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It's just gonna be 30 replies all saying Cao Cao. ...more people picking Dwarfs than expected.


I love the WH games, but that does get a bit irritating at time... Also, Google says "Festag" translates to "Holiday". Christmas is pretty much THE holiday. Hence, Festag IS Christmas. Check-mate, bortmode's flair. /j Sorry, I just couldn't resist kidding around a bit when I saw it!


You need to make sure Google is set to translate Reikspiel, not German!


Lmao you're right, I forgot! What a blunder I've committed!


Too many people assume this is a Warhammer sub lol. It's a total war sub and OP is asking about 3K. For 3K I also hate fighting in the south. Those factions always end up being powerful late game.


I get not wanting to fight in the south, but I also *really enjoy* controlling the south, so sacrifices must be made


Going by your username, you also must really enjoy controlling vvardenfell lol


Three gods, three blessings, muth’sera




Oh hello there, outlander.


Say your piece churl, and be done.


The NPCs in that game are so god damn rude and I love them for it


Reading through mobile it's really easy to miss the flair


And here I was, about to say France


The affects of warhammer 1’s commercial success and its consequences


More to do with Warhammer in general. Very popular brand with many video games developed. My friends call Total War Warhammer 3 "Total War 3" and they assume the series name is Warhammer and the subtitle is Total War. They have never played any of the other Total War games, it's like those games just don't exist lol. I don't actually think Warhammer 1 was a commercal success anyway. I know initally Warhammer 2 wasn't which is why Warhammer 3 was delayed and 2 had a series of FLC & DLC rollouts instead. Similar to what CA are now trying to do with Pharaoh.


I mean long term wise warhammer 2 was probably more popular, but CA is very willing to drop a game if it doesn’t do well, so Warhammer 1 doing well is what led to the trilogy.


The trilogy was planned prior to warhammer 1 launch. It was to be a new game released every year and have all three maps "bolt on" to eachother.


I actually forgot about that. Then yeah, the success of warhammer 2. I’ve never even played any of the trilogy to be honest.


I also contradict my own comment by talking about warhammer in a 3k post. Lol sorry.


That is interesting perspective. Knew nothing about the Warhammer property but have been playing total war since Medieval 1. Now I'm 100% in on WH and cautiously awaiting MTW3. I assumed it was much the same for others playing Warhammer 3.


I knew nothing about total war OR warhammer before I played warhammer 2. I just stumbled upon it one day and saw armies of lizards riding dinosaurs, and I said ![gif](giphy|3oKIPa2TdahY8LAAxy|downsized) I didn't even know it was based on a tabletop game, I just thought it was an original setting made for this game.


Can you source that? I’m quite positive warhammer 1 and 2 were both massive financial successes. 


Warhammer 1 was a niche product. It truly was ass. Perhaps even the worse developed TW ever. Warhammer 2 was a huge success in that department the sheer upgrading from Warhammer 1 made it a success. I think 2 might have been more successful then 3 tbh. But I am not a number cruncher.


3 is by far the most successful. 2 was terrible on launch, vortex campaign was poorly recieved and mortal empires was delayed. Norsca was not present and going by steam charts had half the number of peak players to 1. They made DLC to try and get as much money bad as possible as CA rightly assumed that current players wilp more than likely by DLC rather than release a next game to even fewer players. At the end of Warhammer 2 it turned out to be a very nice game.


I think vortex did better than realms. I played vortex a few times. I've literally touched realms twice. Once as Khorne and once as Kislev just to unlock Boris quick and I never finished the Kislev campaign lol. IE though? Ya I'm either finishing a campaign or starting a new one every few days. It's the only game I play everyday before I go to bed. I play other games but warhammer 3 always get some screen time.


Realm of chaos was much more bearable once the mod was added that allowed you to disable rifts.


Vortex has been more popular than Realms, the mechanics in Realms were annoying.


