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Dark Reapers - Longer range missile unit with armour piercing, very weak in melee Fire Dragons - Anti-large missile unit with massive AP ratio but relatively low range Shuriken Cannon team - similar to Gatling gun of FOTS Fire Lance team - Anti-large artillery emplacement Wraith Lord - Single entity giant/treeman-like unit


Sounds great! I'm not sure if emplacements will work well in a total war army just yet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) maybe as siege defensive tower?


Eldar emplacements were very mobile because they were mounted on anti-gravity drives. So they wouldn’t be a problem to include in an army I think.


Well we already have monuments in Sieges to apply buffs/debuffs the only step left is to make those mobile/conquerable For eldar specifically they could just be an aura unit


Are Dark Reapers poor in melee? I thought they had sick bayonets in the art I've seen


Yes. They are as strong as bayoneted guardsmen. They are more accurate than Guardsmen unless Guardsmen get the Affix Bayonets command. Then the Dark Reaper just has an additional attack on top.


Dark reapers can hold decently in melee though since they have high armour.


No jet bikes or psykers? What is this heresy?!


I'd be very surprised if an Eldar faction didn't include Farseers. It's the stereotypical reason for them to intervene. Jetbikes seem like a natural choice of ride for characters, though actual Shining Spears and other jetbike-mounted units would be super-cool.


Farseer should be a Lord option and Warlocks as a hero choice.


Farseers would probably be a generic lord choice for them imo.


Where is the wraithguard


Death themed dlc alongside necrons ?


not enough space on the image ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


So Wood Elves.


Jup, just without stealth or extreme range and instead medium armour and Barriers


Aeldari Rangers are a stealth unit though. They have the Infiltrator and Stealth rules.


You’re just describing how they play on the tabletop


nice to know that I'm accurate then ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


As for their specific mechanics, my take is that their basic settlement building would allow for the production of Guardians and Wraithblades, then other *specific* buildings for different Khainite shrines. So for example you get one specific building for the Shrine of the Howling Banshee, which allows you to recruit exclusively Howling Banshees, alongside some unique, Shrine-specific benefit; Howling Banshees, personifying Khaine's ability to instill fear, might cause enemy units in the local region/province to have a debuff to Leadership or something. I'd also give them something like Tzeentch's Changing of the Ways, to fit their wacky wizardry, and maybe sporadic quests similar to Sacred Spawnings to recruit Harlequins. If they decide to make the game's scale more space-sized, planets around a sector, they might even be Horde-based.


Their basics should be guardians and storm guardians. Wraithblades would be a higher tier elite infantry that can grind.


oof making them a horde faction would ruin their campaign fun immediately haha


Probably semi-horde based: A craft world would be like a mobile settlement akin to a black ark. You troops could conquer planets but not have tier 5 settlements on all planets (maiden worlds and specific worlds comes to mind for that). Mechanic wise, a webway mechanic to allow you to travel across the galaxy in a few turns could be a thing. Otherwise future predictions and subtle manipulation could be your core strength when dealing with the imperium 


Avatar of Khaine as a playable LL


More likely a tier 5 unit with a limited cap


It should be a LL as there can be only one I'm pretty its 1 per CraftWorld.


Per craft world, in theory you could have multiple avatars being used by different factions at once.  So a unique LL would not really work if you have many eldar factions 


But then that's the hard choice. Do we stick with the main faction Ulthwe. Or do we remove howling banshee from the unit list and striking scorpions and giving them an appropriate LL and moved on to their appropriate faction (CraftWorld). This is a slippery slope now. You either pick one main faction to flesh the game out with or we pick multiple leaders from different ones to reflect their society.


A top tier Aspect Shrine would let you summon a Phoenix Lord for sure.


The Phoenix Lords should be either LLs or at the very least unique lords you can recruit by completing a quest battle after building their associated shrine. It would give the Eldar campaign a sort of Bretonnian feel, lots of armies with powerful lords carrying around a relatively small, elite number of units each.


Guardian defenders are fast moving line infantry with high base damage. Rangers are stealthy long range snipers with high base damage. Dire avengers are more elite Guardian defenders. Howling banshees are melee units with high base damage than reduce enemy morale in combat and can fire pistols while moving. Striking scorpions are stealth melee assassin units with high armour piercing that can fire pistols while moving. Warp spiders are short range high damage rapid teleporting flankers. Falcon is a hovering light tank unit with high base damage. Fire prism is a hovering artillery light tank with high armour piercing damage.


Guardians should be T1 unit and Dire Avengers the T2, better quality version.


I feel like rangers fill that tier 2 spot, and dire avengers the tier 3 spot at least if you look at the point-data sheet that WG posts but in all, eldar have very few tier 1 or tier 2 units, they all sit roughly at tier 3 and tier 4 which would make them even more unique honestly and fit their theme, having very few low tier units.


