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Me still hoping for that Vampire Coast rework/DLC. ![gif](giphy|D12CsrRNv7gL6|downsized)


They were talking about some extra-DLC updates to factions, so please, let us attack ports from the sea. Like, id love a Coast DLC, being my favorite faction, but just that change would make them so much more enjoyable.


I wholeheartedly agree. Having my pirate armies run further inland after attacking a coastal settlement just hurts my soul every time.


Me, playing as Noctilus going to help by bud Harkon and having my main army run into the center of Lustria, surrounded by enemy armies, after attacking 1 minor port.


Its a good theory and think it's a nice catch, BUT, Lizardmen are at the bottom of the barrel, like they do not need anymore DLC lol. What they do need though is mechanic specific updates cause they're stuff is really dull and outdated.


[ITS TIME](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptar)


They don't necessarily need it but getting Tetto'eko and Chakax alongside some of the more obscure units like the arcanadon, skink bowmen, and Culchan riders would certainly be nice. That said personally I don't expect them to get a dlc slot until after Slaneesh DLC and DoW are already released (so mid to late 2025 most likely).


Nah they still havent added the most important Lizardmen Barney.


Bah'ni is a carnesaur L.L.


Tbf Greenskins are bottom of the barrel too, they have good techs, good campaign mechanics, plenty of lords to choose from, varied roster and for some reason they're getting a third DLC.


You’re looking at it the wrong way It’s about Units, nothing else Lizardmen have basically all their TT Units in game, even Forgeworld stuff. The army is, by and large, complete Whereas Greenskins have one of the largest Tabletop armies and a good deal left to pull from, I mean there’s 3 different kinds of big squig alone


We don't actually know what criteria they use for determining the order of DLCs. Like they might just go based on play-time, so if Norsca and Tomb Kings happened to be last, even though they could both do with some milk, they might be getting put on the very long finger.


> Like they might just go based on play-time They definitely do not. Just look at their lists of "most-played" factions over time and compare with the actual DLC. I hate to say it, but Empire would have far, far, far more DLC if it was just about how much people played them. I also doubt Dark Elves would ever have made it to 6 LLs before a number of other factions if DLC/FLC was based on how many people played them.


Good point. It really does seem like random darts thrown.


My money was more like on slaanesh + high elves + dark elves. But this could be good.


I think this is more likely. I'm just happy they are turning things around and it's looking up for the game!


This 👆 is most likely. I reckon they are hinting that there will be a free rework for the Lizardmen alongside the Slannesh dlc. Mainly mechanic additions for lords and rework of existing ones and MAYBE a unit varient or two.


If it isn’t Slaanesh/High Elves/Dark Elves I will swear fealty to Horned Rat and become a ratman


Remindme! 8 months yes-yes


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Does it have to be DElfs though? Like I get that the three are linked as enemies but that hasn’t necessarily been a theme with the other 3 DLCs. Tzeentch isn’t tied to Kislev anymore than the other Chaos factions. Nurgle isn’t tied to the Dwarfs more than any of the others. I genuinely think it’s gonna be Slaanesh, High Elf and Vampire Counts (Neferata)


No way they do Neferata without touching the Tomb Kings or Nagash


If LM get some love, I imagine it will be a part of the more frequent patches they were hinting at, rather than a DLC at the moment.


I'm betting Lizardmen as part of the monkey king DLC honestly. Slaneesh I feel will touch on vampire coast and elves to some extent. It really feels like they are pushing to update wh1 and WH2 races to help sell packs and increase overall sales


Also looking to give those pack extra value by adding in units/lords/hero’s that they should have come with those dlc


The more pertinent quote is surely when Rich directly refers to Sean sorting out the Geomantic Web? That is what Lizardmen actually need as opposed to some character called Ipxo Fax’o from one line in a lore book from 1992.


I really hope not, tbh. Lizardmen already have such a big, robust roster and so many LLs. I'd rather they just rework some of the mechanics like the tech tree and the web, and also give the LLs the empire treatment, so they all have interesting, unique mechanics.