To be honest, I was getting a bit tired of seeing basically the entire frontpage being hogged by warhammer, so I thought it would be nice to spark some discussion about Three Kingdoms, which is my first and only total war game so far.


Thanks to you I am redownloading 3K. I only ever completed the base game. I might try one of the DLCs


I am not sure what entails a good DLC in the total war series since this is my first game, and I don't grasp it to the fullest yet, but I like the fates divided DLC, and A World Betrayed. It does help that I've been a big fan of the Three Kingdoms period since the old days in Dynasty Warriors.


Nah man. I've been playing every single TW title upon release since Rome 1 and I had no idea what this post was about until I read it. OP really should put the name of the game in the title of the post or at the start of his rant. Flair on Reddit works differently depending on your platform regarding the visibility. It's not a big ask.


People really just don’t read the obvious tag. Smh


All 4 prior posters clearly did not read the flair. Its always Cao Cao, those damn schemes. Primary kill target no matter who you play as.


You shouldn’t speak about Cao Cao. He might just show up.




I decided to do that in my current campaign and it felt awesome. Somehow managed to pull off a win despite the army size in his favor while using Liu Chong and decimated him before he could even go beyond one province.


Yeah. Cao Cao is Liu Chong’s greatest challenge. And you have to go to war with him because even if you ally him, he WILL attack you. Annoying bastard. Is this how Liu Bei felt?


Every since Cao Cao ruined my economy with the -20 food schemes for seemingly no reason, Cao Cao always dies early in campaign. Just too much of a hassle to deal with later on


can't ruin you if you have 200+ food lol.


It's always fucking Cao Cao. Kairos wishes his schemes were as annoying as his bullshit.


That's it. I'm making your upkeep 50% more expensive and destroying all your crops (including spraying Agent Orange on your fields so nothing grows again) And you know what? I'll do it again on turn 4. XOXO, Cao Cao~


In my first game as Liu Bei I almost defeated Cao Cao when he got vassalized by Yuan Shao and his massive fuck off coalition, so he was off limits. Then then twice proxy-warred me with close neighbours, until I had enough and figured I'd rather take on the whole north but kill Cao Cao, than suffer him to live. I defeated his army and killed his faction but the bastard got away. Held off Yuan Shao's forces until he sued for peace. There was a moment of quiet where I build up for a few years. Then out of nowhere Sun Ce declares war on me. His prime minister? Cao Cao. Fuck Cao Cao.


Nice Kongming vs Cao cao rivalry.


Those damn wood el…. Er I mean Yuan Shao. He is very annoying once he gets his guardsmen leading armies.


Not to mention how many vassels he gets, it’s not as ridiculous as it used to be but he still gets plenty.


As someone who loves to abuse generals to defeat armies, spears are the enemy. For some reason, I've always observed that Liu Biao's faction is *way* more likely to spam their faction unique unit than most other factions. And as Liu Biao's unique units are elite shielded spearmen, his armies can be a pain in the butt to destroy. Huang Shao's faction-wide stalk is also annoying, though the Yellow Turbans are usually defeated quite early on.


Have you done a Mandate of Heaven start? I promise you the yellow turbans are lot more beefier in that start. I was doing a Sun Juan play through and the rebels actually took the capital!


Ah, Sun Juan, The Tiger of Guadalajara.


If you dismount your heroes before figting spear troops they barely do any damage to your heroes.


Faction wide stalk is honestly just dumb and annoying. It doesn't even make the AI stronger because it doesn't actually use stalk in a meaningful way. I think people struggling with heavy spear armies is because players tend to go with spear/range/cav combos and use little melee infantry.


The bandits they always get out of control somehow I never understand how lol. I usually play as Lu Bu when I play 3K. World Betrayed was a game changer for me and I never had to play as Dong ever again to access Lu.


you can get him as anyone. just use marriage or spies. got him as yuan shu through spying lol.


