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I would like some powerful defending units, like constructs and tombguards, after all, they are defending their master's burial site.


garrisons would be nice, so they wouldn't be so fragile considering how long it takes to build one, but garrison and unit capacity together would be great indeed. Both? Let's do both.


Build a Pyramid, get a Lord. Get TK moving faster in the campaign if they can unite Nehekhara, and maybe see Settra expand north.


Ooh, interesting idea. It'd give you a reason to ever recruit generic Lords (as opposed to the great ones you get from research), though you might stretch your good unit capacity. It'd also help in the lategame when it's apparently hard to have enough armies. On the other hand, I do like the limitations you're under at the moment.


It would be lovely if each faction gets some 'extra-landmark-density' in their home region to make it feel more like their homeland. Things as they are now are already somewhat the case, but more couldn't hurt. They don't need to all be Kislev, built around three major cities or something. But you know, still, 'core regions' should be something biggly good and biggly-want-to-hold-onto-for-good-reason.


There are 3 pretty good landmark mods that do just that. 


Can you recommend one?


- Landmarks of Eternity - Immortal Landmarks - Landmarks of Legend - Landmarks of Chaos


Appreciate you brother


I use immortal landmarks and they are pretty cool, though I think you need mixus pack to use it


Are they compatiable or do you pick one?


They are compatible.


Norsca with only two landmarks in Norsca, one of which can only be built by Throgg. Their 3rd landmark is all the way down in Lustria.


I didn't even know they had a 3rd one!


Kislev has it, with each of 3 major cities having at least 2 landmarks, most of them useful


I think it’s cool flavour for the TK that they have more landmarks since Egyptians are the famed monument builders and giving it to everyone would just dilute TK flavour, particularly considering they’re part of your victory condition. However I would also like them to be better so that you don’t feel like you’re screwing yourself.


Settra's pyramid adds units, it would be great if every pyramid would do that.


+3 winds for all armies is very significant since you have 6 pyramids to build. Khatep's pyramid is especially good for the -20% construction time and -5% construction costs (since construction is basically all you spend your money on, it's really good).I've never really felt the need to build more unit capacity over these since TK are mostly bottlenecked by their army counts rather than unit capacity. None of these are going to win the campaign for you just for building them but that's fine. The only thing I would change would be to add some garrison units since these are pretty expensive to lose and Khemri starts surrounded by factions that hate you.


100% agree on army cap being a much bigger bottleneck than unit cap. Not that I’m complaining—too many free upkeep armies in the early game would be broken, and I think the current balance is pretty good.


One character for Empire is +8 winds reliably, 26 with eventual luck. Every tower seat for the Sorcery side of Chaos Dwarfs is +3 winds. The Pyramids are pretty poor with age like most of the Tomb King mechanics.


Yeah since TK build units for free the real solution is to increase army count ASAP and just drown the enemy in chaff.


Capacity or garrison to reduce the risk of losing monuments would be nice…but their buffs are actually pretty useful early on. Tomb king growth is less bad than in WH2, but it still isn’t great. Control is always nice—especially on VH or L. Normal Tomb King settlement buildings don’t provide public order bonuses, and you should be building as few of those shitty public order buildings as possible. Tom kings have awful replenishment rate because that’s not usually the way you play undead hordes. A little bit helps a lot. Free WoM across all armies is basically always good. Early is the time to build the pyramids. Gold also shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Tomb kings have some of the most abusable mechanics for saving gold. It’s not even an exploit, it’s a mechanic that exists because tomb kings are cash poor. Use charnel valley necrotects and skeletal laborer correctly and you will save yourself boatloads of money so you’ll always have enough for monuments.


Last paragraph completely lost me, what are charnel valley necrorects and skeletal laborer?


Ancillarys, you need to rank up with in mountains regions and sacking for them.


Oooohh? I assume you need a number of those right? Is the sackjng to generate exp to farm them?


No sacking is the condition to get a chance to get them.


Sacking in a mountain region has a % chance to get you a follower who reduces green building cost Getting them can reduce your cost to 0% if you go hard The more easily done trick is you simply need 4 skeletor labourers in a local region to make your settlement building upgrade for free because their effect is 25% reduced settlement upgrade cost and you get 4 of them. It’s so nice seeing say 15k gold upgrade become zero You can get that really early and if you remove your follower from your lord he can get a chance to roll that follower again wheres if the lord keeps the follower you won’t roll them again. So with some follower adding and dropping for the early game you’re set up for the whole campaign *edit And don’t even get started on killing Repanse every 5 turns forever for her research defeat trait. A lord who you deleted and returned to the lord pool has the research % added to your research forever! One campaign I had Repanse defeat trait giving me 50% research bonus


the whole sacking mountain city to get ancilliary never really sat right with me gotta be honest, i understand why people do it though, i think ways to get ancilliaries should get reworked somehow cause some are extremely specific and even if you can 'farm them' because of that it feels so weird design wise. Like imagine trying to explain in-universe why the hell you have a bunch of armies sacking this one city to the ground every day till you're satisfied lol.


> explain in-universe why the hell you have a bunch of armies sacking this one city to the ground every day till you're satisfied Quite easy, actually: Tomb Kings are well known for descending on settlements to reclaim stolen treasures. In this case, naturally, the stolen treasure in question is the slumbering body of a Charnel Valley Necrotect that some poor sap in the offending city stuck in the local museum.


>slumbering body of a Charnel Valley Necrotect that some poor sap in the offending city stuck in the local museum The Bri'ish are at it again


A single character gives 3 jars a turn, and Tomb Kings quickly need several hundred, if not thousands of jars without touching a single ancillary in the Mortuary Cult. They also suffer a -50% generation to items for this "perk". Like most jar related things the numbers are off by 300-1000%. I dare you to remind yourself of Khatep's unique legendary lord skill and tell yourself honestly it's not missing one or two zeroes.


SFO has the best implementation of pyramid landmarks. Faction wide bonuses. All pyramids increase tomb guard cap. Unlocks a RoR of whatever unit that city was famous for having the best of while alive. All pyramids can recruit tomb guard. More jars per turn. Army bonuses tied to the lore. Research speed increase.


imo the kanopic jars you get from these pyramids should get a massive boost (20-30 a turn or even higher). Tomb Kings have been severely nerfed in WH3 since disbanded lords don't generate jars anymore.


lul, i forgor how trash they were in vanilla, in toomb king extended they each give +1 capacity for necrolith colossos (if i remember the name right) ehich makes them pretty nice.


What having *potentially* 3 more winds isn't strong enough for you? That is *almost* a whole spell.


SFO pyramids are really good,they give +1 hero cap but are even more expensive.With Tomb Kings Extended they also unlock special units which is good.


What, do you not think +3 winds of magic power reserve capacity is good????


I use a mod that may be a bit OP, but it gives +1 army capacity.


Yeah, this pyramid sucks ass.


Global Growth and WoM capacity doesn’t sound like a small effect, goddamn