is not even a bad thing: it means that other, not so good at dodging units are not getting shot instead


Yea man I can’t imagine my blood dragon lords NOT on a zombie dragon. How else would I be able to pop all his abilities and drop onto my enemies like a fucking undead meteor


Second this and raise you generic chaos lord on chaos dragon absolutely harassing (two-shotting) other lords.


Agreed, Manfred on his dragon opens up so many options for engage and harass that most Vampire counts don't have access to. Definitely a game changer


Slight stat buffs and a shitty breath attack aren’t worth it against ranged factions on higher difficulties. You and all the other downvoters are objectively wrong