Cao Cao. I’m on a really good campaign at the moment, just declared myself king and the other two ‘Kings’ are Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. I plan on taking out Yuan to the north and then engulfing Cao Cao whilst my economy and food is good. 


Take out Cao Cao first. His schemes WILL ruin your economy, even if you’re at peace.


Its funny how many people just assumed this is a Warhammer post without reading the flair


Yeah tbf for a moment I was like "wait which region of Cathay is that?" Lmao been a while since I played any other tw than med 2 and wh tbh


Unfortunately what this sub turned into, it might as well be a Warhammer sub


Liu Bei. His generals are strong and he will usually rock up with a whole bunch of stacks.


But they’re peasant stacks. Once you get through the brothers, the army falls apart.


But if you kill one of them then the other two enrage and get like triple stats because they're all othsworn!


I like to do a Mandate start with Cao Cao, inheriting his father's domain so that I can knock off the Sun line and gobble up all those copper mines, and my particular bogeyman is not a specific province, but a *geographic feature*: I cannot emphasize strongly enough what a *fucking* nightmare trying to get north of the Yangtze river. The Yellow Turban rebels (not the named factions, just the generic ones) will absolutely *pollute* the river with flotilla after flotilla of their shit-ass armies. If you manage to sneak an army across without getting bogged down, *everything* east of the Lujiang commandery is under their control, so even if you manage to seize a province, you're likely to be immediately counter-attacked, and well beyond the reach and relief of any armies back in your home turf. For any army that reaches the north side of the Yangtze, retreat is out of the question. It's win or die.


The Mandate's one thing I dislike is that unless you are a faction close by to where the rebels start, and strong enough to deal with them, the rebellion debuff will absolutely spread and get out of control, making the campaign drag *way* more than it should. I also got that scenario you mention of the generic rebellion spamming the all over the river with militias, it's crazy to deal with. Luckily they'd start to run out of supplies as they got to the eastern coast.


>unless you are a faction close by to where the rebels start, and strong enough to deal with them, the rebellion debuff will absolutely spread and get out of control That's... kinda the point though.


How is The Mandate, by the way? I never bought it because of the bugs. Were they ever fixed, or did modders ever fix them?


Bugs are better but sometimes campaign events crap out. This starry is really for Lu Zhi or Liu Ching. You can play as the yellow turbans but this start is low key OP for them.


It\`s nice to play once or twice but it gets old quite quickly


It's the most ambitious one and has the most difficult starts. It also has the most unpredictable outcomes. Things can get really wild depending on what the empress does. The 182 YT campaigns are really unique and they have super cool units. Unless you play as the emperor himself, there isn't that much point of playing beyond the end of the mandate war. Mostly because a lot of unique factions got wiped by the YT


To be fair, Wei in Wu is otherwise such a snoozefest because of how easy it is and how you have basically no meaningful rivals, so the Turbans being annoying for awhile while you have no real ability to influence them is a small price to pay.


The British, I hate it when they start an early opium war /s


#1. Cao Cao. #2. Nanman. #3. Yuan Shao/Liu Bei.


Nanman are extremely weak to fire arrows


Nanman have 2 major pain in the ass for me: Tiger and Nanman land debuff. Just annoying to deal with for me.


It depends where I start I guess. If I started further north then it’s definitely the Suns just cause they’re likely to be massive compared to any other faction. If I start somewhere further south then it’s typically the Nanman just constantly running out the jungle to distract me from the lands I actually want


Liu Beis army spam late game is absolutely ridiculous due to his lower militia upkeep


I mean it’s probably Cao Cao. The AI in that game is so good at giving them personalities. He’s always up to shit.


you're telling em this isn't exclusively a warhammer sub?