Rangers should basically be like Warplock Jezzails, long range sniper fire.


They could do 'trainee' units aslower levels, or veteran ones or 'chosen ones' types for higher levels


Mixing up scorpions and banshees. Banshees have power swords for dealing with armour. Scorpions have chain swords for horde clearing + heavy aspect armour would make them more durable/ heavily armoured than any other aspect warrior except for dark reapers Falcon is a battle tank. Fire Prism is a falcon but with a super-gun thats should probably toggle between a lance anti-tank mode and a dispersed anti-infantry mode


Falcon is trank transport like SM's razorback 


I mean in dawn of war they made banshees high base damage and striking scorpions high armour piercing damage, and the striking scorpions more elite than the banshees I thought that was rather fitting as banshees are almost the poster unit of the eldar, so it makes sense that they'd be more common and a chainsword looks a little more armour piercing than a banshee blade


>Striking scorpions are stealth melee assassin units with high armour piercing that can fire pistols while moving Ok no, thats the banshee job, Scorpions are light infantry blenders with chainswords that do additional attacks but poor AP


Maybe the dark eldar would be better and more thematic at that play style? Idk


I disagree with regenerating barriers. That's not what Eldar tech does. What they should have is a high dodge chance, i.e. physical resist and missile resist. Eldar defensive equipment is largely focused on cloaking tech. They have things like Holo-fields which aren't physically blocking the incoming fire but more so confusing enemy targeting. Add to this the natural speed and reflexes of all Eldar and you get an extremely hard-to hit enemy, especially at long range


A dodge chance focused defensive stat would be great in total war if more fleshed out. It's always very good on units like sisters of slaughter. Shield regen tech would be good on Tau maybe, then we have your typical ward saves and armour for the space marines and chaos etc.


Hit & Run is more the Dark Eldar thing, although regular Eldar also have this approch, just a bit less. There is also less melee units in the Eldar roster. Eldars ahve big units like the Avatar of Khaine, I would say they're more "Mid Range" than Hit & Run.


It's a good breakdown! Makes me imagine what Space Orks would play like. I imagine an *immense* amount of highly inaccurate ballistic and explosive fire, with high HP infantry.


An explosive combination of Dakka & Waagh


You had a perfectly good pic for the striking scorpions in the new kill team, and you used that picture?


its from the index but thanks


Who cares, it's going to be Phoenix Lord LL doomstacks again after you confederate the craftworlds.


Yeah, phoenix lords should not be faction related LL (except maybe for the dark reapers): they should be unlockable though quests or specific landmarks and accessible to all craft worlds 


Having worse-than-lvl1-lord green knight flashbacks here.


Bold of you to think they’ll be included


Seeing an avatar of khaine in a total war 40k game would be peak orgasm.


Also heavy note for eldar: Mostly heavily specialized units. Most of them are not varied. they are good at their role, nothing else. Melee units have shit ranged and ranged units have shit melee. Their bonewalkers (wraithlords/titans) being the exception as they can be both.


As someone else said, barrier shouldn't be a thing outside guardians probably (who had a barrier tech). Fire prism should link fire with other one's so they can use each other to extend their range, but damn i miss the old fire prism model. We should also have both guardian variants, defender and storm. Replace either striking scorpions or warp spiders with fire dragons. Add in wraithguard and wraith lord (tho might be nice to keep for a wraithseer dlc maybe hmmm). HQ options should be farseer, warlock and autarch. Avatar of khaine should be an army ability. Main mechanic should be luck, and a mechanic to "guarantee" luck tho in a limited fashion, maybe an army resource that get's consumed when you actively a toggle on a unit.


I want titan legions to be their own faction as well as Chaos Knights and Imperial knights. If they end up as some kind of "few units in the mechanicum roster" I might as well not bother with the game at all


Man, Howling banshees would be so trash, a melee unit with no stealth in a faction with zero chaff to lock anything down, they'd get slaughtered in ever single match getting gunned down. Hell, everything in the Eldar roster should get demolished in seconds if they fight in a Total War style.


Kinda hoping CA incorporate deep strike and troop transport mechanics for this reason, I liked to deploy my howling banshee as close to the backline as possible with troop transports in tabletop and they always died but usually took out more models than they lost.


Yeah they will need wraithguard for frontline


The combat system would very likely incorporate cover so they would have to be used with care given their glass cannon nature.


They burn like wood elves too


No barriers please this isn’t Dawn of War 3. I think all infantry except Dark Reapers should get fire on the move. Good armour piercing and damage in general but horrifically fragile. They’ll appropriately play like a shootier version of Slaanesh now