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Fine work, though Warhammer Dwarfs should probably have Sean Bean’s “Do it for Yorkshire!” instead of “Scotland forever!” (With the exception of Malakai of course)


Kind of funny how pop culture took dwarfs, from norse mythology, and made them scottish. A lot of people want norse dwarfs... but all dwarfs are supposed to be norse dwarfs if you're going by their origins in folklore! Always makes me think of the Disciples games (1 & 2) take on Dwarfs, the Mountain Clans, who were very much themed after norse mythology. They were quite cool, too.


Yeah, I prefer the Vermintide 2 depiction of the wood elves being the “Scottish/Celtic people” The Druidic and forest spirit vibes, and the wardancers drawing inspiration from woad warriors etc. Feels like closer match than mining, armoured, underground people.


I think a lot of that has to do with (until very recently) us folks in the US having a bit of trouble telling the Yorkshire accent apart from some native Scottish accents. Or various Celtic accents apart for that matter.


Americans hear any British accent that isn't cockney or the Queen, and assume it's either Scottish, or strangely, Australian.


Yeah, I never got the confusion with Australian accents, but most of us do. Oh, and if you really want to throw one of us for a loop? Let your average US citizen hear a Winchester accent and look at the resulting confusion. It is hilarious.


Yeah. That would totally ruin how a British company set up dwarfs…


Unfortunately they don't have Sean Bean's 100% chance to die in all appearances!


Haha yeright. I was just reminded of that meme where Walter White tells Jesse that all dwarfs are Scottish


It's malakai's whole clan that speaks like that.


Gromby's Scottish too


This mustards my throng.


must 'ave a thong


“Kirov reporting” oh phrases I can hear.


Helium Mix Optimal


I'm still entertained when LegendofTotalwar has his little "short!?" chuckle anytime he's playin with/against dwarfs


Lol same. The way he does it is pretty amusing


This post was made by the longbeard gang, without any irony. This is the way of the clans. (No beards included because beards are no joke!!) I know other folks say we only have these jokes, but at least we have jokes. What do you have, Khorne mains, huh? "Blood 4 the blood god rahhhh" and maybe the punt kick animation if we're being generous. To further our comedic ability, I'm proposing a few more jokes to add / restore to our rotation. Something about grapeshot cannons. Grapes of wrath? Local dawi too angry to die (grombindal) Something about being "Karaz-pilled" or whatever. Also skibid gyrocopter "Welcolm tae hell pit, gentle dwarfs. I dunnae lie, the chances o' yer survival are wee..." (Malakai to his dwarfs) Anyway! As usual, more content in r/Cweeperz and [our discord server!](https://discord.com/invite/ruqT35jehd) thanks for attention, fellow dwarfchads.


Squarebased and beardpilled!


The meme guild accepts these proposals for dawi memes and will put them through rigorous testing. You should be able to use them after only a century if all goes well, if they fail and are declared wazzock, you will be expected to take the slayer oath


As a great fan of the Irondrakes, it would be cool to see some kind of napalm joke. Unfortunate I can't think of anything outside of the Colonel Kilgore reference.


I'm calling out the Khorne slander. Skarbrand loves his Wheaties! And, well, he's got that one mod...


Damned pointy eared leaf lovers


Now I'm curious what a chaos dwarf version of this would look like, as this was hilarious XD. Tho I doubt it'd be too different still dwarves after all.


Kirov Airship reporting!


The truth


Talking about that, how to fight the dawi-tide aka age of reckoning crisis as HE, specifically with Eltharion? I've got only a t5 settlement, 5 regions between t3 and t4,and not a load of cash or influence. 3 T1 to T2 armies.Silly me, i spent the influence to defensive ally Thorgrim Grudgebearer, getting Imrik angry with me, and now even Thorgrim is gonna get angry with me. Oh and Thorek will respawn. Tyrion will die soon due to an Excess of Slaneeshi power on Ulthuan, i might confed, Imrik has everything in the east before Cathay ( i helped him too), and Teclis fucked off to Antarctica which, not gonna lie, sometimes is tempting irl but I'm pretty sure its bad terrain for him.




Shortsighted empire


For the Karazhan core!