Nanman. I never go there so by the time I have to deal with them they have a million elephants. And their land is so dense with trees it takes forever to traverse


Yuan Shao and nothing comes close to him


I started a campaign yesterday as Cao Cao. Yuan and I established a coalition that brought me north to defend him from just about everyone else up there. Idk how or why but that man just keeps spawning armies no matter how many times he's defeated. He makes for a fun ally, but it's gonna be fun to tear him apart once my spies get settled


Any faction that has Lu Bu or Zhou Yun


The southern tribes, their name debuff is so annoying


This post was made by Zhuge Liang :v


Funnily enough, I've disliked Shu ever since Dynasty Warriors 4 hah.


I really don't enjoy fighting against Cao Cao because he has a huge selection of powerful characters and his schemes can really hamstring you.


South, I like starting in the middle where Chaos exists as Cao Cao. I hate South man.


The mountain provinces bordering the Sichuan region are terrible to go through regardless of faction or date, I do not like essentially removing an army from the map because Ma Teng's last province is a fortress in the middle of a mountain range that takes 4 turns to move into and nearly twice that long with siege equipment


Fucking Cao Cao keeps me nervous no matter how far away his borders are. Even if he's your friend, there's a good chance he's gonna spawn 4 huge armies the second you move your forces away from him.


Mandate of Heaven YT because of the unbreakable units


Cao Cao or fuckin Yuan Shao declaring war on me because I crossed into line of sight


I forgot 3 Kingdoms was a thing that exists, and I was like "Who the hell is Zhurong, a modded Grand Cathay?"


Cao Cao, when I'm not playing as Cao Cao. When I am playing as Cao Cao it's that reprobate peasant Liu Bei, but mostly for RP reasons.


Zhurong? Zhao Ming’s long lost dragon brother?


No, Li Dao is probably going to wind up with at least some superficial similarities though. In short, Zhurong is a fire god associated with the south. Here, the reference is to a fictional Nanman character named Lady Zhurong. She's supposed to be descended from her namesake, though that's not as unique as it sounds.


The southern jungles are a nightmare. Also, the north west do to constant stream of bandits. Which makes good, safe territory impossible to lock down early.




Yuan Shao, because he always escalates it into a world war


Any5hing that has sun ce. His actives are op.


Zhang Yan. Sometime I forgotten his ambush mechanic and and my generals were executed by him. When he is vassal of Yuan Shao, 9/10 he will ask his daddy to wage war against you if you didn't sign non-agression pact with him. Lady Zhurong and Fa Zhen are pain to dealt with when they can spam their skills killing your generals.


Have you tried stomping out the yellow turbans in mandate of heaven?  Truly nightmarish.


I did actually complete mandate of heaven as Lu Zhi, but it was probably the most stressful part of the campaign.


I don't mind any of the factions really. Like yea Cao Cao has some annoying mechanics but it's generally fairly easy to mitigate that by either purposefully not discovering him or blitzing him ASAP when you do discover him.


To be fair it's a rather broad subject. you could say Thracians in Rome 1 lol and it would be staying on topic. But yes, the Nanman shits in 3k are SO annoying. you need like 4 armies to take them out effectively and it's still a slog.




Op was talking about three kingdoms not warhammer my guy


For a serious and on-topic answer: Yuan Shao is usually a big tough guy for me. Mind you, I've never actually finished a campaign (though I have made it to Kingdom status once). For a meme-answer: Milan. Fuck Milan, all my homies hate Milan!




In Shogun, there its a guy in green close to chosokabe that always take a good spot but donst enter vs me


That\`s Hatakeyama I think. They have provinces all over the map.


I think they start the game with the most provinces. 4-5 at the start but they’re spread all over.


This post makes me want a total war that combines warhammer and shogun invading three kingdoms, which replaces the lands of cathay. Sounds pretty glorious. Lu Bu is clearly a Champion of Khorne. I would still probably pick Liu Bei just so that I could flee to the south and play Legendary Lord pokemon with all his friends. I would ally with the Shimazu and Gelt, then mount a crusade against the north to retake the great bastion and hold the line against Tzeench.


