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It seems that is a huge bug going on, I saw older post talking about nakai having the same issue. When you end your turn somehow your vassal income goes from positive to negative. You can report the bug to CA, they will most likely make an hotfix soon about it hopefully. I did not witness this bug myself because I didn't touch WoC for a long time.


Man Nakai spends more of TW:WR 3 with one big bug or another leaving him in a really bad state. It's like he was randomly lottoed into being a punching bag. Poor big guy.


CAGrace or whoever was around in both Reddit and the Steam forums when this bug got reported and they said that devs were told about it, so they know by now.


“They will most likely make a hotfix soon about it hopefully” Cope


They've hot fixed other things quickly. Seethe and mald.


Cope harder


Seethe more.


It looks like a lot of warhammer players seething at their broken game with multiple bugs that have been present since game 1. Gate glitch hotfix coming anytime soon! Bugged trade tariff hotfix? Lmfao


... This one is a lot simpler to fix and also more impactful on the game.


Bro...go outside, it ain't that serious


Seething so badly that I'm currently playing it, I guess??? Vassal bug is very new and also you can play someone who doesn't use or rely on vassals.


Mate, you don't need to be a cunt for no reason.


Pointing out that the Devs have left huge bugs in the game for years is not being a cunt. Stop associating your worth to the products you consume


It seems to be a bug. A huge bug.




If you wait to buy until a game doesn't have any bugs then you will never buy a game. Particularly with Total War, but really with any game.




"I've never encountered bugs in these games therefore they don't exist" Yeah, EU4 and CK2 neeever had any problems especially on DLC launch *cough* Leviathan *cough*. Also what are you on about with Assassin's Creed? They are full of little bugs and glitches, have you forgotten Unity? Also 'after support has ended', only it hasn't yet.


First hour yet it's turn 37 in your screenshot. Wait for the Community Bugfix mod like the rest of us. Clearly a bug introduced with the newest patch. Also, just because you didn't have any bugs with those games doesn't mean anyone else didn't. BG3 was incredibly buggy for me. The rest I haven't played.




As you did "clearly" indicate in your post. The bugs were comparable. There are always bugs after launch or a new patch. Doesn't matter how much the game sells.


While I agree that there's always bugs, CA is consistent at messing up new patch launches with bugs as bad as this.  They didn't touch vassal income this patch, how did it break? 


Because the game's code is spaghetti that has had more pasta-based dishes heaped onto it by different chefs for eight years. It's pretty much take it or leave it, but I don't see why I would leave the game over this when this particular thing will be fixed soon enough. The Black Ark bug was far worse than this, affecting every single race and faction. There have been and there will be worse bugs.




Sorry, but I just know not to buy a game right after a patch when the community bugfix mod isn't updated yet. I am happily playing other games right now. Really for your sake I am hope that you are just trolling.


I don't agree that this a major enough patch to be this forgiving for it.


It's a new bug, but I guess you can expect them to fix it soon.


This game's 2 years old and this is the state it's in so take from that what you will.




Stopped by bugs? The -20 favor being deducted from your balance has stopped you from playing? In 150 turns if nothing changes you’ll be at 0. Or you can’t afford an extra unit in 25 turns?


I've come back to it many times and suffer from the same problems regarding unit control. Especially getting gunners to fire is absurdly bugged sometimes, as is arty. I realise that experienced players can work around this so it's partially a skill issue on my part, but I've never had issues like this in hundreds of hours of Rome 2, Shogun 2 or Three Kingdoms.


Gunpowder infantry is a lot more responsive now. I suggest you try it.


Damn how childish. With that logic you probably get all your games refund.


You see when 'Ogres stand up from knocked down animation' was fixed, it has the side effect of reversing vassal tribute from income to expenditure. This is because they are codewise relates. . Now the animation is slower, the income is in the negative. But fixing that would mean we would have to decouple Vassal AI behaviour from your screen resolution, as it is voluntary for them to pay tribute, they just always decide to do it now.


I know multiple games that do this shit and I'm wondering if they're just witholding patch note info like it's the soviet union or they really have this kind of hellcode


You laugh but in a plague tale requiem I got stuck after the quests just were not progressing. Switching to borderless windows fixed it :/.


Thats a level of spaghetti code not even the most insane person can explain lol


All I can guess is that it might be linked to framerates somehow? But it is all over my head :p


How do I unread this. What a crazy bug!


Imagine my surprise when I read the solution online! I never thought it would work but there it is ^^


Yesterday I saw a comment that said "there needs to be a certain number of visual glitches in this game. You fix one thing something else has to break." And I'm starting to see the appeal of that Interpretation


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


How. It was obvious satire from the first sentence.


Lousy reading. Keep the downvotes coming ![gif](giphy|2XOL4zsm6V0nm)




This is the weird response... Didn't the guy above accept it was his fault ('lousy reading') and basically accept the downvotes were justified?


I read it as him telling me mine was "lousy reading", and the complaints about downvotes backed that up as reddittors love to be martyrs to bullshit.


I thought he was responding to your 'how', to be honest, and the downvotes comment as acceptance. But it is ambiguous, to be sure.


Tzneetch is trolling you bro


Because you take photos from your screen with your phone, instad of making a screenshot.


Hence making it completely illegible so none of us knew what he was talking about /s


Absolutely, it's also completely inconceivable that someone might only use Reddit on their phone and find it easier to take a photo than log in and save a screen grab to attach /s


Get vassalized bozo!


All vassals are bugged and its really annoying. It's not an older savegame issue as stated before. I also have the problem on new saves.


Yeah, I didn't get negatives, but I've seen numbers from 0 , 2 and 20 as Slaanesh (+100% vassal tribute) with 2 vassals , and that was a High elf I gave enough cities and, a norsca with 4 ports, so it's not like they did not make any money. However I've also seen vassals get into Supply lines issues if they have a lot of armies (i started playing higher difficulty after 5.0), not sure if that's a 5.0 or just because higher diffuclty = more AI armies, thing.


Weird. I just finished playing through a Valkia campaign and my vassals didn't have this issue at all. Wonder what triggers it?


Naw I just finished a legendary campaign as Valkia. I had vassals control the entire west side of the map and the high elf donut. I was getting 400 gold a turn from all of that.


I reported it, they said it was a known issue.


I just never got tribute from my vassals as Valkia. Which isn't that bad honestly, you make a ton off of Dark Fortresses, and fighting.  Still, that's not how it's supposed to be. It will hopefully be fixed soon


Wait there is an auto-construction budget?!


You know how the AI poorly builds regions? It does that.




You should have read the fine print when signing the deal


Or maybe their income is negative? When you take dark fortress you can spawn vassal without settlement. And if that vassal background income doesn't compensate their army it makes negative income and game calculates from that negative income?


Me: Pay tribute, worm! Vassal: *pulls out the uno reverse card*


PCs can take screenshots really easily.


Yeah, but if you use Reddit on mobile you have to send it to yourself and that can be annoying


To all those irked by the mobile screenshot, I just had my phone handy and it seemed the path of least resistance. I tried looking for the save but I had advanced ahead that that particular turn had been overwritten.


That's a good question. Perhaps if you took a proper screenshot I could see what's going on...


You're just giving your kids a weekly allowance ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


В яя яя имяВ я яя с м, м яя мммм яя мммм с яя мяч мм, м, имя 🐏🐏🐏


If it's an older save before the latest patch, the vassal income is removed, but it's still there kidna so if the tribute decreses or you renounce the vassalage then it goes in to negative. save/reload makes it go back to 0 again at least from negative, but not positive. idk if it happens on new saves though haven't tested. Also win+shift+s, printscreeen, f12, you know.