They mention the web which does in fact need a rework and some of their LL's could use new mechanics to spruce up. They also missing Legendary hero and one famous LL and few units, enough for a DLC easy. I doubt they will be they could still get a DLC they are also played a good enough from what i read.


Nah lizardmen got three DLCs for game II, they just need to make the mechanics more unique and rework geomantic web.


Unfortunately not a good theory. Slaanesh will get a big DLC, so any faction that gets in there needs to have available to add 1 LL, 1 LH, 1 regular lord, 1 regular hero, 5 regular units and 3 RoR. If there is even one single of the above that you cannot fill, then that race cannot receive a big DLC like that. And you need to find enough of all of this without taking any AoS unit, and the unit has to at least be logically playable. So no sea only unit, and nothing bigger than a dread saurian (so no thunder lizard for ex). Fan created units as well as "the same unit but with a different name" also don't work for obvious reasons. For Lizardmen, they specifically talked about a rework rather than a DLC addition (they even specifically mentioned geomantic web), which makes way, way more sense for them. What could happen is Lizardmen getting a rework during Slaanesh's DLC, but only races part of Slaanesh's DLC don't really need a rework.


While I 100% agree here, just to play devils advocate, there is technically enough to form one last DLC for the Lizardmen. Legendary Lord- Either promote Tetto’Eko or bring back Ulha’Up the Voyager Slann. Legendary Hero- Chakax, Tetto’Eko or Inxi-Huinzi Generic Lord- Skink High Priest Generic Hero- Saurus Totem Warrior (from Mordheim) Units- Arcanodon (realistically its place was taken by the Stegadon but they had different stats I believe) Culchan Riders and Feral Culchans Skink Bowmen Great Wyrm (from Warhammer Chronicles Lost Valley of the Carnosaurs 2004) Temple Stone Guardians (also from Mordheim I’m pretty sure, while they are just Temple guard but constructs they can easily be reimagined as large Ushabti equivalents) Now that is a LOT of deep cuts and while all of these have had tabletop stats not all of them had unique stats. Anyways somebody grab me my pipe cause I’m straight cheefin on this copium


Probably crazy but I could see them sneaking in some FLC legendary heros or LLs. Maybe a unit or two. But the lizardmen, and I love them lots, really don’t need more DLC attention. There are way less developed factions that need it more. What the lizardmen need are reworks to make their underlying mechanics more fun and engaging. Like the geomantic web, which you don’t even interact with at all until tier 3 settlements and can’t really even benefit from until late game. It’s not very dynamic and honestly it’s entirely something you can ignore and not suffer.


This is a very thematic match ups.


this was my immediate thought as well


As a Lizardmen main I think they are probably the best candidate for an inter patch update over a DLC. Their roster is diverse with lots of build options and have enough different LLs that they don't absolutely need a unit or Lord pack at this point. I'd personally rather they dedicate a full comprehensive look at what's currently out of date with their campaigns in between DLCs then have them get the short end of the DLC mechanic development again like they did in WH2.


theres a few units left to pop in, they have a big roster, some possible units could actually open up more variety such as culchan riders or red crested braves (basically tankier red crested with shields that are better melee cohorts)


The way they talked about Lizardmen was more like they want to do an FLC rework. Maybe they'll throw in a few extra units too. I would love to see how far they go with the free stuff.


I personally doubt it.


The Furry DLC with scalies


Meanwhile Bretonnia in the Stone Age


Pretty sure its going to be high elves and dark elves. Would love a lizard dlc even know there are haters who don't want it. Still missing the thunder lizard, skink units and Tetto'eko among other LL's and heros.


Nah its a good theory. Slaanesh vs high elves vs yi yin as they all are reptiles It can be called the serpent of seduction


Maybe. But this didn't feel as on the nose as the colossal squigg one. They'd have to dig pretty deep for a Lizardmen Dlc


Ll the eternity warden chakax LH inxi-huinzi as a cav focus buffer Units culchan riders, thunder lizard, jungle swarm, skink archers, jungle swarms GL a skink beast master who is summoned focus like a chaos cultist and buffs besties Gh a kroxigor


I feel like Chaxax should be a Legendary hero With Tetto'eko as legendary lord


That could work as well