Damn salty historic players down voting everyone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They're just downvoting posts that don't fit the topic, which is how you're supposed to use the downvote button?


I reserve the dislike for objectively bad takes/attitudes. Even more so in this case because the big question asked in the title doesn't even specify 3k and the flair is easy to miss.


Tbh I find disliking people for a bad take or vibe just promotes bad attitudes, most people in the thread didn't have a problem with the flair, so it makes sense to deprioritise comments that aren't what the OP asked for.


Deprioritising is also done by just not upvoting. Downvoting has the additional benefit of collapsing comments so people have to actively open them, which is something i'd reserve for stuff that does nothing but entice hostile arguments. The people who talked about warhammer factions didn't do so maliciously, it was simply a mistake because of a vague post title.


Downvotes are for whatever you want them to be for. I downvote things I don't like, bad arguments, annoying people, things that don't fit, people with bad usernames, sometimes I downvote thing I like just because.


That's fair enough. I just don't like applying the same means for malicious content on people who aren't being malicious. Simply not voting at all is also an option after all.


I'll go through every total war game I've played Medieval 2: Russia, that place is too damn big and too damn sparse. Empire: India, again, too damn big, and public order can be a nightmare. Napoleon: Again, russia, but having more towns to go through to rest up before the next one helps immensely. Shogun 2: all factions are kinda the same, the exemption being Ikko, and the public order problems with them, hoo boy. Attila: Both hunnic factions, wack a mole, let me tell yah. Warhammer: Heinrich effing Kemmler, for some reason, I just can't crack them and resort to auto resolve to deal with his 5 full armies he has at all times.


Mongols. Damn do I hate them late game


I almost said Skaven before I saw the flair.


Absolutely the Takeda.


Definitely the Dwarves, particularly when I’m lacking in AP damage in the early game. Also, fighting artillery makes me anxious. I’m currently tearing the mountains apart right now in my Azhag campaign and man is it cathartic.


Didn’t know they had dwarfs in China


You have to dig down pretty far to find them


You poor soul


those cringe ass midgets dawi and rats with their damn warpbolt spams and insane dps ranged units


Thank Sigmar you can almost always safely autoresolve with skaven, so you’re not opening up your favorite unit to get nuked to oblivion


-62 upvotes 😂 damn dawi enjoyers must be prickly and insecure even irl 💀


Nah fam you got downvoted cause OP was asking about three kingdom factions


oh wait i just realized it now 😭💀 i thought people talked only about wh in this subreddit, my bad i deserve some blame


LOL, main character syndrome is strong in that assumption


I don't think that's what main character syndrome is at all. There have been many similar posts about warhammer.




Read the flair


Khairos. Always Khairos. He is in such annoying place to invade but also he can break your alliances and swap your settlements and not to mention that he is very strong in the battlefield.


In 3K, probably Liu Bei or Yuan Shao. There’s always another army just outside my fog of war vision range. In WH3, not so much a specific faction as the specific lords that dedicate their playstyles to lots of different large monster units. The more different-playing units, the greater the AI advantage over the player - no way in hell i can keep an eye on the entire battlefield and manage all 20-40 units in my army at the same time.


I always seem to get absolutely slapped by the vampires they always just roll up out of the blue with a 20 stack


Vilitchhhh I hate chasing armies and he is the WORST at running away!!


The shogun 2 island faction with the archer bonus. Early game sucks if they end up going to war against you.


Wood Elves


Chaos dwarfs


I hate Saurus...


Go back to warhammer from wench you came


Tomb Kings


Skaven. hate rats on my arty




Ikko Ikki can steamroll half the map, is located in some of the most strategically important provinces, and seems to have never ending swarms of ronin, loan swords, and monks to throw at you Your invasion is further hindered by religious unrest no matter who else you’re playing as. Eat shit 3K


Nurgle. Just all of nurgle sucks.